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The retinoblastoma protein (Rb) is a target of viral oncoproteins. To explore the hypothesis that viral proteins may be structural mimics of cellular proteins, we have searched cDNA libraries for Rb-binding proteins. We report here the cloning of a cDNA for the protein RIZ from rat and human cells. RIZ is a 250-kDa nuclear protein containing eight zinc-finger motifs. It contains an Rb-binding motif that shares an antigenic epitope with the C terminus of E1A. A domain is conserved between RIZ and the PRDI-BF1/Blimp-1 differentiation factor. Other motifs of RIZ include putative GTPase and SH3 (src homology domain 3) domains. RIZ is preferentially expressed in both adult and embryonic rat neuroendocrine tissues. It is also expressed in human retinoblastoma cells and at low levels in all other human cell lines examined. While the function of RIZ is not yet clear, its structure and pattern of expression suggest a role for RIZ in transcriptional regulation during neuronal differentiation and pathogenesis of retinoblastoma.


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Retinoblastoma cells in culture have previously been shown to express cone-specific genes but not their rod counterparts. We have detected the messages for the rod alpha, beta, and gamma subunits of cGMP phosphodiesterase (PDE), the rod alpha subunit of transducin, rod opsin, and the cone alpha' subunit of PDE in RNA of human Y-79 retinoblastoma cells by reverse transcription-PCR. Quantitative analysis of the mRNAs for the rod alpha and cone alpha' PDE subunits revealed that they were expressed at comparable levels; however, the transcript encoding the rod beta PDE subunit was 10 times more abundant in these cells. Northern hybridization analysis of Y-79 cell RNA confirmed the presence of the transcripts for rod and cone PDE catalytic subunits. To test whether the transcriptional machinery required for the expression of rod-specific genes was endogenous in Y-79 retinoblastoma cells, cultures were transfected with a construct containing the promoter region of the rod beta PDE subunit gene attached to the firefly luciferase reporter vector. Significant levels of reporter enzyme activity were observed in the cell lysates. Our results demonstrate that the Y-79 retinoblastoma cell line is a good model system for the study of transcriptional regulation of rod-specific genes.


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RB, the protein product of the retinoblastoma tumor-suppressor gene, regulates the activity of specific transcription factors. This regulation appears to be mediated either directly through interactions with specific transcription factors or through an alternative mechanism. Here we report that stimulation of Sp1-mediated transcription by RB is partially abrogated at the nonpermissive temperature in ts13 cells. These cells contain a temperature-sensitive mutation in the TATA-binding protein-associated factor TAFII250, first identified as the cell cycle regulatory protein CCG1. The stimulation of Sp1-mediated transcription by RB in ts13 cells at the nonpermissive temperature could be restored by the introduction of wild-type human TAFII250. Furthermore, we demonstrate that RB binds directly to hTAFII250 in vitro and in vivo. These results suggest that RB can confer transcriptional regulation and possibly cell cycle control and tumor suppression through an interaction with TFIID, in particular with TAFII250.


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Mucosal vascular addressin cell adhesion molecule 1 (MAdCAM-1) is involved in trafficking of lymphocytes to mucosal endothelium. Expression of MAdCAM-1 is induced in the murine endothelial cell line bEnd.3 by tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha), interleukin 1, and bacterial lipopolysaccharide. Here we show that TNF-alpha enhances expression of a firefly luciferase reporter directed by the MAdCAM-1 promoter, confirming transcriptional regulation of MAdCAM-1. Mutational analysis of the promoter indicates that a DNA fragment extending from nt -132 to nt +6 of the gene is sufficient for TNF-alpha inducibility. Two regulatory sites critical for TNF-alpha induction were identified in this region. DNA-binding experiments demonstrate that NF-kappa B proteins from nuclear extracts of TNF-alpha-stimulated bEnd.3 cells bind to these sites, and transfection assays with promoter mutants of the MAdCAM-1 gene indicate that occupancy of both sites is essential for promoter function. The predominant NF-kappa B binding activity detected with these nuclear extracts is a p65 homodimer. These findings establish that, as with other endothelial cell adhesion molecules, transcriptional induction of MAdCAM-1 by TNF-alpha requires activated NF-kappa B proteins.


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We have found that ectopic expression of cyclin A increases hormone-dependent and hormone-independent transcriptional activation by the estrogen receptor in vivo in a number of cell lines, including HeLa cells, U-2 OS osteosarcoma cells and Hs 578Bst breast epithelial cells. This effect can be further enhanced in HeLa cells by the concurrent expression of the cyclin-dependent kinase activator, cyclin H, and cdk7, and abolished by expression of the cdk inhibitor, p27KIP1, or by the expression of a dominant negative catalytically inactive cdk2 mutant. ER is phosphorylated between amino acids 82 and 121 in vitro by the cyclin A/cdk2 complex and incorporation of phosphate into ER is stimulated by ectopic expression of cyclin A in vivo. Together, these results strongly suggest a direct role for the cyclin A/cdk2 complex in phosphorylating ER and regulating its transcriptional activity.


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Class I isoforms of β-1,3-glucanases (βGLU I) and chitinases (CHN I) are antifungal, vacuolar proteins implicated in plant defense. Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) βGLU I and CHN I usually exhibit tightly coordinated developmental, hormonal, and pathogenesis-related regulation. Both enzymes are induced in cultured cells and tissues of cultivar Havana 425 tobacco by ethylene and are down-regulated by combinations of the growth hormones auxin and cytokinin. We report a novel pattern of βGLU I and CHN I regulation in cultivar Havana 425 tobacco pith-cell suspensions and cultured leaf explants. Abscisic acid (ABA) at a concentration of 10 μm markedly inhibited the induction of βGLU I but not of CHN I. RNA-blot hybridization and immunoblot analysis showed that only class I isoforms of βGLU and CHN are induced in cell culture and that ABA inhibits steady-state βGLU I mRNA accumulation. Comparable inhibition of β-glucuronidase expression by ABA was observed for cells transformed with a tobacco βGLU I gene promoter/β-glucuronidase reporter gene fusion. Taken together, the results strongly suggest that ABA down-regulates transcription of βGLU I genes. This raises the possibility that some of the ABA effects on plant-defense responses might involve βGLU I.


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Grand fir (Abies grandis Lindl.) has been developed as a model system for the study of wound-induced oleoresinosis in conifers as a response to insect attack. Oleoresin is a roughly equal mixture of turpentine (85% monoterpenes [C10] and 15% sesquiterpenes [C15]) and rosin (diterpene [C20] resin acids) that acts to seal wounds and is toxic to both invading insects and their pathogenic fungal symbionts. The dynamic regulation of wound-induced oleoresin formation was studied over 29 d at the enzyme level by in vitro assay of the three classes of synthases directly responsible for the formation of monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, and diterpenes from the corresponding C10, C15, and C20 prenyl diphosphate precursors, and at the gene level by RNA-blot hybridization using terpene synthase class-directed DNA probes. In overall appearance, the shapes of the time-course curves for all classes of synthase activities are similar, suggesting coordinate formation of all of the terpenoid types. However, closer inspection indicates that the monoterpene synthases arise earlier, as shown by an abbreviated time course over 6 to 48 h. RNA-blot analyses indicated that the genes for all three classes of enzymes are transcriptionally activated in response to wounding, with the monoterpene synthases up-regulated first (transcripts detectable 2 h after wounding), in agreement with the results of cell-free assays of monoterpene synthase activity, followed by the coordinately regulated sesquiterpene synthases and diterpene synthases (transcription beginning on d 3–4). The differential timing in the production of oleoresin components of this defense response is consistent with the immediate formation of monoterpenes to act as insect toxins and their later generation at solvent levels for the mobilization of resin acids responsible for wound sealing.


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The goal of this research was to resolve the hypoxic and anoxic responses of maize (Zea mays) sucrose (Suc) synthases known to differ in their sugar regulation. The two maize Suc synthase genes, Sus1 and Sh1, both respond to sugar and O2, and recent work suggests commonalities between these signaling systems. Maize seedlings (NK508 hybrid, W22 inbred, and an isogenic sh1-null mutant) were exposed to anoxic, hypoxic, and aerobic conditions (0, 3, and 21% O2, respectively), when primary roots had reached approximately 5 cm. One-centimeter tips were excised for analysis during the 48-h treatments. At the mRNA level, Sus1 was rapidly up-regulated by hypoxia (approximately 5-fold in 6 h), whereas anoxia had less effect. In contrast, Sh1 mRNA abundance increased strongly under anoxia (approximately 5-fold in 24 h) and was much less affected by hypoxia. At the enzyme level, total Suc synthase activity rose rapidly under hypoxia but showed little significant change during anoxia. The contributions of SUS1 and SH1 activities to these responses were dissected over time by comparing the sh1-null mutant with the isogenic wild type (Sus+, Sh1+). Sh1-dependent activity contributed most markedly to a rapid protein-level response consistently observed in the first 3 h, and, subsequently, to a long-term change mediated at the level of mRNA accumulation at 48 h. A complementary midterm rise in SUS1 activity varied in duration with genetic background. These data highlight the involvement of distinctly different genes and probable signal mechanisms under hypoxia and anoxia, and together with earlier work, show parallel induction of “feast and famine” Suc synthase genes by hypoxia and anoxia, respectively. In addition, complementary modes of transcriptional and posttranscriptional regulation are implicated by these data, and provide a mechanism for sequential contributions from the Sus1 and Sh1 genes during progressive onset of naturally occurring low-O2 events.


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Inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS; EC is expressed in rat glomerular mesangial cells upon exposure to the inflammatory cytokine interleukin 1 beta (IL-1 beta). We have reported that nanomolar concentrations of dexamethasone suppress IL-1 beta-induced iNOS protein expression and production of nitrite, the stable end product of NO formation, without affecting IL-1 beta-triggered increase in iNOS mRNA levels. We now have studied the mechanisms by which dexamethasone suppresses IL-1 beta-stimulated iNOS expression in mesangial cells. Surprisingly, nuclear run-on transcription experiments demonstrate that dexamethasone markedly attenuates IL-1 beta-induced iNOS gene transcription. However, this is counteracted by a prolongation of the half-life of iNOS mRNA from 1 h to 2.5 h by dexamethasone. Moreover, dexamethasone drastically reduces the amount of iNOS protein by reduction of iNOS mRNA translation and increased degradation of iNOS protein. These results indicate that glucocorticoids act at multiple levels to regulate iNOS expression, thus providing important insights into the treatment of inflammatory diseases.


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Ear3/COUP is an orphan member of the steroid/thyroid hormone receptor superfamily of transcription factors and binds most tightly to a direct repeat of AGGTCA with 1 nucleotide in between (DR1). Ear3/COUP also binds with a similar affinity to the palindromic thyroid hormone response element (TRE). This binding preference of Ear3/COUP is same as that of the retinoid X receptor (RXR), which is another member of the superfamily. In the present study, we identified a sequence responsible for Ear3/COUP-mediated transactivation in the region downstream of the transcription start site of the mouse mammary tumor virus promoter. This cis-acting sequence was unresponsive to RXR. When the DR1 or TRE sequence was added upstream of the promoter, transactivation by Ear3/COUP was completely abolished, whereas RXR enhanced transcription from the promoter. The mode of action of Ear3/COUP could be utilized to control complex gene expressions in morphogenesis, homeostasis, and development.


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The cell cycle inhibitor p21/WAF1/Cip1 is expressed in many cell types and is regulated by p53-dependent and p53-independent mechanisms. p21 is an important regulator of hepatocyte cell cycle, differentiation, and liver development, but little is known about the regulation of its synthesis in hepatocytes. We report herein that the p21 gene is constitutively expressed in human hepatoma HepG2 cells. Deletion analysis of the p21 promoter showed that it contains a distal (positions −2,300/−210) and a proximal (positions −124 to −61) region that act synergistically to achieve high levels of constitutive expression. The proximal region that consists of multiple Sp1 binding sites is essential for constitutive p21 promoter activity in hepatocytes. This region also mediates the transcriptional activation of the p21 promoter by members of the Smad family of proteins, which play important role in the transduction of extracellular signals such as transforming growth factor β, activin, etc. Constitutive expression of p21 was severely reduced by a C-terminally truncated form of Smad4 that was shown previously to block signaling through Smads. Smad3/4 and to a much lesser extent Smad2/4 caused high levels of transcriptional activation of the p21 promoter. Transactivation was compromised by N- or C-terminally truncated forms of Smad3. By using Gal4-Sp1 fusion proteins, we show that Smad proteins can activate gene transcription via functional interactions with the ubiquitous factor Sp1. These data demonstrate that Smad proteins and Sp1 participate in the constitutive or inducible expression of the p21 gene in hepatic cells.


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Developmental commitment involves activation of lineage-specific genes, stabilization of a lineage-specific gene expression program, and permanent inhibition of inappropriate characteristics. To determine how these processes are coordinated in early T cell development, the expression of T and B lineage-specific genes was assessed in staged subsets of immature thymocytes. T lineage characteristics are acquired sequentially, with germ-line T cell antigen receptor-β transcripts detected very early, followed by CD3ɛ and terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase, then pTα, and finally RAG1. Only RAG1 expression coincides with commitment. Thus, much T lineage gene expression precedes commitment and does not depend on it. Early in the course of commitment to the T lineage, thymocytes lose the ability to develop into B cells. To understand how this occurs, we also examined expression of well defined B lineage-specific genes. Although λ5 and Ig-α are not expressed, the μ0 and Iμ transcripts from the unrearranged IgH locus are expressed early, in distinct patterns, then repressed just before RAG1 expression. By contrast, RNA encoding the B cell receptor component Ig-β was found to be transcribed in all immature thymocyte subpopulations and throughout most thymocyte differentiation. Ig-β expression is down-regulated only during positive selection of CD4+CD8– cells. Thus several key participants in the B cell developmental program are expressed in non-B lineage-committed cells, and one is maintained even through commitment to an alternative lineage, and repressed only after extensive T lineage differentiation. The results show that transcriptional activation of “lymphocyte-specific” genes can occur in uncommitted precursors, and that T lineage commitment is a composite of distinct positive and negative regulatory events.


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Aurintricarboxylic acid (ATA), an inhibitor of endonuclease activity and other protein–nucleic acid interactions, blocks apoptosis in several cell types and prevents delayed death of hippocampal pyramidal CA1 neurons induced by transient global ischemia. Global ischemia in rats and gerbils induces down-regulation of GluR2 mRNA and increased α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA)-induced Ca2+ influx in CA1 before neurodegeneration. This result and neuroprotection by antagonists of AMPA receptors suggests that formation of AMPA receptors lacking GluR2, and therefore Ca2+ permeable, leads to excessive Ca2+ influx in response to endogenous glutamate; the resulting delayed neuronal death in CA1 exhibits many characteristics of apoptosis. In this study, we examined the effects of ATA on expression of mRNAs encoding glutamate receptor subunits in gerbil hippocampus after global ischemia. Administration of ATA by injection into the right cerebral ventricle 1 h before (but not 6 h after) bilateral carotid occlusion prevented the ischemia-induced decrease in GluR2 mRNA expression and the delayed neurodegeneration. These findings suggest that ATA is neuroprotective in ischemia by blocking the transcriptional changes leading to down-regulation of GluR2, rather than by simply blocking endonucleases, which presumably act later after Ca2+ influx initiates apoptosis. Maintaining formation of Ca2+ impermeable, GluR2 containing AMPA receptors could prevent delayed death of CA1 neurons after transient global ischemia, and block of GluR2 down-regulation may provide a further strategy for neuroprotection.


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Caveolae form the terminus for a major pathway of intracellular free cholesterol (FC) transport. Caveolin mRNA levels in confluent human skin fibroblasts were up-regulated following increased uptake of low density lipoprotein (LDL) FC. The increase induced by FC was not associated with detectable change in mRNA stability, indicating that caveolin mRNA levels were mediated at the level of gene transcription. A total of 924 bp of 5′ flanking region of the caveolin gene were cloned and sequenced. The promoter sequence included three G+C-rich potential sterol regulatory elements (SREs), a CAAT sequence and a Sp1 consensus sequence. Deletional mutagenesis of individual SRE-like sequences indicated that of these two (at −646 and −395 bp) were essential for the increased transcription rates mediated by LDL-FC, whereas the third was inconsequential. Gel shift analysis of protein binding from nuclear extracts to these caveolin promoter DNA sequences, together with DNase I footprinting, confirmed nucleoprotein binding to the SRE-like elements as part of the transcriptional response to LDL-FC. A supershift obtained with antibody to SRE-binding protein 1 (SPEBP-1) indicated that this protein binds at −395 bp. There was no reaction at −395 bp with anti-Sp1 antibody nor with either antibody at −646 bp. The cysteine protease inhibitor N-acetyl-leu-leu-norleucinal (ALLN), which inhibits SREBP catabolism, superinhibited caveolin mRNA levels regardless of LDL-FC. This finding suggests that SREBP inhibits caveolin gene transcription in contrast to its stimulating effect on other promoters. The findings of this study are consistent with the postulated role for caveolin as a regulator of cellular FC homeostasis in quiescent peripheral cells, and the coordinate regulation by SREBP of FC influx and efflux.


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Mouse models show that congenital neural tube defects (NTDs) can occur as a result of mutations in the platelet-derived growth factor receptor-α gene (PDGFRα). Mice heterozygous for the PDGFRα-mutation Patch, and at the same time homozygous for the undulated mutation in the Pax1 gene, exhibit a high incidence of lumbar spina bifida occulta, suggesting a functional relation between PDGFRα and Pax1. Using the human PDGFRα promoter linked to a luciferase reporter, we show in the present paper that Pax1 acts as a transcriptional activator of the PDGFRα gene in differentiated Tera-2 human embryonal carcinoma cells. Two mutant Pax1 proteins carrying either the undulated-mutation or the Gln → His mutation previously identified by us in the PAX1 gene of a patient with spina bifida, were not or less effective, respectively. Surprisingly, Pax1 mutant proteins appear to have opposing transcriptional activities in undifferentiated Tera-2 cells as well as in the U-2 OS osteosarcoma cell line. In these cells, the mutant Pax1 proteins enhance PDGFRα-promoter activity whereas the wild-type protein does not. The apparent up-regulation of PDGFRα expression in these cells clearly demonstrates a gain-of-function phenomenon associated with mutations in Pax genes. The altered transcriptional activation properties correlate with altered protein–DNA interaction in band-shift assays. Our data provide additional evidence that mutations in Pax1 can act as a risk factor for NTDs and suggest that the PDGFRα gene is a direct target of Pax1. In addition, the results support the hypothesis that deregulated PDGFRα expression may be causally related to NTDs.