59 resultados para yeast-to-hypha transition


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Isopentenyl diphosphate (IPP), which is produced from mevalonic acid or other nonmevalonic substrates, is the universal precursor of isoprenoids in nature. Despite the presence of several isoprenoid compounds in plastids, enzymes of the mevalonate pathway leading to IPP formation have never been isolated or identified to our knowledge. We now describe the characterization of two pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) cDNAs, CapTKT1 and CapTKT2, that encode transketolases having distinct and dedicated specificities. CapTKT1 is primarily involved in plastidial pentose phosphate and glycolytic cycle integration, whereas CapTKT2 initiates the synthesis of isoprenoids in plastids via the nonmevalonic acid pathway. From pyruvate and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate, CapTKT2 catalyzes the formation of 1-deoxy-xylulose-5-phosphate, the IPP precursor. CapTKT1 is almost constitutively expressed during the chloroplast-to-chromoplast transition, whereas CapTKT2 is overexpressed during this period, probably to furnish the IPP necessary for increased carotenoid biosynthesis. Because deoxy-xylulose phosphate is shared by the plastid pathways of isoprenoid, thiamine (vitamin B1), and pyridoxine (vitamin B6) biosynthesis, our results may explain why albino phenotypes usually occur in thiamine-deficient plants.


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We investigated the relationship between nonphotochemical plastoquinone reduction and chlororespiration in leaves of growth-chamber-grown sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Following a short induction period, leaves of previously illuminated sunflower showed a substantially increased level of minimal fluorescence following a light-to-dark transition. This increase in minimal fluorescence was reversed by far-red illumination, inhibited by rotenone or photooxidative methyl viologen treatment, and stimulated by fumigation with CO. Using flash-induced electrochromic absorption-change measurements, we observed that the capacity of sunflower to reduce plastoquinone in the dark influenced the activation state of the chloroplast ATP synthase, although chlororespiratory transmembrane electrochemical potential formation alone does not fully explain our observations. We have added several important new observations to the work of others, forming, to our knowledge, the first strong experimental evidence that chlororespiratory, nonphotochemical plastoquinone reduction and plastoquinol oxidation occur in the chloroplasts of higher plants. We have introduced procedures for monitoring and manipulating chlorores-piratory activity in leaves that will be important in subsequent work aimed at defining the pathway and function of this dark electron flux in higher plant chloroplasts.


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The RAD52 epistasis group genes are involved in homologous DNA recombination, and their primary structures are conserved from yeast to humans. Although biochemical studies have suggested that the fundamental mechanism of homologous DNA recombination is conserved from yeast to mammals, recent studies of vertebrate cells deficient in genes of the RAD52 epistasis group reveal that the role of each protein is not necessarily the same as that of the corresponding yeast gene product. This review addresses the roles and mechanisms of homologous recombination-mediated repair with a special emphasis on differences between yeast and vertebrate cells.


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Despite the biological and medical importance of signal transduction via Ras proteins and despite considerable kinetic and structural studies of wild-type and mutant Ras proteins, the mechanism of Ras-catalyzed GTP hydrolysis remains controversial. We take a different approach to this problem: the uncatalyzed hydrolysis of GTP is analyzed, and the understanding derived is applied to the Ras-catalyzed reaction. Evaluation of previous mechanistic proposals from this chemical perspective suggests that proton abstraction from the attacking water by a general base and stabilization of charge development on the gamma-phosphoryl oxygen atoms would not be catalytic. Rather, this analysis focuses attention on the GDP leaving group, including the beta-gamma bridge oxygen of GTP, the atom that undergoes the largest change in charge in going from the ground state to the transition state. This leads to a new catalytic proposal in which a hydrogen bond from the backbone amide of Gly-13 to this bridge oxygen is strengthened in the transition state relative to the ground state, within an active site that provides a template complementary to the transition state. Strengthened transition state interactions of the active site lysine, Lys-16, with the beta-nonbridging phosphoryl oxygens and a network of interactions that positions the nucleophilic water molecule and gamma-phosphoryl group with respect to one another may also contribute to catalysis. It is speculated that a significant fraction of the GAP-activated GTPase activity of Ras arises from an additional interaction of the beta-gamma bridge oxygen with an Arg side chain that is provided in trans by GAP. The conclusions for Ras and related G proteins are expected to apply more widely to other enzymes that catalyze phosphoryl (-PO(3)2-) transfer, including kinases and phosphatases.


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Cyclins are cell cycle regulators whose proteins oscillate dramatically during the cell cycle. Cyclin steady-state mRNA levels also fluctuate, and there are indications that both their rate of transcription and mRNA stability are under cell cycle control. Here, we demonstrate the transcriptional regulation of higher eukaryote cyclins throughout the whole cell cycle with a high temporal resolution. The promoters of two Arabidopsis cyclins, cyc3aAt and cyc1At, mediated transcriptional oscillation of the beta-glucuronidase (gus) reporter gene in stably transformed tobacco BY-2 cell lines. The rate of transcription driven by the cyc3aAt promoter was very low during G1, slowly increased during the S phase, peaked at the G2 phase and G2-to-M transition, and was down-regulated before early metaphase. In contrast, the rate of the cyc1At-related transcription increased upon exit of the S phase, peaked at the G2-to-M transition and during mitosis, and decreased upon exit from the M phase. This study indicates that transcription mechanisms that seem to be conserved among species play a significant role in regulating the mRNA abundance of the plant cyclins. Furthermore, the transcription patterns of cyc3aAt and cyc1At were coherent with their slightly higher sequence similarity to the A and B groups of animal cyclins, respectively, suggesting that they may fulfill comparable roles during the cell cycle.


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X-ray diffraction experiments revealed the structure of the N photointermediate of bacteriorhodopsin. Since the retinal Schiff base is reprotonated from Asp-96 during the M to N transition in the photocycle, and Asp-96 is reprotonated during the lifetime of the N intermediate, or immediately after, N is a key intermediate for understanding the light-driven proton pump. The N intermediate accumulates in large amounts during continuous illumination of the F171C mutant at pH 7 and 5 degrees Celsius. Small but significant changes of the structure were detected in the x-ray diffraction profile under these conditions. The changes were reversible and reproducible. The difference Fourier map indicates that the major change occurs near helix F. The observed diffraction changes between N and the original state were essentially identical to the diffraction changes reported for the M intermediate of the D96N mutant of bacteriorhodopsin. Thus, we find that the protein conformations of the M and N intermediates of the photocycle are essentially the same, in spite of the fact that in M the Schiff base is unprotonated and in N it is protonated. The observed structural change near helix F will increase access of the Schiff base and Asp-96 to the cytoplasmic surface and facilitate the proton transfer events that begin with the decay of the M state.


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Deletion of the clathrin heavy-chain gene, CHC1, in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae results in growth, morphological, and membrane trafficking defects, and in some strains chc1-delta is lethal. A previous study identified five genes which, in multicopy, rescue inviable strains of Chc- yeast. Now we report that one of the suppressor loci, BMH2/SCD3, encodes a protein of the 14-3-3 family. The 14-3-3 proteins are abundant acidic proteins of approximately 30 kDa with numerous isoforms and a diverse array of reported functions. The Bmh2 protein is > 70% identical to the mammalian epsilon-isoform and > 90% identical to a previously reported yeast 14-3-3 protein encoded by BMH1. Single deletions of BMH1 or BMH2 have no discernable phenotypes, but deletion of both BMH1 and BMH2 is lethal. High-copy BMH1 also rescues inviable strains of Chc- yeast, although not as well as BMH2. In addition, the slow growth of viable strains of Chc- yeast is further impaired when combined with single bmh mutations, often resulting in lethality. Overexpression of BMH genes also partially suppresses the temperature sensitivity of the cdc25-1 mutant, and high-copy TPK1, encoding a cAMP-dependent protein kinase, restores Bmh- yeast to viability. High-copy TPK1 did not rescue Chc- yeast. These genetic interactions suggest that budding-yeast 14-3-3 proteins are multifunctional and may play a role in both vesicular transport and Ras signaling pathways.


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Fas, a member of the tumor necrosis factor receptor family, can induce apoptosis when activated by Fas ligand binding or anti-Fas antibody crosslinking. Genetic studies have shown that a defect in Fas-mediated apoptosis resulted in abnormal development and function of the immune system in mice. A point mutation in the cytoplasmic domain of Fas (a single base change from T to A at base 786), replacing isoleucine with asparagine, abolishes the signal transducing property of Fas. Mice homozygous for this mutant allele (lprcg/lprcg mice) develop lymphadenopathy and a lupus-like autoimmune disease. Little is known about the mechanism of signal transduction in Fas-mediated apoptosis. In this study, we used the two-hybrid screen in yeast to isolate a Fas-associated protein factor, FAF1, which specifically interacts with the cytoplasmic domain of wild-type Fas but not the lprcg-mutated Fas protein. This interaction occurs not only in yeast but also in mammalian cells. When transiently expressed in L cells, FAF1 potentiated Fas-induced apoptosis. A search of available DNA and protein sequence data banks did not reveal significant homology between FAF1 and known proteins. Therefore, FAF1 is an unusual protein that binds to the wild type but not the inactive point mutant of Fas. FAF1 potentiates Fas-induced cell killing and is a candidate signal transducing molecule in the regulation of apoptosis.


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Although the rates of chemical reactions become faster with increasing temperature, the converse may be observed with protein-folding reactions. The rate constant for folding initially increases with temperature, goes through a maximum, and then decreases. The activation enthalpy is thus highly temperature dependent because of a large change in specific heat (delta Cp). Such a delta Cp term is usually presumed to be a consequence of a large decrease in exposure of hydrophobic surfaces to water as the reaction proceeds from the denatured state to the transition state for folding: the hydrophobic side chains are surrounded by "icebergs" of water that melt with increasing temperature, thus making a large contribution to the Cp of the denatured state and a smaller one to the more compact transition state. The rate could also be affected by temperature-induced changes in the conformational population of the ground state: the heat required for the progressive melting of residual structure in the denatured state will contribute to delta Cp. By examining two proteins with different refolding mechanisms, we are able to find both of these two processes; barley chymotrypsin inhibitor 2, which refolds from a highly unfolded state, fits well to a hydrophobic interaction model with a constant delta Cp of activation, whereas barnase, which refolds from a more structured denatured state, deviates from this ideal behavior.


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Although the mechanisms of transcriptional regulation by RNA polymerase II are apparently highly conserved from yeast to man, the identification of a yeast TATA-binding protein (TBP)-TBP-associated factor (TAFII) complex comparable to the metazoan TFIID component of the basal transcriptional machinery has remained elusive. Here, we report the isolation of a yeast TBP-TAFII complex which can mediate transcriptional activation by GAL4-VP16 in a highly purified yeast in vitro transcription system. We have cloned and sequenced the genes encoding four of the multiple yeast TAFII proteins comprising the TBP-TAFII multisubunit complex and find that they are similar at the amino acid level to both human and Drosophila TFIID subunits. Using epitope-tagging and immunoprecipitation experiments, we demonstrate that these genes encode bona fide TAF proteins and show that the yeast TBP-TAFII complex is minimally composed of TBP and seven distinct yTAFII proteins ranging in size from M(r) = 150,000 to M(r) = 25,000. In addition, by constructing null alleles of the cloned TAF-encoding genes, we show that normal function of the TAF-encoding genes is essential for yeast cell viability.


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Experimental evidence for proton transfer via a hydrogen-bonded network in a membrane protein is presented. Bacteriorhodopsin's proton transfer mechanism on the proton uptake pathway between Asp-96 and the Schiff base in the M-to-N transition was determined. The slowdown of this transfer by removal of the proton donor in the Asp-96-->Asn mutant can be accelerated again by addition of small weak acid anions such as azide. Fourier-transform infrared experiments show in the Asp-96-->Asn mutant a transient protonation of azide bound to the protein in the M-to-N transition and, due to the addition of azide, restoration of the IR continuum band changes as seen in wild-type bR during proton pumping. The continuum band changes indicate fast proton transfer on the uptake pathway in a hydrogen-bonded network for wild-type bR and the Asp-96-->Asn mutant with azide. Since azide is able to catalyze proton transfer steps also in several kinetically defective bR mutants and in other membrane proteins, our finding might point to a general element of proton transfer mechanisms in proteins.


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The Cdc7p protein kinase is essential for the G1/S transition and initiation of DNA replication during the cell division cycle in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Cdc7p appears to be an evolutionarily conserved protein, since a homolog Hsk1 has been isolated from Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Here, we report the isolation of a human cDNA, HsCdc7, whose product is closely related in sequence to Cdc7p and Hsk1. The HsCdc7 cDNA encodes a protein of 574 amino acids with predicted size of 64 kDa. HsCdc7 contains the conserved subdomains common to all protein-serine/threonine kinases and three “kinase inserts” that are characteristic of Cdc7p and Hsk1. Immune complexes of HsCdc7 from cell lysates were able to phosphorylate histone H1 in vitro. Indirect immunofluorescence staining demonstrated that HsCdc7 protein was predominantly localized in the nucleus. Although the expression levels of HsCdc7 appeared to be constant throughout the cell cycle, the protein kinase activity of HsCdc7 increased during S phase of the cell cycle at approximately the same time as that of Cdk2. These results, together with the functions of Cdc7p in yeast, suggest that HsCdc7 may phosphorylate critical substrate(s) that regulate the G1/S phase transition and/or DNA replication in mammalian cells.


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The Schizosaccharomyces pombe win1-1 mutant has a defect in the G2-M transition of the cell cycle. Although the defect is suppressed by wis1+ and wis4+, which are components of a stress-activated MAP kinase pathway that links stress response and cell cycle control, the molecular identity of Win1 has not been known. We show here that win1+ encodes a polypeptide of 1436 residues with an apparent molecular size of 180 kDa and demonstrate that Win1 is a MAP kinase kinase kinase that phosphorylates and activates Wis1. Despite extensive similarities between Win1 and Wis4, the two MAP kinase kinase kinases have distinct functions. Wis4 is able to compensate for loss of Win1 only under unstressed conditions to maintain basal Wis1 activity, but it fails to suppress the osmosignaling defect conferred by win1 mutations. The win1-1 mutation is a spontaneous duplication of 16 nucleotides, which leads to a frameshift and production of a truncated protein lacking the kinase domain. We discuss the cell cycle phenotype of the win1-1 cdc25-22 wee1-50 mutant and its suppression by wis genes.


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In higher eukaryotic cells, the spindle forms along with chromosome condensation in mitotic prophase. In metaphase, chromosomes are aligned on the spindle with sister kinetochores facing toward the opposite poles. In anaphase A, sister chromatids separate from each other without spindle extension, whereas spindle elongation takes place during anaphase B. We have critically examined whether such mitotic stages also occur in a lower eukaryote, Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Using the green fluorescent protein tagging technique, early mitotic to late anaphase events were observed in living fission yeast cells. S. pombe has three phases in spindle dynamics, spindle formation (phase 1), constant spindle length (phase 2), and spindle extension (phase 3). Sister centromere separation (anaphase A) rapidly occurred at the end of phase 2. The centromere showed dynamic movements throughout phase 2 as it moved back and forth and was transiently split in two before its separation, suggesting that the centromere was positioned in a bioriented manner toward the poles at metaphase. Microtubule-associating Dis1 was required for the occurrence of constant spindle length and centromere movement in phase 2. Normal transition from phase 2 to 3 needed DNA topoisomerase II and Cut1 but not Cut14. The duration of each phase was highly dependent on temperature.