206 resultados para Major histocompatibility complex


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Sequence analysis of peptides naturally presented by major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules has revealed allele-specific motifs in which the peptide length and the residues observed at certain positions are restricted. Nevertheless, peptides containing the standard motif often fail to bind with high affinity or form physiologically stable complexes. Here we present the crystal structure of a well-characterized antigenic peptide from ovalbumin [OVA-8, ovalbumin-(257-264), SIINFEKL] in complex with the murine MHC class I H-2Kb molecule at 2.5-A resolution. Hydrophobic peptide residues Ile-P2 and Phe-P5 are packed closely together into binding pockets B and C, suggesting that the interplay of peptide anchor (P5) and secondary anchor (P2) residues can couple the preferred sequences at these positions. Comparison with the crystal structures of H-2Kb in complex with peptides VSV-8 (RGYVYQGL) and SEV-9 (FAPGNYPAL), where a Tyr residue is used as the C pocket anchor, reveals that the conserved water molecule that binds into the B pocket and mediates hydrogen bonding from the buried anchor hydroxyl group could not be likewise positioned if the P2 side chain were of significant size. Based on this structural evidence, H-2Kb has at least two submotifs: one with Tyr at P5 (or P6 for nonamer peptides) and a small residue at P2 (i.e., Ala or Gly) and another with Phe at P5 and a medium-sized hydrophobic residue at P2 (i.e., Ile). Deciphering of these secondary submotifs from both crystallographic and immunological studies of MHC peptide binding should increase the accuracy of T-cell epitope prediction.


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Cytotoxic T cells recognize mosaic structures consisting of target peptides embedded within self-major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules. This structure has been described in great detail for several peptide-MHC complexes. In contrast, how T-cell receptors recognize peptide-MHC complexes have been less well characterized. We have used a complete set of singly substituted analogs of a mouse MHC class I, Kk-restricted peptide, influenza hemagglutinin (Ha)255-262, to address the binding specificity of this MHC molecule. Using the same peptide-MHC complexes we determined the fine specificity of two Ha255-262-specific, Kk-restricted T cells, and of a unique antibody, pSAN, specific for the same peptide-MHC complex. Independently, a model of the Ha255-262-Kk complex was generated through homology modeling and molecular mechanics refinement. The functional data and the model corroborated each other showing that peptide residues 1, 3, 4, 6, and 7 were exposed on the MHC surface and recognized by the T cells. Thus, the majority, and perhaps all, of the side chains of the non-primary anchor residues may be available for T-cell recognition, and contribute to the stringent specificity of T cells. A striking similarity between the specificity of the T cells and that of the pSAN antibody was found and most of the peptide residues, which could be recognized by the T cells, could also be recognized by the antibody.


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We used stepwise photochemical cross-linking for specifically assembling soluble and covalent complexes made of a T-cell antigen receptor (TCR) and a class I molecule of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) bound to an antigenic peptide. For that purpose, we have produced in myeloma cells a single-chain Fv construct of a TCR specific for a photoreactive H-2Kd-peptide complex. Photochemical cross-linking of this TCR single-chain Fv with a soluble form of the photoreactive H-2Kd-peptide ligand resulted in the formation of a ternary covalent complex. We have characterized the soluble ternary complex and showed that it reacted with antibodies specific for epitopes located either on the native TCR or on the Kd molecules. By preventing the fast dissociation kinetics observed with most T cell receptors, this approach provides a means of preparing soluble TCR-peptide-MHC complexes on large-scale levels.


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Antigen presentation to CD4+ T lymphocytes requires transport of newly synthesized major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules to the endocytic pathway, where peptide loading occurs. This step is mediated by a signal located in the cytoplasmic tail of the MHC class II-associated Ii chain, which directs the MHC class II-Ii complexes from the trans-Golgi network (TGN) to endosomes. The subcellular machinery responsible for the specific targeting of MHC class II molecules to the endocytic pathway, as well as the first compartments these molecules enter after exit from the TGN, remain unclear. We have designed an original experimental approach to selectively analyze this step of MHC class II transport. Newly synthesized MHC class II molecules were caused to accumulate in the Golgi apparatus and TGN by incubating the cells at 19°C, and early endosomes were functionally inactivated by in vivo cross-linking of transferrin (Tf) receptor–containing endosomes using Tf-HRP complexes and the HRP-insoluble substrate diaminobenzidine. Inactivation of Tf-containing endosomes caused a marked delay in Ii chain degradation, peptide loading, and MHC class II transport to the cell surface. Thus, early endosomes appear to be required for delivery of MHC class II molecules to the endocytic pathway. Under cross-linking conditions, most αβIi complexes accumulated in tubules and vesicles devoid of γ-adaptin and/or mannose-6-phosphate receptor, suggesting an AP1-independent pathway for the delivery of newly synthesized MHC class II molecules from the TGN to endosomes.


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Cell-mediated immune responses are essential for protection against many intracellular pathogens. For Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB), protection requires the activity of T cells that recognize antigens presented in the context of both major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II and I molecules. Since MHC class I presentation generally requires antigen to be localized to the cytoplasmic compartment of antigen-presenting cells, it remains unclear how pathogens that reside primarily within endocytic vesicles of infected macrophages, such as MTB, can elicit specific MHC class I-restricted T cells. A mechanism is described for virulent MTB that allows soluble antigens ordinarily unable to enter the cytoplasm, such as ovalbumin, to be presented through the MHC class I pathway to T cells. The mechanism is selective for MHC class I presentation, since MTB infection inhibited MHC class II presentation of ovalbumin. The MHC class I presentation requires the tubercle bacilli to be viable, and it is dependent upon the transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP), which translocates antigenic peptides from the cytoplasm into the endoplasmic reticulum. The process is mimicked by Listeria monocytogenes and soluble listeriolysin, a pore-forming hemolysin derived from it, suggesting that virulent MTB may have evolved a comparable mechanism that allows molecules in a vacuolar compartment to enter the cytoplasmic presentation pathway for the generation of protective MHC class I-restricted T cells.


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The experiments presented in this report were designed to specifically examine the role of CD4–major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II interactions during T cell development in vivo. We have generated transgenic mice expressing class II molecules that cannot interact with CD4 but that are otherwise competent to present peptides to the T cell receptor. MHC class II expression was reconstituted in Aβ gene knock-out mice by injection of a transgenic construct encoding either the wild-type I-Aβb protein or a construct encoding a mutation designed to specifically disrupt binding to the CD4 molecule. We demonstrate that the mutation, EA137 and VA142 in the β2 domain of I-Ab, is sufficient to disrupt CD4–MHC class II interactions in vivo. Furthermore, we show that this interaction is critical for the efficient selection of a complete repertoire of mature CD4+ T helper cells as evidenced by drastically reduced numbers of conventional CD4+ T cells in animals expressing the EA137/VA142 mutant I-Ab and by the failure to positively select the transgenic AND T cell receptor on the mutated I-Ab. These results underscore the importance of the CD4–class II interaction in the development of mature peripheral CD4+ T cells.


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Natural killer (NK) cells express C-type lectin-like receptors, encoded in the NK gene complex, that interact with major histocompatibility complex class I and either inhibit or activate functional activity. Human NK cells express heterodimers consisting of CD94 and NKG2 family molecules, whereas murine NK cells express homodimers belonging to the Ly-49 family. The corresponding orthologues for other species, however, have not been described. In this report, we used probes derived from the expressed sequence tag database to clone C57BL/6-derived cDNAs homologous to human NKG2-D and CD94. Among normal tissues, murine NKG2-D and CD94 transcripts are highly expressed only in activated NK cells, including both Ly-49A+ and Ly-49A− subpopulations. Additionally, mNKG2-D is expressed in murine NK cell clones KY-1 and KY-2, whereas mCD94 expression is observed only in KY-1 cells but not KY-2. Last, we have finely mapped the physical location of the Cd94 (centromeric) and Nkg2d (telomeric) genes between Cd69 and the Ly49 cluster in the NK complex. Thus, these data indicate the expanding complexity of the NK complex and the corresponding repertoire of C-type lectin-like receptors on murine NK cells.


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Several unanswered questions in T cell immunobiology relating to intracellular processing or in vivo antigen presentation could be approached if convenient, specific, and sensitive reagents were available for detecting the peptide–major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I or class II ligands recognized by αβ T cell receptors. For this reason, we have developed a method using homogeneously loaded peptide–MHC class II complexes to generate and select specific mAb reactive with these structures using hen egg lysozyme (HEL) and I-Ak as a model system. mAbs specific for either HEL-(46–61)–Ak or HEL-(116–129)–Ak have been isolated. They cross-react with a small subset of I-Ak molecules loaded with self peptides but can nonetheless be used for flow cytometry, immunoprecipitation, Western blotting, and intracellular immunofluorescence to detect specific HEL peptide–MHC class II complexes formed by either peptide exposure or natural processing of native HEL. An example of the utility of these reagents is provided herein by using one of the anti-HEL-(46–61)–Ak specific mAbs to visualize intracellular compartments where I-Ak is loaded with HEL-derived peptides early after antigen administration. Other uses, especially for in vivo tracking of specific ligand-bearing antigen-presenting cells, are discussed.


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The class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC) glycoprotein HLA-B27 binds short peptides containing arginine at peptide position 2 (P2). The HLA-B27/peptide complex is recognized by T cells both as part of the development of the repertoire of T cells in the cellular immune system and during activation of cytotoxic T cells. Based on the three-dimensional structure of HLA-B27, we have synthesized a ligand with an aziridine-containing side chain designed to mimic arginine and to bind covalently in the arginine-specific P2 pocket of HLA-B27. Using tryptic digestion followed by mass spectrometry and amino acid sequencing, the aziridine-containing ligand is shown to alkylate specifically cysteine 67 of HLA-B27. Neither free cysteine in solution nor an exposed cysteine on a class II MHC molecule can be alkylated, showing that specific recognition between the anchor side-chain pocket of an MHC class I protein and the designed ligand (propinquity) is necessary to induce the selective covalent reaction with the MHC class I molecule.


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Initial studies suggested that major histocompatibility complex class I-restricted viral epitopes could be predicted by the presence of particular residues termed anchors. However, recent studies showed that nonanchor positions of the epitopes are also significant for class I binding and recognition by cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs). We investigated if changing nonanchor amino acids could increase class I affinity, complex stability, and T-cell recognition of a natural viral epitope. This concept was tested by using the HLA-A 0201-restricted human immunodeficiency virus type 1 epitope from reverse transcriptase (pol). Position 1 (P1) amino acid substitutions were emphasized because P1 alterations may not alter the T-cell receptor interaction. The peptide with the P1 substitution of tyrosine for isoleucine (I1Y) showed a binding affinity for HLA-A 0201 similar to that of the wild-type pol peptide in a cell lysate assembly assay. Surprisingly, I1Y significantly increased the HLA-A 0201-peptide complex stability at the cell surface. I1Y sensitized HLA-A 0201-expressing target cells for wild-type pol-specific CTL lysis as well as wild-type pol. Peripheral blood lymphocytes from three HLA-A2 HIV-seropositive individuals were stimulated in vitro with I1Y and wild-type pol. I1Y stimulated a higher wild-type pol-specific CTL response than wild-type pol in all three donors. Thus, I1Y may be an "improved" epitope for use as a CTL-based human immunodeficiency virus vaccine component. The design of improved epitopes has important ramifications for prophylaxis and therapeutic vaccine development.


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Vaccinia virus (VV) produces two antigenically and structurally distinct infectious virions, intracellular mature virus (IMV) and extracellular enveloped virus (EEV). Here we have investigated the resistance of EEV and IMV to neutralization by complement in the absence of immune antibodies. When EEV is challenged with complement from the same species as the cells used to grow the virus, EEV is resistant to neutralization by complement, whereas IMV is not. EEV resistance was not a result of EEV protein B5R, despite its similarity to proteins of the regulators of complement activation (RCA) family, or to any of the other EEV proteins tested (A34R, A36R, and A56R gene products). EEV was sensitive to complement when the virus was grown in one species and challenged with complement from a different species, suggesting that complement resistance might be mediated by host RCA incorporated into the EEV outer envelope. This hypothesis was confirmed by several observations: (i) immunoblot analysis revealed that cellular membrane proteins CD46, CD55, CD59, CD71, CD81, and major histocompatibility complex class I antigen were detected in purified EEV but not IMV; (ii) immunoelectron microscopy revealed cellular RCA on the surface of EEV retained on the cell surface; and (iii) EEV derived from rat cells expressing the human RCA CD55 or CD55 and CD59 were more resistant to human complement than EEV derived from control rat cells that expressed neither CD55 nor CD59. These data justify further analysis of the roles of these (and possible other) cellular proteins in EEV biology.


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P-glycoprotein (MDR-1) is a well-known transporter that mediates efflux of chemotherapeutic agents from the intracellular milieu and thereby contributes to drug resistance. MDR-1 also is expressed by nonmalignant cells, including leukocytes, but physiologic functions for MDR-1 are poorly defined. Using an initial screening assay that included >100 mAbs, we observed that neutralizing mAbs MRK16, UIC2, and 4E3 against MDR-1 specifically and potently blocked basal-to-apical transendothelial migration of mononuclear phagocytes, a process that may mimic their migration into lymphatic vessels. Antagonists of MDR-1 then were used in a model of authentic lymphatic clearance. In this model, antigen-presenting dendritic cells (DC) migrate out of explants of cultured human skin and into the culture medium via dermal lymphatic vessels. DC and T cells derived from skin expressed MDR-1 on their surfaces. Addition of anti-MDR-1 mAbs MRK16, UIC2, or the MDR-1 antagonist verapamil to skin explants at the onset of culture inhibited the appearance of DC, and accompanying T cells, in the culture medium by approximately 70%. Isotype-matched control mAbs against other DC molecules including CD18, CD31, and major histocompatibility complex I did not block. In the presence of MDR-1 antagonists, epidermal DC were retained in the epidermis, in contrast to control conditions. In summary, this work identifies a physiologic function for MDR-1 during the mobilization of DC and begins to elucidate how these critical antigen-presenting cells migrate from the periphery to lymph nodes to initiate T lymphocyte-mediated immunity.


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In filamentous fungi, het loci (for heterokaryon incompatibility) are believed to regulate self/nonself-recognition during vegetative growth. As filamentous fungi grow, hyphal fusion occurs within an individual colony to form a network. Hyphal fusion can occur also between different individuals to form a heterokaryon, in which genetically distinct nuclei occupy a common cytoplasm. However, heterokaryotic cells are viable only if the individuals involved have identical alleles at all het loci. One het locus, het-c, has been characterized at the molecular level in Neurospora crassa and encodes a glycine-rich protein. In an effort to understand the role of this locus in filamentous fungi, we chose to study its evolution by analyzing het-c sequence variability in species within Neurospora and related genera. We determined that the het-c locus was polymorphic in a field population of N. crassa with close to equal frequency of each of the three allelic types. Different species and even genera within the Sordariaceae shared het-c polymorphisms, indicating that these polymorphisms originated in an ancestral species. Finally, an analysis of the het-c specificity region shows a high occurrence of nonsynonymous substitution. The persistence of allelic lineages, the nearly equal allelic distribution within populations, and the high frequency of nonsynonymous substitutions in the het-c specificity region suggest that balancing selection has operated to maintain allelic diversity at het-c. Het-c shares this particular evolutionary characteristic of departing from neutrality with other self/nonself-recognition systems such as major histocompatibility complex loci in mammals and the S (self-incompatibility) locus in angiosperms.


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The 436-amino acid protein enolase 1 from yeast was degraded in vitro by purified wild-type and mutant yeast 20S proteasome particles. Analysis of the cleavage products at different times revealed a processive degradation mechanism and a length distribution of fragments ranging from 3 to 25 amino acids with an average length of 7 to 8 amino acids. Surprisingly, the average fragment length was very similar between wild-type and mutant 20S proteasomes with reduced numbers of active sites. This implies that the fragment length is not influenced by the distance between the active sites, as previously postulated. A detailed analysis of the cleavages also allowed the identification of certain amino acid characteristics in positions flanking the cleavage site that guide the selection of the P1 residues by the three active β subunits. Because yeast and mammalian proteasomes are highly homologous, similar cleavage motifs might be used by mammalian proteasomes. Therefore, our data provide a basis for predicting proteasomal degradation products from which peptides are sampled by major histocompatibility complex class I molecules for presentation to cytotoxic T cells.


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Processing of antigens for presentation by major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules requires the activity of the proteasome. The 20S proteasome complex is composed of 14 different subunits, 2 of which can be substituted by the interferon γ (IFN-γ)-inducible and MHC-encoded subunits LMP2 and LMP7 (low molecular mass poylpeptides 2 and 7). A third subunit, MECL-1, is inducible by IFN-γ but is encoded outside the MHC. Here we show by cotransfection experiments that the incorporation of MECL-1 into the 20S proteasome is directly dependent on the expression of LMP2 but independent of LMP7. Conversely, the uptake of LMP2 is strongly enhanced by MECL-1 expression. The expression of MECL-1 caused a replacement of the homologous subunit Z in the 20S proteasome complex. LMP2 is required for MECL-1 incorporation at the level of proteasome precursor formation that guarantees the concerted incorporation of two IFN-γ-inducible proteasome subunits encoded inside and outside the MHC. The obligatory coincorporation of MECL-1 and LMP2 is an important parameter for the interpretation of results obtained with LMP2-deficient cell lines and mice as well as for the design of experiments addressing the function of MECL-1 in antigen presentation.