66 resultados para crystal structure and symmetry


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The crystal structure of the decanucleotide d(CGCAATTGCG)2 has been solved by a combination of molecular replacement and heavy-atom procedures and has been refined to an R factor of 20.2% at 2.7 A. It is not a fully base-paired duplex but has a central core of eight Watson-Crick base pairs flanked by unpaired terminal guanosines and cytosines. These participate in hydrogen-bonding arrangements with adjacent decamer duplexes in the crystal lattice. The unpaired guanosines are bound in the G+C regions of duplex minor grooves. The cytosines have relatively high mobility, even though they are constrained to be in one region where they are involved in base-paired triplets with G.C base pairs. The 5'-AATT sequence in the duplex region has a narrow minor groove, providing further confirmation of the sequence-dependent nature of groove width.


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The Schizosaccharomyces pombe cell cycle-regulatory protein suc1, named as the suppressor of cdc2 temperature-sensitive mutations, is essential for cell cycle progression. To understand suc1 structure-function relationships and to help resolve conflicting interpretations of suc1 function based on genetic studies of suc1 and its functional homologs in both lower and higher eukaryotes, we have determined the crystal structure of the beta-interchanged suc1 dimer. Each domain consists of three alpha-helices and a four-stranded beta-sheet, completed by the interchange of terminal beta-strands between the two subunits. This beta-interchanged suc1 dimer, when compared with the beta-hairpin single-domain folds of suc1, reveals a beta-hinge motif formed by the conserved amino acid sequence HVPEPH. This beta-hinge mediates the subunit conformation and assembly of suc1: closing produces the intrasubunit beta-hairpin and single-domain fold, whereas opening leads to the intersubunit beta-strand interchange and interlocked dimer assembly reported here. This conformational switch markedly changes the surface accessibility of sequence-conserved residues available for recognition of cyclin-dependent kinase, suggesting a structural mechanism for beta-hinge-mediated regulation of suc1 biological function. Thus, suc1 belongs to the family of domain-swapping proteins, consisting of intertwined and dimeric protein structures in which the dual assembly modes regulate their function.


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We report the 1.8-A crystal structure of the CD11a I-domain with bound manganese ion. The CD11a I-domain contains binding sites for intercellular adhesion molecules 1 and 3 and can exist in both low- and high-affinity states. The metal-bound form reported here is likely to represent a high-affinity state. The CD11a I-domain structure reveals a strained hydrophobic ridge adjacent to the bound metal ion that may serve as a ligand-binding surface and is likely to rearrange in the absence of bound metal ion. The CD11a I-domain is homologous to domains found in von Willebrand factor, and mapping of mutations found in types 2a and 2b von Willebrand disease onto this structure allows consideration of the molecular basis of these forms of the disease.


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The crystal structure of the large fragment of the Thermus aquaticus DNA polymerase (Klentaq1), determined at 2.5-A resolution, demonstrates a compact two-domain architecture. The C-terminal domain is identical in fold to the equivalent region of the Klenow fragment of Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I (Klenow pol I). Although the N-terminal domain of Klentaq1 differs greatly in sequence from its counterpart in Klenow pol I, it has clearly evolved from a common ancestor. The structure of Klentaq1 reveals the strategy utilized by this protein to maintain activity at high temperatures and provides the structural basis for future improvements of the enzyme.


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Vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-1) represents a structurally and functionally distinct class of immunoglobulin superfamily molecules that bind leukocyte integrins and are involved in inflammatory and immune functions. X-ray crystallography defines the three-dimensional structure of the N-terminal two-domain fragment that participates in ligand binding. Residues in domain 1 important for ligand binding reside in the C-D loop, which projects markedly from one face of the molecule near the contact between domains 1 and 2. A cyclic peptide that mimics this loop inhibits binding of alpha 4 beta 1 integrin-bearing cells to VCAM-1. These data demonstrate how crystallographic structural information can be used to design a small molecule inhibitor of biological function.


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In most metazoans, the telomeric cytosine-rich strand repeating sequence is d(TAACCC). The crystal structure of this sequence was solved to 1.9-A resolution. Four strands associate via the cytosine-containing parts to form a four-stranded intercalated structure held together by C.C+ hydrogen bonds. The base-paired strands are parallel to each other, and the two duplexes are intercalated into each other in opposite orientations. One TAA end forms a highly stabilized loop with the 5' thymine Hoogsteen-base-paired to the third adenine. The 5' end of this loop is in close proximity to the 3' end of one of the other intercalated cytosine strands. Instead of being entirely in a DNA duplex, this structure suggests the possibility of an alternative conformation for the cytosine-rich telomere strands.