55 resultados para germ cell separation
Quantitative and qualitative defects in CD1-restricted natural killer T cells have been reported in several autoimmune-prone strains of mice, including the nonobese diabetic (NOD) mouse. These defects are believed to be associated with the emergence of spontaneous autoimmunity. Here we demonstrate that both CD1d-null NOD and CD1d-null NOD/BDC2.5 T cell receptor transgenic mice have an accelerated onset and increased incidence of diabetes when compared with CD1d+/− and CD1d+/+ littermates. The acceleration of disease did not seem to result from changes in the T helper (Th)1/Th2 balance because lymphocytes purified from lymphoid organs and pancreatic islets of wild-type and CD1d-null mice secreted equivalent amounts of IFN-γ and IL-4 after stimulation. In contrast, the pancreata of CD1d-null mice harbored significantly higher numbers of activated memory T cells expressing the chemokine receptor CCR4. Notably, the presence of these T cells was associated with immunohistochemical evidence of increased destructive insulitis. Thus, CD1d-restricted T cells are critically important for regulation of the spontaneous disease process in NOD mice.
To quantitatively investigate the trafficking of the transmembrane lectin VIP36 and its relation to cargo-containing transport carriers (TCs), we analyzed a C-terminal fluorescent-protein (FP) fusion, VIP36-SP-FP. When expressed at moderate levels, VIP36-SP-FP localized to the endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, and intermediate transport structures, and colocalized with epitope-tagged VIP36. Temperature shift and pharmacological experiments indicated VIP36-SP-FP recycled in the early secretory pathway, exhibiting trafficking representative of a class of transmembrane cargo receptors, including the closely related lectin ERGIC53. VIP36-SP-FP trafficking structures comprised tubules and globular elements, which translocated in a saltatory manner. Simultaneous visualization of anterograde secretory cargo and VIP36-SP-FP indicated that the globular structures were pre-Golgi carriers, and that VIP36-SP-FP segregated from cargo within the Golgi and was not included in post-Golgi TCs. Organelle-specific bleach experiments directly measured the exchange of VIP36-SP-FP between the Golgi and endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Fitting a two-compartment model to the recovery data predicted first order rate constants of 1.22 ± 0.44%/min for ER → Golgi, and 7.68 ± 1.94%/min for Golgi → ER transport, revealing a half-time of 113 ± 70 min for leaving the ER and 1.67 ± 0.45 min for leaving the Golgi, and accounting for the measured steady-state distribution of VIP36-SP-FP (13% Golgi/87% ER). Perturbing transport with AlF4− treatment altered VIP36-SP-GFP distribution and changed the rate constants. The parameters of the model suggest that relatively small differences in the first order rate constants, perhaps manifested in subtle differences in the tendency to enter distinct TCs, result in large differences in the steady-state localization of secretory components.
Gene transfer to eukaryotic cells requires the uptake of exogenous DNA into the cell nucleus. Except during mitosis, molecular access to the nuclear interior is limited to passage through the nuclear pores. Here we demonstrate the nuclear uptake of extended linear DNA molecules by a combination of fluorescence microscopy and single-molecule manipulation techniques, using the latter to follow uptake kinetics of individual molecules in real time. The assays were carried out on nuclei reconstituted in vitro from extracts of Xenopus eggs, which provide both a complete complement of biochemical factors involved in nuclear protein import, and unobstructed access to the nuclear pores. We find that uptake of DNA is independent of ATP or GTP hydrolysis, but is blocked by wheat germ agglutinin. The kinetics are much slower than would be expected from hydrodynamic considerations. A fit of the data to a simple model suggests femto-Newton forces and a large friction relevant to the uptake process.
In animal cell lysates the multiprotein heat-shock protein 90 (hsp90)-based chaperone complexes consist of hsp70, hsp40, and p60. These complexes act to convert steroid hormone receptors to their steroid-binding state by assembling them into heterocomplexes with hsp90, p23, and one of several immunophilins. Wheat germ lysate also contains a hsp90-based chaperone system that can assemble the glucocorticoid receptor into a functional heterocomplex with hsp90. However, only two components of the heterocomplex-assembly system, hsp90 and hsp70, have thus far been identified. Recently, purified mammalian p23 preadsorbed with JJ3 antibody-protein A-Sepharose pellets was used to isolate a mammalian p23-wheat hsp90 heterocomplex from wheat germ lysate (J.K. Owens-Grillo, L.F. Stancato, K. Hoffmann, W.B. Pratt, and P. Krishna [1996] Biochemistry 35: 15249–15255). This heterocomplex was found to contain an immunophilin(s) of the FK506-binding class, as judged by binding of the radiolabeled immunosuppressant drug [3H]FK506 to the immune pellets in a specific manner. In the present study we identified the immunophilin components of this heterocomplex as FKBP73 and FKBP77, the two recently described high-molecular-weight FKBPs of wheat. In addition, we present evidence that the two FKBPs bind hsp90 via tetratricopeptide repeat domains. Our results demonstrate that binding of immunophilins to hsp90 via tetratricopeptide repeat domains is a conserved protein interaction in plants. Conservation of this protein-to-protein interaction in both plant and animal cells suggests that it is important for the biological action of the high-molecular-weight immunophilins.
The X chromosome-linked transcription factor GATA-1 is expressed specifically in erythroid, mast, megakaryocyte, and eosinophil lineages, as well as in hematopoietic progenitors. Prior studies revealed that gene-disrupted GATA-1- embryonic stem cells give rise to adult (or definitive) erythroid precursors arrested at the proerythroblast stage in vitro and fail to contribute to adult red blood cells in chimeric mice but did not clarify a role in embryonic (or yolk sac derived) erythroid cells. To examine the consequences of GATA-1 loss on embryonic erythropoiesis in vivo, we inactivated the GATA-1 locus in embryonic stem cells by gene targeting and transmitted the mutated allele through the mouse germ line. Male GATA-1- embryos die between embryonic day 10.5 and 11.5 (E10.5-E11.5) of gestation. At E9.5, GATA-1- embryos exhibit extreme pallor yet contain embryonic erythroid cells arrested at an early proerythroblast-like stage of their development. Embryos stain weakly with benzidine reagent, and yolk sac cells express globin RNAs, indicating globin gene activation in the absence of GATA-1. Female heterozygotes (GATA-1+/-) are born pale due to random inactivation of the X chromosome bearing the normal allele. However, these mice recover during the neonatal period, presumably as a result of in vivo selection for progenitors able to express GATA-1. Our findings conclusively establish the essential role for GATA-1 in erythropoiesis within the context of the intact developing mouse and further demonstrate that the block to cellular maturation is similar in GATA-1- embryonic and definitive erythroid precursors. Moreover, the recovery of GATA-1+/- mice from anemia seen at birth provides evidence indicating a role for GATA-1 at the hematopoietic progenitor cell level.
To assess the role of transcriptional enhancers in regulating accessibility of the T-cell receptor beta-chain (TCRbeta) locus, we generated embryonic stem cell lines in which a single allelic copy of the endogenous TCRbeta enhancer (Ebeta) was either deleted or replaced with the immunoglobulin heavy-chain intronic enhancer. We assayed the effects of these mutations on activation of the TCRbeta locus in normal T- and B-lineage cells by RAG-2 (recombination-activating gene 2)-deficient blastocyst complementation. We found that Ebeta is required for rearrangement and germ-line transcription of the TCRbeta locus in T-lineage cells. In the absence of Ebeta, the heavy-chain intronic enhancer partially supported joining region beta-chain rearrangement in T- but not in B-lineage cells. However, ability of the heavy-chain intronic enhancer to induce rearrangements was blocked by linkage to an expressed neomycin-resistance gene (neo(r)). These results demonstrate a critical role for Ebeta in promoting accessibility of the TCRbeta locus and suggest that additional negative elements may cooperate to further modulate this process.
Intrathymic T-cell development requires temporally regulated rearrangement and expression of T-cell receptor (TCR) genes. To assess the role of the TCR beta gene transcriptional enhancer (Ebeta) in this process, mouse strains in which Ebeta is deleted were generated using homologous recombination techniques. We report that mice homozygous for the Ebeta deletion, whether a selectable marker gene is present or not, show a block in alphabeta T-cell development at the CD4-CD8- double-negative cell stage, whereas the number of gammadelta+ T cells is normal, few CD4+CD8+ double-positive thymocytes and no alphabeta+ T cells are produced. DNA-PCR and RNA-PCR analyses of thymic cells from homozygous mutants showed no evidence of TCR beta gene rearrangement although germ-line Vbeta transcripts were detected at a low level, in heterozygous T cells, the targeted allele is not rearranged. Thus, deletion of Ebeta totally prevents rearrangement, but not transcription, of the targeted beta locus. These data formally establish the critical role played by Ebeta in cis-activation of the TCR beta locus for V(D)J recombination during alphabeta T-cell development.
Semaphorins and collapsins make up a family of conserved genes that encode nerve growth cone guidance signals. We have identified two additional members of the human semaphorin family [human semaphorin A(V) and human semaphorin IV] in chromosome region 3p21.3, where several small cell lung cancer (SCLC) cell lines exhibit homozygous deletions indicative of a tumor suppressor gene. Human semaphorin A(V) has 86% amino acid homology with murine semaphorin A, whereas semaphorin IV is most closely related to murine semaphorin E, with 50% homology. These semaphorin genes are approximately 70 kb apart flanking two GTP-binding protein genes, GNAI-2 and GNAT-1. In contrast, other human semaphorin gene sequences (human semaphorin III and homologues of murine semaphorins B and C) are not located on chromosome 3. Human semaphorin A(V) is translated in vitro into a 90-kDa protein, which accumulates at the endoplasmic reticulum. The human semaphorin A(V) (3.4-kb mRNA) and IV (3.9- and 2.9-kb mRNAs) genes are expressed abundantly but differentially in a variety of human neural and nonneural tissues. Human semaphorin A(V) was expressed in only 1 out of 23 SCLCs and 7 out of 16 non-SCLCs, whereas semaphorin IV was expressed in 19 out of 23 SCLCs and 13 out of 16 non-SCLCs. Mutational analysis in semaphorin A(V) revealed mutations (germ line in one case) in 3 of 40 lung cancers. Our data suggest the need to determine the function of human semaphorins A(V) and IV in nonneural tissues and their role in the pathogenesis of lung cancer.
Embryonic stem cells have the ability to remain undifferentiated and proliferate indefinitely in vitro while maintaining the potential to differentiate into derivatives of all three embryonic germ layers. Here we report the derivation of a cloned cell line (R278.5) from a rhesus monkey blastocyst that remains undifferentiated in continuous passage for > 1 year, maintains a normal XY karyotype, and expresses the cell surface markers (alkaline phosphatase, stage-specific embryonic antigen 3, stage-specific embryonic antigen 4, TRA-1-60, and TRA-1-81) that are characteristic of human embryonal carcinoma cells. R278.5 cells remain undifferentiated when grown on mouse embryonic fibroblast feeder layers but differentiate or die in the absence of fibroblasts, despite the presence of recombinant human leukemia inhibitory factor. R278.5 cells allowed to differentiate in vitro secrete bioactive chorionic gonadotropin into the medium, express chorionic gonadotropin alpha- and beta-subunit mRNAs, and express alpha-fetoprotein mRNA, indicating trophoblast and endoderm differentiation. When injected into severe combined immunodeficient mice, R278.5 cells consistently differentiate into derivatives of all three embryonic germ layers. These results define R278.5 cells as an embryonic stem cell line, to our knowledge, the first to be derived from any primate species.
Mutant mice produced by gene targeting in embryonic stem (ES) cells often have a complex or embryonic lethal phenotype. In these cases, it would be helpful to identify tissues and cell types first affected in mutant embryos by following the contribution to chimeras of ES cells homozygous for the mutant allele. Although a number of strategies for following ES cell development in vivo have been reported, each has limitations that preclude its general application. In this paper, we describe ES cell lines that can be tracked to every nucleated cell type in chimeras at all developmental stages. These lines were derived from blastocysts of mice that carry an 11-Mb beta-globin transgene on chromosome 3. The transgene is readily detected by DNA in situ hybridization, providing an inert, nuclear-localized marker whose presence is not affected by transcriptional or translational controls. The "WW" series of ES lines possess the essential features of previously described ES lines, including giving rise to a preponderance of male chimeras, all of which have to date exhibited germ-line transmission. In addition, clones selected for single or double targeting events form strong chimeras, demonstrating the feasibility of using WW6 cells to identify phenotypes associated with the creation of a null mutant.