68 resultados para Function of locally varying complexity


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The CD3 epsilon polypeptide contributes to the cell surface display as well as to the signal transduction properties of the T-cell antigen receptor complex. Intriguingly, the distribution of CD3 epsilon is not restricted to T cells, since activated mouse, human, and avian natural killer (NK) cells do express intracytoplasmic CD3 epsilon polypeptides. CD3 epsilon is also present in the cytoplasm of fetal thymic T/NK bipotential progenitor cells, suggesting that it constitutes a component of the NK differentiation program. We report here that the genetic disruption of CD3 epsilon exon 5 alters neither NK cell development nor in vitro and in vivo NK functions, although it profoundly blocked T-cell development. These results support the notion that CD3 epsilon is dispensable for mouse NK cell ontogeny and function and further suggest that the common NK/T-cell progenitor cell utilizes CD3 epsilon as a mandatory component only when differentiating toward the T-cell lineage.


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Transcription factor TFIIIB plays a central role in transcription initiation by RNA polymerase III on genes encoding tRNA, 5S rRNA, and other small structural RNAs. We report the purification of a human TFIIIB-derived complex containing only the TATA-binding polypeptide (TBP) and a 90-kDa subunit (TFIIIB90) and the isolation of a cDNA clone encoding the 90-kDa subunit. The N-terminal half of TFIIIB90 exhibits sequence similarity to the yeast TFIIIB70 (BRF) and the class II transcription factor TFIIB and interacts weakly with TBP. The C-terminal half of TFIIIB90 contains a high-mobility-group protein 2 (HMG2)-related domain and interacts strongly with TBP. Recombinant TFIIIB90 plus recombinant human TBP substitute for human TFIIIB in a complementation assay for transcription of 5S, tRNA, and VA1 RNA genes, and both the TFIIB-related domain and the HMG2-related domain are required for this activity. TFIIIB90 is also required for transcription of human 7SK and U6 RNA genes by RNA polymerase III, but apparently within a complex distinct from the TBP/TFIIIB90 complex.


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The isozyme form of eukaryotic initiation factor 4F [eIF-(iso)4F] from wheat germ is composed of a p28 subunit that binds the 7-methylguanine cap of mRNA and a p86 subunit having unknown function. The p86 subunit was found to have limited sequence similarity to a kinesin-like protein encoded by the katA gene of Arabidopsis thaliana. Native wheat germ eIF-(iso)4F and bacterially expressed p86 subunit and p86-p28 complex bound to taxol-stabilized maize microtubules (MTs) in vitro. Binding saturation occurred at 1 mol of p86 per 5-6 mol of polymerized tubulin dimer, demonstrating a substoichiometric interaction of p86 with MTs. No evidence was found for a direct interaction of the p28 subunit with MTs. Unlike kinesin, cosedimentation of eIF-(iso)4F with MTs was neither reduced by MgATP nor enhanced by adenosine 5'-[gamma-imido]triphosphate. Both p86 subunit and p86-p28 complex induced the bundling of MTs in vitro. The p86 subunit was immunolocalized to the cytosol in root maize cells and existed in three forms: fine particles, coarse particles, and linear patches. Many coarse particles and linear patches were colocalized or closely associated with cortical MT bundles in interphase cells. The results indicate that the p86 subunit of eIF-(iso)4F is a MT-associated protein that may simultaneously link the translational machinery to the cytoskeleton and regulate MT disposition in plant cells.


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The developmental stage- and erythroid lineage-specific activation of the human embryonic zeta- and fetal/adult alpha-globin genes is controlled by an upstream regulatory element [hypersensitive site (HS)-40] with locus control region properties, a process mediated by multiple nuclear factor-DNA complexes. In vitro DNase I protection experiments of the two G+C-rich, adult alpha-globin promoters have revealed a number of binding sites for nuclear factors that are common to HeLa and K-562 extracts. However, genomic footprinting analysis has demonstrated that only a subset of these sites, clustered between -130 and +1, is occupied in an erythroid tissue-specific manner. The function of these in vivo-occupied motifs of the alpha-globin promoters, as well as those previously mapped in the HS-40 region, is assayed by site-directed mutagenesis and transient expression in embryonic/fetal erythroid K-562 cells. These studies, together with our expression data on the human embryonic zeta-globin promoter, provide a comprehensive view of the functional roles of individual nuclear factor-DNA complexes in the final stages of transcriptional activation of the human alpha-like globin promoters by the HS-40 element.


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Microbial elicitors or attempted infection with an avirulent pathogen strain causes the rapid production of reactive oxygen intermediates. Recent findings indicate that H2O2 from this oxidative burst plays a central role in the orchestration of the hypersensitive response: (i) as the substrate driving the cross-linking of cell wall structural proteins to slow microbial ingress prior to the deployment of transcription-dependent defenses and to trap pathogens in cells destined to undergo hypersensitive cell death, (ii) as a local threshold trigger of this programmed death in challenged cells, and (iii) as a diffusible signal for the induction in adjacent cells of genes encoding cellular protectants such as glutathione S-transferase and glutathione peroxidase. These findings provide the basis for an integrated model for the orchestration of the localized hypersensitive resistance response to attack by an avirulent pathogen.


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Calcium/phospholipid-dependent protein kinase (protein kinase C, PKC) has been suggested to play a role in the sensitivity of gamma-aminobutyrate type A (GABAA) receptors to ethanol. We tested a line of null mutant mice that lacks the gamma isoform of PKC (PKC gamma) to determine the role of this brain-specific isoenzyme in ethanol sensitivity. We found that the mutation reduced the amount of PKC gamma immunoreactivity in cerebellum to undetectable levels without altering the levels of the alpha, beta I, or beta II isoforms of PKC. The mutant mice display reduced sensitivity to the effects of ethanol on loss of righting reflex and hypothermia but show normal responses to flunitrazepam or pentobarbital. Likewise, GABAA receptor function of isolated brain membranes showed that the mutation abolished the action of ethanol but did not alter actions of flunitrazepam or pentobarbital. These studies show the unique interactions of ethanol with GABAA receptors and suggest protein kinase isoenzymes as possible determinants of genetic differences in response to ethanol.


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Transcription of downstream genes in the early operons of phage lambda requires a promoter-proximal element known as nut. This site acts in cis in the form of RNA to assemble a transcription antitermination complex which is composed of lambda N protein and at least four host factors. The nut-site RNA contains a small stem-loop structure called boxB. Here, we show that boxB RNA binds to N protein with high affinity and specificity. While N binding is confined to the 5' subdomain of the stem-loop, specific N recognition relies on both an intact stem-loop structure and two critical nucleotides in the pentamer loop. Substitutions of these nucleotides affect both N binding and antitermination. Remarkably, substitutions of other loop nucleotides also diminish antitermination in vivo, yet they have no detectable effect on N binding in vitro. These 3' loop mutants fail to support antitermination in a minimal system with RNA polymerase (RNAP), N, and the host factor NusA. Furthermore, the ability of NusA to stimulate the formation of the RNAP-boxB-N complex is diminished with these mutants. Hence, we suggest that boxB RNA performs two critical functions in antitermination. First, boxB binds to N and secures it near RNAP to enhance their interaction, presumably by increasing the local concentration of N. Second, boxB cooperates with NusA, most likely to bring N and RNAP in close contact and transform RNAP to the termination-resistant state.


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von Willebrand factor (vWF) is essential for the induction of occlusive thrombosis in stenosed and injured pig arteries and for normal hemostasis. To separate the relative contribution of plasma and platelet vWF to arterial thrombosis, we produced chimeric normal and von Willebrand disease pigs by crossed bone marrow transplantation; von Willebrand disease (vWD) pigs were engrafted with normal pig bone marrow and normal pigs were engrafted with vWD bone marrow. Thrombosis developed in the chimeric normal pigs that showed normal levels of plasma vWF and an absence of platelet vWF; but no thrombosis occurred in the chimeric vWD pigs that demonstrated normal platelet vWF and an absence of plasma vWF. The ear bleeding times of the chimeric pigs were partially corrected by endogenous plasma vWF but not by platelet vWF. Our animal model demonstrated that vWF in the plasma compartment is essential for the development of arterial thrombosis and that it also contributes to the maintenance of bleeding time and hemostasis.