194 resultados para Green Fluorescent Protein


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Human deoxyribonucleoside kinases are required for the pharmacological activity of several clinically important anticancer and antiviral nucleoside analogs. Human deoxycytidine kinase and thymidine kinase 1 are described as cytosolic enzymes in the literature, whereas human deoxyguanosine kinase and thymidine kinase 2 are believed to be located in the mitochondria. We expressed the four human deoxyribonucleoside kinases as fusion proteins with the green fluorescent protein to study their intracellular locations in vivo. Our data showed that the human deoxycytidine kinase is located in the cell nucleus and the human deoxyguanosine kinase is located in the mitochondria. The fusion proteins between green fluorescent protein and thymidine kinases 1 and 2 were both predominantly located in the cytosol. Site-directed mutagenesis of a putative nuclear targeting signal, identified in the primary structure of deoxycytidine kinase, completely abolished nuclear import of the protein. Reconstitution of a deoxycytidine kinase-deficient cell line with the wild-type nuclear or the mutant cytosolic enzymes both restored sensitivity toward anticancer nucleoside analogs. This paper reports that a deoxyribonucleoside kinase is located in the cell nucleus and we discuss the implications for deoxyribonucleotide synthesis and phosphorylation of nucleoside analogs.


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The ability to use a vital cell marker to study mouse embryogenesis will open new avenues of experimental research. Recently, the use of transgenic mice, containing multiple copies of the jellyfish gene encoding the green fluorescent protein (GFP), has begun to realize this potential. Here, we show that the fluorescent signals produced by single-copy, targeted GFP in-frame fusions with two different murine Hox genes, Hoxa1 and Hoxc13, are readily detectable by using confocal microscopy. Since Hoxa1 is expressed early and Hoxc13 is expressed late in mouse embryogenesis, this study shows that single-copy GFP gene fusions can be used through most of mouse embryogenesis. Previously, targeted lacZ gene fusions have been very useful for analyzing mouse mutants. Use of GFP gene fusions extends the benefits of targeted lacZ gene fusions by providing the additional utility of a vital marker. Our analysis of the Hoxc13GFPneo embryos reveals GFP expression in each of the sites expected from analysis of Hoxc13lacZneo embryos. Similarly, Hoxa1GFPneo expression was detected in all of the sites predicted from RNA in situ analysis. GFP expression in the foregut pocket of Hoxa1GFPneo embryos suggests a role for Hoxa1 in foregut-mediated differentiation of the cardiogenic mesoderm.


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Gene silencing is an important but little understood regulatory mechanism in plants. Here we report that a viral sequence, initially identified as a mediator of synergistic viral disease, acts to suppress the establishment of both transgene-induced and virus-induced posttranscriptional gene silencing. The viral suppressor of silencing comprises the 5′-proximal region of the tobacco etch potyviral genomic RNA encoding P1, helper component-proteinase (HC-Pro) and a small part of P3, and is termed the P1/HC-Pro sequence. A reversal of silencing assay was used to assess the effect of the P1/HC-Pro sequence on transgenic tobacco plants (line T4) that are posttranscriptionally silenced for the uidA reporter gene. Silencing was lifted in offspring of T4 crosses with four independent transgenic lines expressing P1/HC-Pro, but not in offspring of control crosses. Viral vectors were used to assess the effect of P1/HC-Pro expression on virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS). The ability of a potato virus X vector expressing green fluorescent protein to induce silencing of a green fluorescent protein transgene was eliminated or greatly reduced when P1/HC-Pro was expressed from the same vector or from coinfecting potato virus X vectors. Expression of the HC-Pro coding sequence alone was sufficient to suppress virus-induced gene silencing, and the HC-Pro protein product was required for the suppression. This discovery points to the role of gene silencing as a natural antiviral defense system in plants and offers different approaches to elucidate the molecular basis of gene silencing.


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The function of dendritic spines, postsynaptic sites of excitatory input in the mammalian central nervous system (CNS), is still not well understood. Although changes in spine morphology may mediate synaptic plasticity, the extent of basal spine motility and its regulation and function remains controversial. We investigated spine motility in three principal neurons of the mouse CNS: cerebellar Purkinje cells, and cortical and hippocampal pyramidal neurons. Motility was assayed with time-lapse imaging by using two-photon microscopy of green fluorescent protein-labeled neurons in acute and cultured slices. In all three cell types, dendritic protrusions (filopodia and spines) were highly dynamic, exhibiting a diversity of morphological rearrangements over short (<1-min) time courses. The incidence of spine motility declined during postnatal maturation, but dynamic changes were still apparent in many spines in late-postnatal neurons. Although blockade or induction of neuronal activity did not affect spine motility, disruption of actin polymerization did. We hypothesize that this basal motility of dendritic protrusions is intrinsic to the neuron and underlies the heightened plasticity found in developing CNS.


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BRCA2 mutations predispose carriers mainly to breast cancer. The vast majority of BRCA2 mutations are predicted to result in a truncated protein product. The smallest known cancer-associated deletion removes from the C terminus only 224 of the 3,418 residues constituting BRCA2, suggesting that these terminal amino acids are crucial for BRCA2 function. A series of green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged BRCA2 deletion mutants revealed that nuclear localization depends on two nuclear localization signals that reside within the final 156 residues of BRCA2. Consistent with this observation, an endogenous truncated BRCA2 mutant (6174delT) was found to be cytoplasmic. Together, these studies provide a simple explanation for why the vast majority of BRCA2 mutants are nonfunctional: they do not translocate into the nucleus.


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Antigen-specific effector T cells are prerequisite to immune protection, but because of the lack of effector cell-specific markers, their generation and differentiation has been difficult to study. We report that effector cells are highly enriched in a T cell subset that can be specifically identified in transgenic (T-GFP) mice expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) under control of the murine CD4 promoter and proximal enhancer. Consistent with previous studies of these transcriptional control elements, GFP was strongly and specifically expressed in nearly all resting and short-term activated CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. However, when T-GFP mice were challenged with vaccinia virus, allogeneic tumor cells, or staphylococcal enterotoxin A, the cytotoxic and IFN-γ-producing T cells lost GFP expression. Upon T cell receptor (TCR) ligation by αCD3, sorted GFP+ cells fluxed calcium and proliferated vigorously. In contrast, GFP− effector cells showed a diminished calcium flux and did not proliferate. Instead, they underwent apoptosis unless supplied with exogenous IL-2. By reverse transcription–PCR analysis, the GFP− cells up-regulated the pro-apoptotic molecule, Fas-L, and down-regulated gene expression of the proximal TCR signaling molecule, CD3ζ, and c-jun, a component of the AP-1 transcription factor. Thus, differential regulation of TCR signaling may explain the divergent responses of naïve and effector T cells to antigen stimulation.


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Class I MHC protein primarily presents endogenous antigen but also may present exogenous antigen. Here, we investigated the intracellular pathway of spontaneously internalized class I MHC protein by confocal microscopy. β2-microglobulin (β2m), labeled with a single fluorophore, was exchanged at the surface of B cell transfectants to specifically mark cell surface and endocytosed class I MHC protein. Intracellular β2m colocalized with fluorophore-conjugated transferrin, implying that class I MHC protein endocytosed into early endosomes. These endosomes containing fluorescent β2m were found close to or within the Golgi apparatus, marked by fluorescent ceramide. Even after 24 hr of incubation, very little fluorescent β2m was found in intracellular organelles stained by DiOC6, marking the endoplasmic reticulum, or fluorophore-conjugated low density lipoprotein, marking late endosomes and lysosomes. Fluorophore-conjugated superantigens (staphylococcal enterotoxin A and B), presumed to enter cells bound to class II MHC protein, also were found to endocytose into β2m-containing early endosomes. Staining with mAb and use of transfectants expressing MHC protein attached to green fluorescent protein confirmed the presence of intracellular compartments rich in both class I and II MHC protein and demonstrated that class I and II MHC protein also colocalize in discrete microdomains at the cell surface. These cell surface microdomains also contained transferrin receptor and often were juxtaposed to cholesterol-rich lipid rafts. Thus, class I and II MHC protein meet in microdomains of the plasma membrane and endocytose into early endosomes, where both may acquire and present exogenous antigen.


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The α9 acetylcholine receptor (α9 AChR) is specifically expressed in hair cells of the inner ear and is believed to be involved in synaptic transmission between efferent nerves and hair cells. Using a recently developed method, we modified a bacterial artificial chromosome containing the mouse α9 AChR gene with a reporter gene encoding green fluorescent protein (GFP) to generate transgenic mice. GFP expression in transgenic mice recapitulated the known temporal and spatial expression of α9 AChR. However, we observed previously unidentified dynamic changes in α9 AChR expression in cochlear and vestibular sensory epithelia during neonatal development. In the cochlea, inner hair cells persistently expressed high levels of α9 AChR in both the apical and middle turns, whereas both outer and inner hair cells displayed dynamic changes of α9 AChR expression in the basal turn. In the utricle, we observed high levels of α9 AChR expression in the striolar region during early neonatal development and high levels of α9 AChR in the extrastriolar region in adult mice. Further, simultaneous visualization of efferent innervation and α9 AChR expression showed that dynamic expression of α9 AChR in developing hair cells was independent of efferent contacts. We propose that α9 AChR expression in developing auditory and vestibular sensory epithelia correlates with maturation of hair cells and is hair-cell autonomous.


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In transgenic and nontransgenic plants, viruses are both initiators and targets of a defense mechanism that is similar to posttranscriptional gene silencing (PTGS). Recently, it was found that potyviruses and cucumoviruses encode pathogenicity determinants that suppress this defense mechanism. Here, we test diverse virus types for the ability to suppress PTGS. Nicotiana benthamiana exhibiting PTGS of a green fluorescent protein transgene were infected with a range of unrelated viruses and various potato virus X vectors producing viral pathogenicity factors. Upon infection, suppression of PTGS was assessed in planta through reactivation of green fluorescence and confirmed by molecular analysis. These experiments led to the identification of three suppressors of PTGS and showed that suppression of PTGS is widely used as a counter-defense strategy by DNA and RNA viruses. However, the spatial pattern and degree of suppression varied extensively between viruses. At one extreme, there are viruses that suppress in all tissues of all infected leaves, whereas others are able to suppress only in the veins of new emerging leaves. This variation existed even between closely related members of the potexvirus group. Collectively, these results suggest that virus-encoded suppressors of gene silencing have distinct modes of action, are targeted against distinct components of the host gene-silencing machinery, and that there is dynamic evolution of the host and viral components associated with the gene-silencing mechanism.


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Adult Xenopus laevis frogs made transgenic by restriction enzyme-mediated integration were bred to test the feasibility of establishing lines of frogs that express transgenes. All of the 19 animals raised to sexual maturity generated progeny that expressed the transgene(s). The patterns and levels of expression of green fluorescent protein transgenes driven by a viral promoter, rat promoter, and four X. laevis promoters were all unaffected by passage through the germ line. These results demonstrate the ease of establishing transgenic lines in X. laevis.


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Shortly after the synthesis of the two cells required for sporulation in Bacillus subtilis, the membranes of the larger mother cell begin to migrate around and engulf the smaller forespore cell. At the completion of this process the leading edges of the migrating membrane meet and fuse, releasing the forespore into the mother cell cytoplasm. We developed a fluorescent membrane stain-based assay for this membrane fusion event, and we isolated mutants defective in the final stages of engulfment or membrane fusion. All had defects in spoIIIE, which is required for translocation of the forespore chromosome across the polar septum. We isolated one spoIIIE mutant severely defective in chromosome translocation, but not in membrane fusion; this mutation disrupts the ATP/GTP-binding site of SpoIIIE, suggesting that ATP binding and hydrolysis are required for DNA translocation but not for the late engulfment function of SpoIIIE. We also correlated relocalization of SpoIIIE-green fluorescent protein from the sporulation septum to the forespore pole with the completion of membrane fusion and engulfment. We suggest that SpoIIIE is required for the final steps of engulfment and that it may regulate or catalyze membrane fusion events.


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Neuropeptides are slowly released from a limited pool of secretory vesicles. Despite decades of research, the composition of this pool has remained unknown. Endocrine cell studies support the hypothesis that a population of docked vesicles supports the first minutes of hormone release. However, it has been proposed that mobile cytoplasmic vesicles dominate the releasable neuropeptide pool. Here, to determine the cellular basis of the releasable pool, single green fluorescent protein-labeled secretory vesicles were visualized in neuronal growth cones with the use of an inducible construct or total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy. We report that vesicle movement follows the diffusion equation. Furthermore, rapidly moving secretory vesicles are used more efficiently than stationary vesicles near the plasma membrane to support stimulated release. Thus, randomly moving cytoplasmic vesicles participate in the first minutes of neuropeptide release. Importantly, the preferential recruitment of diffusing cytoplasmic secretory vesicles contributes to the characteristic slow kinetics and limited extent of sustained neuropeptide release.


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Cytochrome P450 2C2 is a resident endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane protein that is excluded from the recycling pathway and contains redundant retention functions in its N-terminal transmembrane signal/anchor sequence and its large, cytoplasmic domain. Unlike some ER resident proteins, cytochrome P450 2C2 does not contain any known retention/retrieval signals. One hypothesis to explain exclusion of resident ER proteins from the transport pathway is the formation of networks by interaction with other proteins that immobilize the proteins and are incompatible with packaging into the transport vesicles. To determine the mobility of cytochrome P450 in the ER membrane, chimeric proteins of either cytochrome P450 2C2, its catalytic domain, or the cytochrome P450 2C1 N-terminal signal/anchor sequence fused to green fluorescent protein (GFP) were expressed in transiently transfected COS1 cells. The laurate hydroxylase activities of cytochrome P450 2C2 or the catalytic domain with GFP fused to the C terminus were similar to the native enzyme. The mobilities of the proteins in the membrane were determined by recovery of fluorescence after photobleaching. Diffusion coefficients for all P450 chimeras were similar, ranging from 2.6 to 6.2 × 10−10 cm2/s. A coefficient only slightly larger (7.1 × 10−10 cm2/s) was determined for a GFP chimera that contained a C-terminal dilysine ER retention signal and entered the recycling pathway. These data indicate that exclusion of cytochrome P450 from the recycling pathway is not mediated by immobilization in large protein complexes.


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Design of hydroxyproline (Hyp)-rich glycoproteins (HRGPs) offers an approach for the structural and functional analysis of these wall components, which are broadly implicated in plant growth and development. HRGPs consist of multiple small repetitive “glycomodules” extensively O-glycosylated through the Hyp residues. The patterns of Hyp-O-glycosylation are putatively coded by the primary sequence as described by the Hyp contiguity hypothesis, which predicts contiguous Hyp residues to be attachment sites of small arabinooligosaccharides (1–5 Ara residues/Hyp); while clustered, noncontiguous Hyp residues are sites of arabinogalactan polysaccharide attachment. As a test, we designed two simple HRGPs as fusion proteins with green fluorescent protein. The first was a repetitive Ser-Hyp motif that encoded only clustered noncontiguous Hyp residues, predicted polysaccharide addition sites. The resulting glycoprotein had arabinogalactan polysaccharide O-linked to all Hyp residues. The second construct, based on the consensus sequence of a gum arabic HRGP, contained both arabinogalactan and arabinooligosaccharide addition sites and, as predicted, gave a product that contained both saccharide types. These results identify an O-glycosylation code of plants.


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Plant closteroviruses encode a homolog of the HSP70 (heat shock protein, 70 kDa) family of cellular proteins. To facilitate studies of the function of HSP70 homolog (HSP70h) in viral infection, the beet yellows closterovirus (BYV) was modified to express green fluorescent protein. This tagged virus was competent in cell-to-cell movement, producing multicellular infection foci similar to those formed by the wild-type BYV. Inactivation of the HSP70h gene by replacement of the start codon or by deletion of 493 codons resulted in complete arrest of BYV translocation from cell to cell. Identical movement-deficient phenotypes were observed in BYV variants possessing HSP70h that lacked the computer-predicted ATPase domain or the C-terminal domain, or that harbored point mutations in the putative catalytic site of the ATPase. These results demonstrate that the virus-specific member of the HSP70 family of molecular chaperones functions in intercellular translocation and represents an additional type of a plant viral-movement protein.