85 resultados para HLA-DRB1 Chains


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Polyethylene chains in the amorphous region between two crystalline lamellae M unit apart are modeled as random walks with one-step memory on a cubic lattice between two absorbing boundaries. These walks avoid the two preceding steps, though they are not true self-avoiding walks. Systems of difference equations are introduced to calculate the statistics of the restricted random walks. They yield that the fraction of loops is (2M - 2)/(2M + 1), the fraction of ties 3/(2M + 1), the average length of loops 2M - 0.5, the average length of ties 2/3M2 + 2/3M - 4/3, the average length of walks equals 3M - 3, the variance of the loop length 16/15M3 + O(M2), the variance of the tie length 28/45M4 + O(M3), and the variance of the walk length 2M3 + O(M2).


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The question of whether proteins originate from random sequences of amino acids is addressed. A statistical analysis is performed in terms of blocked and random walk values formed by binary hydrophobic assignments of the amino acids along the protein chains. Theoretical expectations of these variables from random distributions of hydrophobicities are compared with those obtained from functional proteins. The results, which are based upon proteins in the SWISS-PROT data base, convincingly show that the amino acid sequences in proteins differ from what is expected from random sequences in a statistically significant way. By performing Fourier transforms on the random walks, one obtains additional evidence for nonrandomness of the distributions. We have also analyzed results from a synthetic model containing only two amino acid types, hydrophobic and hydrophilic. With reasonable criteria on good folding properties in terms of thermodynamical and kinetic behavior, sequences that fold well are isolated. Performing the same statistical analysis on the sequences that fold well indicates similar deviations from randomness as for the functional proteins. The deviations from randomness can be interpreted as originating from anticorrelations in terms of an Ising spin model for the hydrophobicities. Our results, which differ from some previous investigations using other methods, might have impact on how permissive with respect to sequence specificity protein folding process is-only sequences with nonrandom hydrophobicity distributions fold well. Other distributions give rise to energy landscapes with poor folding properties and hence did not survive the evolution.


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The nonclassical major histocompatibility complex class II molecule HLA-DM (DM) has recently been shown to play a central role in the class II-associated antigen presentation pathway: DM releases invariant chain-derived CLIP peptides (class II-associated invariant chain protein peptide) from HLA-DR (DR) molecules and thereby facilitates loading with antigenic peptides. Some observations have led to the suggestion that DM acts in a catalytic manner, but so far direct proof is missing. Here, we investigated in vitro the kinetics of exchange of endogenously bound CLIP for various peptides on DR1 and DR2a molecules: we found that in the presence of DM the peptide loading process follows Michaelis-Menten kinetics with turnover numbers of 3-12 DR molecules per minute per DM molecule, and with KM values of 500-1000 nM. In addition, surface plasmon resonance measurements showed that DM interacts efficiently with DR-CLIP complexes but only weakly with DR-peptide complexes isolated from DM-positive cells. Taken together, our data provide evidence that DM functions as an enzyme-like catalyst of peptide exchange and favors the generation of long-lived DR-peptide complexes that are no longer substrates for DM.


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Position 57 in the beta chain of HLA class II molecules maintains an Asp/non-Asp dimorphism that has been conserved through evolution and is implicated in susceptibility to some autoimmune diseases. The latter effect may be due to the influence of this residue on the ability of class II alleles to bind specific pathogenic peptides. We utilized highly homologous pairs of both DR and DQ alleles that varied at residue 57 to investigate the impact of this dimorphism on binding of model peptides. Using a direct binding assay of biotinylated peptides on whole cells expressing the desired alleles, we report several peptides that bind differentially to the allele pairs depending on the presence or absence of Asp at position 57. Peptides with negatively charged residues at anchor position 9 bind well to alleles not containing Asp at position 57 in the beta chain but cannot bind well to homologous Asp-positive alleles. By changing the peptides at the single residue predicted to interact with this position 57, we demonstrate a drastically altered or reversed pattern of binding. Ala analog peptides confirm these interactions and identify a limited set of interaction sites between the bound peptides and the class II molecules. Clarification of the impact of specific class II polymorphisms on generating unique allele-specific peptide binding "repertoires" will aid in our understanding of the development of specific immune responses and HLA-associated diseases.


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Since ribosomally mediated protein biosynthesis is confined to the L-amino acid pool, the presence of D-amino acids in peptides was considered for many years to be restricted to proteins of prokaryotic origin. Unicellular microorganisms have been responsible for the generation of a host of D-amino acid-containing peptide antibiotics (gramicidin, actinomycin, bacitracin, polymyxins). Recently, a series of mu and delta opioid receptor agonists [dermorphins and deltorphins] and neuroactive tetrapeptides containing a D-amino acid residue have been isolated from amphibian (frog) skin and mollusks. Amino acid sequences obtained from the cDNA libraries coincide with the observed dermorphin and deltorphin sequences, suggesting a stereospecific posttranslational amino acid isomerization of unknown mechanism. A cofactor-independent serine isomerase found in the venom of the Agelenopsis aperta spider provides the first major clue to explain how multicellular organisms are capable of incorporating single D-amino acid residues into these and other eukaryotic peptides. The enzyme is capable of isomerizing serine, cysteine, O-methylserine, and alanine residues in the middle of peptide chains, thereby providing a biochemical capability that, until now, had not been observed. Both D- and L-amino acid residues are susceptible to isomerization. The substrates share a common Leu-Xaa-Phe-Ala recognition site. Early in the reaction sequence, solvent-derived deuterium resides solely with the epimerized product (not substrate) in isomerizations carried out in 2H2O. Significant deuterium isotope effects are obtained in these reactions in addition to isomerizations of isotopically labeled substrates (2H at the epimerizeable serine alpha-carbon atom). The combined kinetic and structural data suggests a two-base mechanism in which abstraction of a proton from one face is concomitant with delivery from the opposite face by the conjugate acid of the second enzymic base.


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Correct folding of newly synthesized proteins is proposed to be assisted by molecular chaperones and folding catalysts. To identify cellular factors involved in the initial stages of this process we searched for proteins associated with nascent polypeptide chains. In an Escherichia coli transcription/translation system synthesizing beta-galactosidase we identified a 58-kDa protein which associated with translating ribosomes but dissociated from these ribosomes upon release of nascent beta-galactosidase. N-terminal sequencing identified it as trigger factor, previously implicated in protein secretion. Direct evidence for association of trigger factor with nascent polypeptide chains was obtained by crosslinking. In a wheat germ translation system complemented with E. coli lysates, epsilon-4-(3-trifluoromethyldiazirino)benzoic acid-lysine residues were incorporated into nascent secretory preprolactin and a nonsecretory preprolactin mutant. Trigger factor crosslinked to both types of nascent chains, provided they were ribosome bound. Trigger factor contains key residues of the substrate-binding pocket of FK506-binding protein-type peptidyl-prolyl-cis/trans-isomerases and has prolyl isomerase activity in vitro. We propose that trigger factor is a folding catalyst acting cotranslationally.


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The peptide-binding motif of HLA-A29, the predisposing allele for birdshot retinopathy, was determined after acid-elution of endogenous peptides from purified HLA-A29 molecules. Individual and pooled HPLC fractions were sequenced by Edman degradation. Major anchor residues could be defined as glutamate at the second position of the peptide and as tyrosine at the carboxyl terminus. In vitro binding of polyglycine synthetic peptides to purified HLA-A29 molecules also revealed the need for an auxiliary anchor residue at the third position, preferably phenylalanine. By using this motif, we synthesized six peptides from the retinal soluble antigen, a candidate autoantigen in autoimmune uveoretinitis. Their in vitro binding was tested on HLA-A29 and also on HLA-B44 and HLA-B61, two alleles sharing close peptide-binding motifs. Two peptides derived from the carboxyl-terminal sequence of the human retinal soluble antigen bound efficiently to HLA-A29. This study could contribute to the prediction of T-cell epitopes from retinal autoantigens implicated in birdshot retinopathy.


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Natural killer (NK) cells express clonally distributed receptors for different groups of HLA class I alleles. The Z27 monoclonal antibody described in this study recognizes a p70 receptor specific for HLA-B alleles belonging to the Bw4 supertypic specificity. Single amino acid substitutions in the peptide-binding groove of HLA-B2705 molecules influenced the recognition by some, but not all, p7O/Z27+ clones. This suggests the existence of a limited polymorphism within the p7O family of receptors. The pattern of reactivity of monoclonal antibody Z27 revealed that Bw4-specific receptors may be expressed alone or in combination with different (GL183 and/or EB6) p58 molecules. Analysis of NK clones coexpressing p58 and p7O receptors allowed us to demonstrate that the two molecules represent physically and functionally independent receptors. The expression of p7O molecules either alone or in combination with EB6 molecules provided the molecular basis for understanding the cytolytic pattern of two previously defined groups of "alloreactive" NK cell clones ("group 3" and "group 5").


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Natural mixing processes modeled by Markov chains often show a sharp cutoff in their convergence to long-time behavior. This paper presents problems where the cutoff can be proved (card shuffling, the Ehrenfests' urn). It shows that chains with polynomial growth (drunkard's walk) do not show cutoffs. The best general understanding of such cutoffs (high multiplicity of second eigenvalues due to symmetry) is explored. Examples are given where the symmetry is broken but the cutoff phenomenon persists.


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Ubiquitin conjugation is a signal for degradation of eukaryotic proteins by the 26S protease. Conjugation of a homopolymeric multiubiquitin chain to a substrate lysine residue results in 10-fold faster degradation than does conjugation of monoubiquitin, but the molecular basis of enhanced targeting by chains is unknown. We show that ubiquitin residues L8, I44, and V70 are critical for targeting. Mutation of pairs of these residues to alanine had little effect on attachment of ubiquitin to substrates but severely inhibited degradation of the resulting conjugates. The same mutations blocked the binding of chains to a specific subunit (S5a) of the regulatory complex of the 26S protease. The side chains implicated in this binding--L8, I44, and V70--form repeating patches on the chain surface. Thus, hydrophobic interactions between these patches and S5a apparently contribute to enhanced proteolytic targeting by multiubiquitin chains.


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HLA-G is a nonclassical class I major histocompatibility complex molecule with a restricted pattern of expression that includes the placental extravillus cytotrophoblast cells in direct contact with maternal tissues. Circumstantial evidence suggests that HLA-G may play a role in protection of the semiallogeneic human fetus. We examined whether HLA-G is expressed during the critical period of preimplantation human development and whether expression of this molecule could be correlated with the cleavage rate of embryos. Using reverse transcription PCR on surplus human embryos and unfertilized oocytes from patients undergoing in vitro fertilization we detected HLA-G heavy chain mRNA in 40% of 148 of blastocysts tested. The presence of HLA-G mRNA was also detected in unfertilized oocytes and in early embryos, but not in control cumulus oophorus cells. beta 2-Microglobulin mRNA was also found in those embryos expressing HLA-G. In concordance with our mRNA data, a similar proportion of embryos stained positive for HLA-G utilizing a specific monoclonal antibody. Interestingly, expression of HLA-G mRNA was associated with an increased cleavage rate, as compared to embryos lacking HLA-G transcript. Thus, HLA-G could be a functional homologue of the mouse Qa-2 antigen, which has been implicated in differences in the rate of preimplantation embryo development. To our knowledge, the presence of HLA-G mRNA and protein in human preimplantation embryos and oocytes has not been reported previously. The correlation of HLA-G mRNA expression with cleavage rate suggests that this molecule may play an important role in human pre-embryo development.


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We have synthesized a recombinant gene encoding a single-chain HLA-A2/beta 2-microglobulin (beta 2m) molecule by linking beta 2m through its carboxyl terminus via a short peptide spacer to HLA-A2 (A*0201). This gene has been expressed in the beta 2m-deficient colorectal tumor cell line DLD-1. Transfection of this cell with the single-chain construct was associated with conformationally correct cell surface expression of a class I molecule of appropriate molecular mass. The single-chain HLA class I molecule presented either exogenously added peptide or (after interferon-gamma treatment) endogenously processed antigen to an influenza A matrix-specific, HLA-A2-restricted cytotoxic T-lymphocyte line. The need for interferon gamma for the processing and presentation of endogenous antigen suggests that DLD-1 has an antigen-processing defect that can be up-regulated, a feature that may be found in other carcinomas. Our data indicate that single-chain HLA class I constructs can form functional class I molecules capable of presenting endogenously processed antigens. Such molecules should be of use for functional studies, as well as providing potential anticancer immunotherapeutic agents or vaccines.


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Several di- and tripeptides containing protected purine (adenine) and pyrimidine (thymine) residues on their side chains were synthesized. The parent amino acids alpha, alpha-dialkylated in a symmetrical manner. An effective coupling procedure was developed for these sterically hindered amino acids: the fluoren-9-ylmethyloxycarbonyl-protected amino acid was dehydrated to its oxazolinone form, which was coupled in good yields with amino esters in hot tetrachloroethane.


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Mutational studies indicate that the superantigen staphylococcal enterotoxin A (SEA) has two separate binding sites for major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules. Direct evidence is provided here for the formation of SEA-MHC class II trimers in solution. Isoelectric focusing separated SEA-HLA-DR1 complexes into both dimers and HLA-DR1.SEA2 trimers. The molar ratio of components was determined by dual isotope labeling. The SEA mutant SEA-F47S, L48S, Y92A, which is deficient in MHC class II alpha-chain binding, formed only dimers with HLA-DR1, whereas a second SEA mutant, SEA-H225A, which lacks high-affinity MHC class II beta-chain binding was incapable of forming any complexes. Thus SEA binding to its MHC receptor is a two-step process involving initial beta-chain binding followed by cooperative binding of a second SEA molecule to the class II alpha chain.


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Human T-cell-mediated autoimmune diseases are genetically linked to particular alleles of MHC class II genes. Susceptibility to pemphigus vulgaris (PV), an autoimmune disease of the skin, is linked to a rare subtype of HLA-DR4 (DRB1*0402, 1 of 22 known DR4 subtypes). The PV-linked DR4 subtype differs from a rheumatoid arthritis-associated DR4 subtype (DRB1*0404) only at three residues (DR beta 67, 70, and 71). The disease is caused by autoantibodies against desmoglein 3 (DG), and T cells are thought to trigger the autoantibody production against this keratinocyte adhesion molecule. Based on the DRB1*0402 binding motif, seven candidate peptides of the DG autoantigen were identified. T cells from four PV patients with active disease responded to one of these DG peptides (residues 190-204); two patients also responded to DG-(206-220). T-cell clones specific for DG-(190-204) secreted high levels of interleukins 4 and 10, indicating that they may be important in triggering the production of DG-specific autoantibodies. The DG-(190-204) peptide was presented by the disease-linked DRB1*0402 molecule but not by other DR4 subtypes. Site-directed mutagenesis of DRB1*0402 demonstrated that selective presentation of DG-(190-204), which carries a positive charge at the P4 position, was due to the negatively charged residues of the P4 pocket (DR beta 70 and 71). DR beta 71 has a negative charge in DRB1*0402 but a positive charge in other DR4 subtypes, including the DR4 subtypes linked to rheumatoid arthritis. The charge of the P4 pocket in the DR4 peptide binding site therefore appears to be a critical determinant of MHC-linked susceptibility to PV and rheumatoid arthritis.