234 resultados para GTP-Binding Proteins


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Ran/TC4 is an essential, nuclear GTPase implicated in the initiation of DNA replication, entry into and exit from mitosis, and in nuclear RNA and protein transport through the nuclear pore complex. This diversity of functions suggests that Ran interacts with a large number of down-stream targets. Using an overlay assay, we detected a family of putative target proteins that associate with GTP-bound Ran. The sequence of only one such protein, HTF9a/RanBP1, is known. We have now cloned two additional Ran-binding proteins, allowing identification of a distinctive, highly conserved sequence motif of approximately 150 residues. This motif represents a minimal Ran-binding domain that stabilizes the GTP-bound state of Ran. The isolated domain also functions as a coactivator of Ran-GTPase-activating protein. Mutation of a conserved residue within the Ran-binding domain of HTF9a protein drastically reduced Ran binding. Ran-binding proteins coimmunoprecipitated with epitope-tagged Ran from cell lysates, suggesting that these proteins may associate in vivo. A previously uncharacterized Caenorhabditis elegans gene could encode a protein (96 kDa) possessing two Ran-binding domains. This open reading frame also contains similarities to nucleoporins, suggesting a functional link between Ran and nuclear pore complexes.


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CREB-binding proteins (CBP) and p300 are essential transcriptional coactivators for a large number of regulated DNA-binding transcription factors, including CREB, nuclear receptors, and STATs. CBP and p300 function in part by mediating the assembly of multiprotein complexes that contain additional cofactors such as p300/CBP interacting protein (p/CIP), a member of the p160/SRC family of coactivators, and the p300/CBP associated factor p/CAF. In addition to serving as molecular scaffolds, CBP and p300 each possess intrinsic acetyltransferase activities that are required for their function as coactivators. Here we report that the adenovirus E1A protein inhibits the acetyltransferase activity of CBP on binding to the C/H3 domain, whereas binding of CREB, or a CREB/E1A fusion protein to the KIX domain, fails to inhibit CBP acetyltransferase activity. Surprisingly, p/CIP can either inhibit or stimulate CBP acetyltransferase activity depending on the specific substrate evaluated and the functional domains present in the p/CIP protein. While the CBP interaction domain of p/CIP inhibits acetylation of histones H3, H4, or high mobility group by CBP, it enhances acetylation of other substrates, such as Pit-1. These observations suggest that the acetyltransferase activities of CBP/p300 and p/CAF can be differentially modulated by factors binding to distinct regions of CBP/p300. Because these interactions are likely to result in differential effects on the coactivator functions of CBP/p300 for different classes of transcription factors, regulation of CBP/p300 acetyltransferase activity may represent a mechanism for integration of diverse signaling pathways.


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Yeast cells mutated in YRB2, which encodes a nuclear protein with similarity to other Ran-binding proteins, fail to export nuclear export signal (NES)-containing proteins including HIV Rev out of the nucleus. Unlike Xpo1p/Crm1p/exportin, an NES receptor, Yrb2p does not shuttle between the nucleus and the cytoplasm but instead remains inside the nucleus. However, by both biochemical and genetic criteria, Yrb2p interacts with Xpo1p and not with other members of the importin/karyopherin β superfamily. Moreover, the Yrb2p region containing nucleoporin-like FG repeats is important for NES-mediated protein export. Taken together, these data suggest that Yrb2p acts inside the nucleus to mediate the action of Xpo1p in at least one of several nuclear export pathways.


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We have cloned a cDNA and gene from the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta, which is related to the vertebrate cellular retinoic acid binding proteins (CRABPs). CRABPs are members of the superfamily of lipid binding proteins (LBPs) and are thought to mediate the effects of retinoic acid (RA) on morphogenesis, differentiation, and homeostasis. This discovery of a Manduca sexta CRABP (msCRABP) demonstrates the presence of a CRABP in invertebrates. Compared with bovine/murine CRABP I, the deduced amino acid sequence of msCRABP is 71% homologous overall and 88% homologous for the ligand binding pocket. The genomic organization of msCRABP is conserved with other CRABP family members and the larger LBP superfamily. Importantly, the promoter region contains a motif that resembles an RA response element characteristic of the promoter region of most CRABPs analyzed. Three-dimensional molecular modeling based on postulated structural homology with bovine/murine CRABP I shows msCRABP has a ligand binding pocket that can accommodate RA. The existence of an invertebrate CRABP has significant evolutionary implications, suggesting CRABPs appeared during the evolution of the LBP superfamily well before vertebrate/invertebrate divergence, instead of much later in evolution in selected vertebrates.


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It has been widely reported that the small GTP-binding protein Rap1 has an anti-Ras and anti-mitogenic activity. Thus, it is generally accepted that a normal physiological role of Rap1 proteins is to antagonize Ras mitogenic signals, presumably by forming nonproductive complexes with proteins that are typically effectors or modulators of Ras. Rap1 is activated by signals that raise intracellular levels of cAMP, a molecule that has long been known to exert both inhibitory and stimulatory effects on cell growth. We have now tested the intriguing hypothesis that Rap1 could have mitogenic effects in systems in which cAMP stimulates cell proliferation. The result of experiments addressing this possibility revealed that Rap1 has full oncogenic potential. Expression of Rap1 in these cells results in a decreased doubling time, an increased saturation density, and an unusual anchorage-dependent morphological transformation. Most significantly, however, Rap1-expressing cells formed tumors when injected into nude mice. Thus, we propose that the view that holds Rap1 as an antimitogenic protein should be restricted and conclude that Rap1 is a conditional oncoprotein.


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Fatty acid binding proteins (FABPs) exhibit a β-barrel topology, comprising 10 antiparallel β-sheets capped by two short α-helical segments. Previous studies suggested that fatty acid transfer from several FABPs occurs during interaction between the protein and the acceptor membrane, and that the helical domain of the FABPs plays an important role in this process. In this study, we employed a helix-less variant of intestinal FABP (IFABP-HL) and examined the rate and mechanism of transfer of fluorescent anthroyloxy fatty acids (AOFA) from this protein to model membranes in comparison to the wild type (wIFABP). In marked contrast to wIFABP, IFABP-HL does not show significant modification of the AOFA transfer rate as a function of either the concentration or the composition of the acceptor membranes. These results suggest that the transfer of fatty acids from IFABP-HL occurs by an aqueous diffusion-mediated process, i.e., in the absence of the helical domain, effective collisional transfer of fatty acids to membranes does not occur. Binding of wIFABP and IFABP-HL to membranes was directly analyzed by using a cytochrome c competition assay, and it was shown that IFABP-HL was 80% less efficient in preventing cytochrome c from binding to membranes than the native IFABP. Collectively, these results indicate that the α-helical region of IFABP is involved in membrane interactions and thus plays a critical role in the collisional mechanism of fatty acid transfer from IFABP to phospholipid membranes.


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We have identified and molecularly characterized a human protein with a Mr of 40,880 Da. After UV irradiation of HeLa cells, this protein was cross-linked to poly(A)-containing mRNA and was therefore designated mrnp 41 (for mRNA binding protein of 41 kDa). Cell fractionation and immunoblotting showed mrnp 41 in both the cytoplasm and the nucleus and particularly in the nuclear envelope. Immunofluorescence microscopy localized mrnp 41 to distinct foci in the nucleoplasm, to the nuclear rim, and to meshwork-like structures throughout the cytoplasm. The cytoplasmic meshwork staining was disrupted by prior treatment of cells with the actin filament- or microtubule-disrupting drugs cytochalasin or nocodazole, respectively, suggesting association of mrnp 41 with the cytoskeleton. Double immunofluorescence with antibodies against mrnp 41 and the cytoplasmic poly(A) binding protein showed colocalization to the cytoplasmic meshwork. Immunogold electronmicroscopy confirmed mrnp 41’s cytoplasmic and nucleoplasmic localization and revealed a striking labeling of nuclear pore complexes. Together these data suggest that mrnp 41 may function in nuclear export of mRNPs and/or in cytoplasmic transport on, or attachment to, the cytoskeleton. Consistent with a role of mrnp 41 in nuclear export are previous reports that mutations in homologs of mrnp 41 in Schizosaccharomyces pombe, designated Rae1p, or in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, designated Gle2p, result in mRNA accumulation in the nucleus although it is presently not known whether these homologs are mRNA binding proteins as well.


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The importance of CCAAT/enhancer binding proteins (C/EBPs) and binding sites for HIV-1 replication in primary macrophages, T cell lines and primary CD4+ T cells was examined. When lines overexpressing the C/EBP dominant-negative protein LIP were infected with HIV-1, replication occurred in Jurkat T cells but not in U937 promonocytes, demonstrating a requirement for C/EBP activators by HIV-1 only in promonocytes. Primary macrophages did not support the replication of HIV-1 harboring mutant C/EBP binding sites in the long terminal repeat but Jurkat, H9 and primary CD4+ T cells supported replication of wild-type and mutant HIV-1 equally well. Thus the requirement for C/EBP sites is also confined to monocyte/macrophages. The requirement for C/EBP proteins and sites identifies the first uniquely macrophage-specific regulatory mechanism for HIV-1 replication.


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Numerous studies have established that polyvalency is a critical feature of cell surface carbohydrate recognition. Nevertheless, carbohydrate–protein interactions are typically evaluated by using assays that focus on the behavior of monovalent carbohydrate ligands in solution. It has generally been assumed that the relative affinities of monovalent carbohydrate ligands in solution correlate with their polyvalent avidities. In this paper we show that carbohydrate ligands synthesized directly on TentaGel beads interact with carbohydrate-binding proteins in a polyvalent manner. The carbohydrate-derivatized beads can, therefore, be used as model systems for cell surfaces to evaluate polyvalent carbohydrate–protein interactions. By using a combinatorial approach to synthesize solid-phase libraries of polyvalent carbohydrates, one can rapidly address key issues in the area of cell surface carbohydrate recognition. For example, studies reported herein demonstrate that there is an unanticipated degree of specificity in recognition processes involving polyvalent carbohydrates. However, the correlation between polyvalent avidities and solution affinities is poor. Apparently, the presentation of carbohydrates on the polymer surface has a profound influence on the interaction of the ligand with the protein receptor. These findings have implications for how carbohydrates function as recognition signals in nature, as well as for how polyvalent carbohydrate–protein interactions should be studied.


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T-DNA nuclear import is a central event in genetic transformation of plant cells by Agrobacterium. Presumably, the T-DNA transport intermediate is a single-stranded DNA molecule associated with two bacterial proteins, VirD2 and VirE2, which most likely mediate the transport process. While VirE2 cooperatively coats the transported single-stranded DNA, VirD2 is covalently attached to its 5′ end. To better understand the mechanism of VirD2 action, a cellular receptor for VirD2 was identified and its encoding gene cloned from Arabidopsis. The identified protein, designated AtKAPα, specifically bound VirD2 in vivo and in vitro. VirD2–AtKAPα interaction was absolutely dependent on the carboxyl-terminal bipartite nuclear localization signal sequence of VirD2. The deduced amino acid sequence of AtKAPα was homologous to yeast and animal nuclear localization signal-binding proteins belonging to the karyopherin α family. Indeed, AtKAPα efficiently rescued a yeast mutant defective for nuclear import. Furthermore, AtKAPα specifically mediated transport of VirD2 into the nuclei of permeabilized yeast cells.


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Paraneoplastic opsoclonus myoclonus ataxia (POMA) is a neurologic disorder thought to be mediated by an autoimmune attack against onconeural disease antigens that are expressed by gynecologic or lung tumors and by neurons. One POMA disease antigen, termed Nova-1, has been identified as a neuron-specific KH-type RNA-binding protein. Nova-1 expression is restricted to specific regions of the central nervous system, primarily the hindbrain and ventral spinal cord, which correlate with the predominantly motor symptoms in POMA. However, POMA antisera recognize antigens that are widely expressed in both caudal and rostral regions of the central nervous system, and some patients develop cognitive symptoms. We have used POMA antisera to clone a cDNA encoding a second POMA disease antigen termed Nova-2. Nova-2 is closely related to Nova-1, and is expressed at high levels in neurons during development and in adulthood, and at lower levels in the adult lung. In the postnatal mouse brain, Nova-2 is expressed in a pattern that is largely reciprocal with Nova-1, including high levels of Nova-2 expression in the neocortex and hippocampus. Functional characterization of Nova-2 in RNA selection and nitrocellulose filter-binding assays reveals that Nova-2 binds RNA with high affinity and with sequence specificity that differs from Nova-1. Our results demonstrate that the immune response in POMA targets a family of highly related sequence-specific neuronal RNA-binding proteins. The expression pattern of the Nova-2 protein is likely to underlie the development of cognitive deficits in some POMA patients.


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NtrC (nitrogen regulatory protein C) is a bacterial enhancer-binding protein of 469 residues that activates transcription by σ54-holoenzyme. A region of its transcriptional activation (central) domain that is highly conserved among homologous activators of σ54-holoenzyme—residues 206–220—is essential for interaction with this RNA polymerase: it is required for contact with the polymerase and/or for coupling the energy from ATP hydrolysis to a change in the conformation of the polymerase that allows it to form transcriptionally productive open complexes. Several mutant NtrC proteins with amino acid substitutions in this region, including NtrCA216V and NtrCG219K, have normal ATPase activity but fail in transcriptional activation. We now report that other mutant forms carrying amino acid substitutions at these same positions, NtrCA216C and NtrCG219C, are capable of activating transcription when they are not bound to a DNA template (non-DNA-binding derivatives with an altered helix–turn–helix DNA-binding motif at the C terminus of the protein) but are unable to do so when they are bound to a DNA template, whether or not it carries a specific enhancer. Enhancer DNA remains a positive allosteric effector of ATP hydrolysis, as it is for wild-type NtrC but, surprisingly, appears to have become a negative allosteric effector for some aspect of interaction with σ54-holoenzyme. The conserved region in which these amino acid substitutions occur (206–220) is equivalent to the Switch I region of a large group of purine nucleotide-binding proteins. Interesting analogies can be drawn between the Switch I region of NtrC and that of p21ras.


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In the last decade, several monomeric and heterotrimeric guanine nucleotide binding proteins have been identified to associate with secretory vesicles and to be implicated in exocytosis. Vesicle volume also has been proposed to play a regulatory role in secretory vesicle fusion at the plasma membrane. However, the molecular mechanism of function of the guanine nucleotide binding proteins and of the regulation of secretory vesicle volume in the exocytotic process remains unclear. In this study, we report association of the secretory vesicle membrane with the α subunit of a heterotrimeric GTP binding protein Gαi3 and implicate its involvement in vesicle swelling. Using an atomic force microscope in combination with confocal microscopy, we were able to study the dynamics of isolated zymogen granules, the secretory vesicles in exocrine pancreas. Exposure of zymogen granules to GTP resulted in a 15–25% increase in vesicle height as measured by the atomic force microscope and a similar increase in vesicle diameter as determined by confocal microscopy. Mas7, an active mastoparan analog known to stimulate Gi proteins, was found to stimulate the GTPase activity of isolated zymogen granules and cause swelling. Increase in vesicle size in the presence of GTP, NaF, and Mas7 were irreversible and KCl-sensitive. Ca2+ had no effect on zymogen granule size. Taken together, the results indicate that Gαi3 protein localized in the secretory vesicle membrane mediates vesicle swelling, a potentially important prerequisite for vesicle fusion at the cell plasma membrane.


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Single-stranded DNA-binding proteins (SSBs) play essential roles in DNA replication, recombination, and repair in bacteria and eukarya. We report here the identification and characterization of the SSB of an archaeon, Methanococcus jannaschii. The M. jannaschii SSB (mjaSSB) has significant amino acid sequence similarity to the eukaryotic SSB, replication protein A (RPA), and contains four tandem repeats of the core single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) binding domain originally defined by structural studies of RPA. Homologous SSBs are encoded by the genomes of other archaeal species, including Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum and Archaeoglobus fulgidus. The purified mjaSSB binds to ssDNA with high affinity and selectivity. The apparent association constant for binding to ssDNA is similar to that of RPA under comparable experimental conditions, and the affinity for ssDNA exceeds that for double-stranded DNA by at least two orders of magnitude. The binding site size for mjaSSB is ≈20 nucleotides. Given that RPA is related to mjaSSB at the sequence level and to Escherichia coli SSB at the structural level, we conclude that the SSBs of archaea, eukarya, and bacteria share a common core ssDNA-binding domain. This ssDNA-binding domain was presumably present in the common ancestor to all three major branches of life.


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Deamination of 5-methylcytosine residues in DNA gives rise to the G/T mismatched base pair. In humans this lesion is repaired by a mismatch-specific thymine DNA glycosylase (TDG or G/T glycosylase), which catalyzes specific excision of the thymine base through N-glycosidic bond hydrolysis. Unlike other DNA glycosylases, TDG recognizes an aberrant pairing of two normal bases rather than a damaged base per se. An important structural issue is thus to understand how the enzyme specifically targets the T (or U) residue of the mismatched base pair. Our approach toward the study of substrate recognition and processing by catalytic DNA binding proteins has been to modify the substrate so as to preserve recognition of the base but to prevent its excision. Here we report that replacement of 2′-hydrogen atoms with fluorine in the substrate 2′-deoxyguridine (dU) residue abrogates glycosidic bond cleavage, thereby leading to the formation of a tight, specific glycosylase–DNA complex. Biochemical characterization of these complexes reveals that the enzyme protects an ≈20-bp stretch of the substrate from DNase I cleavage, and directly contacts a G residue on the 3′ side of the mismatched U derivative. These studies provide a mechanistic rationale for the preferential repair of deaminated CpG sites and pave the way for future high-resolution studies of TDG bound to DNA.