139 resultados para Murine Hair-follicles


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Natural killer (NK) cells express C-type lectin-like receptors, encoded in the NK gene complex, that interact with major histocompatibility complex class I and either inhibit or activate functional activity. Human NK cells express heterodimers consisting of CD94 and NKG2 family molecules, whereas murine NK cells express homodimers belonging to the Ly-49 family. The corresponding orthologues for other species, however, have not been described. In this report, we used probes derived from the expressed sequence tag database to clone C57BL/6-derived cDNAs homologous to human NKG2-D and CD94. Among normal tissues, murine NKG2-D and CD94 transcripts are highly expressed only in activated NK cells, including both Ly-49A+ and Ly-49A− subpopulations. Additionally, mNKG2-D is expressed in murine NK cell clones KY-1 and KY-2, whereas mCD94 expression is observed only in KY-1 cells but not KY-2. Last, we have finely mapped the physical location of the Cd94 (centromeric) and Nkg2d (telomeric) genes between Cd69 and the Ly49 cluster in the NK complex. Thus, these data indicate the expanding complexity of the NK complex and the corresponding repertoire of C-type lectin-like receptors on murine NK cells.


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Polyclonal antibodies were produced and purified that selectively react with a p53 epitope containing the murine phosphoserine-389 or the human phosphoserine-392 residue, but not the unphosphorylated epitope. These antibodies, termed alpha-392, were employed to demonstrate that the phosphorylation of this serine-389 residue in the p53 protein occurs in vivo in response to ultraviolet radiation of cells containing the p53 protein. After ultraviolet radiation of cells in culture, p53 levels increase and concomitantly serine-389 is phosphorylated in these cells. By contrast, the serine-389 phosphorylation of the p53 protein was not detected by these antibodies in the increased levels of p53 protein made in response to γ radiation or the treatment of cells with etoposide. These results demonstrate an ultraviolet responsive and specific phosphorylation site at serine-389 of the mouse or serine-392 of the human p53 protein. Previous studies have demonstrated that this phosphorylation of p53 activates the protein for specific DNA binding. This study demonstrates in vivo a unique phosphorylation site in the p53 protein that responds to a specific type of DNA damage.


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Normal mouse marrow cells were stimulated by stem cell factor (SCF) to form dispersed or multicentric blast colonies containing progenitor cells committed to various hematopoietic lineages. Combination of the eosinophil-specific regulator interleukin 5 with SCF increased the frequency of colonies containing eosinophil-committed progenitor cells with multicentric but not dispersed blast colonies. Combination of thrombopoietin with SCF increased the frequency of colonies containing megakaryocyte-committed progenitor cells with both types of blast colony. Neither interleukin 5 nor thrombopoietin significantly altered the number or total cell content of blast colonies or progenitor cell numbers in blast colonies from those stimulated by SCF alone. No correlation was observed between total progenitor cell content and the presence or absence of either eosinophil or megakaryocyte progenitors in either type of blast colony. The data argue against a random process as being responsible for the formation of particular committed progenitor cells or the possibility that lineage-specific regulators merely enhance survival of such committed progenitor cells formed in developing blast colonies.


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Retroviral DNA integration is mediated by the preintegration complex, a large nucleoprotein complex derived from the core of the infecting virion. We previously have used Mu-mediated PCR to probe the nucleoprotein organization of Moloney murine leukemia virus preintegration complexes. A region of protection spans several hundred base pairs at each end of the viral DNA, and strong enhancements are present near the termini. Here, we show that these footprints reflect a specific association between integrase and the viral DNA ends in functional preintegration complexes. Barrier-to-autointegration factor, a cellular protein that blocks autointegration of Moloney murine leukemia virus DNA, also plays an indirect role in generating the footprints at the ends of the viral DNA. We have exploited Mu-mediated PCR to examine the effect of mutations at the viral DNA termini on complex formation. We find that a replication competent mutant with a deletion at one end of the viral DNA still exhibits a strong enhancement about 20 bp from the terminus of the mutant DNA end. The site of the enhancement therefore appears to be at a fixed distance from the ends of the viral DNA. We also find that a mutation at one end of the viral DNA, which renders the virus incompetent for replication, abolishes the enhancements and protection at both the U3 and U5 ends. A pair of functional viral DNA ends therefore are required to interact before the chemical step of 3′ end processing.


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Silencing of chromosomal domains has been described in diverse systems such as position effect variegation in insects, silencing near yeast telomeres, and mammalian X chromosome inactivation. In mammals, silencing is associated with methylation at CpG dinucleotides, but little is known about how methylation patterns are established or altered during development. We previously described a strain-specific modifier locus, Ssm1, that controls the methylation of a complex transgene. In this study we address the questions of the nature of Ssm1’s targets and whether its effect extends into adjacent sequences. By examining the inheritance of methylation patterns in a series of mice harboring deletion derivatives of the original transgene, we have identified a discrete segment, derived from the gpt gene of Escherichia coli, that is a major determinant for Ssm1-mediated methylation. Methylation analysis of sequences adjacent to a transgenic target indicates that the influence of this modifier extends into the surrounding chromosome in a strain-dependent fashion. Implications for the mechanism of Ssm1 action are discussed.


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Amplification of auditory stimuli by hair cells augments the sensitivity of the vertebrate inner ear. Cell-body contractions of outer hair cells are thought to mediate amplification in the mammalian cochlea. In vertebrates that lack these cells, and perhaps in mammals as well, active movements of hair bundles may underlie amplification. We have evaluated a mathematical model in which amplification stems from the activity of mechanoelectrical-transduction channels. The intracellular binding of Ca2+ to channels is posited to promote their closure, which increases the tension in gating springs and exerts a negative force on the hair bundle. By enhancing bundle motion, this force partially compensates for viscous damping by cochlear fluids. Linear stability analysis of a six-state kinetic model reveals Hopf bifurcations for parameter values in the physiological range. These bifurcations signal conditions under which the system’s behavior changes from a damped oscillatory response to spontaneous limit-cycle oscillation. By varying the number of stereocilia in a bundle and the rate constant for Ca2+ binding, we calculate bifurcation frequencies spanning the observed range of auditory sensitivity for a representative receptor organ, the chicken’s cochlea. Simulations using prebifurcation parameter values demonstrate frequency-selective amplification with a striking compressive nonlinearity. Because transduction channels occur universally in hair cells, this active-channel model describes a mechanism of auditory amplification potentially applicable across species and hair-cell types.


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To elucidate the role of thyroid hormone receptors (TRs) α1 and β in the development of hearing, cochlear functions have been investigated in mice lacking TRα1 or TRβ. TRs are ligand-dependent transcription factors expressed in the developing organ of Corti, and loss of TRβ is known to impair hearing in mice and in humans. Here, TRα1-deficient (TRα1−/−) mice are shown to display a normal auditory-evoked brainstem response, indicating that only TRβ, and not TRα1, is essential for hearing. Because cochlear morphology was normal in TRβ−/− mice, we postulated that TRβ regulates functional rather than morphological development of the cochlea. At the onset of hearing, inner hair cells (IHCs) in wild-type mice express a fast-activating potassium conductance, IK,f, that transforms the immature IHC from a regenerative, spiking pacemaker to a high-frequency signal transmitter. Expression of IK,f was significantly retarded in TRβ−/− mice, whereas the development of the endocochlear potential and other cochlear functions, including mechanoelectrical transduction in hair cells, progressed normally. TRα1−/− mice expressed IK,f normally, in accord with their normal auditory-evoked brainstem response. These results establish that the physiological differentiation of IHCs depends on a TRβ-mediated pathway. When defective, this may contribute to deafness in congenital thyroid diseases.


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Elucidation of mechanisms that regulate hematopoietic stem cell self-renewal and differentiation would be facilitated by the identification of defined culture conditions that allow these cells to be amplified. We now demonstrate a significant net increase (3-fold, P < 0.001) in vitro of cells that are individually able to permanently and competitively reconstitute the lymphoid and myeloid systems of syngeneic recipient mice when Sca-1+lin− adult marrow cells are incubated for 10 days in serum-free medium with interleukin 11, flt3-ligand, and Steel factor. Moreover, the culture-derived repopulating cells continued to expand their numbers in the primary hosts at the same rate seen in recipients of noncultured stem cells. In the expansion cultures, long-term culture-initiating cells increased 7- ± 2-fold, myeloid colony-forming cells increased 140- ± 36-fold, and total nucleated cells increased 230- ± 62-fold. Twenty-seven of 100 cultures initiated with 15 Sca-1+lin− marrow cells were found to contain transplantable stem cells 10 days later. This frequency of positive cultures is the same as the frequency of transplantable stem cells in the original input suspension, suggesting that most had undergone at least one self-renewal division in vitro. No expansion of stem cells was seen when Sca-1+TER119− CD34+ day 14.5 fetal liver cells were cultured under the same conditions. These findings set the stage for further investigations of the mechanisms by which cytokine stimulation may elicit different outcomes in mitotically activated hematopoietic stem cells during ontogeny and in the adult.


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Postmitotic hair-cell regeneration in the inner ear of birds provides an opportunity to study the effect of renewed auditory input on auditory perception, vocal production, and vocal learning in a vertebrate. We used behavioral conditioning to test both perception and vocal production in a small Australian parrot, the budgerigar. Results show that both auditory perception and vocal production are disrupted when hair cells are damaged or lost but that these behaviors return to near normal over time. Precision in vocal production completely recovers well before recovery of full auditory function. These results may have particular relevance for understanding the relation between hearing loss and human speech production especially where there is consideration of an auditory prosthetic device. The present results show, at least for a bird, that even limited recovery of auditory input soon after deafening can support full recovery of vocal precision.


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Previous studies have demonstrated hematopoietic stem cell amplification in vitro after the activation of three cell-surface receptors: flt3/flk2, c-kit, and gp130. We now show flt3-ligand and Steel factor alone will stimulate >85% of c-kit+Sca-1+lin− adult mouse bone marrow cells to proliferate in single-cell serum-free cultures, but concomitant retention of their stem cell activity requires additional exposure to a ligand that will activate gp130. Moreover, this response is restricted to a narrow range of gp130-activating ligand concentrations, above and below which hematopoietic stem cell activity is lost. These findings indicate a unique contribution of gp130 signaling to the maintenance of hematopoietic stem cell function when these cells are stimulated to divide with additional differential effects dictated by the intensity of gp130 activation.


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The major murine systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) susceptibility locus Sle1 is syntenic to a chromosomal region linked with SLE susceptibility in multiple human studies. Congenic analyses have shown that Sle1 breaks tolerance to chromatin, a necessary step for full disease induction that can be suppressed by specific modifier loci. In the present study, our fine mapping analysis of the location of Sle1 has determined that three loci within this congenic interval, termed Sle1a, Sle1b, and Sle1c, can independently cause a loss of tolerance to chromatin. Each displays a distinctive profile of serological and cellular characteristics, with T and B cell functions being more affected by Sle1a and Sle1b, respectively. The epistatic interactions of Sle1 with other susceptibility loci to cause severe nephritis cannot be accounted, however, by these three loci alone, suggesting the existence of an additional locus, termed Sle1d. These findings indicate that the potent autoimmune phenotype caused by the Sle1 genomic interval reflects the combined impact of four, separate, susceptibility genes. This level of genetic complexity, combined with similar findings in other systems, supports the possibility that many complex trait loci reflect the impact of polymorphisms in linked clusters of genes with related functions.


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This study demonstrates, by using neutral comet assay and pulsed field gel electrophoresis, that hyperosmotic stress causes DNA damage in the form of double strand breaks (dsb). Different solutes increase the rate of DNA dsb to different degrees at identical strengths of hyperosmolality. Hyperosmolality in the form of elevated NaCl (HNa) is most potent in this regard, whereas hyperosmolality in the form of elevated urea (HU) does not cause DNA dsb. The amount of DNA dsb increases significantly as early as 15 min after the onset of HNa. By using neutral comet and DNA ladder assays, we show that this rapid induction of DNA damage is not attributable to apoptosis. We demonstrate that renal inner medullary cells are able to efficiently repair hyperosmotic DNA damage within 48 h after exposure to hyperosmolality. DNA repair correlates with cell survival and is repressed by 25 μM LY294002, an inhibitor of DNA-activated protein kinases. These results strongly suggest that the hyperosmotic stress resistance of renal inner medullary cells is based not only on adaptations that protect cellular proteins from osmotic damage but, in addition, on adaptations that compensate DNA damage and maintain genomic integrity.