62 resultados para smooth muscle cell


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SPARC (secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine)/BM 40/osteonectin is a matricellular protein shown to function as a counteradhesive factor that induces cell rounding and as an inhibitor of cell proliferation. These activities have been defined in cell culture, in which interpretation has been complicated by the presence of endogenous SPARC. We therefore sought to determine whether cell shape and proliferation would be affected by the absence of SPARC. Mesangial cells, fibroblasts, and aortic smooth muscle cells were isolated from SPARC-null and age-matched, wild-type mice. In contrast to wild-type cells, SPARC-null mesangial cells exhibited a flat morphology and an altered actin cytoskeleton. In addition, vinculin-containing focal adhesions were distributed over the center of SPARC-null cells, whereas in wild-type cells, the number of focal adhesions was reduced, and these structures were restricted largely to the cell periphery. Although the SPARC-null fibroblasts did not display overt differences in cell morphology, the cells responded to exogenous recombinant SPARC by rounding up in a manner similar to that of wild-type fibroblasts. Thus, the expression of endogenous SPARC is not required for the response of cells to SPARC. Additionally, SPARC-null mesangial cells, fibroblasts, and smooth muscle cells proliferated faster than their respective wild-type counterparts. Null cells also showed a greater sensitivity to the inhibition of cell cycle progression by the addition of recombinant SPARC. The increased proliferation rate of SPARC-null cells appeared to be mediated, at least in part, by an increase in the cell cycle regulatory protein cyclin A. We conclude that the expression of SPARC influences the cellular architecture of mesangial cells and that SPARC plays a role in the regulation of cell cycle in mesangial cells, fibroblasts, and smooth muscle cells.


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The widely used immunosuppressant cyclosporine A (CSA) blocks nuclear translocation of the transcription factor, NF-AT (nuclear factor of activated T cells), preventing its activity. mRNA for several NF-AT isoforms has been shown to exist in cells outside of the immune system, suggesting a possible mechanism for side effects associated with CSA treatment. In this study, we demonstrate that CSA inhibits biochemical and morphological differentiation of skeletal muscle cells while having a minimal effect on proliferation. Furthermore, in vivo treatment with CSA inhibits muscle regeneration after induced trauma in mice. These results suggest a role for NF-AT–mediated transcription outside of the immune system. In subsequent experiments, we examined the activation and cellular localization of NF-AT in skeletal muscle cells in vitro. Known pharmacological inducers of NF-AT in lymphoid cells also stimulate transcription from an NF-AT–responsive reporter gene in muscle cells. Three isoforms of NF-AT (NF-ATp, c, and 4/x/c3) are present in the cytoplasm of muscle cells at all stages of myogenesis tested. However, each isoform undergoes calcium-induced nuclear translocation from the cytoplasm at specific stages of muscle differentiation, suggesting specificity among NF-AT isoforms in gene regulation. Strikingly, one isoform (NF-ATc) can preferentially translocate to a subset of nuclei within a single multinucleated myotube. These results demonstrate that skeletal muscle cells express functionally active NF-AT proteins and that the nuclear translocation of individual NF-AT isoforms, which is essential for the ability to coordinate gene expression, is influenced markedly by the differentiation state of the muscle cell.


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Pretreatment of intact rabbit portal vein smooth muscle with the chimeric toxin DC3B (10−6 M, 48 h; Aullo et al., 1993; Boquet et al. 1995) ADP-ribosylated endogenous RhoA, including cytosolic RhoA complexed with rhoGDI, and inhibited the tonic phase of phenylephrine-induced contraction and the Ca2+-sensitization of force by phenylephrine, endothelin and guanosine triphosphate (GTP)γS, but did not inhibit Ca2+-sensitization by phorbol dibutyrate. DC3B also inhibited GTPγS-induced translocation of cytosolic RhoA (Gong et al., 1997a) to the membrane fraction. In DC3B-treated muscles the small fraction of membrane-associated RhoA could be immunoprecipitated, even after exposure to GTPγS, which prevents immunoprecipitation of non-ADP–ribosylated RhoA. Dissociation of cytosolic RhoA–rhoGDI complexes with SDS restored the immunoprecipitability and ADP ribosylatability of RhoA, indicating that both the ADP-ribosylation site (Asn 41) and RhoA insert loop (Wei et al., 1997) are masked by rhoGDI and that the long axes of the two proteins are in parallel in the heterodimer. We conclude that RhoA plays a significant role in G-protein-, but not protein kinase C-mediated, Ca2+ sensitization and that ADP ribosylation inhibits in vivo the Ca2+-sensitizing effect of RhoA by interfering with its binding to a membrane-associated effector.


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This study was undertaken to determine the modulation of uterine function by chorionic gonadotrophin (CG) in a nonhuman primate. Infusion of recombinant human CG (hCG) between days 6 and 10 post ovulation initiated the endoreplication of the uterine surface epithelium to form distinct epithelial plaques. These plaque cells stained intensely for cytokeratin and the proliferating cell nuclear antigen. The stromal fibroblasts below the epithelial plaques stained positively for α-smooth muscle actin (αSMA). Expression of αSMA is associated with the initiation of decidualization in the baboon endometrium. Synthesis of the glandular secretory protein glycodelin, as assessed by Western blot analysis, was markedly up-regulated by hCG, and this increase was confirmed by immunocytochemistry, Northern blot analysis, and reverse transcriptase-PCR. To determine whether hCG directly modulated these uterine responses, we treated ovariectomized baboons sequentially with estradiol and progesterone to mimic the hormonal profile of the normal menstrual cycle. Infusion of hCG into the oviduct of steroid-hormone-treated ovariectomized baboons induced the expression of αSMA in the stromal cells and glycodelin in the glandular epithelium. The epithelial plaque reaction, however, was not readily evident. These studies demonstrate a physiological effect of CG on the uterine endometrium in vivo and suggest that the primate blastocyst signal, like the blastocyst signals of other species, modulates the uterine environment prior to implantation.


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During skeletal muscle differentiation, the Golgi complex (GC) undergoes a dramatic reorganization. We have now visualized the differentiation and fusion of living myoblasts of the mouse muscle cell line C2, permanently expressing a mannosidase-green fluorescent protein (GFP) construct. These experiments reveal that the reorganization of the GC is progressive (1–2 h) and is completed before the cells start fusing. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP), immunofluorescence, and immunogold electron microscopy demonstrate that the GC is fragmented into elements localized near the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) exit sites. FRAP analysis and the ER relocation of endogenous GC proteins by phospholipase A2 inhibitors demonstrate that Golgi-ER cycling of resident GC proteins takes place in both myoblasts and myotubes. All results support a model in which the GC reorganization in muscle reflects changes in the Golgi-ER cycling. The mechanism is similar to that leading to the dispersal of the GC caused, in all mammalian cells, by microtubule-disrupting drugs. We propose that the trigger for the dispersal results, in muscle, from combined changes in microtubule nucleation and ER exit site localization, which place the ER exit sites near microtubule minus ends. Thus, changes in GC organization that initially appear specific to muscle cells, in fact use pathways common to all mammalian cells.


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We cloned a rat vascular chymase (RVCH) from smooth muscle cells (SMCs) that converts angiotensin I to II and is up-regulated in SMC from spontaneously hypertensive vs. normotensive rats. To determine whether increased activity of RVCH is sufficient to cause hypertension, transgenic mice were generated with targeted conditional expression of RVCH to SMC, with the use of the tetracycline-controlled transactivator (tTA). We confirmed conditional expression of RVCH by mRNA, protein, and chymase activity in the absence, but not in the presence, of dietary doxycycline. The systolic blood pressure (mmHg), measured by carotid artery cannulation at 10–12 weeks of age, was higher in tTA+/RVCH+ mice than in nonbinary transgenic littermates (136 ± 4 vs. 109 ± 3) (P < 0.05), as were the diastolic and mean pressures. Hypertension was completely reversed by doxycycline, suggesting a causal link with chymase expression. Medial thickening of mesenteric arteries from tTA+/RVCH+ mice vs. littermates (0.82 ± 0.1 vs. 0.42 ± 0.02) (P < 0.05) was associated with increased SMC proliferation, as judged by positive immunoreactivity, with the use of an antibody to the proliferating cell nuclear antigen. These structural changes were prevented by doxycycline. Perfusion myography of mesenteric arteries from tTA+/RVCH+ mice also revealed increased vasoconstriction in response to phenylephrine and impaired metacholine-induced vasodilatation when compared with littermate controls or with the doxycyline-treated group. Our studies suggest that up-regulation of this vascular chymase is sufficient to cause a hypertensive arteriopathy, and that RVCH may be a candidate gene and a therapeutic target in patients with high blood pressure.


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Certain forms of myotonia, a condition characterized by delayed relaxation of muscle secondary to sarcolemmal hyperexcitability, are caused by diminished chloride conductance in the muscle cell membrane. We have investigated the molecular basis for decreased muscle chloride conductance in the myotonic goat, an historically important animal model for the elucidation of the role of chloride in muscle excitation. A single nucleotide change causing the substitution of proline for a conserved alanine residue in the carboxyl terminus of the goat muscle chloride channel (gCIC-1) was discovered. Heterologous expression of the mutation demonstrated a substantial (+47 mV) shift in the midpoint of steady-state activation of the channel, resulting in a diminished channel open probability at voltages near the resting membrane potential of skeletal muscle. These results provide a molecular basis for the decreased chloride conductance in myotonic muscle.


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Homopolymers of alpha 2,8-linked N-acetylneuraminic acid [poly(alpha 2,8-Neu5Ac)] of the neural cell adhesion molecule NCAM have been shown to be temporally expressed during lung development and represent a marker for small cell lung carcinoma. We report the presence of a further polysialic acid in lung that consists of oligo/polymers of alpha 2,8-linked deaminoneuraminic acid residues [poly (alpha 2,8-KDN)], as detected with a monoclonal antibody in conjunction with a specific sialidase. Although the various cell types forming the bronchi, alveolar septs, and blood vessels were positive for poly (alpha 2,8-KDN) by immunohistochemistry, this polysialic acid was found on a single 150-kDa glycoprotein by immunoblot analysis. The poly(alpha 2,8-KDN)-bearing glycoprotein was not related to an NCAM protein based on immunochemical criteria. The expression of the poly (alpha 2,8-KDN) was developmentally regulated as evidenced by its gradual disappearance in the rat lung parenchyma commencing 1 week after birth. In adult lung the blood vessel endothelia and the smooth muscle fibers of both blood vessels and bronchi were positive but not the bronchial and alveolar epithelium. The poly (alpha 2,8-KDN)-bearing 150-kDa glycoprotein became reexpressed in various histological types of lung carcinomas and cell lines derived from them and represents a new oncodevelopmental antigen in lung.


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We recently analyzed experimental studies of mammalian muscle glycogen synthesis using metabolic control analysis and concluded that glycogen synthase (GSase) does not control the glycogenic flux but rather adapts to the flux which is controlled bv the activity of the proximal glucose transport and hexokinase steps. This model did not provide a role for the well established relationship between GSase fractional activity, determined by covalent phosphorylation, and the rate of glycogen synthesis. Here we propose that the phosphorylation of GSase, which alters the sensitivity to allosteric activation by glucose 6-phosphate (G6P), is a mechanism for controlling the concentration of G6P instead of controlling the flux. When the muscle cell is exposed to conditions which favor glycogen synthesis such as high plasma insulin and glucose concentrations the fractional activity of GSase is increased in coordination with increases in the activity of glucose transport and hexokinase. This increase in GSase fractional activity helps to maintain G6P homeostasis by reducing the G6P concentration required to activate GSase allosterically to match the flux determined by the proximal reactions. This role for covalent phosphorylation also provides a novel solution to the Kacser and Acarenza paradigm which requires coordinated activity changes of the enzymes proximal and distal to a shared intermediate, to avoid unwanted flux changes.


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At birth, pulmonary vasodilation occurs as air-breathing life begins. The mechanism of O2-induced pulmonary vasodilation is unknown. We proposed that O2 causes fetal pulmonary vasodilation through activation of a calcium-dependent potassium channel (KCa) via a cyclic nucleotide-dependent kinase. We tested this hypothesis in hemodynamic studies in acutely prepared fetal lambs and in patch-clamp studies on resistance fetal pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells. Fetal O2 tension (PaO2) was increased by ventilating the ewe with 100% O2, causing fetal total pulmonary resistance to decrease from 1.18 +/- 0.14 to 0.41 +/- 0.03 mmHg per ml per min. Tetraethylammonium and iberiotoxin, preferential KCa-channel inhibitors, attenuated O2-induced fetal pulmonary vasodilation, while glibenclamide, an ATP-sensitive K+-channel antagonist, had no effect. Treatment with either a guanylate cyclase antagonist (LY83583) or cyclic nucleotide-dependent kinase inhibitors (H-89 and KT 5823) significantly attenuated O2-induced fetal pulmonary vasodilation. Under hypoxic conditions (PaO2 = 25 mmHg), whole-cell K+-channel currents (Ik) were small and were inhibited by 1 mM tetraethylammonium or 100 nM charybdotoxin (CTX; a specific KCa-channel blocker). Normoxia (PaO2 = 120 mmHg) increased Ik by more than 300%, and this was reversed by 100 nM CTX. Nitric oxide also increased Ik. Resting membrane potential was -37.2 +/- 1.9 mV and cells depolarized on exposure to CTX, while hyperpolarizing in normoxia. We conclude that O2 causes fetal pulmonary vasodilation by stimulating a cyclic nucleotide-dependent kinase, resulting in KCa-channel activation, membrane hyperpolarization, and vasodilation.


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Agrin is a basal lamina molecule that directs key events in postsynaptic differentiation, most notably the aggregation of acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) on the muscle cell surface. Agrin's AChR clustering activity is regulated by alternative mRNA splicing. Agrin splice forms having inserts at two sites (y and z) in the C-terminal region are highly active, but isoforms lacking these inserts are weakly active. The biochemical consequences of this alternative splicing are unknown. Here, the binding of four recombinant agrin isoforms to heparin, to alpha-dystroglycan (a component of an agrin receptor), and to myoblasts was tested. The presence of a four-amino acid insert at the y site is necessary and sufficient to confer heparin binding ability to agrin. Moreover, the binding of agrin to alpha-dystroglycan is inhibited by heparin when this insert is present. Agrin binding to the cell surface showed analogous properties: heparin inhibits the binding of only those agrin isoforms containing this four-amino acid insert. The results show that alternative splicing of agrin regulates its binding to heparin and suggest that agrin's interaction with alpha-dystroglycan may be modulated by cell surface glycosaminoglycans in an isoform-dependent manner.


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rho-like GTP binding proteins play an essential role in regulating cell growth and actin polymerization. These molecular switches are positively regulated by guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) that promote the exchange of GDP for GTP. Using the interaction-trap assay to identify candidate proteins that bind the cytoplasmic region of the LAR transmembrane protein tyrosine phosphatase (PT-Pase), we isolated a cDNA encoding a 2861-amino acid protein termed Trio that contains three enzyme domains: two functional GEF domains and a protein serine/threonine kinase (PSK) domain. One of the Trio GEF domains (Trio GEF-D1) has rac-specific GEF activity, while the other Trio GEF domain (Trio GEF-D2) has rho-specific activity. The C-terminal PSK domain is adjacent to an Ig-like domain and is most similar to calcium/calmodulin-dependent kinases, such as smooth muscle myosin light chain kinase which similarly contains associated Ig-like domains. Near the N terminus, Trio has four spectrin-like repeats that may play a role in intracellular targeting. Northern blot analysis indicates that Trio has a broad tissue distribution. Trio appears to be phosphorylated only on serine residues, suggesting that Trio is not a LAR substrate, but rather that it forms a complex with LAR. As the LAR PTPase localizes to the ends of focal adhesions, we propose that LAR and the Trio GEF/PSK may orchestrate cell-matrix and cytoskeletal rearrangements necessary for cell migration.


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Myofibroblasts, defined by their expression of smooth muscle alpha-actin, appear at corneal and dermal incisions and promote wound contraction. We report here that cultured fibroblasts differentiate into myofibroblasts by a cell density-dependent mechanism. Fibroblasts seeded at low density (5 cells per mm2) produced a cell culture population consisting of 70-80% myofibroblasts, 5-7 days after seeding. In contrast, fibroblasts seeded at high density (500 cells per mm2) produced cultures with only 5-10% myofibroblasts. When the myofibroblast-enriched cultures were subsequently passaged at high density, the smooth muscle alpha-actin phenotype was lost within 3 days. Furthermore, initially 60% of the low density-cultured cells incorporated BrdUrd compared to 30% of cells passaged at high density. Media from myofibroblast-enriched cultures had more latent and active transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) than did media from fibroblast-enriched cultures. Although there was a trend towards increased numbers of myofibroblasts after addition of exogenous TGF-beta, the results did not reach statistical significance. We conclude that myofibroblast differentiation can be induced in fibroblasts by plating at low density. We propose a cell density-dependent model of myofibroblast differentiation during wounding and healing in which at least two factors interact: loss of cell contact and the presence of TGF-beta.


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The mechanism by which the endogenous vasodilator adenosine causes ATP-sensitive potassium (KATP) channels in arterial smooth muscle to open was investigated by the whole-cell patch-clamp technique. Adenosine induced voltage-independent, potassium-selective currents, which were inhibited by glibenclamide, a blocker of KATP currents. Glibenclamide-sensitive currents were also activated by the selective adenosine A2-receptor agonist 2-p-(2-carboxethyl)-phenethylamino-5'-N- ethylcarboxamidoadenosine hydrochloride (CGS-21680), whereas 2-chloro-N6-cyclopentyladenosine (CCPA), a selective adenosine A1-receptor agonist, failed to induce potassium currents. Glibenclamide-sensitive currents induced by adenosine and CGS-21680 were largely reduced by blockers of the cAMP-dependent protein kinase (Rp-cAMP[S], H-89, protein kinase A inhibitor peptide). Therefore, we conclude that adenosine can activate KATP currents in arterial smooth muscle through the following pathway: (i) Adenosine stimulates A2 receptors, which activates adenylyl cyclase; (ii) the resulting increase intracellular cAMP stimulates protein kinase A, which, probably through a phosphorylation step, opens KATP channels.


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The endothelial nitric oxide synthase (ec-NOS) plays a key role in the transduction of signals from the bloodstream to the underlying smooth muscle. ecNOS undergoes a complex series of covalent modifications, including myristoylation and palmitoylation, which appear to play a role in ecNOS membrane association. Mutagenesis of the myristoylation site, which prevents both myristoylation and palmitoylation, blocks ecNOS targeting to cell membranes. Further, as described for some G-protein alpha subunits, both membrane association and palmitoylation of ecNOS are dynamically regulated: in response to agonists, the enzyme undergoes partial redistribution to the cell cytosol concomitant with depalmitoylation. To clarify the role of palmitoylation in determining ecNOS subcellular localization, we have constructed palmitoylation-deficient mutants of ecNOS. Serine was substituted for cysteine at two potential palmitoylation sites (Cys-15 and Cys-26) by site-directed mutagenesis. Immunoprecipitation of ecNOS mutants following cDNA transfection and biosynthetic labeling with [3H]palmitate revealed that mutagenesis of either cysteine residue attenuated palmitoylation, whereas replacement of both residues completely eliminated palmitoylation. Analysis of N-terminal deletion mutations of ecNOS demonstrated that the region containing these two cysteine residues is both necessary and sufficient for enzyme palmitoylation. The cysteines thus identified as the palmitoylation sites for ecNOS are separated by an unusual (Gly-Leu)5 sequence and appear to define a sequence motif for dual acylation. We analyzed the subcellular distribution of ecNOS mutants by differential ultracentrifugation and found that mutagenesis of the ecNOS palmitoylation sites markedly reduced membrane association of the enzyme. These results document that ecNOS palmitoylation is an important determinant for the subcellular distribution of ecNOS and identify a new motif for the reversible palmitoylation of signaling proteins.