79 resultados para energy-protein supplementation


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We develop a heuristic model for chaperonin-facilitated protein folding, the iterative annealing mechanism, based on theoretical descriptions of "rugged" conformational free energy landscapes for protein folding, and on experimental evidence that (i) folding proceeds by a nucleation mechanism whereby correct and incorrect nucleation lead to fast and slow folding kinetics, respectively, and (ii) chaperonins optimize the rate and yield of protein folding by an active ATP-dependent process. The chaperonins GroEL and GroES catalyze the folding of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase at a rate proportional to the GroEL concentration. Kinetically trapped folding-incompetent conformers of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase are converted to the native state in a reaction involving multiple rounds of quantized ATP hydrolysis by GroEL. We propose that chaperonins optimize protein folding by an iterative annealing mechanism; they repeatedly bind kinetically trapped conformers, randomly disrupt their structure, and release them in less folded states, allowing substrate proteins multiple opportunities to find pathways leading to the most thermodynamically stable state. By this mechanism, chaperonins greatly expand the range of environmental conditions in which folding to the native state is possible. We suggest that the development of this device for optimizing protein folding was an early and significant evolutionary event.


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Diphosphoinositol pentakisphosphate (PP-IP5) and bis(diphospho)inositol tetrakisphosphate (bis-PP-IP4) are recently identified inositol phosphates that possess pyrophosphate bonds. We have purified an inositol hexakisphosphate (IP6) kinase from rat brain supernatants. The pure protein, a monomer of 54 kDa, displays high affinity (Km = 0.7 microM) and selectivity for inositol hexakisphosphate as substrate. It can be dissociated from bis(diphospho)inositol tetrakisphosphate synthetic activity. The purified enzyme transfers a phosphate from PP-IP5 to ADP to form ATP. This ATP synthase activity indicates the high phosphate group transfer potential of PP-IP5 and may represent a physiological role for PP-IP5.


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In the MYL mutant of the Arc repressor dimer, sets of partially buried salt-bridge and hydrogen-bond interactions mediated by Arg-31, Glu-36, and Arg-40 in each subunit are replaced by hydrophobic interactions between Met-31, Tyr-36, and Leu-40. The MYL refolding/dimerization reaction differs from that of wild type in being 10- to 1250-fold faster, having an earlier transition state, and depending upon viscosity but not ionic strength. Formation of the wild-type salt bridges in a hydrophobic environment clearly imposes a kinetic barrier to folding, which can be lowered by high salt concentrations. The changes in the position of the transition state and viscosity dependence can be explained if denatured monomers interact to form a partially folded dimeric intermediate, which then continues folding to form the native dimer. The second step is postulated to be rate limiting for wild type. Replacing the salt bridge with hydrophobic interactions lowers this barrier for MYL. This makes the first kinetic barrier rate limiting for MYL refolding and creates a downhill free-energy landscape in which most molecules which reach the intermediate state continue to form native dimers.


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There is growing evidence that oxidative stress and mitochondrial respiratory failure with attendant decrease in energy output are implicated in nigral neuronal death in Parkinson disease (PD). It is not known, however, which cellular elements (neurons or glial cells) are major targets of oxygen-mediated damage. 4-Hydroxy-2-nonenal (HNE) was shown earlier to react with proteins to form stable adducts that can be used as markers of oxidative stress-induced cellular damage. We report here results of immunochemical studies using polyclonal antibodies directed against HNE-protein conjugates to label the site of oxidative damage in control subjects (ages 18-99 years) and seven patients that died of PD (ages 57-78 years). All the nigral melanized neurons in one of the midbrain sections were counted and classified into three groups according to the intensity of immunostaining for HNE-modified proteins--i.e., no staining, weak staining, and intensely positive staining. On average, 58% of nigral neurons were positively stained for HNE-modified proteins in PD; in contrast only 9% of nigral neurons were positive in the control subjects; the difference was statistically significant (Mann-Whitney U test; P < 0.01). In contrast to the substantia nigra, the oculomotor neurons in the same midbrain sections showed no or only weak staining for HNE-modified proteins in both PD and control subjects; young control subjects did not show any immunostaining; however, aged control subjects showed weak staining in the oculomotor nucleus, suggesting age-related accumulation of HNE-modified proteins in the neuron. Our results indicate the presence of oxidative stress within nigral neurons in PD, and this oxidative stress may contribute to nigral cell death.


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According to the amyloid hypothesis for the pathogenesis of Alzheimer disease, beta-amyloid peptide (betaA) directly affects neurons, leading to neurodegeneration and tau phosphorylation. In rat hippocampal culture, betaA exposure activates tau protein kinase I/glycogen synthase kinase 3beta (TPKI/GSK-3beta), which phosphorylates tau protein into Alzheimer disease-like forms, resulting in neuronal death. To elucidate the mechanism of betaA-induced neuronal death, we searched for substrates of TPKI/GSK-3beta in a two-hybrid system and identified pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH), which converts pyruvate to acetyl-CoA in mitochondria. PDH was phosphorylated and inactivated by TPKI/GSK-3beta in vitro and also in betaA-treated hippocampal cultures, resulting in mitochondrial dysfunction, which would contribute to neuronal death. In cholinergic neurons, betaA impaired acetylcholine synthesis without affecting choline acetyltransferase activity, which suggests that PDH is inactivated by betaA-induced TPKI/GSK-3beta. Thus, TPKI/GSK-3beta regulates PDH and participates in energy metabolism and acetylcholine synthesis. These results suggest that TPKI/GSK-3beta plays a key role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer disease.


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The solvation energies of salt bridges formed between the terminal carboxyl of the host pentapeptide AcWL- X-LL and the side chains of Arg or Lys in the guest (X) position have been measured. The energies were derived from octanol-to-buffer transfer free energies determined between pH 1 and pH 9. 13C NMR measurements show that the salt bridges form in the octanol phase, but not in the buffer phase, when the side chains and the terminal carboxyl group are charged. The free energy of salt-bridge formation in octanol is approximately -4 kcal/mol (1 cal = 4.184 J), which is equal to or slightly larger than the sum of the solvation energies of noninteracting pairs of charged side chains. This is about one-half the free energy that would result from replacing a charge pair in octanol with a pair of hydrophobic residues of moderate size. Therefore, salt bridging in octanol can change the favorable aqueous solvation energy of a pair of oppositely charged residues to neutral or slightly unfavorable but cannot provide the same free energy decrease as hydrophobic residues. This is consistent with recent computational and experimental studies of protein stability.


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Heat shock proteins are proposed to limit injury resulting from diverse environmental stresses, but direct metabolic evidence for such a cytoprotective function in vertebrates has been largely limited to studies of cultured cells. We generated lines of transgenic mice to express human 70-kDa heat shock protein constitutively in the myocardium. Hearts isolated from these animals demonstrated enhanced recovery of high energy phosphate stores and correction of metabolic acidosis following brief periods of global ischemia sufficient to induce sustained abnormalities of these variables in hearts from nontransgenic littermates. These data demonstrate a direct cardioprotective effect of 70-kDa heat shock protein to enhance postischemic recovery of the intact heart.


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Barnase and barstar are trivial names of the extracellular RNase and its intracellular inhibitor produced by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens. Inhibition involves the formation of a very tight one-to-one complex of the two proteins. With the crystallographic solution of the structure of the barnase-barstar complex and the development of methods for measuring the free energy of binding, the pair can be used to study protein-protein recognition in detail. In this report, we describe the isolation of suppressor mutations in barstar that compensate for the loss in interaction energy caused by a mutation in barnase. Our suppressor search is based on in vivo selection for barstar variants that are able to protect host cells against the RNAse activity of those barnase mutants not properly inhibited by wild-type barstar. This approach utilizes a plasmid system in which barnase expression is tightly controlled to keep the mutant barnase gene silent. When expression of barnase is turned on, failure to form a complex between the mutant barnase and barstar has a lethal effect on host cells unless overcome by substitution of the wild-type barstar by a functional suppressor derivative. A set of barstar suppressors has been identified for barnase mutants with substitutions in two amino acid positions (residues 102 and 59), which are critically involved in both RNase activity and barstar binding. The mutations selected as suppressors could not have been predicted on the basis of the known protein structures. The single barstar mutation with the highest information content for inhibition of barnase (H102K) has the substitution Y30W. The reduction in binding caused by the R59E mutation in barnase can be partly reversed by changing Glu-76 of barstar, which forms a salt bridge with the Arg-59 in the wild-type complex, to arginine, thus completing an interchange of the two charges.


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Is the pathway of protein folding determined by the relative stability of folding intermediates, or by the relative height of the activation barriers leading to these intermediates? This is a fundamental question for resolving the Levinthal paradox, which stated that protein folding by a random search mechanism would require a time too long to be plausible. To answer this question, we have studied the guanidinium chloride (GdmCl)-induced folding/unfolding of staphylococcal nuclease [(SNase, formerly EC; now called microbial nuclease or endonuclease, EC] by stopped-flow circular dichroism (CD) and differential scanning microcalorimetry (DSC). The data show that while the equilibrium transition is a quasi-two-state process, kinetics in the 2-ms to 500-s time range are triphasic. Data support the sequential mechanism for SNase folding: U3 <--> U2 <--> U1 <--> N0, where U1, U2, and U3 are substates of the unfolded protein and N0 is the native state. Analysis of the relative population of the U1, U2, and U3 species in 2.0 M GdmCl gives delta-G values for the U3 --> U2 reaction of +0.1 kcal/mol and for the U2 --> U1 reaction of -0.49 kcal/mol. The delta-G value for the U1 --> N0 reaction is calculated to be -4.5 kcal/mol from DSC data. The activation energy, enthalpy, and entropy for each kinetic step are also determined. These results allow us to make the following four conclusions. (i) Although the U1, U2, and U3 states are nearly isoenergetic, no random walk occurs among them during the folding. The pathway of folding is unique and sequential. In other words, the relative stability of the folding intermediates does not dictate the folding pathway. Instead, the folding is a descent toward the global free-energy minimum of the native state via the least activation path in the vast energy landscape. Barrier avoidance leads the way, and barrier height limits the rate. Thus, the Levinthal paradox is not applicable to the protein-folding problem. (ii) The main folding reaction (U1 --> N0), in which the peptide chain acquires most of its free energy (via van der Waals' contacts, hydrogen bonding, and electrostatic interactions), is a highly concerted process. These energy-acquiring events take place in a single kinetic phase. (iii) U1 appears to be a compact unfolded species; the rate of conversion of U2 to U1 depends on the viscosity of solution. (iv) All four relaxation times reported here depend on GdmCl concentrations: it is likely that none involve the cis/trans isomerization of prolines. Finally, a mechanism is presented in which formation of sheet-like chain conformations and a hydrophobic condensation event precede the main-chain folding reaction.


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Foldons, which are kinetically competent, quasi-independently folding units of a protein, may be defined using energy landscape analysis. Foldons can be identified by maxima in a scan of the ratio of a contiguous segment's energetic stability gap to the energy variance of that segment's molten globule states, reflecting the requirement of minimal frustration. The predicted foldons are compared with the exons and structural modules for 16 of the 30 proteins studied. Statistical analysis indicates a strong correlation between the energetically determined foldons and Go's geometrically defined structural modules, but there are marked sequence-dependent effects. There is only a weak correlation of foldons to exons. For gammaII-crystallin, myoglobin, barnase, alpha-lactalbumin, and cytochrome c the foldons and some noncontiguous clusters of foldons compare well with intermediates observed in experiment.


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A protein complex involved in apolipoprotein B (apoB) RNA editing, referred to as AUX240 (auxiliary factor containing p240), has been identified through the production of monoclonal antibodies against in vitro assembled 27S editosomes. The 240-kDa protein antigen of AUX240 colocalized with editosome complexes on immunoblots of native gels. Immunoadsorbed extracts were impaired in their ability to assemble editosomes beyond early intermediates and in their ability to edit apoB RNA efficiently. Supplementation of adsorbed extract with AUX240 restored both editosome assembly and editing activities. Several proteins, in addition to p240, ranging in molecular mass from 150 to 45 kDa coimmunopurify as AUX240 under stringent wash conditions. The activity of the catalytic subunit of the editosome APOBEC-1 and mooring sequence RNA binding proteins of 66 and 44 kDa could not be demonstrated in AUX240. The data suggest that p240 and associated proteins constitute an auxiliary factor required for efficient apoB RNA editing. We propose that the role of AUX240 may be regulatory and involve mediation or stabilization of interactions between APOBEC-1 subunits and editing site recognition proteins leading the assembly of the rat liver C/U editosome.


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We propose a general mean field model of ligand-protein interactions to determine the thermodynamic equilibrium of a system at finite temperature. The method is employed in structural assessments of two human immuno-deficiency virus type 1 protease complexes where the gross effects of protein flexibility are incorporated by utilizing a data base of crystal structures. Analysis of the energy spectra for these complexes has revealed that structural and thermo-dynamic aspects of molecular recognition can be rationalized on the basis of the extent of frustration in the binding energy landscape. In particular, the relationship between receptor-specific binding of these ligands to human immunodeficiency virus type 1 protease and a minimal frustration principle is analyzed.


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Small, single-module proteins that fold in a single cooperative step may be paradigms for understanding early events in protein-folding pathways generally. Recent experimental studies of the 64-residue chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 (CI2) support a nucleation mechanism for folding, as do some computer stimulations. CI2 has a nucleation site that develops only in the transition state for folding. The nucleus is composed of a set of adjacent residues (an alpha-helix), stabilized by long-range interactions that are formed as the rest of the protein collapses around it. A simple analysis of the optimization of the rate of protein folding predicts that rates are highest when the denatured state has little residual structure under physiological conditions and no intermediates accumulate. This implies that any potential nucleation site that is composed mainly of adjacent residues should be just weakly populated in the denatured state and become structured only in a high-energy intermediate or transition state when it is stabilized by interactions elsewhere in the protein. Hierarchical mechanisms of folding in which stable elements of structure accrete are unfavorable. The nucleation-condensation mechanism of CI2 fulfills the criteria for fast folding. On the other hand, stable intermediates do form in the folding of more complex proteins, and this may be an unavoidable consequence of increasing size and nucleation at more than one site.


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A simple model of the kinetics of protein folding is presented. The reaction coordinate is the "correctness" of a configuration compared with the native state. The model has a gap in the energy spectrum, a large configurational entropy, a free energy barrier between folded and partially folded states, and a good thermodynamic folding transition. Folding kinetics is described by a master equation. The folding time is estimated by means of a local thermodynamic equilibrium assumption and then is calculated both numerically and analytically by solving the master equation. The folding time has a maximum near the folding transition temperature and can have a minimum at a lower temperature.


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Evolutionary selection of sequences is studied with a knowledge-based Hamiltonian to find the design principle for folding to a model protein structure. With sequences selected by naive energy minimization, the model structure tends to be unstable and the folding ability is low. Sequences with high folding ability have only the low-lying energy minimum but also an energy landscape which is similar to that found for the native sequence over a wide region of the conformation space. Though there is a large fluctuation in foldable sequences, the hydrophobicity pattern and the glycine locations are preserved among them. Implications of the design principle for the molecular mechanism of folding are discussed.