80 resultados para antigen binding


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Bruton’s tyrosine kinase (Btk) is a cytoplasmic tyrosine kinase that is crucial for human and murine B cell development, and its deficiency causes human X-linked agammaglobulinemia and murine X-linked immunodeficiency. In this report, we describe the function of the Btk-binding protein Sab (SH3-domain binding protein that preferentially associates with Btk), which we reported previously as a newly identified Src homology 3 domain-binding protein. Sab was shown to inhibit the auto- and transphosphorylation activity of Btk, which prompted us to propose that Sab functions as a transregulator of Btk. Forced overexpression of Sab in B cells led to the reduction of B cell antigen receptor-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of Btk and significantly reduced both early and late B cell antigen receptor-mediated events, including calcium mobilization, inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate production, and apoptotic cell death, where the involvement of Btk activity has been demonstrated previously. Together, these results indicate the negative regulatory role of Sab in the B cell cytoplasmic tyrosine kinase pathway.


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The crystal structure of the murine Fab S-20-4 from a protective anti-cholera Ab specific for the lipopolysaccharide Ag of the Ogawa serotype has been determined in its unliganded form and in complex with synthetic fragments of the Ogawa O-specific polysaccharide (O-SP). The upstream terminal O-SP monosaccharide is shown to be the primary antigenic determinant. Additional perosamine residues protrude outwards from the Ab surface and contribute only marginally to the binding affinity and specificity. A complementary water-excluding hydrophobic interface and five Ab–Ag hydrogen bonds are crucial for carbohydrate recognition. The structure reported here explains the serotype specificity of anti-Ogawa Abs and provides a rational basis toward the development of a synthetic carbohydrate-based anti-cholera vaccine.


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Point mutants of three unrelated antifluorescein antibodies were constructed to obtain nine different single-chain Fv fragments, whose on-rates, off-rates, and equilibrium binding affinities were determined in solution. Additionally, activation energies for unbinding were estimated from the temperature dependence of the off-rate in solution. Loading rate-dependent unbinding forces were determined for single molecules by atomic force microscopy, which extrapolated at zero force to a value close to the off-rate measured in solution, without any indication for multiple transition states. The measured unbinding forces of all nine mutants correlated well with the off-rate in solution, but not with the temperature dependence of the reaction, indicating that the same transition state must be crossed in spontaneous and forced unbinding and that the unbinding path under load cannot be too different from the one at zero force. The distance of the transition state from the ground state along the unbinding pathway is directly proportional to the barrier height, regardless of the details of the binding site, which most likely reflects the elasticity of the protein in the unbinding process. Atomic force microscopy thus can be a valuable tool for the characterization of solution properties of protein-ligand systems at the single molecule level, predicting relative off-rates, potentially of great value for combinatorial chemistry and biology.


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CIITA is a master transactivator of the major histocompatibility complex class II genes, which are involved in antigen presentation. Defects in CIITA result in fatal immunodeficiencies. CIITA activation is also the control point for the induction of major histocompatibility complex class II and associated genes by interferon-γ, but CIITA does not bind directly to DNA. Expression of CIITA in G3A cells, which lack endogenous CIITA, followed by in vivo genomic footprinting, now reveals that CIITA is required for the assembly of transcription factor complexes on the promoters of this gene family, including DRA, Ii, and DMB. CIITA-dependent promoter assembly occurs in interferon-γ-inducible cell types, but not in B lymphocytes. Dissection of the CIITA protein indicates that transactivation and promoter loading are inseparable and reveal a requirement for a GTP binding motif. These findings suggest that CIITA may be a new class of transactivator.


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The structural basis for the T cell response to glycolipid antigens (Ags) remains poorly understood. T lymphocytes autoreactive for mouse CD1 (mCD1.1) or reactive for the glycosphingolipid αgalactosylceramide (α-GalCer) presented by mCD1.1 have been described previously. In this paper it is shown that mutations at the top of the α helices and in the bottom of the Ag-binding groove can disrupt both mCD1.1 autoreactivity and α-GalCer recognition. The locations of the positions that affect T cell responses indicate that recognition of mCD1.1 is not likely to be unconventional or superantigen-like. Furthermore, the effects of the bottom of the pocket mutation suggest that the autoreactive response could require an autologous ligand, and they indicate that α-GalCer binds to the groove of mCD1.1, most likely with the shorter 18-carbon hydrophobic chain in the A′ pocket. Natural killer T cell hybridomas with identical T cell antigen receptor (TCR) α chains and different β chains respond differently to α-GalCer presented by mCD1.1 mutants. This finding indicates a role for TCR β in defining natural killer T cell specificity, despite the more restricted diversity of the α chains in these cells. Overall, the data are consistent with a mode of lipoglycan recognition similar to that proposed for glycopeptides, in which the TCR α and β chains survey a surface composed of both mCD1.1 and the carbohydrate portion of α-GalCer.


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Binding of different regulatory subunits and methylation of the catalytic (C) subunit carboxy-terminal leucine 309 are two important mechanisms by which protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) can be regulated. In this study, both genetic and biochemical approaches were used to investigate regulation of regulatory subunit binding by C subunit methylation. Monoclonal antibodies selectively recognizing unmethylated C subunit were used to quantitate the methylation status of wild-type and mutant C subunits. Analysis of 13 C subunit mutants showed that both carboxy-terminal and active site residues are important for maintaining methylation in vivo. Severe impairment of methylation invariably led to a dramatic decrease in Bα subunit binding but not of striatin, SG2NA, or polyomavirus middle tumor antigen (MT) binding. In fact, most unmethylated C subunit mutants showed enhanced binding to striatin and SG2NA. Certain carboxy-terminal mutations decreased Bα subunit binding without greatly affecting methylation, indicating that Bα subunit binding is not required for a high steady-state level of C subunit methylation. Demethylation of PP2A in cell lysates with recombinant PP2A methylesterase greatly decreased the amount of C subunit that could be coimmunoprecipitated via the Bα subunit but not the amount that could be coimmunoprecipitated with Aα subunit or MT. When C subunit methylation levels were greatly reduced in vivo, Bα subunits were found complexed exclusively to methylated C subunits, whereas striatin and SG2NA in the same cells bound both methylated and unmethylated C subunits. Thus, C subunit methylation is critical for assembly of PP2A heterotrimers containing Bα subunit but not for formation of heterotrimers containing MT, striatin, or SG2NA. These findings suggest that methylation may be able to selectively regulate the association of certain regulatory subunits with the A/C heterodimer.


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The transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP) is essential for intracellular transport of protein fragments into the endoplasmic reticulum for loading of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules. On the cell surface, these peptide–MHC complexes are monitored by cytotoxic T lymphocytes. To study the ATP hydrolysis of TAP, we developed an enrichment and reconstitution procedure, by which we fully restored TAP function in proteoliposomes. A TAP-specific ATPase activity was identified that could be stimulated by peptides and blocked by the herpes simplex virus protein ICP47. Strikingly, the peptide-binding motif of TAP directly correlates with the stimulation of the ATPase activity, demonstrating that the initial peptide-binding step is responsible for TAP selectivity. ATP hydrolysis follows Michaelis–Menten kinetics with a maximal velocity Vmax of 2 μmol/min per mg TAP, corresponding to a turnover number of approximately 5 ATP per second. This turnover rate is sufficient to account for the role of TAP in peptide loading of MHC molecules and the overall process of antigen presentation. Interestingly, sterically restricted peptides that bind but are not transported by TAP do not stimulate ATPase activity. These results point to coordinated dialogue between the peptide-binding site, the nucleotide-binding domain, and the translocation site via conformational changes within the TAP complex.


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Antigens of pathogenic microbes that mimic autoantigens are thought to be responsible for the activation of autoreactive T cells. Viral infections have been associated with the development of the neuroendocrine autoimmune diseases type 1 diabetes and stiff-man syndrome, but the mechanism is unknown. These diseases share glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD65) as a major autoantigen. We screened synthetic peptide libraries dedicated to bind to HLA-DR3, which predisposes to both diseases, using clonal CD4+ T cells reactive to GAD65 isolated from a prediabetic stiff-man syndrome patient. Here we show that these GAD65-specific T cells crossreact with a peptide of the human cytomegalovirus (hCMV) major DNA-binding protein. This peptide was identified after database searching with a recognition pattern that had been deduced from the library studies. Furthermore, we showed that hCMV-derived epitope can be naturally processed by dendritic cells and recognized by GAD65 reactive T cells. Thus, hCMV may be involved in the loss of T cell tolerance to autoantigen GAD65 by a mechanism of molecular mimicry leading to autoimmunity.


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Many persistent viruses have evolved the ability to subvert MHC class I antigen presentation. Indeed, human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) encodes at least four proteins that down-regulate cell-surface expression of class I. The HCMV unique short (US)2 glycoprotein binds newly synthesized class I molecules within the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and subsequently targets them for proteasomal degradation. We report the crystal structure of US2 bound to the HLA-A2/Tax peptide complex. US2 associates with HLA-A2 at the junction of the peptide-binding region and the α3 domain, a novel binding surface on class I that allows US2 to bind independently of peptide sequence. Mutation of class I heavy chains confirms the importance of this binding site in vivo. Available data on class I-ER chaperone interactions indicate that chaperones would not impede US2 binding. Unexpectedly, the US2 ER-luminal domain forms an Ig-like fold. A US2 structure-based sequence alignment reveals that seven HCMV proteins, at least three of which function in immune evasion, share the same fold as US2. The structure allows design of further experiments to determine how US2 targets class I molecules for degradation.


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The ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter TAP translocates peptides from the cytosol to awaiting MHC class I molecules in the endoplasmic reticulum. TAP is made up of the TAP1 and TAP2 polypeptides, which each possess a nucleotide binding domain (NBD). However, the role of ATP in peptide binding and translocation is poorly understood. We present biochemical and functional evidence that the NBDs of TAP1 and TAP2 are non-equivalent. Photolabeling experiments with 8-azido-ATP demonstrate a cooperative interaction between the two NBDs that can be stimulated by peptide. The substitution of key lysine residues in the Walker A motifs of TAP1 and TAP2 suggests that TAP1-mediated ATP hydrolysis is not essential for peptide translocation but that TAP2-mediated ATP hydrolysis is critical, not only for translocation, but for peptide binding.


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The O-antigenic repeating units of lipopolysaccharides from Salmonella serogroups A, B, and D1 serve as receptors for the phage P22 tailspike protein, which also has receptor destroying endoglycosidase (endorhamnosidase) activity, integrating the functions of both hemagglutinin and neuraminidase in influenza virus. Crystal structures of the tailspike protein in complex with oligosaccharides, comprising two O-antigenic repeating units from Salmonella typhimurium, Salmonella enteritidis, and Salmonella typhi 253Ty were determined at 1.8 A resolution. The active-site topology with Asp-392, Asp-395, and Glu-359 as catalytic residues was identified. Kinetics of binding and cleavage suggest a role of the receptor destroying endorhamnosidase activity primarily for detachment of newly assembled phages.


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Two genetic events contribute to the development of endemic Burkitt lymphoma (BL) infection of B lymphocytes with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and the activation of the protooncogene c-myc through chromosomal translocation. The viral genes EBV nuclear antigen 2 (EBNA2) and latent membrane protein 1 (LMP1) are essential for transformation of primary human B cells by EBV in vitro; however, these genes are not expressed in BL cells in vivo. To address the question whether c-myc activation might abrogate the requirement of the EBNA2 and LMP1 function, we have introduced an activated c-myc gene into an EBV-transformed cell line in which EBNA2 was rendered estrogen-dependent through fusion with the hormone binding domain of the estrogen receptor. The c-myc gene was placed under the control of regulatory elements of the immunoglobulin kappa locus composed a matrix attachment region, the intron enhancer, and the 3' enhancer. We show here that transfection of a c-myc expression plasmid followed by selection for high MYC expression is capable of inducing continuous proliferation of these cells in the absence of functional EBNA2 and LMP1. c-myc-induced hormone-independent proliferation was associated with a dramatic change in the growth behavior as well as cell surface marker expression of these cells. The typical lymphoblastoid morphology and phenotype of EBV-transformed cells completely changed into that of BL cells in vivo. We conclude that the phenotype of BL cells reflects the expression pattern of viral and cellular genes rather than its germinal center origin.


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The lethal factor (LF) and edema factor (EF) of anthrax toxin bind by means of their amino-terminal domains to protective antigen (PA) on the surface of toxin-sensitive cells and are translocated to the cytosol, where they act on intracellular targets. Genetically fusing the amino-terminal domain of LF (LFN; residues 1-255) to certain heterologous proteins has been shown to potentiate these proteins for PA-dependent delivery to the cytosol. We report here that short tracts of lysine, arginine, or histidine residues can also potentiate a protein for such PA-dependent delivery. Fusion of these polycationic tracts to the amino terminus of the enzymic A chain of diphtheria toxin (DTA; residues 1-193) enabled it to be translocated to the cytosol by PA and inhibit protein synthesis. The efficiency of translocation was dependent on tract length: (LFN > Lys8 > Lys6 > Lys3). Lys6 was approximately 100-fold more active than Arg6 or His6, whereas Glu6 and (SerSerGly)2 were inactive. Arg6DTA was partially degraded in cell culture, which may explain its low activity relative to that of Lys6DTA. The polycationic tracts may bind to anionic sites at the cell surface (possibly on PA), allowing the fusion proteins to be coendocytosed with PA and delivered to the endosome, where translocation to the cytosol occurs. Excess free LFN blocked the action of LFNDTA, but not of Lys6DTA. This implies that binding to the LF/EF site is not an obligatory step in translocation and suggests that the polycationic tag binds to a different site. Besides elucidating the process of translocation in anthrax toxin, these findings may aid in developing systems to deliver heterologous proteins and peptides to the cytoplasm of mammalian cells.


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Megalin (gp330), an epithelial endocytic receptor, is a major target antigen of Heymann nephritis (HN), an autoimmune disease in rats. To elucidate the mechanisms of HN, we have mapped a pathogenic epitope in megalin that binds anti-megalin antibodies. We focused our attention on four clusters of cysteine-rich, low density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) ligand binding repeats in the extracellular domain of megalin because they represent putative ligand binding regions and therefore would be expected to be exposed in vivo and to be able to bind circulating antibodies. Rat megalin cDNA fragments I through IV encoding the first through fourth clusters of ligand-binding repeats, respectively, were expressed in a baculovirus system. All four expression products were detected by immunoblotting with two antisera capable of inducing passive HN (pHN). When antibodies eluted from glomeruli of rats with pHN were used for immunoblotting, only the expression product encoded by fragment II was detected. This indicates that the second cluster of LDLR ligand binding repeats is directly involved in binding anti-megalin antibodies and in the induction of pHN. To narrow the major epitope in this domain, fragment II was used to prepare proteins sequentially truncated from the C- and N-terminal ends by in vitro translation. Analysis of the truncated translation products by immunoprecipitation with anti-megalin IgG revealed that the fifth ligand-binding repeat (amino acids 1160-1205) contains the major epitope recognized. This suggests that a 46-amino acid sequence in the second cluster of LDLR ligand binding repeats contains a major pathogenic epitope that plays a key role in pHN. Identification of this epitope will facilitate studies on the pathogenesis of HN.


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The selective production of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) reacting with defined cell surface-expressed molecules is now readily accomplished with an immunological subtraction approach, surface-epitope masking (SEM). Using SEM, prostate carcinoma (Pro 1.5) mAbs have been developed that react with tumor-associated antigens expressed on human prostate cancer cell lines and patient-derived carcinomas. Screening a human LNCaP prostate cancer cDNA expression library with the Pro 1.5 mAb identifies a gene, prostate carcinoma tumor antigen-1 (PCTA-1). PCTA-1 encodes a secreted protein of approximately 35 kDa that shares approximately 40% sequence homology with the N-amino terminal region of members of the S-type galactose-binding lectin (galectin) gene family. Specific galectins are found on the surface of human and marine neoplastic cells and have been implicated in tumorigenesis and metastasis. Primer pairs within the 3' untranslated region of PCTA-1 and reverse transcription-PCR demonstrate selective expression of PCTA-1 by prostate carcinomas versus normal prostate and benign prostatic hypertrophy. These findings document the use of the SEM procedure for generating mAbs reacting with tumor-associated antigens expressed on human prostate cancers. The SEM-derived mAbs have been used for expression cloning the gene encoding this human tumor antigen. The approaches described in this paper, SEM combined with expression cloning, should prove of wide utility for developing immunological reagents specific for and identifying genes relevant to human cancer.