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We studied the expression of arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase (5-LO) in a cell line of human keratinocytes (HaCaT) and in normal human skin keratinocytes in tissue culture. In undifferentiated keratinocytes 5-LO gene expression was low or undetectable as determined by 5-LO mRNA, protein, cell-free enzyme activity, and leukotriene production in intact cells. However, after shift to culture conditions that promote conversion of prokeratinocytes into a more differentiated phenotype, 5-LO gene expression was markedly induced in HaCaT cells and, to a lesser extent, in normal keratinocytes. These results show that 5-LO gene expression is an intrinsic property of human skin keratinocytes.


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c-Src is a nontransforming tyrosine kinase that participates in signaling events mediated by a variety of polypeptide growth factor receptors, including the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). Overexpression and continual ligand stimulation of the EGFR results in morphological transformation of cells in vitro and tumor development in vivo. Elevated levels of c-Src and the EGFR are found in a variety of human malignancies, raising the question of whether c-Src can functionally cooperate with the EGFR during tumorigenesis. To address this issue, we generated c-Src/EGFR double overexpressors and compared their proliferative and biochemical characteristics to those of single overexpressors and control cells. We found that in cells expressing high levels of receptor, c-Src potentiated DNA synthesis, growth in soft agar, and tumor formation in nude mice. Growth potentiation was associated with the formation of a heterocomplex between c-Src and activated EGFR, the appearance of a distinct tyrosyl phosphorylation on the receptor, and an enhancement of receptor substrate phosphorylation. These findings indicate that c-Src is capable of potentiating receptor-mediated tumorigenesis and suggest that synergism between c-Src and the EGFR may contribute to a more aggressive phenotype in multiple human tumors.


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Despite significant infiltration into tumors and atherosclerotic plaques, the role of T lymphocytes in these pathological conditions is still unclear. We have demonstrated that tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) and plaque-infiltrating lymphocytes (PILs) produce heparin-binding epidermal growth factor-like growth factor (HB-EGF) and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) in vitro under nonspecific conditions and in vivo in tumors by immunohistochemical staining. HB-EGF and bFGF derived from TILs and PILs directly stimulated tumor cells and vascular smooth muscle cells (SMCs) in vitro, respectively, while bFGF displayed angiogenic properties. Therefore, T cells may play a critical role in the SMC hyperplasia of atherosclerosis and support tumor progression by direct stimulation and angiogenesis.


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Some growth factors transduce positive growth signals, while others can act as growth inhibitors. Nuclear signaling events of previously quiescent cells stimulated with various growth factors have been studied by isolating the complexed chromatin-associated proteins and chromatin-associated proteins. Signals from the plasma membrane are integrated within the cells and quickly transduced to the nucleus. It is clear that several growth factors, such as epidermal growth factor, transforming growth factor alpha (but not transforming growth factor beta), and platelet-derived growth factor, utilize similar intracellular signaling biochemistries to modulate nucleosomal characteristics. The very rapid and consistent phosphorylation of nuclear p33, p54, and low molecular mass proteins in the range of 15-18 kDa after growth factor stimulation implies that there is a coordination and integration of the cellular signaling processes. Additionally, phosphorylation of p33 and some low molecular mass histones has been found to occur within 5 min of growth factor treatment and to reach a maximum by 30 min. In this study, we report that Neu receptor activating factor also utilizes the same signaling mechanism and causes p33 to become phosphorylated. In addition, both the tumor promoter okadaic acid (which inhibits protein phosphatases 1 and 2A) and phorbol ester (phorbol 12-tetradecanoate 13-acetate) stimulate phosphorylation of p33, p54, and low molecular mass histones. However, transforming growth factor beta, which is a growth inhibitor for fibroblasts, fails to increase p33 phosphorylation. In general, p33 phosphorylation patterns correspond to positive and negative mitogenic signal transduction. p33 isolated from the complexed chromatin-associated protein fraction appears to be a kinase, or tightly associated with a kinase, and shares antigenicity with the cell division cycle-dependent Cdk2 kinase as determined by antibody-dependent analysis. The rapid phosphorylation of nucleosomal proteins may influence sets of early genes needed for the induction and progression of the cell cycle.


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Intraperitoneal injection of epidermal growth factor into mice results in the appearance of multiple tyrosine-phosphorylated proteins in liver nuclei within minutes after administration. We have previously identified three of these proteins as Stat 1 alpha, Stat 1 beta (p91, p84), and Stat 3 (p89). In the present report we demonstrate that Stat 5 (p92), the recently described prolactin inducible transcription factor detected in mammary glands, is the major tyrosine-phosphorylated protein translocated to the nucleus in mouse liver in response to epidermal growth factor. Furthermore, gel-shift analysis and affinity purification revealed that Stat 5, Stat 1 alpha, and Stat 1 beta specifically bind to the prolactin inducible element upstream of the beta-casein promoter.


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Regenerative proliferation occurs in the inner-ear sensory epithelial of warm-blooded vertebrates after insult. To determine how this proliferation is controlled in the mature mammalian inner ear, several growth factors were tested for effects on progenitor-cell division in cultured mouse vestibular sensory epithelia. Cell proliferation was induced in the sensory epithelium by transforming growth factor alpha (TGF-alpha) in a dose-dependent manner. Proliferation was also induced by epidermal growth factor (EGF) when supplemented with insulin, but not EGF alone. These observations suggest that stimulation of the EGF receptors by TGF-alpha binding, or EGF (plus insulin) binding, stimulates cell proliferation in the mature mammalian vestibular sensory epithelium.


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Antisense oligodeoxyribonucleotides targeted to the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor were encapsulated into liposomes linked to folate via a polyethylene glycol spacer (folate-PEG-liposomes) and efficiently delivered into cultured KB cells via folate receptor-mediated endocytosis. The oligonucleotides were a phosphodiester 15-mer antisense to the EGF receptor (EGFR) gene stop codon (AEGFR2), the same sequence with three phosphorothioate linkages at each terminus (AEGFR2S), a randomized 15-mer control of similar base composition to AEGFR2 (RC15), a 14-mer control derived from a symmetrized Escherichia coli lac operator (LACM), and the 5'-fluorescein-labeled homologs of several of the above. Cellular uptake of AEGFR2 encapsulated in folate-PEG-liposomes was nine times higher than AEGFR2 encapsulated in nontargeted liposomes and 16 times higher than unencapsulated AEGFR2. Treatment of KB cells with AEGFR2 in folate-PEG-liposomes resulted in growth inhibition and significant morphological changes. Curiously, AEGFR2 and AEGFR2S encapsulated in folate-PEG-liposomes exhibited virtually identical growth inhibitory effects, reducing KB cell proliferation by > 90% 48 hr after the cells were treated for 4 hr with 3 microM oligonucleotide. Free AEGFR2 caused almost no growth inhibition, whereas free AEGFR2S was only one-fifth as potent as the folate-PEG-liposome-encapsulated oligonucleotide. Growth inhibition of the oligonucleotide-treated cells was probably due to reduced EGFR expression because indirect immunofluorescence staining of the cells with a monoclonal antibody against the EGFR showed an almost quantitative reduction of the EGFR in cells treated with folate-PEG-liposome-entrapped AEGFR2. These results suggest that antisense oligonucleotide encapsulation in folate-PEG-liposomes promise efficient and tumor-specific delivery and that phosphorothioate oligonucleotides appear to offer no major advantage over native phosphodiester DNA when delivered by this route.