183 resultados para Heavy-chain Gene


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An early stage in thymocyte development, after rearrangement of the β chain genes of the T cell receptor (TCR), involves expression of the pre-TCR complex and accompanying differentiation of CD4−CD8− double negative (DN) cells to CD4+CD8+ double positive (DP) cells. The ZAP-70 and Syk tyrosine kinases each contain two N-terminal SH2 domains that bind phosphorylated motifs in antigen receptor subunits and are implicated in pre-T receptor signaling. However, mice deficient in either ZAP-70 or Syk have no defect in the formation of DP thymocytes. Here we show that, in mice lacking both Syk and ZAP-70, DN thymocytes undergo β chain gene rearrangement but fail to initiate clonal expansion and are incapable of differentiating into DP cells after expression of the pre-TCR. These data suggest that the ZAP-70 and Syk tyrosine kinases have crucial but overlapping functions in signaling from the pre-TCR and hence in early thymocyte development.


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Members of the myc family of nuclear protooncogenes play roles in cell proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis. Moreover, inappropriate expression of c-myc genes contributes to the development of many types of cancers, including B cell lymphomas in humans. Although Myc proteins have been shown to function as transcription factors, their immediate effects on the cell have not been well defined. Here we have utilized a murine model of lymphomagenesis (Eμ-myc mice) to show that constitutive expression of a c-myc transgene under control of the Ig heavy-chain enhancer (Eμ) results in an increase in cell size of normal pretransformed B lymphocytes at all stages of B cell development. Furthermore, we show that c-Myc-induced growth occurs independently of cell cycle phase and correlates with an increase in protein synthesis. These results suggest that Myc may normally function by coordinating expression of growth-related genes in response to mitogenic signals. Deregulated c-myc expression may predispose to cancer by enhancing cell growth to levels required for unrestrained cell division.


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The oncogene p3k, coding for a constitutively active form of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase; EC, strongly enhances myogenic differentiation in cultures of chicken-embryo myoblasts. It increases the size of the myotubes and induces elevated levels of the muscle-specific proteins MyoD, myosin heavy chain, creatine kinase, and desmin. Inhibition of PI 3-kinase activity with LY294002 or with dominant-negative mutants of PI 3-kinase interferes with myogenic differentiation and with the induction of muscle-specific genes. PI 3-kinase is therefore an upstream mediator for the expression of the muscle-specific genes and is both necessary and rate-limiting for the process of myogenesis.


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Mutations in a number of cardiac sarcomeric protein genes cause hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). Previous findings indicate that HCM-causing mutations associated with a truncated cardiac troponin T (TnT) and missense mutations in the β-myosin heavy chain share abnormalities in common, acting as dominant negative alleles that impair contractile performance. In contrast, Lin et al. [Lin, D., Bobkova, A., Homsher, E. & Tobacman, L. S. (1996) J. Clin. Invest. 97, 2842–2848] characterized a TnT point mutation (Ile79Asn) and concluded that it might lead to hypercontractility and, thus, potentially a different mechanism for HCM pathogenesis. In this study, three HCM-causing cardiac TnT mutations (Ile79Asn, Arg92Gln, and ΔGlu160) were studied in a myotube expression system. Functional studies of wild-type and mutant transfected myotubes revealed that all three mutants decreased the calcium sensitivity of force production and that the two missense mutations (Ile79Asn and Arg92Gln) increased the unloaded shortening velocity nearly 2-fold. The data demonstrate that TnT can alter the rate of myosin cross-bridge detachment, and thus the troponin complex plays a greater role in modulating muscle contractile performance than was recognized previously. Furthermore, these data suggest that these TnT mutations may cause disease via an increased energetic load on the heart. This would represent a second paradigm for HCM pathogenesis.


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The several hundred members of the eukaryotic protein kinase superfamily characterized to date share a similar catalytic domain structure, consisting of 12 conserved subdomains. Here we report the existence and wide occurrence in eukaryotes of a protein kinase with a completely different structure. We cloned and sequenced the human, mouse, rat, and Caenorhabditis elegans eukaryotic elongation factor-2 kinase (eEF-2 kinase) and found that with the exception of the ATP-binding site, they do not contain any sequence motifs characteristic of the eukaryotic protein kinase superfamily. Comparison of different eEF-2 kinase sequences reveals a highly conserved region of ≈200 amino acids which was found to be homologous to the catalytic domain of the recently described myosin heavy chain kinase A (MHCK A) from Dictyostelium. This suggests that eEF-2 kinase and MHCK A are members of a new class of protein kinases with a novel catalytic domain structure.


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Myosin II generates force for the division of eukaryotic cells. The molecular basis of the spatial and temporal localization of myosin II to the cleavage furrow is unknown, although models often imply that interaction between myosin II and actin filaments is essential. We examined the localization of a chimeric protein that consists of the green fluorescent protein fused to the N terminus of truncated myosin II heavy chain in Dictyostelium cells. This chimera is missing the myosin II motor domain, and it does not bind actin filaments. Surprisingly, it still localizes to the cleavage furrow region during cytokinesis. These results indicate that myosin II localization during cytokinesis occurs through a mechanism that does not require it to be the force-generating element or to interact with actin filaments directly.


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HOX11, a divergent homeodomain-containing transcription factor, was isolated from the breakpoint of the nonrandom t(10;14)(q24;q11) chromosome translocation found in human T cell acute lymphoblastic leukemias. The translocation places the HOX11 coding sequence under the transcriptional control of TCR α/δ regulatory elements, resulting in ectopic expression of a normal HOX11 protein in thymocytes. To investigate the oncogenic potential of HOX11, we targeted its expression in lymphocytes of transgenic mice by placing the human cellular DNA under the transcriptional control of Ig heavy chain or LCK regulatory sequences. Only IgHμ-HOX11 mice expressing low levels of HOX11 were viable. During their second year of life, all HOX11 transgenic mice became terminally ill with more than 75% developing large cell lymphomas in the spleen, which frequently disseminated to thymus, lymph nodes, and other nonhematopoietic tissues. Lymphoma cells were predominantly clonal IgM+IgD+ mature B cells. Repopulation of severe combined immunodeficient mice with cells from hyperplastic spleens indicated that the HOX11 tumor phenotype was transplantable. Before tumor development, expression of the transgene did not result in perturbations in lymphopoiesis; however, lymphoid hyperplasia involving the splenic marginal zones was present in 20% of spleens. Our studies provide direct evidence that expression of HOX11 in lymphocytes leads to malignant transformation. These mice are a useful model system to study mechanisms involved in transformation from B-lineage hyperplasia to malignant lymphoma and for testing novel approaches to therapy. They represent a novel animal model for non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma of peripheral mature B cell origin.


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The class I myosins play important roles in controlling many different types of actin-based cell movements. Dictyostelium cells either lacking or overexpressing amoeboid myosin Is have significant defects in cortical activities such as pseudopod extension, cell migration, and macropinocytosis. The existence of Dictyostelium null mutants with strong phenotypic defects permits complementation analysis as a means of exploring important functional features of the myosin I heavy chain. Mutant Dictyostelium cells lacking two myosin Is exhibit profound defects in growth, endocytosis, and rearrangement of F-actin. Expression of the full-length myoB heavy chain in these cells fully rescues the double mutant defects. However, mutant forms of the myoB heavy chain in which a serine at the consensus phosphorylation site has been altered to an alanine or in which the C-terminal SH3 domain has been removed fail to complement the null phenotype. The wild-type and mutant forms of the myoB heavy chain appeared to be properly localized when they were expressed in the myosin I null mutants. These results suggest that the amoeboid myosin I consensus phosphorylation site and SH3 domains do not play a role in the localization of myosin I, but are absolutely required for in vivo function.


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To investigate myosin II function in cell movement within a cell mass, we imaged green fluorescent protein-myosin heavy chain (GFP-MHC) cells moving within the tight mound of Dictyostelium discoideum. In the posterior cortex of cells undergoing rotational motion around the center of the mound, GFP-MHC cyclically formed a “C,” which converted to a spot as the cell retracted its rear. Consistent with an important role for myosin in rotation, cells failed to rotate when they lacked the myosin II heavy chain (MHC−) or when they contained predominantly monomeric myosin II (3xAsp). In cells lacking the myosin II regulatory light chain (RLC−), rotation was impaired and eventually ceased. These rotational defects reflect a mechanical problem in the 3xAsp and RLC− cells, because these mutants exhibited proper rotational guidance cues. MHC− cells exhibited disorganized and erratic rotational guidance cues, suggesting a requirement for the MHC in organizing these signals. However, the MHC− cells also exhibited mechanical defects in rotation, because they still moved aberrantly when seeded into wild-type mounds with proper rotational guidance cues. The mechanical defects in rotation may be mediated by the C-to-spot, because RLC− cells exhibited a defective C-to-spot, including a slower C-to-spot transition, consistent with this mutant’s slower rotational velocity.


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Previously, we identified the heavy chain of ferritin as a developmentally regulated nuclear protein of embryonic chicken corneal epithelial cells. The nuclear ferritin is assembled into a supramolecular form indistinguishable from the cytoplasmic form of ferritin found in other cell types and thus most likely has iron-sequestering capabilities. Free iron, via the Fenton reaction, is known to exacerbate UV-induced and other oxidative damage to cellular components, including DNA. Since corneal epithelial cells are constantly exposed to UV light, we hypothesized that the nuclear ferritin might protect the DNA of these cells from free radical damage. To test this possibility, primary cultures of cells from corneal epithelium and stroma, and from skin epithelium and stroma, were UV irradiated, and DNA strand breaks were detected by an in situ 3′-end labeling method. Corneal epithelial cells without nuclear ferritin were also examined. We observed that the corneal epithelial cells with nuclear ferritin had significantly less DNA breakage than other cell types examined. Furthermore, increasing the iron concentration of the culture medium exacerbated the generation of UV-induced DNA strand breaks in corneal and skin fibroblasts, but not in the corneal epithelial cells. Most convincingly, corneal epithelial cells in which the expression of nuclear ferritin was inhibited became much more susceptible to UV-induced DNA damage. Therefore, it seems that corneal epithelial cells have evolved a novel, nuclear ferritin-based mechanism for protecting their DNA against UV damage.


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Several changes in cell morphology take place during the capping of surface receptors in Entamoeba histolytica. The amoebae develop the uroid, an appendage formed by membrane invaginations, which accumulates ligand–receptor complexes resulting from the capping process. Membrane shedding is particularly active in the uroid region and leads to the elimination of accumulated ligands. This appendage has been postulated to participate in parasitic defense mechanisms against the host immune response, because it eliminates complement and specific antibodies bound to the amoeba surface. The involvement of myosin II in the capping process of surface receptors has been suggested by experiments showing that drugs that affect myosin II heavy-chain phosphorylation prevent this activity. To understand the role of this mechanoenzyme in surface receptor capping, a myosin II dominant negative strain was constructed. This mutant is the first genetically engineered cytoskeleton-deficient strain of E. histolytica. It was obtained by overexpressing the light meromyosin domain, which is essential for myosin II filament formation. E. histolytica overexpressing light meromyosin domain displayed a myosin II null phenotype characterized by abnormal movement, failure to form the uroid, and failure to undergo the capping process after treatment with concanavalin A. In addition, the amoebic cytotoxic capacities of the transfectants on human colon cells was dramatically reduced, indicating a role for cytoskeleton in parasite pathogenicity.


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The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in animal cells uses microtubule motor proteins to adopt and maintain its extended, reticular organization. Although the orientation of microtubules in many somatic cell types predicts that the ER should move toward microtubule plus ends, motor-dependent ER motility reconstituted in extracts of Xenopus laevis eggs is exclusively a minus end-directed, cytoplasmic dynein-driven process. We have used Xenopus egg, embryo, and somatic Xenopus tissue culture cell (XTC) extracts to study ER motility during embryonic development in Xenopus by video-enhanced differential interference contrast microscopy. Our results demonstrate that cytoplasmic dynein is the sole motor for microtubule-based ER motility throughout the early stages of development (up to at least the fifth embryonic interphase). When egg-derived ER membranes were incubated in somatic XTC cytosol, however, ER tubules moved in both directions along microtubules. Data from directionality assays suggest that plus end-directed ER tubule extensions contribute ∼19% of the total microtubule-based ER motility under these conditions. In XTC extracts, the rate of ER tubule extensions toward microtubule plus ends is lower (∼0.4 μm/s) than minus end-directed motility (∼1.3 μm/s), and plus end-directed motility is eliminated by a function-blocking anti-conventional kinesin heavy chain antibody (SUK4). In addition, we provide evidence that the initiation of plus end-directed ER motility in somatic cytosol is likely to occur via activation of membrane-associated kinesin.


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Purified Golgi membranes were mixed with cytosol and microtubules (MTs) and observed by video enhanced light microscopy. Initially, the membranes appeared as vesicles that moved along MTs. As time progressed, vesicles formed aggregates from which membrane tubules emerged, traveled along MTs, and eventually generated extensive reticular networks. Membrane motility required ATP, occurred mainly toward MT plus ends, and was inhibited almost completely by the H1 monoclonal antibody to kinesin heavy chain, 5′-adenylylimidodiphosphate, and 100 μM but not 20 μM vanadate. Motility was also blocked by GTPγS or AlF4− but was insensitive to AlCl3, NaF, staurosporin, or okadaic acid. The targets for GTPγS and AlF4− were evidently of cytosolic origin, did not include kinesin or MTs, and were insensitive to several probes for trimeric G proteins. Transport of Golgi membranes along MTs mediated by a kinesin has thus been reconstituted in vitro. The motility is regulated by one or more cytosolic GTPases but not by protein kinases or phosphatases that are inhibited by staurosporin or okadaic acid, respectively. The pertinent GTPases are likely to be small G proteins or possibly dynamin. The in vitro motility may correspond to Golgi-to-ER or Golgi-to-cell surface transport in vivo.


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Clathrin-associated adaptor protein (AP) complexes are major structural components of clathrin-coated vesicles, functioning in clathrin coat assembly and cargo selection. We have carried out a systematic biochemical and genetic characterization of AP complexes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Using coimmunoprecipitation, the subunit composition of two complexes, AP-1 and AP-2R, has been defined. These results allow assignment of the 13 potential AP subunits encoded in the yeast genome to three AP complexes. As assessed by in vitro binding assays and coimmunoprecipitation, only AP-1 interacts with clathrin. Individual or combined disruption of AP-1 subunit genes in cells expressing a temperature-sensitive clathrin heavy chain results in accentuated growth and α-factor pheromone maturation defects, providing further evidence that AP-1 is a clathrin adaptor complex. However, in cells expressing wild-type clathrin, the same AP subunit deletions have no effect on growth or α-factor maturation. Furthermore, gel filtration chromatography revealed normal elution patterns of clathrin-coated vesicles in cells lacking AP-1. Similarly, combined deletion of genes encoding the β subunits of the three AP complexes did not produce defects in clathrin-dependent sorting in the endocytic and vacuolar pathways or alterations in gel filtration profiles of clathrin-coated vesicles. We conclude that AP complexes are dispensable for clathrin function in S. cerevisiae under normal conditions. Our results suggest that alternative factors assume key roles in stimulating clathrin coat assembly and cargo selection during clathrin-mediated vesicle formation in yeast.


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In axons, organelles move away from (anterograde) and toward (retrograde) the cell body along microtubules. Previous studies have provided compelling evidence that conventional kinesin is a major motor for anterograde fast axonal transport. It is reasonable to expect that cytoplasmic dynein is a fast retrograde motor, but relatively few tests of dynein function have been reported with neurons of intact organisms. In extruded axoplasm, antibody disruption of kinesin or the dynactin complex (a dynein activator) inhibits both retrograde and anterograde transport. We have tested the functions of the cytoplasmic dynein heavy chain (cDhc64C) and the p150Glued (Glued) component of the dynactin complex with the use of genetic techniques in Drosophila. cDhc64C and Glued mutations disrupt fast organelle transport in both directions. The mutant phenotypes, larval posterior paralysis and axonal swellings filled with retrograde and anterograde cargoes, were similar to those caused by kinesin mutations. Why do specific disruptions of unidirectional motor systems cause bidirectional defects? Direct protein interactions of kinesin with dynein heavy chain and p150Glued were not detected. However, strong dominant genetic interactions between kinesin, dynein, and dynactin complex mutations in axonal transport were observed. The genetic interactions between kinesin and either Glued or cDhc64C mutations were stronger than those between Glued and cDhc64C mutations themselves. The shared bidirectional disruption phenotypes and the dominant genetic interactions demonstrate that cytoplasmic dynein, the dynactin complex, and conventional kinesin are interdependent in fast axonal transport.