136 resultados para PROGRAMMED CELL-DEATH


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3-Hydroxykynurenine (3-HK) is a tryptophan metabolite whose level in the brain is markedly elevated under several pathological conditions, including Huntington disease and human immunodeficiency virus infection. Here we demonstrate that micromolar concentrations (1-100 microM) of 3-HK cause cell death in primary neuronal cultures prepared from rat striatum. The neurotoxicity of 3-HK was blocked by catalase and desferrioxamine but not by superoxide dismutase, indicating that the generation of hydrogen peroxide and hydroxyl radical is involved in the toxicity. Measurement of peroxide levels revealed that 3-HK caused intracellular accumulation of peroxide, which was largely attenuated by application of catalase. The peroxide accumulation and cell death caused by 1-10 microM 3-HK were also blocked by pretreatment with allopurinol or oxypurinol, suggesting that endogenous xanthine oxidase activity is involved in exacerbation of 3-HK neurotoxicity. Furthermore, NADPH diaphorase-containing neurons were spared from toxicity of these concentrations of 3-HK, a finding reminiscent of the pathological characteristics of several neurodegenerative disorders such as Huntington disease. These results suggest that 3-HK at pathologically relevant concentrations renders neuronal cells subject to oxidative stress leading to cell death, and therefore that this endogenous compound should be regarded as an important factor in pathogenesis of neurodegenerative disorders.


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BCL-2-deficient T cells demonstrate accelerated cell cycle progression and increased apoptosis following activation. Increasing the levels of BCL-2 retarded the G0-->S transition, sustained the levels of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27Kip1, and repressed postactivation death. Proximal signal transduction events and immediate early gene transcription were unaffected. However, the transcription and synthesis of interleukin 2 and other delayed early cytokines were markedly attenuated by BCL-2. In contrast, a cysteine protease inhibitor that also blocks apoptosis had no substantial affect upon cytokine production. InterleUkin 2 expression requires several transcription factors of which nuclear translocation of NFAT (nuclear factor of activated T cells) and NFAT-mediated transactivation were impaired by BCL-2. Thus, select genetic aberrations in the apoptotic pathway reveal a cell autonomous coregulation of activation.


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The development of Schwann cells, the myelin-forming glial cells of the vertebrate peripheral nervous system, involves a neonatal phase of proliferation in which cells migrate along and segregate newly formed axons. Withdrawal from the cell cycle, around postnatal days 2-4 in rodents, initiates terminal differentiation to the myelinating state. During this time, Schwann cell number is subject to stringent regulation such that within the first postnatal week, axons and myelinating Schwann cells attain the one-to-one relationship characteristic of the mature nerve. The mechanisms that underly this developmental control remain largely undefined. In this report, we examine the role of apoptosis in the determination of postnatal Schwann cell number. We find that Schwann cells isolated from postnatal day 3 rat sciatic nerve undergo apoptosis in vitro upon serum withdrawal and that Schwann cell death can be prevented by beta forms of neuregulin (NRG-beta) but not by fibroblast growth factor 2 or platelet-derived growth factors AA and BB. This NRG-beta-mediated Schwann cell survival is apparently transduced through an ErbB2/ErbB3 receptor heterodimer. We also provide evidence that postnatal Schwann cells undergo developmentally regulated apoptosis in vivo. Together with other recent findings, these results suggest that Schwann cell apoptosis may play an important role in peripheral nerve development and that Schwann cell survival may be regulated by access to axonally derived NRG.


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Apoptosis of photoreceptors occurs infrequently in adult retina but can be triggered in inherited and environmentally induced retinal degenerations. The protooncogene bcl-2 is known to be a potent regulator of cell survival in neurons. We created lines of transgenic mice overexpressing bcl-2 to test for its ability to increase photoreceptor survival. Bcl-2 increased photoreceptor survival in mice with retinal degeneration caused by a defective opsin or cGMP phosphodiesterase. Overexpression of Bcl-2 in normal photoreceptors also decreased the damaging effects of constant light exposure. Apoptosis was induced in normal photoreceptors by very high levels of bcl-2. We conclude that bcl-2 is an important regulator of photoreceptor cell death in retinal degenerations.


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Ceramide, a product of sphingomyelin turn-over, has been proposed as a novel lipid second messenger with specific roles in mediating antiproliferative responses including apoptosis and cell cycle arrest. In this study, we examine the relationship between the ceramide-mediated pathway of growth suppression and the bcl-2 protooncogene. In ALL-697 leukemia cells, the addition of the chemotherapeutic agent vincristine resulted in a time-dependent growth suppression characterized by marked apoptosis. The effects of vincristine on cell death were preceded by a prolonged and sustained accumulation of endogenous ceramide levels reaching -10.4 pmol ceramide/nmol phospholipids at 12 hr following the addition of vincristine--an increase of 220% over vehicle-treated cells. Overexpression of bcl-2 resulted in near total protection of cell death in response to vincristine. However, the ceramide response to vincristine was not modulated by overexpression of bcl-2, indicating that bcl-2 does not interfere with ceramide formation. Overexpression of bcl-2 prevented apoptosis in response to ceramide, suggesting that bcl-2 acts at a point downstream of ceramide. On the other hand, bcl-2 did not interfere with the ability of ceramide to activate the retinoblastoma gene product or to induce cell cycle arrest, suggesting that the effects of ceramide on cell cycle arrest can be dissociated from the effects on apoptosis. These studies suggest that ceramide and bcl-2 partake in a common pathway of cell regulation. The results also cast ceramide as a gauge of cell injury rather than an "executor" of cell death with clearly dissociable biological outcomes of its action depending on downstream factors.


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The cause for death after lethal heat shock is not well understood. A shift from low to intermediate temperature causes the induction of heat-shock proteins in most organisms. However, except for HSP104, a convincing involvement of heat-shock proteins in the development of stress resistance has not been established in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This paper shows that oxidative stress and antioxidant enzymes play a major role in heat-induced cell death in yeast. Mutants deleted for the antioxidant genes catalase, superoxide dismutase, and cytochrome c peroxidase were more sensitive to the lethal effect of heat than isogenic wild-type cells. Overexpression of catalase and superoxide dismutase genes caused an increase in thermotolerance. Anaerobic conditions caused a 500- to 20,000-fold increase in thermotolerance. The thermotolerance of cells in anaerobic conditions was immediately abolished upon oxygen exposure. HSP104 is not responsible for the increased resistance of anaerobically grown cells. The thermotolerance of anaerobically grown cells is not due to expression of heat-shock proteins. By using an oxidation-dependent fluorescent molecular probe a 2- to 3-fold increase in fluorescence was found upon heating. Thus, we conclude that oxidative stress is involved in heat-induced cell death.


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Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) has been shown to rescue developing motoneurons in vivo and in vitro from both naturally occurring and axotomy-induced cell death. To test whether GDNF has trophic effects on adult motoneurons, we used a mouse model of injury-induced adult motoneuron degeneration. Injuring adult motoneuron axons at the exit point of the nerve from the spinal cord (avulsion) resulted in a 70% loss of motoneurons by 3 weeks following surgery and a complete loss by 6 weeks. Half of the loss was prevented by GDNF treatment. GDNF also induced an increase (hypertrophy) in the size of surviving motoneurons. These data provide strong evidence that the survival of injured adult mammalian motoneurons can be promoted by a known neurotrophic factor, suggesting the potential use of GDNF in therapeutic approaches to adult-onset motoneuron diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.


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We report here that the activation of the interleukin 1 beta (IL-1 beta)-converting enzyme (ICE) family is likely to be one of the crucial events of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) cytotoxicity. The cowpox virus CrmA protein, a member of the serpin superfamily, inhibits the enzymatic activity of ICE and ICE-mediated apoptosis. HeLa cells overexpressing crmA are resistant to apoptosis induced by Ice but not by Ich-1, another member of the Ice/ced-3 family of genes. We found that the CrmA-expressing HeLa cells are resistant to TNF-alpha/cycloheximide (CHX)-induced apoptosis. Induction of apoptosis in HeLa cells by TNF-alpha/CHX is associated with secretion of mature IL-1 beta, suggesting that an IL-1 beta-processing enzyme, most likely ICE itself, is activated by TNF-alpha/CHX stimulation. These results suggest that one or more members of the ICE family sensitive to CrmA inhibition are activated and play a critical role in apoptosis induced by TNF.


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Previous studies have implicated the bcl-2 protooncogene as a potential regulator of neuronal survival. However, mice lacking functional bcl-2 exhibited normal development and maintenance of the central nervous system (CNS). Since bcl-2 appears dispensable for neuronal survival, we have examined the expression and function of bcl-x, another member of the bcl-2 family of death regulatory genes. Bcl-2 is expressed in neuronal tissues during embryonic development but is down-regulated in the adult CNS. In contrast, Bcl-xL expression is retained in neurons of the adult CNS. Two different forms of bcl-x mRNA and their corresponding products, Bcl-xL and Bcl-x beta, were expressed in embryonic and adult neurons of the CNS. Microinjection of bcl-xL and bcl-x beta cDNAs into primary sympathetic neurons inhibited their death induced by nerve growth factor withdrawal. Thus, Bcl-x proteins appear to play an important role in the regulation of neuronal survival in the adult CNS.


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The bcl-2 protooncogene, which protects various cell types from apoptotic cell death, is expressed in the developing and adult nervous system. To explore its role in regulation of neuronal cell death, we generated transgenic mice expressing Bcl-2 under the control of the neuron-specific enolase promoter, which forced expression uniquely in neurons. Sensory neurons isolated from dorsal root ganglia of newborn mice normally require nerve growth factor for their survival in culture, but those from the bcl-2 transgenic mice showed enhanced survival in its absence. Furthermore, apoptotic death of motor neurons after axotomy of the sciatic nerve was inhibited in these mice. The number of neurons in two neuronal populations from the central and peripheral nervous system was increased by 30%, indicating that Bcl-2 expression can protect neurons from cell death during development. The generation of these transgenic mice suggests that Bcl-2 may play an important role in survival of neurons both during development and throughout adult life.


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The mechanisms responsible for cytokine-mediated antiviral effects are not fully understood. We approached this problem by studying the outcome of intraocular herpes simplex (HSV) infection in transgenic mice that express interferon gamma in the photoreceptor cells of the retina. These transgenic mice showed selective survival from lethal HSV-2 infection manifested in both eyes, the optic nerve, and the brain. Although transgenic mice developed greater inflammatory responses to the virus in the eyes, inflammation and viral titers in their brains were equivalent to nontransgenic mice. However, survival of transgenic mice correlated with markedly lower numbers of central neurons undergoing apoptosis. The protooncogene Bcl2 was found to be induced in the HSV-2-infected brains of transgenic mice, allowing us to speculate on its role in fostering neuronal survival in this model. These observations imply a complex interaction between cytokine, virus, and host cellular factors. Our results suggest a cytokine-regulated salvage pathway that allows for survival of infected neurons.


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Endothelial monocyte-activating polypeptide II (EMAP II) is a proinflammatory cytokine and a chemoattractant for monocytes. We show here that, in the mouse embryo, EMAP II mRNA was most abundant at sites of tissue remodeling where many apoptotic cells could be detected by terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase-mediated dUTP end labeling. Removal of dead cells is known to require macrophages, and these were found to colocalize with areas of EMAP II mRNA expression and programmed cell death. In cultured cells, post-translational processing of pro-EMAP II protein to the mature released EMAP II form (23 kDa) occurred coincidentally with apoptosis. Cleavage of pro-EMAP II could be abrogated in cultured cells by using a peptide-based inhibitor, which competes with the ASTD cleavage site of pro-EMAP II. Our results suggest that the coordinate program of cell death includes activation of a caspase-like activity that initiates the processing of a cytokine responsible for macrophage attraction to the sites of apoptosis.


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The DNA fragmentation factor 45 (DFF45) is a subunit of a heterodimeric nuclease complex critical for the induction of DNA fragmentation in vitro. To understand the in vivo role of DFF45 in programmed cell death, we generated DFF45 mutant mice. DNA fragmentation activity is completely abolished in cell extracts from DFF45 mutant tissues. In response to apoptotic stimuli, splenocytes, thymocytes, and granulocytes from DFF45 mutant mice are resistant to DNA fragmentation, and splenocytes and thymocytes are also resistant to chromatin condensation. Nevertheless, development of the immune system in the DFF45 mutant mice is normal. These results demonstrate that DFF45 is critical for the induction of DNA fragmentation and chromatin condensation in vivo, but is not required for normal immune system development.


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Persistent infection with hepatitis B virus (HBV) is a leading cause of human liver disease and is strongly associated with hepatocellular carcinoma, one of the most prevalent forms of human cancer. Apoptosis (programmed cell death) is an important mediator of chronic liver disease caused by HBV infection. It is demonstrated that the HBV HBx protein acutely sensitizes cells to apoptotic killing when expressed during viral replication in cultured cells and in transfected cells independently of other HBV genes. Cells that were resistant to apoptotic killing by high doses of tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα), a cytokine associated with liver damage during HBV infection, were made sensitive to very low doses of TNFα by HBx. HBx induced apoptosis by prolonged stimulation of N-Myc and the stress-mediated mitogen-activated-protein kinase kinase 1 (MEKK1) pathway but not by up-regulating TNF receptors. Cell killing was blocked by inhibiting HBx stimulation of N-Myc or mitogen-activated-protein kinase kinase 1 using dominant-interfering forms or by retargeting HBx from the cytoplasm to the nucleus, which prevents HBx activation of cytoplasmic signal transduction cascades. Treatment of cells with a mitogenic growth factor produced by many virus-induced tumors impaired induction of apoptosis by HBx and TNFα. These results indicate that HBx might be involved in HBV pathogenesis (liver disease) during virus infection and that enhanced apoptotic killing by HBx and TNFα might select for neoplastic hepatocytes that survive by synthesizing mitogenic growth factors.


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The Fas receptor is one of a number of important physiological inducers of programmed cell death (apoptosis). Current models for regulation of this process involve rapid conversion of sphingomyelin to ceramide by cellular sphingomyelinases. Induced changes in cellular levels of such sphingosine-based ceramides are normally extrapolated from measurements of sphingomyelinase activity or following their conversion to ceramide phosphate by treatment of cellular lipid extracts with bacterial diacylglycerol kinase (DAGK). To allow direct study of cellular sphingosine- and sphinganine-based ceramide levels, we developed a mass spectrometric technique capable of determining inducible changes in both overall ceramide levels and species distribution in cellular lipid preparations. Contrary to current models, we detected no changes in cellular ceramide levels up to 2 hr poststimulation of Jurkat T cells with an anti-Fas IgM, although this treatment did induce apoptosis. We also determined in the same system that, when utilizing the DAGK assay, increased phosphorylation of substrates that comigrated with ceramide standards was apparent but that this effect was due to an enhancement of DAGK activity rather than increases in levels of cellular ceramides as substrates per se. Thus, the first direct measurement of ceramides present in cells undergoing apoptosis indicates that, insofar as it can be measured, the induction of apoptosis does not involve the generation of sphingosine-based ceramides, contrary to many published accounts.