101 resultados para Bacteriophage T7


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We have developed an extremely sensitive technique, termed immuno-detection amplified by T7 RNA polymerase (IDAT) that is capable of monitoring proteins, lipids, and metabolites and their modifications at the single-cell level. A double-stranded oligonucleotide containing the T7 promoter is conjugated to an antibody (Ab), and then T7 RNA polymerase is used to amplify RNA from the double-stranded oligonucleotides coupled to the Ab in the Ab-antigen complex. By using this technique, we are able to detect the p185her2/neu receptor from the crude lysate of T6–17 cells at 10−13 dilution, which is 109-fold more sensitive than the conventional ELISA method. Single-chain Fv fragments or complementarity determining region peptides of the Ab also can be substituted for the Ab in IDAT. In a modified protocol, the oligonucleotide has been coupled to an Ab against a common epitope to create a universal detector species. With the linear amplification ability of T7 RNA polymerase, IDAT represents a significant improvement over immuno-PCR in terms of sensitivity and has the potential to provide a robotic platform for proteomics.


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For several decades, research into the mechanisms of genetic recombination proceeded without a complete understanding of its cellular function or its place in DNA metabolism. Many lines of research recently have coalesced to reveal a thorough integration of most aspects of DNA metabolism, including recombination. In bacteria, the primary function of homologous genetic recombination is the repair of stalled or collapsed replication forks. Recombinational DNA repair of replication forks is a surprisingly common process, even under normal growth conditions. The new results feature multiple pathways for repair and the involvement of many enzymatic systems. The long-recognized integration of replication and recombination in the DNA metabolism of bacteriophage T4 has moved into the spotlight with its clear mechanistic precedents. In eukaryotes, a similar integration of replication and recombination is seen in meiotic recombination as well as in the repair of replication forks and double-strand breaks generated by environmental abuse. Basic mechanisms for replication fork repair can now inform continued research into other aspects of recombination. This overview attempts to trace the history of the search for recombination function in bacteria and their bacteriophages, as well as some of the parallel paths taken in eukaryotic recombination research.


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Replication-dependent chromosomal breakage suggests that replication forks occasionally run into nicks in template DNA and collapse, generating double-strand ends. To model replication fork collapse in vivo, I constructed phage λ chromosomes carrying the nicking site of M13 bacteriophage and infected with these substrates Escherichia coli cells, producing M13 nicking enzyme. I detected double-strand breaks at the nicking sites in λ DNA purified from these cells. The double-strand breakage depends on (i) the presence of the nicking site; (ii) the production of the nicking enzyme; and (iii) replication of the nick-containing chromosome. Replication fork collapse at nicks in template DNA explains diverse phenomena, including eukaryotic cell killing by DNA topoisomerase inhibitors and inviability of recombination-deficient vertebrate cell lines.


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Bacteriophage Mu replicates as a transposable element, exploiting host enzymes to promote initiation of DNA synthesis. The phage-encoded transposase MuA, assembled into an oligomeric transpososome, promotes transfer of Mu ends to target DNA, creating a fork at each end, and then remains tightly bound to both forks. In the transition to DNA synthesis, the molecular chaperone ClpX acts first to weaken the transpososome's interaction with DNA, apparently activating its function as a molecular matchmaker. This activated transpososome promotes formation of a new nucleoprotein complex (prereplisome) by yet unidentified host factors [Mu replication factors (MRFα2)], which displace the transpososome in an ATP-dependent reaction. Primosome assembly proteins PriA, PriB, DnaT, and the DnaB–DnaC complex then promote the binding of the replicative helicase DnaB on the lagging strand template of the Mu fork. PriA helicase plays an important role in opening the DNA duplex for DnaB binding, which leads to assembly of DNA polymerase III holoenzyme to form the replisome. The MRFα2 transition factors, assembled into a prereplisome, not only protect the fork from action by nonspecific host enzymes but also appear to aid in replisome assembly by helping to activate PriA's helicase activity. They consist of at least two separable components, one heat stable and the other heat labile. Although the MRFα2 components are apparently not encoded by currently known homologous recombination genes such as recA, recF, recO, and recR, they may fulfill an important function in assembling replisomes on arrested replication forks and products of homologous strand exchange.


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The coordinated assembly of the DNA polymerase (gp43), the sliding clamp (gp45), and the clamp loader (gp44/62) to form the bacteriophage T4 DNA polymerase holoenzyme is a multistep process. A partially opened toroid-shaped gp45 is loaded around DNA by gp44/62 in an ATP-dependent manner. Gp43 binds to this complex to generate the holoenzyme in which gp45 acts to topologically link gp43 to DNA, effectively increasing the processivity of DNA replication. Stopped-flow fluorescence resonance energy transfer was used to investigate the opening and closing of the gp45 ring during holoenzyme assembly. By using two site-specific mutants of gp45 along with a previously characterized gp45 mutant, we tracked changes in distances across the gp45 subunit interface through seven conformational changes associated with holoenzyme assembly. Initially, gp45 is partially open within the plane of the ring at one of the three subunit interfaces. On addition of gp44/62 and ATP, this interface of gp45 opens further in-plane through the hydrolysis of ATP. Addition of DNA and hydrolysis of ATP close gp45 in an out-of-plane conformation. The final holoenzyme is formed by the addition of gp43, which causes gp45 to close further in plane, leaving the subunit interface open slightly. This open interface of gp45 in the final holoenzyme state is proposed to interact with the C-terminal tail of gp43, providing a point of contact between gp45 and gp43. This study further defines the dynamic process of bacteriophage T4 polymerase holoenzyme assembly.


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Members of the RecA family of recombinases from bacteriophage T4, Escherichia coli, yeast, and higher eukaryotes function in recombination as higher-order oligomers assembled on tracts of single-strand DNA (ssDNA). Biochemical studies have shown that assembly of recombinase involves accessory factors. These studies have identified a class of proteins, called recombination mediator proteins, that act by promoting assembly of recombinase on ssDNA tracts that are bound by ssDNA-binding protein (ssb). In the absence of mediators, ssb inhibits recombination reactions by competing with recombinase for DNA-binding sites. Here we briefly review mediated recombinase assembly and present results of new in vivo experiments. Immuno-double-staining experiments in Saccharomyces cerevisiae suggest that Rad51, the eukaryotic recombinase, can assemble at or near sites containing ssb (replication protein A, RPA) during the response to DNA damage, consistent with a need for mediator activity. Correspondingly, mediator gene mutants display defects in Rad51 assembly after DNA damage and during meiosis, although the requirements for assembly are distinct in the two cases. In meiosis, both Rad52 and Rad55/57 are required, whereas either Rad52 or Rad55/57 is sufficient to promote assembly of Rad51 in irradiated mitotic cells. Rad52 promotes normal amounts of Rad51 assembly in the absence of Rad55 at 30°C but not 20°C, accounting for the cold sensitivity of rad55 null mutants. Finally, we show that assembly of Rad51 is induced by radiation during S phase but not during G1, consistent with the role of Rad51 in repairing the spontaneous damage that occurs during DNA replication.


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Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Colloquium on the roles of homologous recombination in DNA replication are summarized. Current findings in experimental systems ranging from bacteriophages to mammalian cell lines substantiate the idea that homologous recombination is a system supporting DNA replication when either the template DNA is damaged or the replication machinery malfunctions. There are several lines of supporting evidence: (i) DNA replication aggravates preexisting DNA damage, which then blocks subsequent replication; (ii) replication forks abandoned by malfunctioning replisomes become prone to breakage; (iii) mutants with malfunctioning replisomes or with elevated levels of DNA damage depend on homologous recombination; and (iv) homologous recombination primes DNA replication in vivo and can restore replication fork structures in vitro. The mechanisms of recombinational repair in bacteriophage T4, Escherichia coli, and Saccharomyces cerevisiae are compared. In vitro properties of the eukaryotic recombinases suggest a bigger role for single-strand annealing in the eukaryotic recombinational repair.


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Recent experiments have measured the rate of replication of DNA catalyzed by a single enzyme moving along a stretched template strand. The dependence on tension was interpreted as evidence that T7 and related DNA polymerases convert two (n = 2) or more single-stranded template bases to double helix geometry in the polymerization site during each catalytic cycle. However, we find structural data on the T7 enzyme–template complex indicate n = 1. We also present a model for the “tuning” of replication rate by mechanical tension. This model considers only local interactions in the neighborhood of the enzyme, unlike previous models that use stretching curves for the entire polymer chain. Our results, with n = 1, reconcile force-dependent replication rate studies with structural data on DNA polymerase complexes.


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Protein-protein interactions typically are characterized by highly specific interfaces that mediate binding with precisely tuned affinities. Binding of the Escherichia coli cochaperonin GroES to chaperonin GroEL is mediated, at least in part, by a mobile polypeptide loop in GroES that becomes immobilized in the GroEL/GroES/nucleotide complex. The bacteriophage T4 cochaperonin Gp31 possesses a similar highly flexible polypeptide loop in a region of the protein that shows low, but significant, amino acid similarity with GroES and other cochaperonins. When bound to GroEL, a synthetic peptide representing the mobile loop of either GroES or Gp31 adopts a characteristic bulged hairpin conformation as determined by transferred nuclear Overhauser effects in NMR spectra. Thermodynamic considerations suggest that flexible disorder in the cochaperonin mobile loops moderates their affinity for GroEL to facilitate cycles of chaperonin-mediated protein folding.


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We have developed a system for generation of infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV), a segmented double-stranded RNA virus of the Birnaviridae family, with the use of synthetic transcripts derived from cloned cDNA. Independent full-length cDNA clones were constructed that contained the entire coding and noncoding regions of RNA segments A and B of two distinguishable IBDV strains of serotype I. Segment A encodes all of the structural (VP2, VP4, and VP3) and nonstructural (VP5) proteins, whereas segment B encodes the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (VP1). Synthetic RNAs of both segments were produced by in vitro transcription of linearized plasmids with T7 RNA polymerase. Transfection of Vero cells with combined plus-sense transcripts of both segments generated infectious virus as early as 36 hr after transfection. The infectivity and specificity of the recovered chimeric virus was ascertained by the appearance of cytopathic effect in chicken embryo cells, by immunofluorescence staining of infected Vero cells with rabbit anti-IBDV serum, and by nucleotide sequence analysis of the recovered virus, respectively. In addition, transfectant viruses containing genetically tagged sequences in either segment A or segment B of IBDV were generated to confirm the feasibility of this system. The development of a reverse genetics system for double-stranded RNA viruses will greatly facilitate studies of the regulation of viral gene expression, pathogenesis, and design of a new generation of live vaccines.


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In studies of variants of the P(ant) promoter of bacteriophage P22, the Arc protein was found not only to slow the rate at which RNA polymerase forms open complexes but also to accelerate the rate at which the enzyme clears the promoter. These dual activities permit Arc, bound at a single operator subsite, to act as an activator or as a repressor of different promoter variants. For example, Arc activates a P(ant) variant for which promoter clearance is rate limiting in the presence and absence of Arc but represses a closely related variant for which open-complex formation becomes rate limiting in the presence of Arc. The acceleration of promoter clearance by Arc requires occupancy of the operator subsite proximal to the -35 region and is diminished when Arc bears a mutation in Arg-23, a residue that makes a DNA-backbone contact in the operator complex.


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The binding stoichiometry of gene V protein from bacteriophage f1 to several oligonucleotides was studied using electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (ESI-MS). Using mild mass spectrometer interface conditions that preserve noncovalent associations in solution, gene V protein was observed as dimer ions from a 10 mM NH4OAc solution. Addition of oligonucleotides resulted in formation of protein-oligonucleotide complexes with stoichiometry of approximately four nucleotides (nt) per protein monomer. A 16-mer oligonucleotide gave predominantly a 4:1 (protein monomer: oligonucleotide) complex while oligonucleotides shorter than 15 nt showed stoichiometries of 2:1. Stoichiometries and relative binding constants for a mixture of oligonucleotides were readily measured using mass spectrometry. The binding stoichiometry of the protein with the 16-mer oligonucleotide was measured independently using size-exclusion chromatography and the results were consistent with the mass spectrometric data. These results demonstrate, for the first time, the observation and stoichiometric measurement of protein-oligonucleotide complexes using ESI-MS. The sensitivity and high resolution of ESI-MS should make it a useful too] in the study of protein-DNA interactions.


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A reverse genetics approach was applied to generate a chimeric nonsegmented negative strand RNA virus, rabies virus (RV) of the Rhabdoviridae family, that expresses a foreign protein. DNA constructs containing the entire open reading frame of the bacterial chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) gene and an upstream RV cistron border sequence were inserted either into the nontranslated pseudogene region of a full-length cDNA copy of the RV genome or exchanged with the pseudogene region. After intracellular T7 RNA polymerase-driven expression of full-length antigenome RNA transcripts and RV nucleoprotein, phosphoprotein and polymerase from transfected plasmids, RVs transcribing novel monocistronic mRNAs and expressing CAT at high levels, were recovered. The chimeric viruses possessed the growth characteristics of standard RV and were genetically stable upon serial cell culture passages. CAT activity was still observed in cell cultures infected with viruses passaged for more than 25 times. Based on the unprecedented stability of the chimeric RNA genomes, which is most likely due to the structure of the rhabdoviral ribonucleoprotein complex, we predict the successful future use of recombinant rhabdovirus vectors for displaying foreign antigens or delivering therapeutic genes.


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We describe a conserved family of bacterial gene products that includes the VirB1 virulence factor encoded by tumor-inducing plasmids of Agrobacterium spp., proteins involved in conjugative DNA transfer of broad-host-range bacterial plasmids, and gene products that may be involved in invasion by Shigella spp. and Salmonella enterica. Sequence analysis and structural modeling show that the proteins in this group are related to chicken egg white lysozyme and are likely to adopt a lysozyme-like structural fold. Based on their similarity to lysozyme, we predict that these proteins have glycosidase activity. Iterative data base searches with three conserved sequence motifs from this protein family detect a more distant relationship to bacterial and bacteriophage lytic transglycosylases, and goose egg white lysozyme. Two acidic residues in the VirB1 protein of Agrobacterium tumefaciens form a putative catalytic dyad, Each of these residues was changed into the corresponding amide by site-directed mutagenesis. Strains of A. tumefaciens that express mutated VirB1 proteins have a significantly reduced virulence. We hypothesize that many bacterial proteins involved in export of macromolecules belong to a widespread class of hydrolases and cleave beta-1,4-glycosidic bonds as part of their function.


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Proline is established as a potent breaker of both alpha-helical and beta-sheet structures in soluble (globular) proteins. Thus, the frequent occurrence of the Pro residue in the putative transmembrane helices of integral membrane proteins, particularly transport proteins, presents a structural dilemma. We propose that this phenomenon results from the fact that the structural propensity of a given amino acid may be altered to conform to changes imposed by molecular environment. To test this hypothesis on proline, we synthesized model peptides of generic sequence H2N-(Ser-LyS)2-Ala- Leu-Z-Ala-Leu-Z-Trp-Ala-Leu-Z-(Lys-Ser)3-OH (Z = Ala and/or Pro). Peptide conformations were analyzed by circular dichroism spectroscopy in aqueous buffer, SDS, lysophosphatidylglycerol micelles, and organic solvents (methanol, trifluoroethanol, and 2-propanol). The helical propensity of Pro was found to be greatly enhanced in the membrane-mimetic environments of both lipid micelles and organic solvents. Proline was found to stabilize the alpha-helical conformation relative to Ala at elevated temperatures in 2-propanol, an observation that argues against the doctrine that Pro is the most potent alpha-helix breaker as established in aqueous media. Parallel studies in deoxycholate micelles of the temperature-induced conformational transitions of the single-spanning membrane bacteriophage IKe major coat protein, in which the Pro-containing wild type was compared with Pro30 --> Ala mutant, Pro was found to protect the helix, but disrupt the beta-sheet structure as effectively as it does to model peptides in water. The intrinsic capacity of Pro to disrupt beta-sheets was further reflected in a survey of porins where Pro was found to be selectively excluded from the core of membrane-spanning beta-sheet barrels. The overall data provide a rationale for predicting and understanding the structural consequences when Pro occurs in the context of a membrane.