114 resultados para CD4 T lymphocyte


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Signal transduction in response to ligand recognition by T cell receptors regulates T cell fate within and beyond the thymus. Herein we examine the involvement of the CD4 molecule in the regulation of T helper cell survival. T helper cells that lack CD4 expression are prone to apoptosis and show diminished survival after adoptive transfer to irradiated recipients. The helper lineage in CD4âˆ/∠animals shows a higher than normal apparent rate of cell division and is also enriched for cells exhibiting a memory cell phenotype. Thus the data point to a necessary role for CD4 in the regulation of T helper cell survival and homeostasis.


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The synovial membrane (SM) of affected joints in ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is infiltrated by germinal center-like aggregates (foci) of lymphocytes similar to rheumatoid arthritis (RA). We characterized the rearranged heavy chain variable segment (VH) genes in the SM for gene usage and the mutational pattern to elucidate the B lymphocyte involvement in AS.


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The accessory protein negative factor (Nef) from human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) is required for optimal viral infectivity and the progression to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Nef interacts with the endocytic machinery, resulting in the down-regulation of cluster of differentiation antigen 4 (CD4) and major histocompatibility complex class I (MHCI) molecules on the surface of infected cells. Mutations in the C-terminal flexible loop of Nef result in a lower rate of internalization by this viral protein. However, no loop-dependent binding of Nef to adaptor protein-2 (AP-2), which is the adaptor protein complex that is required for the internalization of proteins from the plasma membrane, could be demonstrated. In this study we investigated the relevance of different motifs in Nef from SIVmac239 for its internalization, CD4 down-regulation, binding to components of the trafficking machinery, and viral infectivity. Our data suggest that the binding of Nef to the catalytic subunit H of the vacuolar membrane ATPase (V-ATPase) facilitates its internalization. This binding depends on the integrity of the whole flexible loop. Subsequent studies on Nef mutant viruses revealed that the flexible loop is essential for optimal viral infectivity. Therefore, our data demonstrate how Nef contacts the endocytic machinery in the absence of its direct binding to AP-2 and suggest an important role for subunit H of the V-ATPase in viral infectivity.


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NY-ESO-1 is a tumor-specific shared antigen with distinctive immunogenicity. Both CD8+ T cells and class-switched Ab responses have been detected from patients with cancer. In this study, a CD4+ T cell line was generated from peripheral blood mononuclear cells of a melanoma patient and was shown to recognize NY-ESO-1 peptides presented by HLA-DP4, a dominant MHC class II allele expressed in 43â70% of Caucasians. The ESO p157â170 peptide containing the core region of DP4-restricted T cell epitope was present in a number of tumor cell lines tested and found to be recognized by both CD4+ T cells as well as HLA-A2-restricted CD8+ T cells. Thus, the ESO p157â170 epitope represents a potential candidate for cancer vaccines aimed at generating both CD4+ and CD8+ T cell responses. More importantly, 16 of 17 melanoma patients who developed Ab against NY-ESO-1 were found to be HLA-DP4-positive. CD4+ T cells specific for the NY-ESO-1 epitopes were generated from 5 of 6 melanoma patients with NY-ESO-1 Ab. In contrast, no specific DP4-restricted T cells were generated from two patients without detectable NY-ESO-1 Ab. These results suggested that NY-ESO-1-specific DP4-restricted CD4+ T cells were closely associated with NY-ESO-1 Ab observed in melanoma patients and might play an important role in providing help for activating B cells for NY-ESO-1-specific Ab production.


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Prion replication in spleen and neuroinvasion after i.p. inoculation of mice is impaired in forms of immunodeficiency where mature B lymphocytes are lacking. In spleens of wild-type mice, infectivity is associated with B and T lymphocytes and stroma but not with circulating lymphocytes. We generated transgenic prion protein knockout mice overexpressing prion protein in B lymphocytes and found that they failed to accumulate prions in spleen after i.p. inoculation. We conclude that splenic B lymphocytes are not prion-replication competent and that they acquire prions from other cells, most likely follicular dendritic cells with which they closely associate and whose maturation depends on them.


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The spectrum of immunogenic epitopes presented by the H2-IAb MHC class II molecule to CD4+ T cells has been defined for two different (clade B and clade D) HIV envelope (gp140) glycoproteins. Hybridoma T cell lines were generated from mice immunized by a sequential prime and boost regime with DNA, recombinant vaccinia viruses, and protein. The epitopes recognized by reactive T cell hybridomas then were characterized with overlapping peptides synthesized to span the entire gp140 sequence. Evidence of clonality also was assessed with antibodies to T cell receptor Vα and Vβ chains. A total of 80 unique clonotypes were characterized from six individual mice. Immunogenic peptides were identified within only four regions of the HIV envelope. These epitope hotspots comprised relatively short sequences (âˆ20â80 aa in length) that were generally bordered by regions of heavy glycosylation. Analysis in the context of the gp120 crystal structure showed a pattern of uniform distribution to exposed, nonhelical strands of the protein. A likely explanation is that the physical location of the peptide within the native protein leads to differential antigen processing and consequent epitope selection.


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Trimolecular interactions between the T cell antigen receptor and MHC/peptide complexes, together with costimulatory molecules and cytokines, control the initial activation of naïve T cells and determine whether the helper precursor cell differentiates into either T helper (TH)1 or TH2 effector cells. We now present evidence that regulatory CD8+ T cells provide another level of control of TH phenotype during further evolution of immune responses. These regulatory CD8+ T cells are induced by antigen-triggered CD4+ TH1 cells during T cell vaccination and, in vitro, distinguish mature TH1 from TH2 cells in a T cell antigen receptor Vβ-specific and Qa-1-restricted manner. In vivo, protection from experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) induced by T cell vaccination depends on CD8+ T cells, and myelin basic protein-reactive TH1 Vβ8+ clones, but not TH2 Vβ8+ clones, used as vaccine T cells, protect animals from subsequent induction of EAE. Moreover, in vivo depletion of CD8+ T cells during the first episode of EAE results in skewing of the TH phenotype toward TH1 upon secondary myelin basic protein stimulation. These data provide evidence that CD8+ T cells control autoimmune responses, in part, by regulating the TH phenotype of self-reactive CD4+ T cells.


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Reactivation of latent herpesviruses is a particular problem in immunocompromised individuals, such as AIDS patients, who lack effective CD4 T helper cell function. An important question is whether residual immune defenses can be mobilized to combat such opportunistic infections, in the absence of CD4 T cells. In the present study, we used a mouse model of opportunistic infection to determine whether stimulation via CD40 could substitute for CD4 T cell function in preventing reactivation of a latent herpesvirus. Treatment with an agonistic antibody to CD40 was highly effective in preventing reactivation of latent murine gammaherpesvirus (MHV-68) in the lungs of CD4 T cell-deficient mice. CD8+ T cells were essential for this effect, whereas virus-specific serum antibody was undetectable and IFN-γ production was unchanged. This demonstration that immunostimulation via CD40 can replace CD4 T cell help in controlling latent virus in vivo has potential implications for the development of novel therapeutic agents to prevent viral reactivation in immunocompromised patients.


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We have introduced a targeted mutation in SH2D1A/DSHP/SAP, the gene responsible for the human genetic disorder X-linked lymphoproliferative disease (XLP). SLAM-associated protein (SAP)-deficient mice had normal lymphocyte development, but on challenge with infectious agents, recapitulated features of XLP. Infection of SAP∠mice with lymphocyte choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) or Toxoplasma gondii was associated with increased T cell activation and IFN-γ production, as well as a reduction of Ig-secreting cells. Anti-CD3-stimulated splenocytes from uninfected SAP∠mice produced increased IFN-γ and decreased IL-4, findings supported by decreased serum IgE levels in vivo. The Th1 skewing of these animals suggests that cytokine misregulation may contribute to phenotypes associated with mutation of SH2D1A/SAP.


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We searched for clonable committed T cell progenitors in the adult mouse bone marrow and isolated rare (âˆ0.05%) cells with the Thy-1hiCD2âˆCD16+CD44hiCD25âˆLin∠phenotype. In vivo experiments showed that these cells were progenitors committed only to reconstituting the T cell lineage of irradiated Ly5 congenic hosts. Reconstitution of the thymus was minimal compared with that of the bone marrow, spleen, and lymph nodes. At limiting dilutions, donor T cell reconstitution of the spleen frequently occurred without detectable donor cells in the thymus. Progenitors were capable of rapidly reconstituting athymic hosts. In conclusion, the clonable bone marrow progenitors were capable of T cell reconstitution predominantly by means of an extrathymic pathway.