66 resultados para Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism
The orchid Dactylorhiza sambucina shows a stable and dramatic flower-color polymorphism, with both yellow- and purple-flowered individuals present in natural populations throughout the range of the species in Europe. The evolutionary significance of flower-color polymorphisms found in many rewardless orchid species has been discussed at length, but the mechanisms responsible for their maintenance remain unclear. Laboratory experiments have suggested that behavioral responses by pollinators to lack of reward availability might result in a reproductive advantage for rare-color morphs. Consequently, we performed an experiment varying the relative frequency of the two color morphs of D. sambucina to test whether rare morph advantage acted in the natural habitat of the species. We show here clear evidence from this manipulative experiment that rare-color morphs have reproductive advantage through male and female components. This is the first demonstration, to our knowledge, that negative frequency-dependent selection through pollinator preference for rare morphs can cause the maintenance of a flower-color polymorphism.
An efficient method of constructing recombinant adenoviruses (Ads) has been established. The expression unit to be introduced into recombinant Ad was first inserted into the unique Swa I site of the full-length Ad genome cloned in a cassette cosmid. The cassette bearing the expression unit was then cotransfected into human embryonic kidney 293 cells together with the Ad DNA-terminal protein complex digested at several sites with Eco T22I or Ase I/EcoRI. The use of the parent Ad DNA-terminal protein complex instead of the deproteinized Ad genome DNA allowed very efficient recovery of the desired recombinant Ad, and the above restriction digestion drastically reduced regeneration of the parent virus. Several hundred virus clones were readily obtained in each experiment, and about 70% of the clones were the desired recombinant viruses. Furthermore, because the cassette contained the full-length Ad genome, any position of the genome could be easily modified to develop a new vector design. We established construction systems for two types of Ad vectors, the E1-substitution type and the E4-insertion type. This method may greatly facilitate the application of recombinant Ads and should be useful for further improvement of Ad vectors.
The present study has assessed the replicative history and the residual replicative potential of human naive and memory T cells. Telomeres are unique terminal chromosomal structures whose length has been shown to decrease with cell division in vitro and with increased age in vivo for human somatic cells. We therefore assessed telomere length as a measure of the in vivo replicative history of naive and memory human T cells. Telomeric terminal restriction fragments were found to be 1.4 +/- 0.1 kb longer in CD4+ naive T cells than in memory cells from the same donors, a relationship that remained constant over a wide range of donor age. These findings suggest that the differentiation of memory cells from naive precursors occurs with substantial clonal expansion and that the magnitude of this expansion is, on average, similar over a wide range of age. In addition, when replicative potential was assessed in vitro, it was found that the capacity of naive cells for cell division was 128-fold greater as measured in mean population doublings than the capacity of memory cells from the same individuals. Human CD4+ naive and memory cells thus differ in in vivo replicative history, as reflected in telomeric length, and in their residual replicative capacity.
Because repeated injury of the endothelium and subsequent turnover of intimal and medial cells have been implicated in atherosclerosis, we examined telomere length, a marker of somatic cell turnover, in cells from these tissues. Telomere lengths were assessed by Southern analysis of terminal restriction fragments (TRFs) generated by HinfI/Rsa I digestion of human genomic DNA. Mean TRF length decreased as a function of population doublings in human endothelial cell cultures from umbilical veins, iliac arteries, and iliac veins. When endothelial cells were examined for mean TRF length as a function of donor age, there was a significantly greater rate of decrease for cells from iliac arteries than from iliac veins (102 bp/yr vs. 47 bp/yr, respectively, P < 0.05), consistent with higher hemodynamic stress and increased cell turnover in arteries. Moreover, the rate of telomere loss as a function of donor age was greater in the intimal DNA of iliac arteries compared to that of the internal thoracic arteries (147 bp/yr vs. 87 bp/yr, respectively, P < 0.05), a region of the arterial tree subject to less hemodynamic stress. This indicates that the effect is not tissue specific. DNA from the medial tissue of the iliac and internal thoracic arteries showed no significant difference in the rates of decrease, suggesting that chronic stress leading to cellular senescence is more pronounced in the intima than in the media. These observations extend the use of telomere size as a marker for the replicative history of cells and are consistent with a role for focal replicative senescence in cardiovascular diseases.
Mutations in the human phosphofructokinase muscle subunit gene (PFKM) are known to cause myopathy classified as glycogenosis type VII (Tarui disease). Previously described molecular defects include base substitutions altering encoded amino acids or resulting in abnormal splicing. We report a mutation resulting in phosphofructokinase deficiency in three patients from an Ashkenazi Jewish family. Using a reverse transcription PCR assay, PFKM subunit transcripts differing by length were detected in skeletal muscle tissue of all three affected subjects. In the longer transcript, an insertion of 252 nucleotides totally homologous to the structure of the 10th intron of the PFKM gene was found separating exon 10 from exon 11. In addition, two single base transitions were identified by direct sequencing: [exon 6; codon 95; CGA (Arg) to TGA (stop)] and [exon 7; codon 172; ACC (Thr) to ACT (Thr)] in either transcript. Single-stranded conformational polymorphism and restriction enzyme analyses confirmed the presence of these point substitutions in genomic DNA and strongly suggested homozygosity for the pathogenic allele. The nonsense mutation at codon 95 appeared solely responsible for the phenotype in these patients, further expanding genetic heterogeneity of Tarui disease. Transcripts with and without intron 10 arising from identical mutant alleles probably resulted from differential pre-mRNA processing and may represent a novel message from the PFKM gene.
To classify Listeria monocytogenes using taxonomic characters derived from the rRNA operons and their flanking sequences, we studied a sample of 1346 strains within the taxon. DNA from each strain was digested with a restriction endonuclease, EcoRI. The fragments were separated by gel electrophoresis, immobilized on a membrane, and hybridized with a labeled rRNA operon from Escherichia coli. The pattern of bands, positions, and intensities of hybridized fragments were electronically captured. Software was used to normalize the band positions relative to standards, scale the signal intensity, and reduce the background so that each strain was reproducibly represented in a data base as a pattern. With these methods, L. monocytogenes was resolved into 50 pattern types differing in the length of at least one polymorphic fragment. Pattern types representing multiple strains were recorded as the mathematical average of the strain patterns. Pattern types were arranged by size polymorphisms of assigned rRNA regions into subsets, which revealed the branching genetic structure of the species. Subtracting the polymorphic variants of a specific assigned region from the pattern types and averaging the types within each subset resulted in reduced sets of conserved fragments that could be used to recognize strains of the species. Pattern types and reduced sets of conserved fragments were conserved among different strains of L. monocytogenes but were not observed in total among strains of other species.