243 resultados para signal transduction, two-component system


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Neurotrophic factor deprivation causes apoptosis by a mechanism that requires macromolecular synthesis. This fact suggests that gene expression is necessary to achieve cell death. To identify mRNA that is expressed in apoptotic cells we used subtractive hybridization with cDNA prepared from neuronal pheochromocytoma cells. Monoamine oxidase (MAO) expression was increased in cells during nerve growth factor withdrawal-induced apoptosis. The increased apoptosis and induction of MAO was prevented by inhibition of the p38 mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase pathway. MAO may contribute to the apoptotic process because inhibition of MAO activity suppressed cell death. Together, these data indicate that MAO may be a target of pro-apoptotic signal transduction by the p38 MAP kinase pathway.


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The docking protein FRS2α has been implicated as a mediator of signaling via fibroblast growth factor receptors (FGFRs). We have demonstrated that targeted disruption of FRS2α gene causes severe impairment in mouse development resulting in embryonal lethality at E7.0–E7.5. Experiments with FRS2α-deficient fibroblasts demonstrate that FRS2α plays a critical role in FGF-induced mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase stimulation, phosphatidylinositol-3 (PI-3) kinase activation, chemotactic response, and cell proliferation. Following FGF stimulation, tyrosine phosphorylated FRS2α functions as a site for coordinated assembly of a multiprotein complex that includes Gab1 and the effector proteins that are recruited by this docking protein. Furthermore, we demonstrate that different tyrosine phosphorylation sites on FRS2α are responsible for mediating different FGF-induced biological responses. These experiments establish the central role of FRS2α in signaling via FGFRs and demonstrate that FRS2α mediates multiple FGFR-dependent signaling pathways critical for embryonic development.


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We describe a two-hybrid strategy for detection of interactions with transactivator proteins. This repressed transactivator (RTA) system employs the N-terminal repression domain of the yeast general repressor TUP1. TUP1-GAL80 fusion proteins, when coexpressed with GAL4, are shown to inhibit transcription of GAL4-dependent reporter genes. This effect requires the C-terminal 30 residues of GAL4, which are required for interaction with GAL80 in vitro. Furthermore, repression of GAL transcription by TUP1-GAL80 requires SRB10, demonstrating that the TUP1 repression domain, in the context of a two-hybrid interaction, functions by the same mechanism as endogenous TUP1. Using this strategy, we demonstrate interactions between the mammalian basic helix–loop–helix proteins MyoD and E12, and between c-Myc and Bin-1. We have also identified interacting clones from a TUP1-cDNA fusion expression library by using GAL4-VP16 as a bait fusion. These results demonstrate that RTA is generally applicable for identifying and characterizing interactions with transactivator proteins in vivo.


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Many biological processes rely upon protein-protein interactions. Hence, detailed analysis of these interactions is critical for their understanding. Due to the complexities involved, genetic approaches are often needed. In yeast and phage, genetic characterizations of protein complexes are possible. However, in multicellular organisms, such characterizations are limited by the lack of powerful selection systems. Herein we describe genetic selections that allow single amino acid changes that disrupt protein-protein interactions to be selected from large libraries of randomly generated mutant alleles. The strategy, based on a yeast reverse two-hybrid system, involves a first-step negative selection for mutations that affect interaction, followed by a second-step positive selection for a subset of these mutations that maintain expression of full-length protein (two-step selection). We have selected such mutations in the transcription factor E2F1 that affect its ability to heterodimerize with DP1. The mutations obtained identified a putative helix in the marked box, a region conserved among E2F family members, as an important determinant for interaction. This two-step selection procedure can be used to characterize any interaction domain that can be tested in the two-hybrid system.


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Signaling through the interleukin 2 receptor (IL-2R) involves phosphorylation of several proteins including Jak3, STAT5, and, in preactivated cells, STAT3. In the present study, we examined the functional status of the IL-2R-associated Jak/STAT pathway in malignant T lymphocytes from advanced skin-based lymphomas: anaplastic large T-cell lymphoma (ALCL) and Sezary syndrome (SzS). Proliferation of three ALCL cell lines (PB-1, 2A, and 2B) was partially inhibited by rapamycin, a blocker of some of the signals mediated by IL-2R, but not by cyclosporin A, FK-506, and prednisone, which suppress signals mediated by the T-cell receptor. All the cell lines expressed on their surface the high-affinity IL-2R (alpha, beta, and gamma c chains). They showed basal, constitutive phosphorylation, and coassociation of Jak3, STAT5, and STAT3. Weak basal phosphorylation of IL-2R gamma c was also detected. In regard to SzS, peripheral blood mononuclear cells from 10 of 14 patients showed basal phosphorylation of Jak3, accompanied by phosphorylation of STAT5 in 9 patients, and STAT3 in 4 patients. However, in vitro overnight culture of SzS cells without exogenous cytokines resulted in markedly decreased Jak3 and STAT5 phosphorylation, which could be reversed by stimulation with IL-2. This indicates that the basal phosphorylation of Jak3 and STAT5 in freshly isolated SzS cells is induced rather than constitutive. The basal activation of the Jak/STAT pathway involved in IL-2R signal transduction in ALCL and SzS cells reported here suggests that this pathway may play a role in the pathogenesis of cutaneous T-cell lymphomas, although the mechanism (induced versus constitutive) may vary between different lymphoma types.


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Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor-associated factor (TRAF) proteins associate with and transduce signals from TNF receptor 2, CD40, and presumably other members of the TNF receptor superfamily. TRAF2 is required for CD40- and TNF-mediated activation of the transcription factor NF-kappa B. Here we describe the isolation and characterization of a novel TRAF-interacting protein, I-TRAF, that binds to the conserved TRAF-C domain of the three known TRAFs. Overexpression of I-TRAF inhibits TRAF2-mediated NF-kappa B activation signaled by CD40 and both TNF receptors. Thus, I-TRAF appears as a natural regulator of TRAF function that may act by maintaining TRAFs in a latent state.


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We have devised a microspectroscopic strategy for assessing the intracellular (re)distribution and the integrity of the primary structure of proteins involved in signal transduction. The purified proteins are fluorescent-labeled in vitro and reintroduced into the living cell. The localization and molecular state of fluorescent-labeled protein kinase C beta I isozyme were assessed by a combination of quantitative confocal laser scanning microscopy, fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy, and novel determinations of fluorescence resonance energy transfer based on photobleaching digital imaging microscopy. The intensity and fluorescence resonance energy transfer efficiency images demonstrate the rapid nuclear translocation and ensuing fragmentation of protein kinase C beta I in BALB/c3T3 fibroblasts upon phorbol ester stimulation, and suggest distinct, compartmentalized roles for the regulatory and catalytic fragments.


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The transferred DNA (T-DNA) of Agrobacterium tumefaciens serves as an insertional mutagen once integrated into a host plant's genome. As a means of facilitating reverse genetic analysis in Arabidopsis thaliana, we have developed a method that allows one to search for plants carrying F-DNA insertions within any sequenced Arabidopsis gene. Using PCR, we screened a collection of 9100 independent T-DNA-transformed Arabidopsis lines and found 17 T-DNA insertions within the 63 genes analyzed. The genes surveyed include members of various gene families involved in signal transduction and ion transport. As an example, data are shown for a T-DNA insertion that was found within CPK-9, a member of the gene family encoding calmodulin-domain protein kinases.


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Cholinergic pathways serve important functions in learning and memory processes, and deficits in cholinergic transmission occur in Alzheimer disease (AD). A subset of muscarinic cholinergic receptors are linked to G-proteins that activate phospholipase C, resulting in the liberation of inositol trisphosphate and Ca2+ release from intracellular stores. We now report that amyloid beta-peptide (Abeta), which forms plaques in the brain in AD, impairs muscarinic receptor activation of G proteins in cultured rat cortical neurons. Exposure of rodent fetal cortical neurons to Abeta25-35 and Abeta1-40 resulted in a concentration and time-dependent attenuation of carbachol-induced GTPase activity without affecting muscarinic receptor ligand binding parameters. Downstream events in the signal transduction cascade were similarly attenuated by Abeta. Carbachol-induced accumulation of inositol phosphates (IP, IP2, IP3, and IP4) was decreased and calcium imaging studies revealed that carbachol-induced release of calcium was severely impaired in neurons pretreated with Abeta. Muscarinic cholinergic signal transduction was disrupted with subtoxic levels of exposure to AP. The effects of Abeta on carbachol-induced GTPase activity and calcium release were attenuated by antioxidants, implicating free radicals in the mechanism whereby Abeta induced uncoupling of muscarinic receptors. These data demonstrate that Abeta disrupts muscarinic receptor coupling to G proteins that mediate induction of phosphoinositide accumulation and calcium release, findings that implicate Abeta in the impairment of cholinergic transmission that occurs in AD.


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Treatment of Escherichia coli glutamine synthetase (GS) with peroxynitrite leads to nitration of some tyrosine residues and conversion of some methionine residues to methionine sulfoxide (MSOX) residues. Nitration, but not MSOX formation, is stimulated by Fe-EDTA. In the absence of Fe-EDTA, nitration of only one tyrosine residue per subunit of unadenylylated GS leads to changes in divalent cation requirement, pH-activity profile, affinity for ADP, and susceptibility to feedback inhibition by end products (tryptophan, AMP, CTP), whereas nitration of one tyrosine residue per subunit in the adenylylated GS leads to complete loss of catalytic activity. In the presence of Fe-EDTA, nitration is a more random process: nitration of five to six tyrosine residues per subunit is needed to convert unadenylylated GS to the adenylylated configuration. These results and the fact that nitration of tyrosine residues is an irreversible process serve notice that the regulatory function of proteins that undergo phosphorylation or adenylylation in signal transduction cascades might be seriously compromised by peroxynitrite-promoted nitration.


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The kinetics of amyloid fibril formation by beta-amyloid peptide (Abeta) are typical of a nucleation-dependent polymerization mechanism. This type of mechanism suggests that the study of the interaction of Abeta with itself can provide some valuable insights into Alzheimer disease amyloidosis. Interaction of Abeta with itself was explored with the yeast two-hybrid system. Fusion proteins were created by linking the Abeta fragment to a LexA DNA-binding domain (bait) and also to a B42 transactivation domain (prey). Protein-protein interactions were measured by expression of these fusion proteins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae harboring lacZ (beta-galactosidase) and LEU2 (leucine utilization) genes under the control of LexA-dependent operators. This approach suggests that the Abeta molecule is capable of interacting with itself in vivo in the yeast cell nucleus. LexA protein fused to the Drosophila protein bicoid (LexA-bicoid) failed to interact with the B42 fragment fused to Abeta, indicating that the observed Abeta-Abeta interaction was specific. Specificity was further shown by the finding that no significant interaction was observed in yeast expressing LexA-Abeta bait when the B42 transactivation domain was fused to an Abeta fragment with Phe-Phe at residues 19 and 20 replaced by Thr-Thr (AbetaTT), a finding that is consistent with in vitro observations made by others. Moreover, when a peptide fragment bearing this substitution was mixed with native Abeta-(1-40), it inhibited formation of fibrils in vitro as examined by electron microscopy. The findings presented in this paper suggest that the two-hybrid system can be used to study the interaction of Abeta monomers and to define the peptide sequences that may be important in nucleation-dependent aggregation.


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Clotting factor XII (Hageman factor) contains epidermal growth factor (EGF)-homologous domains and is reported to be a potent mitogen for human hepatoma (HepG2) cells. In this study, we tested whether factor XII exhibits growth factor activity on several other EGF-sensitive target cells, including fetal hepatocytes, endothelial cells, alveolar type II cells, and aortic smooth muscle cells. We found that factor XII significantly enhanced [3H]thymidine incorporation in aortic smooth muscle cells (SMCs) and all other cells tested. Tyrphostin, a growth factor receptor/tyrosine kinase antagonist, inhibited both EGF- and factor XII-induced responses. However, differences in the levels of magnitude of DNA synthesis, the observed synergism between EGF and factor XII, and the differential sensitivity to tyrphostin suggest that the EGF receptor and the factor XII receptor may be nonidentical. The factor XII-induced mitogenic response was achieved at concentrations that were 1/10th the physiologic range for the circulating factor and was reduced by popcorn inhibitor, a specific factor XII protease inhibitor. Treatment of aortic SMCs with factor XII, as well as activated factor XII, resulted in a rapid and transient activation of a mitogen-activated/extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase with peak activity/tyrosine phosphorylation observed at 5 to 10 min of exposure. Taken together, these data (i) confirm that clotting factor XII functions as a mitogenic growth factor and (ii) demonstrate that factor XII activates a signal transduction pathway, which includes a mitogen-activated protein kinase.