66 resultados para AMINO-ACID-METABOLISM


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Plants, unlike other higher eukaryotes, possess all the necessary enzymatic equipment for de novo synthesis of methionine, an amino acid that supports additional roles than simply serving as a building block for protein synthesis. This is because methionine is the immediate precursor of S-adenosylmethionine (AdoMet), which plays numerous roles of being the major methyl-group donor in transmethylation reactions and an intermediate in the biosynthesis of polyamines and of the phytohormone ethylene. In addition, AdoMet has regulatory function in plants behaving as an allosteric activator of threonine synthase. Among the AdoMet-dependent reactions occurring in plants, methylation of cytosine residues in DNA has raised recent interest because impediment of this function alters plant morphology and induces homeotic alterations in flower organs. Also, AdoMet metabolism seems somehow implicated in plant growth via an as yet fully understood link with plant-growth hormones such as cytokinins and auxin and in plant pathogen interactions. Because of this central role in cellular metabolism, a precise knowledge of the biosynthetic pathways that are responsible for homeostatic regulation of methionine and AdoMet in plants has practical implications, particularly in herbicide design.


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Aspergillus nidulans contains two functionally distinct fatty acid synthases (FASs): one required for primary fatty acid metabolism (FAS) and the other required for secondary metabolism (sFAS). FAS mutants require long-chain fatty acids for growth, whereas sFAS mutants grow normally but cannot synthesize sterigmatocystin (ST), a carcinogenic secondary metabolite structurally and biosynthetically related to aflatoxin. sFAS mutants regain the ability to synthesize ST when provided with hexanoic acid, supporting the model that the ST polyketide synthase uses this short-chain fatty acid as a starter unit. The characterization of both the polyketide synthase and FAS may provide novel means for modifying secondary metabolites.


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A gene encoding a product with substantial similarity to ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RubisCO) was identified in the preliminary genome sequence of the green sulfur bacterium Chlorobium tepidum. A highly similar gene was subsequently isolated and sequenced from Chlorobium limicola f.sp. thiosulfatophilum strain Tassajara. Analysis of these amino acid sequences indicated that they lacked several conserved RubisCO active site residues. The Chlorobium RubisCO-like proteins are most closely related to deduced sequences in Bacillus subtilis and Archaeoglobus fulgidus, which also lack some typical RubisCO active site residues. When the C. tepidum gene encoding the RubisCO-like protein was disrupted, the resulting mutant strain displayed a pleiotropic phenotype with defects in photopigment content, photoautotrophic growth and carbon fixation rates, and sulfur metabolism. Most important, the mutant strain showed substantially enhanced accumulation of two oxidative stress proteins. These results indicated that the C. tepidum RubisCO-like protein might be involved in oxidative stress responses and/or sulfur metabolism. This protein might be an evolutional link to bona fide RubisCO and could serve as an important tool to analyze how the RubisCO active site developed.


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Maize (Zea mays L.) plants were grown to the nine-leaf stage. Despite a saturating N supply, the youngest mature leaves (seventh position on the stem) contained little NO3− reserve. Droughted plants (deprived of nutrient solution) showed changes in foliar enzyme activities, mRNA accumulation, photosynthesis, and carbohydrate and amino acid contents. Total leaf water potential and CO2 assimilation rates, measured 3 h into the photoperiod, decreased 3 d after the onset of drought. Starch, glucose, fructose, and amino acids, but not sucrose (Suc), accumulated in the leaves of droughted plants. Maximal extractable phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase activities increased slightly during water deficit, whereas the sensitivity of this enzyme to the inhibitor malate decreased. Maximal extractable Suc phosphate synthase activities decreased as a result of water stress, and there was an increase in the sensitivity to the inhibitor orthophosphate. A correlation between maximal extractable foliar nitrate reductase (NR) activity and the rate of CO2 assimilation was observed. The NR activation state and maximal extractable NR activity declined rapidly in response to drought. Photosynthesis and NR activity recovered rapidly when nutrient solution was restored at this point. The decrease in maximal extractable NR activity was accompanied by a decrease in NR transcripts, whereas Suc phosphate synthase and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase mRNAs were much less affected. The coordination of N and C metabolism is retained during drought conditions via modulation of the activities of Suc phosphate synthase and NR commensurate with the prevailing rate of photosynthesis.


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We have isolated a human cDNA clone encoding the mammalian homolog of stanniocalcin (STC), a calcium- and phosphate-regulating hormone that was first described in fishes where it functions in preventing hypercalcemia. STC has a unique amino acid sequence and, until now, has remained one of the few polypeptide hormones never described in higher vertebrates. Human STC (hSTC) was found to be 247 amino acids long and to share 73% amino acid sequence similarity with fish STC. Polyclonal antibodies to recombinant hSTC localized to a distinct cell type in the nephron tubule, suggesting kidney as a possible site of synthesis. Recombinant hSTC inhibited the gill transport of calcium when administered to fish and stimulated renal phosphate reabsorption in the rat. The evidence suggests that mammalian STC, like its piscine counterpart, is a regulator of mineral homeostasis.


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Ceruloplasmin is an abundant alpha 2-serum glycoprotein that contains 95% of the copper found in the plasma of vertebrate species. We report here on the identification of a genetic defect in the ceruloplasmin gene in a patient previously noted to have a total absence of circulating serum ceruloplasmin in association with late-onset retinal and basal ganglia degeneration. In this patient T2 (transverse relaxation time)-weighted magnetic resonance imaging of the brain revealed basal ganglia densities consistent with iron deposition, and liver biopsy confirmed the presence of excess iron. Although Southern blot analysis of the patient's DNA was normal, PCR amplification of 18 of the 19 exons composing the human ceruloplasmin gene revealed a distinct size difference in exon 7. DNA sequence analysis of this exon revealed a 5-bp insertion at amino acid 410, resulting in a frame-shift mutation and a truncated open reading frame. The validity of this mutation was confirmed by analysis of DNA from the patient's daughter, which revealed heterozygosity for this same 5-bp insertion. The presence of this mutation in conjunction with the clinical and pathologic findings demonstrates an essential role for ceruloplasmin in human biology and identifies aceruloplasminemia as an autosomal recessive disorder of iron metabolism. These findings support previous studies that identified ceruloplasmin as a ferroxidase and are remarkably consistent with recent studies on the essential role of a homologous copper oxidase in iron metabolism in yeast. The clinical and laboratory findings suggest that additional patients with movement disorders and nonclassical Wilson disease should be examined for ceruloplasmin gene mutations.