79 resultados para enzymatic kinetics
We recently analyzed experimental studies of mammalian muscle glycogen synthesis using metabolic control analysis and concluded that glycogen synthase (GSase) does not control the glycogenic flux but rather adapts to the flux which is controlled bv the activity of the proximal glucose transport and hexokinase steps. This model did not provide a role for the well established relationship between GSase fractional activity, determined by covalent phosphorylation, and the rate of glycogen synthesis. Here we propose that the phosphorylation of GSase, which alters the sensitivity to allosteric activation by glucose 6-phosphate (G6P), is a mechanism for controlling the concentration of G6P instead of controlling the flux. When the muscle cell is exposed to conditions which favor glycogen synthesis such as high plasma insulin and glucose concentrations the fractional activity of GSase is increased in coordination with increases in the activity of glucose transport and hexokinase. This increase in GSase fractional activity helps to maintain G6P homeostasis by reducing the G6P concentration required to activate GSase allosterically to match the flux determined by the proximal reactions. This role for covalent phosphorylation also provides a novel solution to the Kacser and Acarenza paradigm which requires coordinated activity changes of the enzymes proximal and distal to a shared intermediate, to avoid unwanted flux changes.
Carcinogen-DNA adduct measurements may become useful biomarkers of effective dose and/or early effect. However, validation of this biomarker is required at several levels to ensure that human exposure and response are accurately reflected. Important in this regard is an understanding of the relative biomarker levels in target and nontarget organs and the response of the biomarker under the chronic, low-dose conditions to which humans are exposed. We studied the differences between single and chronic topical application of benzo[a]pyrene (BAP) on the accumulation and removal of BAP-DNA adducts in skin, lung, and liver. Animals were treated with BAP at 10, 25, or 50 nMol topically once or twice per week for as long as 15 weeks. Animals were sacrificed either at 24, 48, or 72 hr after the last dose at 1 and 30 treatments, and after 24 hr for all other treatment groups. Adduct levels increased with increasing dose, but the slope of the dose-response was different in each organ. At low doses, accumulation was linear in skin and lung, but at high doses the adduct levels in the lung increased dramatically at the same time when the levels in the skin reached apparent steady state. In the liver adduct, levels were lower than in target tissues and apparent steady-state adduct levels were reached rapidly, the maxima being independent of dose, suggesting that activating metabolism was saturated in this organ. Removal of adducts from skin, the target organ, was more rapid following single treatment than with chronic exposure. This finding is consistent with earlier data, indicating that some areas of the genome are more resistant to repair. Thus, repeated exposure and repair cycles would be more likely to cause an increase in the proportion of carcinogen-DNA adducts in repair-resistant areas of the genome. These findings indicate that single-dose experiments may underestimate the potential for carcinogenicity for compounds that follow this pattern.
The kinetics of photo-induced electrontransfer from high-potential iron-sulfur protein (HiPIP) to the photosynthetic reaction center (RC) of the purple phototroph Rhodoferarfermentans were studied. The rapid photooxidation of heme c-556 belonging to RC is followed, in the presence of HiPIP, by a slower reduction having a second-order rate constant of 4.8 x 10(7) M(-1) x s(-1). The limiting value of kobs at high HiPIP concentration is 95 s(-1). The amplitude of this slow process decreases with increasing HiPIP concentration. The amplitude of a faster phase, observed at 556 and 425 nm and involving heme c-556 reduction, increases proportionately. The rate constant of this fast phase, determined at 425 and 556 nm, is approximately 3 x 10(5) s(-1). This value is not dependent on HiPIP concentration, indicating that it is related to a first-order process. These observations are interpreted as evidence for the formation of a HiPIP-RC complex prior to the excitation flash, having a dissociation constant of -2.5 microM. The fast phase is absent at high ionic strength, indicating that the complex involves mainly electrostatic interactions. The ionic strength dependence of kobs for the slow phase yields a second-order rate constant at infinite ionic strength of 5.4 x 10(6) M(-1) x s(-1) and an electrostatic interaction energy of -2.1 kcal/mol (1 cal = 4.184 J). We conclude that Rhodoferar fermentans HiPIP is a very effective electron donor to the photosynthetic RC.
Experimental time series for a nonequilibrium reaction may in some cases contain sufficient data to determine a unique kinetic model for the reaction by a systematic mathematical analysis. As an example, a kinetic model for the self-assembly of microtubules is derived here from turbidity time series for solutions in which microtubules assemble. The model may be seen as a generalization of Oosawa's classical nucleation-polymerization model. It reproduces the experimental data with a four-stage nucleation process and a critical nucleus of 15 monomers.
In this paper, the chemical reactivity of C3 of phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) has been analyzed in terms of density functional theory quantified through quantum chemistry calculations. PEP is involved in a number of important enzymatic reactions, in which its C3 atom behaves like a base. In three different enzymatic reactions analyzed here, C3 sometimes behaves like a soft base and sometimes behaves like a hard base in terms of the hard-soft acid-base principle. This dual nature of C3 of PEP was found to be related to the conformational change of the molecule. This leads to a testable hypothesis: that PEP adopts particular conformations in the enzyme-substrate complexes of different PEP-using enzymes, and that the enzymes control the reactivity through controlling the dihedral angle between the carboxylate and the C==C double bond of PEP.
In the present study, we have determined the kinetics of constitutive expression of a panel of cytokines [interleukin (IL) 2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, interferon gamma (IFN-gamma), and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha)] in sequential peripheral blood mononuclear cell samples from nine individuals with primary human immunodeficiency virus infection. Expression of IL-2 and IL-4 was barely detected in peripheral blood mononuclear cells. However, substantial levels of IL-2 expression were found in mononuclear cells isolated from lymph node. Expression of IL-6 was detected in only three of nine patients, and IL-6 expression was observed when transition from the acute to the chronic phase had already occurred. Expression of IL-10 and TNF-alpha was consistently observed in all patients tested, and levels of both cytokines were either stable or progressively increased over time. Similar to IL-10 and TNF-alpha, IFN-gamma expression was detected in all patients; however, in five of nine patients, IFN-gamma expression peaked very early during primary infection. The early peak in IFN-gamma expression coincided with oligoclonal expansions of CD8+ T cells in five of six patients, and CD8+ T cells mostly accounted for the expression of this cytokine. These results indicate that high levels of expression of proinflammatory cytokines are associated with primary infection and that the cytokine response during this phase of infection is strongly influenced by oligoclonal expansions of CD8+ T cells.
The ribonucleolytic activity of angiogenin (Ang) is essential to Ang's capacity to induce blood vessel formation. Previous x-ray diffraction and mutagenesis results have shown that the active site of the human protein is obstructed by Gln-117 and imply that the C-terminal region of Ang must undergo a conformational rearrangement to allow substrate binding and catalysis. As a first step toward structural characterization of this conformational change, additional site-directed mutagenesis and kinetic analysis have been used to examine the intramolecular interactions that stabilize the inactive conformation of the protein. Two residues of this region, Ile-119 and Phe-120, are found to make hydrophobic interactions with the remainder of the protein and thereby help to keep Gln-117 in its obstructive position. Furthermore, the suppression of activity by the intramolecular interactions of Ile-119 and Phe-120 is counterbalanced by an effect of the adjacent residues, Arg-121, Arg-122, and Pro-123 which do not appear to form contacts with the rest of the protein structure. They contribute to enzymatic activity, probably by constituting a peripheral subsite for binding polymeric substrates. The results reveal the nature of the conformational change in human Ang and assign a key role to the C-terminal region both in this process and, presumably, in the regulation of human Ang function.
The crystal structure of pyruvate phosphate dikinase, a histidyl multiphosphotransfer enzyme that synthesizes adenosine triphosphate, reveals a three-domain molecule in which the phosphohistidine domain is flanked by the nucleotide and the phosphoenolpyruvate/pyruvate domains, with the two substrate binding sites approximately 45 angstroms apart. The modes of substrate binding have been deduced by analogy to D-Ala-D-Ala ligase and to pyruvate kinase. Coupling between the two remote active sites is facilitated by two conformational states of the phosphohistidine domain. While the crystal structure represents the state of interaction with the nucleotide, the second state is achieved by swiveling around two flexible peptide linkers. This dramatic conformational transition brings the phosphocarrier residue in close proximity to phosphoenolpyruvate/pyruvate. The swiveling-domain paradigm provides an effective mechanism for communication in complex multidomain/multiactive site proteins.
In the cortex fast excitatory synaptic currents onto excitatory pyramidal neurons and inhibitory nonpyramidal neurons are mediated by alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionic acid (AMPA) receptors exhibiting cell-type-specific differences in their kinetic properties. AMPA receptors consist of four subunits (GluR1-4), each existing as two splice variants, flip and flop, which critically affect the desensitization properties of receptors expressed in heterologous systems. Using single cell reverse transcription PCR to analyze the mRNA of AMPA receptor subunits expressed in layers I-III neocortical neurons, we find that 90% of the GluR1-4 in nonpyramidal neurons are flop variants, whereas 92% of the GluR1-4 in pyramidal neurons are flip variants. We also find that nonpyramidal neurons predominantly express GluR1 mRNA (GluR1/GluR1-4 = 59%), whereas pyramidal neurons contain mainly GluR2 mRNA (GluR2/GluR1-4 = 59%). However, the neuron-type-specific splicing is exhibited by all four AMPA receptor subunits. We suggest that the predominance of the flop variants contributes to the faster and more extensive desensitization in nonpyramidal neurons, compared to pyramidal cells where flip variants are dominant. Alternative splicing of AMPA receptors may play an important role in regulating synaptic function in a cell-type-specific manner, without changing permeation properties.
The guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein) cascade underlying phototransduction is one of the best understood of all signaling pathways. The diffusional interactions of the proteins underlying the cascade have been analyzed, both at a macroscopic level and also in terms of the stochastic nature of the molecular contacts. In response to a single activated rhodopsin (R*) formed as a result of a single photon hit, it can be shown that molecules of the G-protein transducin will be activated approximately linearly with time. This, in turn, will cause the number of activated molecules of the effector protein (the phosphodiesterase) also to increase linearly with time. These kinetics of protein activation provide an accurate description of the time course of the rising phase of the photoreceptor's electrical response over a wide range of flash intensities. Recent estimates indicate that at room temperature each R* triggers activation of the phosphodiesterase at a rate of 1000-2000 subunits.s-1. Now that a quantitative description of the activation steps in transduction has been obtained, perhaps the greatest challenge for the future is to provide a comprehensive description of the shutoff reactions, so that a complete account of the photoreceptor's response to light can be achieved.
A fundamental question in the basic biology of aging is whether there is a universal aging process. If indeed such a process exists, one would expect that it develops at a higher rate in short- versus long-lived species. We have quantitated pentosidine, a marker of glycoxidative stress in skin collagen from eight mammalian species as a function of age. A curvilinear increase was modeled for all species, and the rate of increase correlated inversely with maximum life-span. Dietary restriction, a potent intervention associated with increased life-span, markedly inhibited glycoxidation rate in the rodent. On the assumption that collagen turnover rate is primarily influenced by the crosslinking due to glycoxidation, these results suggest that there is a progressive age-related deterioration of the process that controls the collagen glycoxidation rate. Thus, the ability to withstand damage due to glycoxidation and the Maillard reaction may be under genetic control.
The gene transfer efficiency of human hematopoietic stem cells is still inadequate for efficient gene therapy of most disorders. To overcome this problem, a selectable retroviral vector system for gene therapy has been developed for gene therapy of Gaucher disease. We constructed a bicistronic retroviral vector containing the human glucocerebrosidase (GC) cDNA and the human small cell surface antigen CD24 (243 bp). Expression of both cDNAs was controlled by the long terminal repeat enhancer/promoter of the Molony murine leukemia virus. The CD24 selectable marker was placed downstream of the GC cDNA and its translation was enhanced by inclusion of the long 5' untranslated region of encephalomyocarditis virus internal ribosomal entry site. Virus-producing GP+envAM12 cells were created by multiple supernatant transductions to create vector producer cells. The vector LGEC has a high titer and can drive expression of GC and the cell surface antigen CD24 simultaneously in transduced NIH 3T3 cells and Gaucher skin fibroblasts. These transduced cells have been successfully separated from untransduced cells by fluorescence-activated cell sorting, based on cell surface expression of CD24. Transduced and sorted NIH 3T3 cells showed higher GC enzyme activity than the unsorted population, demonstrating coordinated expression of both genes. Fibroblasts from Gaucher patients were transduced and sorted for CD24 expression, and GC enzyme activity was measured. The transduced sorted Gaucher fibroblasts had a marked increase in enzyme activity (149%) compared with virgin Gaucher fibroblasts (17% of normal GC enzyme activity). Efficient transduction of CD34+ hematopoietic progenitors (20-40%) was accomplished and fluorescence-activated cell sorted CD24(+)-expressing progenitors generated colonies, all of which (100%) were vector positive. The sorted, CD24-expressing progenitors generated erythroid burst-forming units, colony-forming units (CFU)-granulocyte, CFU-macrophage, CFU-granulocyte/macrophage, and CFU-mix hematopoietic colonies, demonstrating their ability to differentiate into these myeloid lineages in vitro. The transduced, sorted progenitors raised the GC enzyme levels in their progeny cells manyfold compared with untransduced CD34+ progenitors. Collectively, this demonstrates the development of high titer, selectable bicistronic vectors that allow isolation of transduced hematopoietic progenitors and cells that have been metabolically corrected.
We have developed a model of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic synaptic transmission mediated by GABAA and GABAB receptors, including cooperativity in the guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein) cascade mediating the activation of K+ channels by GABAB receptors. If the binding of several G proteins is needed to activate the K+ channels, then only a prolonged activation of GABAB receptors evoked detectable currents. This could occur if strong stimuli evoked release in adjacent terminals and the spillover resulted in prolonged activation of the receptors, leading to inhibitory responses similar to those observed in hippocampal slices. The same model also reproduced thalamic GABAB responses to high-frequency bursts of stimuli. In this case, prolonged activation of the receptors was due to high-frequency release conditions. This model provides insights into the function of GABAB receptors in normal and epileptic discharges.
In the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the spindle pole body (SPB) serves as the microtubule-organizing center and is the functional analog of the centrosome of higher organisms. By expressing a fusion of a yeast SPB-associated protein to the Aequorea victoria green fluorescent protein, the movement of the SPBs in living yeast cells undergoing mitosis was observed by fluorescence microscopy. The ability to visualize SPBs in vivo has revealed previously unidentified mitotic events. During anaphase, the mitotic spindle has four sequential activities: alignment at the mother-daughter junction, fast elongation, translocation into the bud, and slow elongation. These results indicate that distinct forces act upon the spindle at different times during anaphase.
A simple model of the kinetics of protein folding is presented. The reaction coordinate is the "correctness" of a configuration compared with the native state. The model has a gap in the energy spectrum, a large configurational entropy, a free energy barrier between folded and partially folded states, and a good thermodynamic folding transition. Folding kinetics is described by a master equation. The folding time is estimated by means of a local thermodynamic equilibrium assumption and then is calculated both numerically and analytically by solving the master equation. The folding time has a maximum near the folding transition temperature and can have a minimum at a lower temperature.