154 resultados para Domain specific language
Pax proteins, characterized by the presence of a paired domain, play key regulatory roles during development. The paired domain is a bipartite DNA-binding domain that contains two helix–turn–helix domains joined by a linker region. Each of the subdomains, the PAI and RED domains, has been shown to be a distinct DNA-binding domain. The PAI domain is the most critical, but in specific circumstances, the RED domain is involved in DNA recognition. We describe a Pax protein, originally called Lune, that is the product of the Drosophila eye gone gene (eyg). It is unique among Pax proteins, because it contains only the RED domain. eyg seems to play a role both in the organogenesis of the salivary gland during embryogenesis and in the development of the eye. A high-affinity binding site for the Eyg RED domain was identified by using systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment techniques. This binding site is related to a binding site previously identified for the RED domain of the Pax-6 5a isoform. Eyg also contains another DNA-binding domain, a Prd-class homeodomain (HD), whose palindromic binding site is similar to other Prd-class HDs. The ability of Pax proteins to use the PAI, RED, and HD, or combinations thereof, may be one mechanism that allows them to be used at different stages of development to regulate various developmental processes through the activation of specific target genes.
Using a new mAb raised against the mouse neuroepithelium, we have identified and cDNA-cloned prominin, an 858-amino acid-containing, 115-kDa glycoprotein. Prominin is a novel plasma membrane protein with an N-terminal extracellular domain, five transmembrane segments flanking two short cytoplasmic loops and two large glycosylated extracellular domains, and a cytoplasmic C-terminal domain. DNA sequences from Caenorhabditis elegans predict the existence of a protein with the same features, suggesting that prominin is conserved between vertebrates and invertebrates. Prominin is found not only in the neuroepithelium but also in various other epithelia of the mouse embryo. In the adult mouse, prominin has been detected in the brain ependymal layer, and in kidney tubules. In these epithelia, prominin is specific to the apical surface, where it is selectively associated with microvilli and microvilli-related structures. Remarkably, upon expression in CHO cells, prominin is preferentially localized to plasma membrane protrusions such as filopodia, lamellipodia, and microspikes. These observations imply that prominin contains information to be targeted to, and/or retained in, plasma membrane protrusions rather than the planar cell surface. Moreover, our results show that the mechanisms underlying targeting of membrane proteins to microvilli of epithelial cells and to plasma membrane protrusions of non-epithelial cells are highly related.
Deletions of all or part of chromosome 10 are the most common genetic alterations in high-grade gliomas. The PTEN gene (also called MMAC1 and TEP1) maps to chromosome region 10q23 and has been implicated as a target of alteration in gliomas and also in other cancers such as those of the breast, prostate, and kidney. Here we sought to provide a functional test of its candidacy as a growth suppressor in glioma cells. We used a combination of Northern blot analysis, protein truncation assays, and sequence analysis to determine the types and frequency of PTEN mutations in glioma cell lines so that we could define appropriate recipients to assess the growth suppressive function of PTEN by gene transfer. Introduction of wild-type PTEN into glioma cells containing endogenous mutant alleles caused growth suppression, but was without effect in cells containing endogenous wild-type PTEN. The ectopic expression of PTEN alleles, which carried mutations found in primary tumors and have been shown or are expected to inactivate its phosphatase activity, caused little growth suppression. These data strongly suggest that PTEN is a protein phosphatase that exhibits functional and specific growth-suppressing activity.
Sik, the mouse homologue of the breast tumor kinase Brk, is expressed in differentiating cells of the gastrointestinal tract and skin. We examined expression and activity of Sik in primary mouse keratinocytes and a mouse embryonic keratinocyte cell line (EMK). Calcium-induced differentiation of these cells has been shown to be accompanied by the activation of tyrosine kinases and rapid phosphorylation of a 65-kDa GTPase-activating protein (GAP)-associated protein (GAP-A.p65). We demonstrate that Sik is activated within 2 min after calcium addition in primary keratinocytes and EMK cells. In EMK cells, Sik binds GAP-A.p65, and this interaction is mediated by the Sik Src homology 2 domain. Although Sik directly complexes with GAP-A.p65, overexpression of wild-type or kinase defective Sik in EMK cells does not lead to detectable changes in GAP-A.p65 phosphorylation. These data suggest that Sik is not responsible for phosphorylation of GAP-A.p65. GAP-A.p65 may act as an adapter protein, bringing Sik into proximity of an unidentified substrate. Overexpression of Sik in EMK cells results in increased expression of filaggrin during differentiation, supporting a role for Sik in differentiation.
The efficient introduction of somatic mutations in a given gene, at a given time, in a specific cell type will facilitate studies of gene function and the generation of animal models for human diseases. We have shown previously that conditional recombination–excision between two loxP sites can be achieved in mice by using the Cre recombinase fused to a mutated ligand binding domain of the human estrogen receptor (Cre-ERT), which binds tamoxifen but not estrogens. DNA excision was induced in a number of tissues after administration of tamoxifen to transgenic mice expressing Cre-ERT under the control of the cytomegalovirus promoter. However, the efficiency of excision varied between tissues, and the highest level (≈40%) was obtained in the skin. To determine the efficiency of excision mediated by Cre-ERT in a given cell type, we have now crossed Cre-ERT-expressing mice with reporter mice in which expression of Escherichia coli β-galactosidase can be induced through Cre-mediated recombination. The efficiency and kinetics of this recombination were analyzed at the cellular level in the epidermis of 6- to 8-week-old double transgenic mice. We show that site-specific excision occurred within a few days of tamoxifen treatment in essentially all epidermis cells expressing Cre-ERT. These results indicate that cell-specific expression of Cre-ERT in transgenic mice can be used for efficient tamoxifen-dependent, Cre-mediated recombination at loci containing loxP sites to generate site-specific somatic mutations in a spatio-temporally controlled manner.
We show that CC chemokines induced a sustained increase in monocyte adhesion to intercellular adhesion molecule-1 that was mediated by Mac-1 (αMβ2) but not lymphocyte function–associated antigen-1 (LFA-1; αLβ2). In contrast, staining for an activation epitope revealed a rapid and transient up-regulation of LFA-1 activity by monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1) in monocytes and Jurkat CCR2 chemokine receptor transfectants or by stromal-derived factor-1α in Jurkat cells. Differential kinetics for activation of Mac-1 (sustained) and LFA-1 (transient) avidity in response to stromal-derived factor-1α were confirmed by expression of αM or αL in αL-deficient Jurkat cells. Moreover, expression of chimeras containing αL and αM cytoplasmic domain exchanges indicated that α cytoplasmic tails conferred the specific mode of regulation. Coexpressing αM or chimeras in mutant Jurkat cells with a “gain of function” phenotype that results in constitutively active LFA-1 demonstrated that Mac-1 was not constitutively active, whereas constitutive activity was mediated via the αL cytoplasmic tail, implying the presence of distinct signaling pathways for LFA-1 and Mac-1. Transendothelial chemotaxis of monocytes in response to MCP-1 was dependent on LFA-1; however, Mac-1 was involved at MCP-1 concentrations stimulating its avidity, showing differential contributions of β2 integrins. Our data suggest that a specific regulation of β2 integrin avidity by chemokines may be important in leukocyte extravasation and may be triggered by distinct activation pathways transduced via the α subunit cytoplasmic domains.
Posttranslational modification of Rab proteins by geranylgeranyltransferase type II requires that they first bind to Rab escort protein (REP). Following prenylation, REP is postulated to accompany the modified GTPase to its specific target membrane. REP binds preferentially to Rab proteins that are in the GDP state, but the specific structural domains involved in this interaction have not been defined. In p21 Ras, the α2 helix of the Switch 2 domain undergoes a major conformational change upon GTP hydrolysis. Therefore, we hypothesized that the corresponding region in Rab1B might play a key role in the interaction with REP. Introduction of amino acid substitutions (I73N, Y78D, and A81D) into the putative α2 helix of Myc-tagged Rab1B prevented prenylation of the recombinant protein in cell-free assays, whereas mutations in the α3 and α4 helices did not. Additionally, upon transient expression in transfected HEK-293 cells, the Myc-Rab1B α2 helix mutants were not efficiently prenylated as determined by incorporation of [3H]mevalonate. Metabolic labeling studies using [32P]orthophosphate indicated that the poor prenylation of the Rab1B α2 helix mutants was not directly correlated with major disruptions in guanine nucleotide binding or intrinsic GTPase activity. Finally, gel filtration analysis of cytosolic fractions from 293 cells that were coexpressing T7 epitope-tagged REP with various Myc-Rab1B constructs revealed that mutations in the α2 helix of Rab1B prevented the association of nascent (i.e., nonprenylated) Rab1B with REP. These data indicate that the Switch 2 domain of Rab1B is a key structural determinant for REP interaction and that nucleotide-dependent conformational changes in this region are largely responsible for the selective interaction of REP with the GDP-bound form of the Rab substrate.
The specificity of protein–protein interactions in cellular signaling cascades is dependent on the sequence and intramolecular location of distinct amino acid motifs. We used the two-hybrid interaction trap to identify proteins that can associate with the PDZ motif-rich segment in the protein tyrosine phosphatase PTP-BL. A specific interaction was found with the Lin-11, Isl-1, Mec-3 (LIM) domain containing protein RIL. More detailed analysis demonstrated that the binding specificity resides in the second and fourth PDZ motif of PTP-BL and the LIM domain in RIL. Immunohistochemistry on various mouse tissues revealed a submembranous colocalization of PTP-BL and RIL in epithelial cells. Remarkably, there is also an N-terminal PDZ motif in RIL itself that can bind to the RIL-LIM domain. We demonstrate here that the RIL-LIM domain can be phosphorylated on tyrosine in vitro and in vivo and can be dephosphorylated in vitro by the PTPase domain of PTP-BL. Our data point to the presence of a double PDZ-binding interface on the RIL-LIM domain and suggest tyrosine phosphorylation as a regulatory mechanism for LIM-PDZ associations in the assembly of multiprotein complexes. These findings are in line with an important role of PDZ-mediated interactions in the shaping and organization of submembranous microenvironments of polarized cells.
The myofibrils of cross-striated muscle fibers contain in their M bands cytoskeletal proteins whose main function seems to be the stabilization of the three-dimensional arrangement of thick filaments. We identified two immunoglobin domains (Mp2–Mp3) of M-protein as a site binding to the central region of light meromyosin. This binding is regulated in vitro by phosphorylation of a single serine residue (Ser76) in the immediately adjacent amino-terminal domain Mp1. M-protein phosphorylation by cAMP-dependent kinase A inhibits binding to myosin LMM. Transient transfection studies of cultured cells revealed that the myosin-binding site seems involved in the targeting of M-protein to its location in the myofibril. Using the same method, a second myofibril-binding site was uncovered in domains Mp9–Mp13. These results support the view that specific phosphorylation events could be also important for the control of sarcomeric M band formation and remodeling.
Integral membrane proteins (IMPs) contain localization signals necessary for targeting to their resident subcellular compartments. To define signals that mediate localization to the Golgi complex, we have analyzed a resident IMP of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Golgi complex, guanosine diphosphatase (GDPase). GDPase, which is necessary for Golgi-specific glycosylation reactions, is a type II IMP with a short amino-terminal cytoplasmic domain, a single transmembrane domain (TMD), and a large catalytic lumenal domain. Regions specifying Golgi localization were identified by analyzing recombinant proteins either lacking GDPase domains or containing corresponding domains from type II vacuolar IMPs. Neither deletion nor substitution of the GDPase cytoplasmic domain perturbed Golgi localization. Exchanging the GDPase TMD with vacuolar protein TMDs only marginally affected Golgi localization. Replacement of the lumenal domain resulted in mislocalization of the chimeric protein from the Golgi to the vacuole, but a similar substitution leaving 34 amino acids of the GDPase lumenal domain intact was properly localized. These results identify a major Golgi localization determinant in the membrane-adjacent lumenal region (stem) of GDPase. Although necessary, the stem domain is not sufficient to mediate localization; in addition, a membrane-anchoring domain and either the cytoplasmic or full-length lumenal domain must be present to maintain Golgi residence. The importance of lumenal domain sequences in GDPase Golgi localization and the requirement for multiple hydrophilic protein domains support a model for Golgi localization invoking protein–protein interactions rather than interactions between the TMD and the lipid bilayer.
PDZ and LIM domains are modular protein interaction motifs present in proteins with diverse functions. Enigma is representative of a family of proteins composed of a series of conserved PDZ and LIM domains. The LIM domains of Enigma and its most related family member, Enigma homology protein, bind to protein kinases, whereas the PDZ domains of Enigma and family member actin-associated LIM protein bind to actin filaments. Enigma localizes to actin filaments in fibroblasts via its PDZ domain, and actin-associated LIM protein binds to and colocalizes with the actin-binding protein α-actinin-2 at Z lines in skeletal muscle. We show that Enigma is present at the Z line in skeletal muscle and that the PDZ domain of Enigma binds to a skeletal muscle target, the actin-binding protein tropomyosin (skeletal β-TM). The interaction between Enigma and skeletal β-TM was specific for the PDZ domain of Enigma, was abolished by mutations in the PDZ domain, and required the PDZ-binding consensus sequence (Thr-Ser-Leu) at the extreme carboxyl terminus of skeletal β-TM. Enigma interacted with isoforms of tropomyosin expressed in C2C12 myotubes and formed an immunoprecipitable complex with skeletal β-TM in transfected cells. The association of Enigma with skeletal β-TM suggests a role for Enigma as an adapter protein that directs LIM-binding proteins to actin filaments of muscle cells.
We previously identified the 11 amino acid C1 region of the cytoplasmic domain of P-selectin as essential for an endosomal sorting event that confers rapid turnover on P-selectin. The amino acid sequence of this region has no obvious similarity to other known sorting motifs. We have analyzed the sequence requirements for endosomal sorting by measuring the effects of site-specific mutations on the turnover of P-selectin and of the chimeric protein LLP, containing the lumenal and transmembrane domains of the low density lipoprotein receptor and the cytoplasmic domain of P-selectin. Endosomal sorting activity was remarkably tolerant of alanine substitutions within the C1 region. The activity was eliminated by alanine substitution of only one amino acid residue, leucine 768, where substitution with several other large side chains, hydrophobic and polar, maintained the sorting activity. The results indicate that the endosomal sorting determinant is not structurally related to previously reported sorting determinants. Rather, the results suggest that the structure of the sorting determinant is dependent on the tertiary structure of the cytoplasmic domain.
Recruitment of intracellular proteins to the plasma membrane is a commonly found requirement for the initiation of signal transduction events. The recently discovered pleckstrin homology (PH) domain, a structurally conserved element found in ∼100 signaling proteins, has been implicated in this function, because some PH domains have been described to be involved in plasma membrane association. Furthermore, several PH domains bind to the phosphoinositides phosphatidylinositol-(4,5)-bisphosphate and phosphatidylinositol-(3,4,5)-trisphosphate in vitro, however, mostly with low affinity. It is unclear how such weak interactions can be responsible for observed membrane binding in vivo as well as the resulting biological phenomena. Here, we investigate the structural and functional requirements for membrane association of cytohesin-1, a recently discovered regulatory protein of T cell adhesion. We demonstrate that both the PH domain and the adjacent carboxyl-terminal polybasic sequence of cytohesin-1 (c domain) are necessary for plasma membrane association and biological function, namely interference with Jurkat cell adhesion to intercellular adhesion molecule 1. Biosensor measurements revealed that phosphatidylinositol-(3,4,5)-trisphosphate binds to the PH domain and c domain together with high affinity (100 nM), whereas the isolated PH domain has a substantially lower affinity (2–3 μM). The cooperativity of both elements appears specific, because a chimeric protein, consisting of the c domain of cytohesin-1 and the PH domain of the β-adrenergic receptor kinase does not associate with membranes, nor does it inhibit adhesion. Moreover, replacement of the c domain of cytohesin-1 with a palmitoylation–isoprenylation motif partially restored the biological function, but the specific targeting to the plasma membrane was not retained. Thus we conclude that two elements of cytohesin-1, the PH domain and the c domain, are required and sufficient for membrane association. This appears to be a common mechanism for plasma membrane targeting of PH domains, because we observed a similar functional cooperativity of the PH domain of Bruton’s tyrosine kinase with the adjacent Bruton’s tyrosine kinase motif, a novel zinc-containing fold.
T cell activation rapidly and transiently regulates the functional activity of integrin receptors. Stimulation of CD3/T cell receptor, CD2 or CD28, as well as activation with phorbol esters, can induce within minutes an increase in β1 integrin-mediated adhesion of T cells to fibronectin. In this study, we have produced and utilized a mutant of the Jurkat T cell line, designated A1, that lacks protein and mRNA expression of the β1 integrin subunit but retains normal levels of CD2, CD3, and CD28 on the cell surface. Activation-dependent adhesion of A1 cells to fibronectin could be restored upon transfection of a wild-type human β1 integrin cDNA. Adhesion induced by phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate-, CD3-, CD2-, and CD28 stimulation did not occur if the carboxy-terminal five amino acids of the β1 tail were truncated or if either of two well-conserved NPXY motifs were deleted. Scanning alanine substitutions of the carboxy-terminal five amino acids demonstrated a critical role for the tyrosine residue at position 795. The carboxy-terminal truncation and the NPXY deletions also reduced adhesion induced by direct stimulation of the β1 integrin with the activating β1 integrin-specific mAb TS2/16, although the effects were not as dramatic as observed with the other integrin-activating signals. These results demonstrate a vital role for the amino-terminal NPXY motif and the carboxy-terminal end of the β1 integrin cytoplasmic domain in activation-dependent regulation of integrin-mediated adhesion in T cells. Furthermore, the A1 cell line represents a valuable new cellular reagent for the analysis of β1 integrin structure and function in human T cells.
Here we describe an association between α3β1 integrin and transmembrane-4 superfamily (TM4SF) protein CD151. This association is maintained in relatively stringent detergents and thus is remarkably stable in comparison with previously reported integrin–TM4SF protein associations. Also, the association is highly specific (i.e., observed in vitro in absence of any other cell surface proteins), and highly stoichiometric (nearly 90% of α3β1 associated with CD151). In addition, α3β1 and CD151 appeared in parallel on many cell lines and showed nearly identical skin staining patterns. Compared with other integrins, α3β1 exhibited a considerably higher level of associated phosphatidylinositol-4-kinase (PtdIns 4-kinase) activity, most of which was removed upon immunodepletion of CD151. Specificity for CD151 and PtdIns 4-kinase association resided in the extracellular domain of α3β1, thus establishing a novel paradigm for the specific recruitment of an intracellular signaling molecule. Finally, antibodies to either CD151 or α3β1 caused a ∼88–92% reduction in neutrophil motility in response to f-Met-Leu-Phe on fibronectin, suggesting an functionally important role of these complexes in cell migration.