122 resultados para ZINC-FINGER PROTEIN


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Members of the Snail family of zinc finger transcription factors are known to play critical roles in neurogenesis in invertebrates, but none of these factors has been linked to vertebrate neuronal differentiation. We report the isolation of a gene encoding a mammalian Snail family member that is restricted to the nervous system. Human and murine Scratch (Scrt) share 81% and 69% identity to Drosophila Scrt and the Caenorhabditis elegans neuronal antiapoptotic protein, CES-1, respectively, across the five zinc finger domain. Expression of mammalian Scrt is predominantly confined to the brain and spinal cord, appearing in newly differentiating, postmitotic neurons and persisting into postnatal life. Additional expression is seen in the retina and, significantly, in neuroendocrine (NE) cells of the lung. In a parallel fashion, we detect hScrt expression in lung cancers with NE features, especially small cell lung cancer. hScrt shares the capacity of other Snail family members to bind to E-box enhancer motifs, which are targets of basic helix–loop–helix (bHLH) transcription factors. We show that hScrt directly antagonizes the function of heterodimers of the proneural bHLH protein achaete-scute homolog-1 and E12, leading to active transcriptional repression at E-box motifs. Thus, Scrt has the potential to function in newly differentiating, postmitotic neurons and in cancers with NE features by modulating the action of bHLH transcription factors critical for neuronal differentiation.


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Activation of genes by heavy metals, notably zinc, cadmium and copper, depends on MTF-1, a unique zinc finger transcription factor conserved from insects to human. Knockout of MTF-1 in the mouse results in embryonic lethality due to liver decay, while knockout of its best characterized target genes, the stress-inducible metallothionein genes I and II, is viable, suggesting additional target genes of MTF-1. Here we report on a multi-pronged search for potential target genes of MTF-1, including microarray screening, SABRE selective amplification, a computer search for MREs (DNA-binding sites of MTF-1) and transfection of reporter genes driven by candidate gene promoters. Some new candidate target genes emerged, including those encoding α-fetoprotein, the liver-enriched transcription factor C/EBPα and tear lipocalin/von Ebner’s gland protein, all of which have a role in toxicity/the cell stress response. In contrast, expression of other cell stress-associated genes, such as those for superoxide dismutases, thioredoxin and heat shock proteins, do not appear to be affected by loss of MTF-1. Our experiments have also exposed some problems with target gene searches. First, finding the optimal time window for detecting MTF-1 target genes in a lethal phenotype of rapid liver decay proved problematical: 12.5-day-old mouse embryos (stage E12.5) yielded hardly any differentially expressed genes, whereas at stage 13.0 reduced expression of secretory liver proteins probably reflected the onset of liver decay, i.e. a secondary effect. Likewise, up-regulation of some proliferation-associated genes may also just reflect responses to the concomitant loss of hepatocytes. Another sobering finding concerns γ-glutamylcysteine synthetasehc (γ-GCShc), which controls synthesis of the antioxidant glutathione and which was previously suggested to be a target gene contributing to the lethal phenotype in MTF-1 knockout mice. γ-GCShc mRNA is reduced at the onset of liver decay but MTF-1 null mutant embryos manage to maintain a very high glutathione level until shortly before that stage, perhaps in an attempt to compensate for low expression of metallothioneins, which also have a role as antioxidants.


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The cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21(WAF1/CIP1) inhibits proliferation both in vitro and in vivo, and overexpression of p21 in normal and tumor cell lines results in cell cycle arrest. In contrast, ectopic expression of Myc alleviates G1 cell cycle arrest. Recent studies showed that Myc can repress p21 transcription, thereby overriding a p21-mediated cell cycle checkpoint. We found that activation of a Myc-estrogen receptor fusion protein by 4-hydroxytamoxifen in mouse cells resulted in suppression of endogenous p21 transcription. This effect was observed in the absence of de novo protein synthesis and was independent of histone deacetylase activity. In transient transfection studies, Myc effectively repressed p21 promoter constructs containing only 119 bp of sequence upstream of the transcription start site. This region contains multiple Sp1-binding sites and a potential initiator element, but no canonical Myc DNA-binding sites. Deletion of the potential initiator element does not affect repression of the p21 promoter by c-Myc. Coimmunoprecipitation and glutathione S-transferase pull-down experiments demonstrate that c-Myc may form complexes with Sp1/Sp3. We found that the central region of c-Myc interacts with the zinc finger domain of Sp1. Because Sp1 is required for p21 transcription, it is possible that Myc may down-regulate p21 transcription, at least in part, by sequestering Sp1. Repression of the p21 promoter may contribute to the ability of c-Myc to promote cell proliferation.


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Aquatic photosynthetic organisms, including the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, induce a set of genes for a carbon-concentrating mechanism (CCM) to acclimate to CO2-limiting conditions. This acclimation is modulated by some mechanisms in the cell to sense CO2 availability. Previously, a high-CO2-requiring mutant C16 defective in an induction of the CCM was isolated from C. reinhardtii by gene tagging. By using this pleiotropic mutant, we isolated a nuclear regulatory gene, Ccm1, encoding a 699-aa hydrophilic protein with a putative zinc-finger motif in its N-terminal region and a Gln repeat characteristic of transcriptional activators. Introduction of Ccm1 into this mutant restored an active carbon transport through the CCM, development of a pyrenoid structure in the chloroplast, and induction of a set of CCM-related genes. That a 5,128-base Ccm1 transcript and also the translation product of 76 kDa were detected in both high- and low-CO2 conditions suggests that CCM1 might be modified posttranslationally. These data indicate that Ccm1 is essential to control the induction of CCM by sensing CO2 availability in Chlamydomonas cells. In addition, complementation assay and identification of the mutation site of another pleiotropic mutant, cia5, revealed that His-54 within the putative zinc-finger motif of the CCM1 is crucial to its regulatory function.


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A key step in the regulation of networks that control gene expression is the sequence-specific binding of transcription factors to their DNA recognition sites. A more complete understanding of these DNA–protein interactions will permit a more comprehensive and quantitative mapping of the regulatory pathways within cells, as well as a deeper understanding of the potential functions of individual genes regulated by newly identified DNA-binding sites. Here we describe a DNA microarray-based method to characterize sequence-specific DNA recognition by zinc-finger proteins. A phage display library, prepared by randomizing critical amino acid residues in the second of three fingers of the mouse Zif268 domain, provided a rich source of zinc-finger proteins with variant DNA-binding specificities. Microarrays containing all possible 3-bp binding sites for the variable zinc fingers permitted the quantitation of the binding site preferences of the entire library, pools of zinc fingers corresponding to different rounds of selection from this library, as well as individual Zif268 variants that were isolated from the library by using specific DNA sequences. The results demonstrate the feasibility of using DNA microarrays for genome-wide identification of putative transcription factor-binding sites.


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All eukaryotes that have been studied to date possess the ability to detect and degrade transcripts that contain a premature signal for the termination of translation. This process of nonsense-mediated RNA decay has been most comprehensively studied in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae where at least three trans-acting factors (Upf1p through Upf3P) are required. We have cloned cDNAs encoding human and murine homologues of Upf1p, termed rent1 (regulator of nonsense transcripts). Rent1 is the first identified mammalian protein that contains all of the putative functional elements in Upf1p including zinc finger-like and NTPase domains, as well as all motifs common to members of helicase superfamily I. Moreover, expression of a chimeric protein, N and C termini of Upf1p, complements the Upf1p-deficient phenotype in yeast. Thus, despite apparent differences between yeast and mammalian nonsense-mediated RNA decay, these data suggest that the two pathways use functionally related machinery.


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A novel human cDNA encoding a cytosolic 62-kDa protein (p62) that binds to the Src homology 2 (SH2) domain of p56lck in a phosphotyrosine-independent manner has been cloned. The cDNA is composed of 2074 nucleotides with an open reading frame encoding 440 amino acids. Northern analysis suggests that p62 is expressed ubiquitously in all tissues examined. p62 is not homologous to any known protein in the data base. However, it contains a cysteine-rich region resembling a zinc finger motif, a potential G-protein-binding region, a PEST motif, and several potential phosphorylation sites. Using T7-epitope tagged p62 expression in HeLa cells, the expressed protein was shown to bind to the lck SH2 domain. Deletion of the N-terminal 50 amino acids abolished binding, but mutagenesis of the single tyrosine residue in this region had no effect on binding. Thus, the cloned cDNA indeed encodes the p62 protein, which is a phosphotyrosine-independent ligand for the lck SH2 domain. Its binding mechanism is unique with respect to binding modes of other known ligands for SH2 domains.


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The evolutionarily conserved Krüppel-associated box (KRAB) is present in the N-terminal regions of more than one-third of all Krüppel-class zinc finger proteins. Recent experiments have demonstrated that the KRAB-A domain tethered to a promoter DNA by connecting to heterologous DNA-binding protein domain or targeted to a promoter-proximal RNA sequence acts as a transcriptional silencing of RNA polymerase II promoters. Here we show that expression of KRAB domain suppresses in vivo the activating function of various defined activating transcription factors, and we demonstrate that the KRAB domain specifically silences the activity of promoters whose initiation is dependent on the presence of a TATA box. Promoters whose accurate transcription initiation is directed by a pyrimidine-rich initiator element, however, are relatively unaffected. We also report in vitro transcription experiments indicating that the KRAB domain is able to repress both activated and basal promoter activity. Thus, the KRAB domain appears to repress the activity of certain promoters through direct communication with TATA box-dependent basal transcription machinery.


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GATA-1 is a zinc-finger transcription factor that plays a critical role in the normal development of hematopoietic cell lineages. In human and murine erythroid cells a previously undescribed 40-kDa protein is detected with GATA-1-specific antibodies. We show that the 40-kDa GATA-1 (GATA-1s) is produced by the use of an internal AUG initiation codon in the GATA-1 transcript. The GATA-1 proteins share identical binding activity and form heterodimers in erythroleukemic cells but differ in their transactivation potential and in their expression in developing mouse embryos.


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In Drosophila, stripe (sr) gene function is required for normal muscle development. Some mutations disrupt embryonic muscle development and are lethal. Other mutations cause total loss of only a single muscle in the adult. Molecular analysis shows that sr encodes a predicted protein containing a zinc finger motif. This motif is homologous to the DNA binding domains encoded by members of the early growth response (egr) gene family. In mammals, expression of egr genes is induced by intercellular signals, and there is evidence for their role in many developmental events. The identification of sr as an egr gene and its pattern of expression suggest that it functions in muscle development via intercellular communication.


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NGFI-A (also called Egr1, Zif268, or Krox24) and the closely related proteins Krox20, NGFI-C, and Egr3 are zinc-finger transcription factors encoded by immediate-early genes which are induced by a wide variety of extracellular stimuli. NGFI-A has been implicated in cell proliferation, macrophage differentiation, synaptic activation, and long-term potentiation, whereas Krox20 is critical for proper hindbrain segmentation and peripheral nerve myelination. In previous work, a structure/function analysis of NGFI-A revealed a 34-aa inhibitory domain that was hypothesized to be the target of a cellular factor that represses NGFI-A transcriptional activity. Using the yeast two-hybrid system, we have isolated a cDNA clone which encodes a protein that interacts with this inhibitory domain and inhibits the ability of NGFI-A to activate transcription. This NGFI-A-binding protein, NAB1, is a 570-aa nuclear protein that bears no obvious sequence homology to known proteins. NAB1 also represses Krox20 activity, but it does not influence Egr3 or NGFI-G, thus providing a mechanism for the differential regulation of this family of immediate-early transcription factors.


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The egr-type zinc-finger transcription factor encoded by the Drosophila gene stripe (sr) is expressed in a subset of epidermal cells to which muscles attach during late stages of embryogenesis. We report loss-of-function and gain-of-function experiments indicating that sr activity provides ectodermal cells with properties required for the establishment of a normal muscle pattern during embryogenesis and for the differentiation of tendon-like epidermal muscle attachment sites (EMA). Our results show that sr encodes a transcriptional activator which acts as an autoregulated developmental switch gene. sr activity controls the expression of EMA-specific target genes in cells of ectodermal but not of mesodermal origin. sr-expressing ectodermal cells generate long-range signals that interfere with the spatial orientation of the elongating myotubes.


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Vitamin D, the major steroid hormone that controls mineral ion homeostasis, exerts its actions through the vitamin D receptor (VDR). The VDR is expressed in many tissues, including several tissues not thought to play a role in mineral metabolism. Studies in kindreds with VDR mutations (vitamin D-dependent rickets type II, VDDR II) have demonstrated hypocalcemia, hyperparathyroidism, rickets, and osteomalacia. Alopecia, which is not a feature of vitamin D deficiency, is seen in some kindreds. We have generated a mouse model of VDDR II by targeted ablation of the second zinc finger of the VDR DNA-binding domain. Despite known expression of the VDR in fetal life, homozygous mice are phenotypically normal at birth and demonstrate normal survival at least until 6 months. They become hypocalcemic at 21 days of age, at which time their parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels begin to rise. Hyperparathyroidism is accompanied by an increase in the size of the parathyroid gland as well as an increase in PTH mRNA levels. Rickets and osteomalacia are seen by day 35; however, as early as day 15, there is an expansion in the zone of hypertrophic chondrocytes in the growth plate. In contrast to animals made vitamin D deficient by dietary means, and like some patients with VDDR II, these mice develop progressive alopecia from the age of 4 weeks.


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The X and Y chromosomes of the mouse, like those of other mammals, are heteromorphic over most of their length, but at the distal ends of the chromosomes is a region of sequence identity, the pseudoautosomal region (PAR), where the chromosomes pair and recombine during male meiosis. The point at which the PAR diverges into X- and Y-specific sequences is called the pseudoautosomal boundary. We have completed a genomic walk from the X-specific Amelogenin gene to the PAR. Analysis of this region revealed that the pseudoautosomal boundary of mice is located within an intron of a transcribed gene that encodes a novel RING finger protein. The first three of the exons of the gene are located on the X chromosome whereas the 3′ exons of the gene are located on both X and Y chromosomes. This unusual arrangement may indicate that the gene is in a state of transition from pseudoautosomal to X-unique and provides evidence for a process of attrition of the pseudoautosomal region on the Y chromosome.


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Gene regulation by imposed localization was studied by using designed zinc finger proteins that bind 18-bp DNA sequences in the 5′ untranslated regions of the protooncogenes erbB-2 and erbB-3. Transcription factors were generated by fusion of the DNA-binding proteins to repression or activation domains. When introduced into cells these transcription factors acted as dominant repressors or activators of, respectively, endogenous erbB-2 or erbB-3 gene expression. Significantly, imposed regulation of the two genes was highly specific, despite the fact that the transcription factor binding sites targeted in erbB-2 and erbB-3 share 15 of 18 nucleotides. Regulation of erbB-2 gene expression was observed in cells derived from several species that conserve the DNA target sequence. Repression of erbB-2 in SKBR3 breast cancer cells inhibited cell-cycle progression by inducing a G1 accumulation, suggesting the potential of designed transcription factors for cancer gene therapy. These results demonstrate the willful up- and down-regulation of endogenous genes, and provide an additional means to alter biological systems.