115 resultados para Repetitive Sequences, Nucleic Acid


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Ribozymes are polynucleotide molecules with intrinsic catalytic activity, capable of cleaving nucleic acid substrates. Large RNA molecules were synthesized containing a hammerhead ribozyme moiety of 52 nucleotides linked to an inactive leader sequence, for total lengths of either 262 or 1226 nucleotides. Frozen RNAs were irradiated with high energy electrons. Surviving ribozyme activity was determined using the ability of the irradiated ribozymes to cleave a labeled substrate. The amount of intact RNA remaining was determined from the same irradiated samples by scanning the RNA band following denaturing gel electrophoresis. Radiation target analyses of these data revealed a structural target size of 80 kDa and a ribozyme activity target size of 15 kDa for the smaller ribozyme, and 319 kDa and 16 kDa, respectively, for the larger ribozyme. The disparity in target size for activity versus structure indicates that, in contrast to proteins, there is no spread of radiation damage far from the primary site of ionization in RNA molecules. The smaller target size for activity indicates that only primary ionizations occurring in the specific active region are effective. This is similar to the case for oligosaccharides. We concluded that the presence of the ribose sugar in the polymer chain restricts radiation damage to a small region and prevents major energy transfer throughout the molecule. Radiation target analysis should be a useful technique for evaluating local RNA:RNA and RNA:protein interactions in vitro.


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We have developed a specific and sensitive nucleic acid amplification assay that is suitable for routine gene detection. The assay is based on a novel molecular genetic strategy in which two different RNA probes are hybridized to adjacent positions on a target nucleic acid and then ligated to form an amplifiable reporter RNA. The reporter RNA is then replicated up to a hundred billion-fold in a 30-min isothermal reaction that signals the presence of the target. The assay can detect fewer than 100 nucleic acid molecules; it provides quantitative results over a wide range of target concentrations and it employs a universal format that can detect any infectious agent.


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Potential errors in decoding genetic information are corrected by tRNA-dependent amino acid recognition processes manifested through editing reactions. One example is the rejection of difficult-to-discriminate misactivated amino acids by tRNA synthetases through hydrolytic reactions. Although several crystal structures of tRNA synthetases and synthetase-tRNA complexes exist, none of them have provided insight into the editing reactions. Other work suggested that editing required active amino acid acceptor hydroxyl groups at the 3' end of a tRNA effector. We describe here the isolation of a DNA aptamer that specifically induced hydrolysis of a misactivated amino acid bound to a tRNA synthetase. The aptamer had no effect on the stability of the correctly activated amino acid and was almost as efficient as the tRNA for inducing editing activity. The aptamer has no sequence similarity to that of the tRNA effector and cannot be folded into a tRNA-like structure. These and additional data show that active acceptor hydroxyl groups in a tRNA effector and a tRNA-like structure are not essential for editing. Thus, specific bases in a nucleic acid effector trigger the editing response.


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An integrated map of the genome of the tubercle bacillus, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, was constructed by using a twin-pronged approach. Pulsed-field gel electrophoretic analysis enabled cleavage sites for Asn I and Dra I to be positioned on the 4.4-Mb circular chromosome, while, in parallel, clones from two cosmid libraries were ordered into contigs by means of fingerprinting and hybridization mapping. The resultant contig map was readily correlated with the physical map of the genome via the landmarked restriction sites. Over 165 genes and markers were localized on the integrated map, thus enabling comparisons with the leprosy bacillus, Mycobacterium leprae, to be undertaken. Mycobacterial genomes appear to have evolved as mosaic structures since extended segments with conserved gene order and organization are interspersed with different flanking regions. Repetitive sequences and insertion elements are highly abundant in M. tuberculosis, but the distribution of IS6110 is apparently nonrandom.


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Agrobacterium genetically transforms plant cells by transferring a single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) copy of the transferred DNA (T-DNA) element, the T-strand, in a complex with Agrobacterium proteins VirD2, bound to the 5' end, and VirE2. VirE2 binds single-stranded nucleic acid cooperatively, fully coating the T-strand, and the protein localizes to the plant cell nucleus when transiently expressed. The coupling of ssDNA binding and nuclear localizing activities suggests that VirE2 alone could mediate nuclear localization of ssDNA. In this study, fluorescently labeled ssDNA accumulated in the plant cell nucleus specifically when microinjected as a complex with VirE2. Microinjected ssDNA alone remained cytoplasmic. Import of VirE2-ssDNA complex into the nucleus via a protein import pathway was supported by (i) the inhibition of VirE2-ssDNA complex import in the presence of wheat germ agglutinin or a nonhydrolyzable GTP analog, both known inhibitors of protein nuclear import, and (ii) the retardation of import when complexes were prepared from a VirE2 mutant impaired in ssDNA binding and nuclear import.


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Results presented here demonstrate that the thermodynamics of oligocation binding to polymeric and oligomeric DNA are not equivalent because of long-range electrostatic effects. At physiological cation concentrations (0.1-0.3 M) the binding of an oligolysine octacation KWK6-NH2 (+8 charge) to single-stranded poly(dT) is much stronger per site and significantly more salt concentration dependent than the binding of the same ligand to an oligonucleotide, dT(pdT)10 (-10 charge). These large differences are consistent with Poisson-Boltzmann calculations for a model that characterizes the charge distributions with key preaveraged structural parameters. Therefore, both the experimental and the theoretical results presented here show that the polyelectrolyte character of a polymeric nucleic acid makes a large contribution to both the magnitude and the salt concentration dependence of its binding interactions with simple oligocationic ligands.


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The absorption and metabolism of dietary nucleic acids have received less attention than those of other organic nutrients, largely because of methodological difficulties. We supplemented the rations of poultry and mice with the edible alga Spirulina platensis, which had been uniformly labeled with 13C by hydroponic culture in 13CO2. The rations were ingested by a hen for 4 wk and by four mice for 6 days; two mice were fed a normal diet and two were fed a nucleic acid-deficient diet. The animals were killed and nucleosides were isolated from hepatic RNA. The isotopic enrichment of all mass isotopomers of the nucleosides was analyzed by selected ion monitoring of the negative chemical ionization mass spectrum and the labeling pattern was deconvoluted by reference to the enrichment pattern of the tracer material. We found a distinct difference in the 13C enrichment pattern between pyrimidine and purine nucleosides; the isotopic enrichment of uniformly labeled [M + 9] isotopomers of pyrimidines exceeded that of purines [M + 10] by > 2 orders of magnitude in the avian nucleic acids and by 7- and 14-fold in the murine nucleic acids. The purines were more enriched in lower mass isotopomers, those less than [M + 3], than the pyrimidines. Our results suggest that large quantities of dietary pyrimidine nucleosides and almost no dietary purine nucleosides are incorporated into hepatic nucleic acids without hydrolytic removal of the ribose moiety. In addition, our results support a potential nutritional role for nucleosides and suggest that pyrimidines are conditionally essential organic nutrients.


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Intrinsic termination of transcription in Escherichia coli involves the formation of an RNA hairpin in the nascent RNA. This hairpin plays a central role in the release of the transcript and polymerase at intrinsic termination sites on the DNA template. We have created variants of the lambda tR2 terminator hairpin and examined the relationship between the structure and stability of this hairpin and the template positions and efficiencies of termination. The results were used to test the simple nucleic acid destabilization model of Yager and von Hippel and showed that this model must be modified to provide a distinct role for the rU-rich sequence in the nascent RNA, since a perfect palindromic sequence that is sufficiently long to form an RNA hairpin that could destabilize the entire putative 12-bp RNA-DNA hybrid does not trigger termination at the expected positions. Rather, our results show that both a stable terminator hairpin and the run of 6-8 rU residues that immediately follows are required for effective intrinsic termination and that termination occurs at specific and invariant template positions relative to these two components. Possible structural or kinetic modifications of the simple model are proposed in the light of these findings and of recent results implicating "inchworming" and possible conformational heterogeneity of transcription complexes in intrinsic termination. Thus, these findings argue that the structure and dimensions of the hairpin are important determinants of the termination-elongation decision and suggest that a complete mechanism is likely to involve specific interactions of the polymerase, the RNA terminator hairpin, and, perhaps, the dT-rich template sequence that codes for the run of rU residues at the 3' end of the nascent transcript.


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In response to infection by Rhizobium, highly differentiated organs called nodules form on legume roots. Within these organs, the symbiotic association between the host plant and bacteria is established. A putative plant transcription factor, NMH7, has been identified in alfalfa root nodules. nmh7 contains a MADS-box DNA-binding region and shows homology to flower homeotic genes. This gene is a member of a multigene family in alfalfa and was identified on the basis of nucleic acid homology to plant regulatory protein genes (MADS-box-containing genes) from Antirrhinum and Arabidopsis. RNA analysis and in situ hybridization showed that expression of this class of regulatory genes is limited to the infected cells of alfalfa root nodules and is likely to be involved in the signal transduction pathway initiated by the bacterial symbiont, Rhizobium meliloti. The expression of nmh7 in a root-derived organ is unusual for this class of regulatory genes.


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Several models have been proposed for the infectious agents that cause human Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) and sheep scrapie. Purified proteins and extracted nucleic acids are not infectious. To further identify the critical molecular components of the CJD agent, 120S infectious material with reduced prion protein (PrP) was treated with guanidine hydrochloride or SDS. Particulate and soluble components were then separated by centrifugation and molecularly characterized. Conditions that optimally solubilized residual PrP and/or nucleic acid-protein complexes were used to produce subfractions that were assayed for infectivity. All controls retained > 90% of the 120S titer (approximately 15% of that in total brain) but lost > 99.5% of their infectivity after heat-SDS treatment (unlike scrapie fractions enriched for PrP). Exposure to 1% SDS at 22 degrees C produced particulate nucleic acid-protein complexes that were almost devoid of host PrP. These sedimenting complexes were as infectious as the controls. In contrast, when such complexes were solubilized with 2.5 M guanidine hydrochloride, the infectious titer was reduced by > 99.5%. Sedimenting PrP aggregates with little nucleic acid and no detectable nucleic acid-binding proteins had negligible infectivity, as did soluble but multimeric forms of PrP. These data strongly implicate a classical viral structure, possibly with no intrinsic PrP, as the CJD infectious agent. CJD-specific protective nucleic acid-binding protein(s) have already been identified in 120S preparations, and preliminary subtraction studies have revealed several CJD-specific nucleic acids. Such viral candidates deserve more attention, as they may be of use in preventing iatrogenic CJD and in solving a fundamental mystery.


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An approach was developed for the isolation and characterization of soybean plasma membrane-associated proteins by immunoscreening of a cDNA expression library. An antiserum was raised against purified plasma membrane vesicles. In a differential screening of approximately 500,000 plaque-forming units with the anti-(plasma membrane) serum and DNA probes derived from highly abundant clones isolated in a preliminary screening, 261 clones were selected from approximately 1,200 antiserum-positive plaques. These clones were classified into 40 groups by hybridization analysis and 5'- and 3'-terminal sequencing. By searching nucleic acid and protein sequence data bases, 11 groups of cDNAs were identified, among which valosin-containing protein (VCP), clathrin heavy chain, phospholipase C, and S-adenosylmethionine:delta 24-sterol-C-methyltransferase have not to date been cloned from plants. The remaining 29 groups did not match any current data base entries and may, therefore, represent additional or yet uncharacterized genes. A full-length cDNA encoding the soybean VCP was sequenced. The high level of amino acid identity with vertebrate VCP and yeast CDC48 protein indicates that the soybean protein is a plant homolog of vertebrate VCP and yeast CDC48 protein.


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A model based on the nonlinear Poisson-Boltzmann equation is used to study the electrostatic contribution to the binding free energy of a simple intercalating ligand, 3,8-diamino-6-phenylphenanthridine, to DNA. We find that the nonlinear Poisson-Boltzmann model accurately describes both the absolute magnitude of the pKa shift of 3,8-diamino-6-phenylphenanthridine observed upon intercalation and its variation with bulk salt concentration. Since the pKa shift is directly related to the total electrostatic binding free energy of the charged and neutral forms of the ligand, the accuracy of the calculations implies that the electrostatic contributions to binding are accurately predicted as well. Based on our results, we have developed a general physical description of the electrostatic contribution to ligand-DNA binding in which the electrostatic binding free energy is described as a balance between the coulombic attraction of a ligand to DNA and the disruption of solvent upon binding. Long-range coulombic forces associated with highly charged nucleic acids provide a strong driving force for the interaction of cationic ligands with DNA. These favorable electrostatic interactions are, however, largely compensated for by unfavorable changes in the solvation of both the ligand and the DNA upon binding. The formation of a ligand-DNA complex removes both charged and polar groups at the binding interface from pure solvent while it displaces salt from around the nucleic acid. As a result, the total electrostatic binding free energy is quite small. Consequently, nonpolar interactions, such as tight packing and hydrophobic forces, must play a significant role in ligand-DNA stability.


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Although integration of viral DNA into host chromosomes occurs regularly in bacteria and animals, there are few reported cases in plants, and these involve insertion at only one or a few sites. Here, we report that pararetrovirus-like sequences have integrated repeatedly into tobacco chromosomes, attaining a copy number of ≈103. Insertion apparently occurred by illegitimate recombination. From the sequences of 22 independent insertions recovered from a healthy plant, an 8-kilobase genome encoding a previously uncharacterized pararetrovirus that does not contain an integrase function could be assembled. Preferred boundaries of the viral inserts may correspond to recombinogenic gaps in open circular viral DNA. An unusual feature of the integrated viral sequences is a variable tandem repeat cluster, which might reflect defective genomes that preferentially recombine into plant DNA. The recurrent invasion of pararetroviral DNA into tobacco chromosomes demonstrates that viral sequences can contribute significantly to plant genome evolution.


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The Arabidopsis thaliana NPR1 has been shown to be a key regulator of gene expression during the onset of a plant disease-resistance response known as systemic acquired resistance. The npr1 mutant plants fail to respond to systemic acquired resistance-inducing signals such as salicylic acid (SA), or express SA-induced pathogenesis-related (PR) genes. Using NPR1 as bait in a yeast two-hybrid screen, we identified a subclass of transcription factors in the basic leucine zipper protein family (AHBP-1b and TGA6) and showed that they interact specifically in yeast and in vitro with NPR1. Point mutations that abolish the NPR1 function in A. thaliana also impair the interactions between NPR1 and the transcription factors in the yeast two-hybrid assay. Furthermore, a gel mobility shift assay showed that the purified transcription factor protein, AHBP-1b, binds specifically to an SA-responsive promoter element of the A. thaliana PR-1 gene. These data suggest that NPR1 may regulate PR-1 gene expression by interacting with a subclass of basic leucine zipper protein transcription factors.


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We have previously shown that Y box-binding protein-1 (YB-1) binds preferentially to cisplatin-modified Y box sequences. Based on structural and biochemical data, we predicted that this protein binds single-stranded nucleic acids. In the present study we confirmed the prediction and also discovered some unexpected functional features of YB-1. We found that the cold shock domain of the protein is necessary but not sufficient for double-stranded DNA binding while the C-tail domain interacts with both single-stranded DNA and RNA independently of the cold shock domain. In an in vitro translation system the C-tail domain of the protein inhibited translation but the cold shock domain did not. Both in vitro pull-down and in vivo co-immunoprecipitation assays revealed that YB-1 can form a homodimer. Deletion analysis mapped the C-tail domain of the protein as the region of homodimerization. We also characterized an intrinsic 3′→5′ DNA exonuclease activity of the protein. The region between residues 51 and 205 of its 324-amino acid extent is required for full exonuclease activity. Our findings suggest that YB-1 functions in regulating DNA/RNA transactions and that these actions involve different domains.