80 resultados para cGMP phosphodiesterase


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The mechanisms underlying neuronal ischemic preconditioning, a phenomenon in which brief episodes of ischemia protect against the lethal effects of subsequent periods of prolonged ischemia, are poorly understood. Ischemia can be modeled in vitro by oxygen-glucose deprivation (OGD). We report here that OGD preconditioning induces p21ras (Ras) activation in an N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor- and NO-dependent, but cGMP-independent, manner. We demonstrate that Ras activity is necessary and sufficient for OGD tolerance in neurons. Pharmacological inhibition of Ras, as well as a dominant negative mutant Ras, block OGD preconditioning whereas a constitutively active form of Ras promotes neuroprotection against lethal OGD insults. In contrast, the activity of phosphatidyl inositol 3-kinase is not required for OGD preconditioning because inhibition of phosphatidyl inositol 3-kinase with a chemical inhibitor or with a dominant negative mutant does not have any effect on the development of OGD tolerance. Furthermore, using recombinant adenoviruses and pharmacological inhibitors, we show that downstream of Ras the extracellular regulated kinase cascade is required for OGD preconditioning. Our observations indicate that activation of the Ras/extracellular regulated kinase cascade by NO is a critical mechanism for the development of OGD tolerance in cortical neurons, which may also play an important role in ischemic preconditioning in vivo.


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In both normally hydrated and volume-expanded rats, there was a biphasic effect of corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) (1–10 μg, i.v.) on renal function. Within the first hour, CRH caused antidiuresis, antinatriuresis, and antikaliuresis together with reduction in urinary cGMP output that, in the fourth hour, were replaced by diuresis, natriuresis, and kaliuresis accompanied by increased cGMP output. Plasma arginine vasopressin (AVP) concentrations increased significantly within 5 min, reached a peak at 15 min, and declined by 30 min to still-elevated values maintained for 180 min. Changes in plasma atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) were the mirror image of those of AVP. Plasma ANP levels were correlated with decreased ANP in the left ventricle at 30 min and increased ANP mRNA in the right atrium at 180 min. All urinary changes were reversed by a potent AVP type 2 receptor (V2R) antagonist. Control 0.9% NaCl injections evoked an immediate increase in blood pressure and heart rate measured by telemetry within 3–5 min. This elevation of blood pressure was markedly inhibited by CRH (5 μg). We hypothesize that the effects are mediated by rapid, direct vasodilation induced by CRH that decreases baroreceptor input to the brain stem, leading to a rapid release of AVP that induces the antidiuresis by direct action on the V2Rs in the kidney. Simultaneously, acting on V2Rs in the heart, AVP inhibits ANP release and synthesis, resulting in a decrease in renal cGMP output that is responsible for the antinatriuretic and antikaliuretic effects.


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The α1- and β1-subunits of human soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC) were coexpressed in the Sf9 cells/baculovirus system. In addition to the native enzyme, constructs with hexahistidine tag at the amino and carboxyl termini of each subunit were coexpressed. This permitted the rapid and efficient purification of active recombinant enzyme on a nickel-affinity column. The enzyme has one heme per heterodimer and was readily activated with the NO donor sodium nitroprusside or 3-(5′-hydroxymethyl-2′furyl)-1-benzyl-indazole (YC-1). Sodium nitroprusside and YC-1 treatment potentiated each other in combination and demonstrated a remarkable 2,200-fold stimulation of the human recombinant sGC. The effects were inhibited with 1H-(1,2,4)oxadiazole(4,3-a)quinoxalin-1one (ODQ). The kinetics of the recombinant enzyme with respect to GTP was examined. The products of the reaction, cGMP and pyrophosphate, inhibited the enzyme. The extent of inhibition by cGMP depended on the activation state of the enzyme, whereas inhibition by pyrophosphate was not affected by the enzyme state. Both reaction products displayed independent binding and cooperativity with respect to enzyme inhibition. The expression of large quantities of active enzyme will facilitate structural characterization of the protein.


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Animal models of retinitis pigmentosa include the rd mouse, in which a mutation of a rod-specific phosphodiesterase leads to the rapid loss of photoreceptors during the early postnatal life. Very little is known about changes occurring in inner retinal neurons after photoreceptor loss. These changes are important in view of the possibility of restoring vision in retinas with photoreceptor degeneration by means of cell transplantation or direct stimulation of inner layers. In this paper, we show that bipolar and horizontal cells of the rd mouse retina undergo dramatic morphological modifications accompanying photoreceptor loss, demonstrating a dependence of second order neurons on these cells. While describing modifications of the rd retina, we also provide quantitative information about neurons of the wild-type mouse retina, useful for future studies on genetically altered animals.


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Guanylyl cyclases (GCs) and adenylyl cyclases (ACs) have fundamental roles in a wide range of cellular processes. Whereas GCs use GTP as a substrate to form cGMP, ACs catalyze the analogous conversion of ATP to cAMP. Previously, a model based on the structure of adenylate cyclase was used to predict the structure of the nucleotide-binding pocket of a membrane guanylyl cyclase, RetGC-1. Based on this model, we replaced specific amino acids in the guanine-binding pocket of GC with their counterparts from AC. A change of two amino acids, E925K together with C995D, is sufficient to completely alter the nucleotide specificity from GTP to ATP. These experiments strongly validate the AC-derived RetGC-1 structural model and functionally confirm the role of these residues in nucleotide discrimination.


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Molecular mechanisms that regulate in situ activation of ryanodine receptors (RY) in different cells are poorly understood. Here we demonstrate that caffeine (10 mM) released Ca2+ from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in the form of small spikes in only 14% of cultured fura-2 loaded beta cells from ob/ob mice. Surprisingly, when forskolin, an activator of adenylyl cyclase was present, caffeine induced larger Ca2+ spikes in as many as 60% of the cells. Forskolin or the phosphodiesterase-resistant PKA activator Sp-cAMPS alone did not release Ca2+ from ER. 4-Chloro-3-ethylphenol (4-CEP), an agent that activates RYs in other cell systems, released Ca2+ from ER, giving rise to a slow and small increase in [Ca2+]i in beta cells. Prior exposure of cells to forskolin or caffeine (5 mM) qualitatively altered Ca2+ release by 4-CEP, giving rise to Ca2+ spikes. In glucose-stimulated beta cells forskolin induced Ca2+ spikes that were enhanced by 3,9-dimethylxanthine, an activator of RYs. Analysis of RNA from islets and insulin-secreting βTC-3-cells by RNase protection assay, using type-specific RY probes, revealed low-level expression of mRNA for the type 2 isoform of the receptor (RY2). We conclude that in situ activation of RY2 in beta cells requires cAMP-dependent phosphorylation, a process that recruits the receptor in a functionally operative form.


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Recoverin is a heterogeneously acylated calcium-binding protein thought to regulate visual transduction. Its effect on the photoresponse was investigated by dialyzing the recombinant protein into truncated salamander rod outer segments. At high Ca2+ (Ca), myristoylated recoverin (Ca-recoverin) prolonged the recovery phase of the bright flash response but had less effect on the dim flash response. The prolongation of recovery had an apparent Kd for Ca of 13 μM and a Hill coefficient of 2. The prolongation was shown to be mediated by inhibition of rhodopsin deactivation. After a sudden imposed drop in Ca concentration, the effect of recoverin switched off with little lag. The myristoyl (C14:0) modification of recoverin increased its activity 12-fold, and the C12:0 or C14:2 acyl group gave similar effects. These experiments support the notion that recoverin mediates Ca-dependent inhibition of rhodopsin phosphorylation and thereby controls light-triggered phosphodiesterase activity, particularly at high light levels.


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Cardiac myocytes have been shown to express constitutively endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) (nitric oxide synthase 3), the activation of which has been implicated in the regulation of myocyte L-type voltage-sensitive calcium channel current (ICa-L) and myocyte contractile responsiveness to parasympathetic nervous system signaling, although this implication remains controversial. Therefore, we examined the effect of the muscarinic cholinergic agonist carbachol (CCh) on ICa-L and contractile amplitude in isoproterenol (ISO)-prestimulated ventricular myocytes isolated from adult mice, designated eNOSnull mice, with targeted disruption of the eNOS gene. Although both eNOSnull and wild-type (WT) ventricular myocytes exhibited similar increases in ICa-L in response to ISO, there was no measurable suppression of ICa-L by CCh in cells from eNOSnull mice, in contrast to cells from WT mice. These results were reflected in the absence of an effect of CCh on the positive inotropic effect of ISO in eNOSnull myocytes. Also, unlike myocytes from WT animals, eNOSnull myocytes failed to exhibit an increase in cGMP content in response to CCh. Nevertheless, the pharmacologic nitric oxide donors 3-morpholino-sydnonimine and S-nitroso-acetyl-cystein increased cGMP generation and suppressed ISO-augmented ICa-L in eNOSnull cells, suggesting that the signal transduction pathway(s) downstream of eNOS remained intact. Of importance, activation of the acetylcholine-activated K+ channel by CCh was unaffected in atrial and ventricular eNOSnull myocytes. These results confirm the obligatory role of eNOS in coupling muscarinic receptor activation to cGMP-dependent control of ICa-L in cardiac myocytes.


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Starving Dictyostelium amoebae emit pulses of the chemoattractant cAMP that are relayed from cell to cell as circular and spiral waves. We have recently modeled spiral wave formation in Dictyostelium. Our model suggests that a secreted protein inhibitor of an extracellular cAMP phosphodiesterase selects for spirals. Herein we test the essential features of this prediction by comparing wave propagation in wild type and inhibitor mutants. We find that mutants rarely form spirals. The territory size of mutant strains is approximately 50 times smaller than wild type, and the mature fruiting bodies are smaller but otherwise normal. These results identify a mechanism for selecting one wave symmetry over another in an excitable system and suggest that the phosphodiesterase inhibitor may be under selection because it helps regulate territory size.


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Despite considerable concerns with pharmacological stimulation of fetal hemoglobin (Hb F) as a therapeutic option for the β-globin disorders, the molecular basis of action of Hb F-inducing agents remains unclear. Here we show that an intracellular pathway including soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC) and cGMP-dependent protein kinase (PKG) plays a role in induced expression of the γ-globin gene. sGC, an obligate heterodimer of α- and β-subunits, participates in a variety of physiological processes by converting GTP to cGMP. Northern blot analyses with erythroid cell lines expressing different β-like globin genes showed that, whereas the β-subunit is expressed at similar levels, high-level expression of the α-subunit is preferentially observed in erythroid cells expressing γ-globin but not those expressing β-globin. Also, the levels of expression of the γ-globin gene correlate to those of the α-subunit. sGC activators or cGMP analogs increased expression of the γ-globin gene in erythroleukemic cells as well as in primary erythroblasts from normal subjects and patients with β-thalassemia. Nuclear run-off assays showed that the sGC activator protoporphyrin IX stimulates transcription of the γ-globin gene. Furthermore, increased expression of the γ-globin gene by well known Hb F-inducers such as hemin and butyrate was abolished by inhibiting sGC or PKG activity. Taken together, these results strongly suggest that the sGC–PKG pathway constitutes a mechanism that regulates expression of the γ-globin gene. Further characterization of this pathway should permit us to develop new therapeutics for the β-globin disorders.


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The extremely halophilic archaeon Halobacterium sp. NRC-1 can grow phototrophically by means of light-driven proton pumping by bacteriorhodopsin in the purple membrane. Here, we show by genetic analysis of the wild type, and insertion and double-frame shift mutants of Bat that this transcriptional regulator coordinates synthesis of a structural protein and a chromophore for purple membrane biogenesis in response to both light and oxygen. Analysis of the complete Halobacterium sp. NRC-1 genome sequence showed that the regulatory site, upstream activator sequence (UAS), the putative binding site for Bat upstream of the bacterio-opsin gene (bop), is also present upstream to the other Bat-regulated genes. The transcription regulator Bat contains a photoresponsive cGMP-binding (GAF) domain, and a bacterial AraC type helix–turn–helix DNA binding motif. We also provide evidence for involvement of the PAS/PAC domain of Bat in redox-sensing activity by genetic analysis of a purple membrane overproducer. Five additional Bat-like putative regulatory genes were found, which together are likely to be responsible for orchestrating the complex response of this archaeon to light and oxygen. Similarities of the bop-like UAS and transcription factors in diverse organisms, including a plant and a γ-proteobacterium, suggest an ancient origin for this regulon capable of coordinating light and oxygen responses in the three major branches of the evolutionary tree of life. Finally, sensitivity of four of five regulon genes to DNA supercoiling is demonstrated and correlated to presence of alternating purine–pyrimidine sequences (RY boxes) near the regulated promoters.


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The objective of this study was to elucidate the mechanisms by which nitric oxide (NO) inhibits rat aortic smooth muscle cell (RASMC) proliferation. Two products of the arginine-NO pathway interfere with cell growth by distinct mechanisms. NG-hydroxyarginine and NO appear to interfere with cell proliferation by inhibiting arginase and ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), respectively. S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine, (Z)-1-[N-(2-aminoethyl)-N-(2-aminoethyl)-amino]-diazen-1-ium-1,2-diolate, and a nitroaspirin derivative (NCX 4016), each of which is a NO donor agent, inhibited RASMC growth at concentrations of 1–3 μM by cGMP-independent mechanisms. The cytostatic action of the NO donor agents as well as α-difluoromethylornithine (DFMO), a known ODC inhibitor, was prevented by addition of putrescine but not ornithine. These observations suggested that NO, like DFMO, may directly inhibit ODC. Experiments with purified, recombinant mammalian ODC revealed that NO inhibits ODC possibly by S-nitrosylation of the active site cysteine in ODC. DFMO, as well as the NO donor agents, interfered with cellular polyamine (putrescine, spermidine, spermine) production. Conversely, increasing the expression and catalytic activity of arginase I in RASMC either by transfection of cells with the arginase I gene or by induction of arginase I mRNA with IL-4 resulted in increased urea and polyamine production as well as cell proliferation. Finally, coculture of rat aortic endothelial cells, which had been pretreated with lipopolysaccharide plus a cytokine mixture to induce NO synthase and promote NO production, caused NO-dependent inhibition of target RASMC proliferation. This study confirms the inhibitory role of the arginine-NO pathway in vascular smooth muscle proliferation and indicates that one mechanism of action of NO is cGMP-independent and attributed to its capacity to inhibit ODC.


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Illumination of vertebrate rod photoreceptors leads to a decrease in the cytoplasmic cGMP concentration and closure of cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channels. Except for Ca2+, which plays a negative feedback role in adaptation, and 11-cis-retinal, supplied by the retinal pigment epithelium, all of the biochemical machinery of phototransduction is thought to be contained within rod outer segments without involvement of extrinsic regulatory molecules. Here we show that insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), a paracrine factor released from the retinal pigment epithelium, alters phototransduction by rapidly increasing the cGMP sensitivity of CNG channels. The IGF-I-signaling pathway ultimately involves a protein tyrosine phosphatase that catalyzes dephosphorylation of a specific residue in the α-subunit of the rod CNG channel protein. IGF-I conjointly accelerates the kinetics and increases the amplitude of the light response, distinct from events that accompany adaptation. These effects of IGF-I could result from the enhancement of the cGMP sensitivity of CNG channels. Hence, in addition to long-term control of development and survival of rods, growth factors regulate phototransduction in the short term by modulating CNG channels.


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Agents that increase intracellular cAMP inhibit the activation and function of T cells and can lead to cell death. Recently, it has been postulated that cAMP inhibits T cell function in large part by acting as a brake on the T cell receptor and costimulatory receptor pathways. Therefore, for full activation of the T cell to occur, this inhibitory influence must be removed. One likely mechanism for accomplishing this is by up-regulation and/or activation of specific cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases (PDEs), and such a mechanism for one phosphodiesterase, PDE7A1, has been reported. In this paper, we extend this mechanism to another isozyme variant of the same PDE family, PDE7A3. We also report the full-length sequence of human PDE8A1 and show that it also is induced in response to a combination of T cell receptor and costimulatory receptor pathway activation. However, the time course for induction of PDE8A1 is slower than that of PDE7A1. The basal level measured and, therefore, the apparent fold induction of PDE7A1 mRNA and protein depend in large part on the method of isolation of the T cells. On the other hand, regardless of the isolation method, the basal levels of PDE7A3 and PDE8A1 are very low and fold activation is much higher. Constitutively expressed PDE8A1 and PDE7A3 also have been isolated from a human T cell line, Hut78.


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Salicylic acid (SA) plays a critical signaling role in the activation of plant defense responses after pathogen attack. We have identified several potential components of the SA signaling pathway, including (i) the H2O2-scavenging enzymes catalase and ascorbate peroxidase, (ii) a high affinity SA-binding protein (SABP2), (iii) a SA-inducible protein kinase (SIPK), (iv) NPR1, an ankyrin repeat-containing protein that exhibits limited homology to IκBα and is required for SA signaling, and (v) members of the TGA/OBF family of bZIP transcription factors. These bZIP factors physically interact with NPR1 and bind the SA-responsive element in promoters of several defense genes, such as the pathogenesis-related 1 gene (PR-1). Recent studies have demonstrated that nitric oxide (NO) is another signal that activates defense responses after pathogen attack. NO has been shown to play a critical role in the activation of innate immune and inflammatory responses in animals. Increases in NO synthase (NOS)-like activity occurred in resistant but not susceptible tobacco after infection with tobacco mosaic virus. Here we demonstrate that this increase in activity participates in PR-1 gene induction. Two signaling molecules, cGMP and cyclic ADP ribose (cADPR), which function downstream of NO in animals, also appear to mediate plant defense gene activation (e.g., PR-1). Additionally, NO may activate PR-1 expression via an NO-dependent, cADPR-independent pathway. Several targets of NO in animals, including guanylate cyclase, aconitase, and mitogen-activated protein kinases (e.g., SIPK), are also modulated by NO in plants. Thus, at least portions of NO signaling pathways appear to be shared between plants and animals.