79 resultados para Stammzelltransplantation, Leukämie, Alloreaktivität, HLA-Moleküle, Mismatch


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A small percentage of human T lymphocytes, predominantly CD8+ T cells, express receptors for HLA class 1 molecules of natural killer type (NK-R) that are inhibitory for T-cell antigen receptor (TCR)-mediated functions. In the present study, it is demonstrated that the various NK-R molecules typically expressed by NK cells are also expressed on periheral blood T lymphocytes. These CD3+ NK-R+ cells have a cell surface phenotype typical of memory cells as indicated by the expression of CD45RO and CD29 and by the lack of CD28 and CD45RA. Furthermore, by the combined use of anti-TCR V beta-specific antibodies and a semiquantitative polymerase chain reaction assay, the TCR repertoire in this CD3+ NK-R+ cell subset was found to be skewed; in fact, one or two V beta families were largely represented, and most of the other V beta s were barely detected. In addition, analysis of recombinant clones of the largely represented V beta families demonstrated that these V beta s were oligoclonally or monoclonally expanded.


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We have used a PCR-based technology to study the V beta 5 and V beta 17 repertoire of T-cell populations in HLA-DR2 multiple sclerosis (MS) patients. We have found that the five MS DR2 patients studied present, at the moment of diagnosis and prior to any treatment, a marked expansion of a CD4+ T-cell population bearing V beta 5-J beta 1.4 beta chains. The sequences of the complementarity-determining region 3 of the expanded T cells are highly homologous. One shares structural features with that of the T cells infiltrating the central nervous system and of myelin basic protein-reactive T cells found in HLA-DR2 MS patients. An homologous sequence was not detectable in MS patients expressing DR alleles other than DR2. However, it is detectable but not expanded in healthy DR2 individuals. The possible mechanisms leading to its in vivo proliferation at the onset of MS are discussed.


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Working memory refers to the ability of the brain to store and manipulate information over brief time periods, ranging from seconds to minutes. As opposed to long-term memory, which is critically dependent upon hippocampal processing, critical substrates for working memory are distributed in a modality-specific fashion throughout cortex. N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors play a crucial role in the initiation of long-term memory. Neurochemical mechanisms underlying the transient memory storage required for working memory, however, remain obscure. Auditory sensory memory, which refers to the ability of the brain to retain transient representations of the physical features (e.g., pitch) of simple auditory stimuli for periods of up to approximately 30 sec, represents one of the simplest components of the brain working memory system. Functioning of the auditory sensory memory system is indexed by the generation of a well-defined event-related potential, termed mismatch negativity (MMN). MMN can thus be used as an objective index of auditory sensory memory functioning and a probe for investigating underlying neurochemical mechanisms. Monkeys generate cortical activity in response to deviant stimuli that closely resembles human MMN. This study uses a combination of intracortical recording and pharmacological micromanipulations in awake monkeys to demonstrate that both competitive and noncompetitive NMDA antagonists block the generation of MMN without affecting prior obligatory activity in primary auditory cortex. These findings suggest that, on a neurophysiological level, MMN represents selective current flow through open, unblocked NMDA channels. Furthermore, they suggest a crucial role of cortical NMDA receptors in the assessment of stimulus familiarity/unfamiliarity, which is a key process underlying working memory performance.


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The class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC) glycoprotein HLA-B27 binds short peptides containing arginine at peptide position 2 (P2). The HLA-B27/peptide complex is recognized by T cells both as part of the development of the repertoire of T cells in the cellular immune system and during activation of cytotoxic T cells. Based on the three-dimensional structure of HLA-B27, we have synthesized a ligand with an aziridine-containing side chain designed to mimic arginine and to bind covalently in the arginine-specific P2 pocket of HLA-B27. Using tryptic digestion followed by mass spectrometry and amino acid sequencing, the aziridine-containing ligand is shown to alkylate specifically cysteine 67 of HLA-B27. Neither free cysteine in solution nor an exposed cysteine on a class II MHC molecule can be alkylated, showing that specific recognition between the anchor side-chain pocket of an MHC class I protein and the designed ligand (propinquity) is necessary to induce the selective covalent reaction with the MHC class I molecule.


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We describe a novel high resolution DNA based typing approach for HLA class I alleles, which identifies the recombinational motifs present in exons 2 and 3 of the HLA class I genes. Unique identification patterns for 201 known HLA-A, HLA-B, and HLA-Cw alleles were generated by the use of only 40 probes, which were targeted at these common motifs. The unambiguous identification of the alleles was achieved by the development of a new and powerful allelic separation technique that allows isolation of single alleles after amplification. To validate the method, we have used locus-specific primers to amplify exons 2 and 3 of HLA-A, HLA-B, and HLA-Cw loci from 22 heterozygous and 41 homozygous cell lines. After amplification, the allelic fragments from each locus were separated, blotted, and hybridized with the 40 probes. In all cases, the allelic products could be separated and 81 different class I alleles, 33 HLA-A, 30 HLA-B, and 18 HLA-Cw, were identified according to the predicted probe hybridization patterns.


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In Xenopus egg extracts, DNA strand breaks (nicks) located 3' or 5' to a mismatch cause an overall 3-fold stimulation of the repair of the mismatch in circular heteroduplex DNA molecules. The increase in mismatch repair is almost entirely due to an increase in repair of the nicked strand, which is stimulated 5-fold. Repair synthesis is centered to the mismatch site, decreases symmetrically on both sides, and its position is not significantly altered by the presence of the nick. Therefore, it appears that in the Xenopus germ cells, the mismatch repair system utilizes nicks as signals for the induction and direction of mismatch repair, but not as the start or end point for excision and resynthesis.


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The nonclassical major histocompatibility complex class II molecule HLA-DM (DM) has recently been shown to play a central role in the class II-associated antigen presentation pathway: DM releases invariant chain-derived CLIP peptides (class II-associated invariant chain protein peptide) from HLA-DR (DR) molecules and thereby facilitates loading with antigenic peptides. Some observations have led to the suggestion that DM acts in a catalytic manner, but so far direct proof is missing. Here, we investigated in vitro the kinetics of exchange of endogenously bound CLIP for various peptides on DR1 and DR2a molecules: we found that in the presence of DM the peptide loading process follows Michaelis-Menten kinetics with turnover numbers of 3-12 DR molecules per minute per DM molecule, and with KM values of 500-1000 nM. In addition, surface plasmon resonance measurements showed that DM interacts efficiently with DR-CLIP complexes but only weakly with DR-peptide complexes isolated from DM-positive cells. Taken together, our data provide evidence that DM functions as an enzyme-like catalyst of peptide exchange and favors the generation of long-lived DR-peptide complexes that are no longer substrates for DM.


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We have investigated the influence of genetic instability [replication error (RER) phenotype] on APC (adenomatous polyposis coli), a gene thought to initiate colorectal tumorigenesis. The prevalence of APC mutations was similar in RER and non-RER tumors, indicating that both tumor types share this step in neoplastic transformation. However, in a total of 101 sequenced mutations, we noted a substantial excess of APC frameshift mutations in the RER cases (70% in RER tumors versus 47% in non-RER tumors, P < 0.04). These frameshifts were characteristic of mutations arising in cells deficient in DNA mismatch repair, with a predilection for mononucleotide repeats in the RER tumors (P < 0.0002), particularly (A)n tracts (P < 0.00007). These findings suggest that the genetic instability that is reflected by the RER phenotype precedes, and is responsible for, APC mutation in RER large bowel tumors and have important implications for understanding the very earliest stages of neoplasia in patients with tumors deficient in mismatch repair.


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Bullous pemphigoid (BP) is an autoimmune subepidermal blistering disease seen primarily in elderly persons. It is characterized clinically by the development of tense bullae and by the presence of an antibasement membrane antibody. In BP, the antigens involved in the autoimmunity are epidermal basement membrane peptides BPAg1 and BPAg2. We have compared high resolution typing of major histocompatibility complex class II loci (HLA-DRB1, DQB1) in 21 patients with BP, 17 with ocular cicatricial pemphigoid (OCP), and 22 with oral pemphigoid (OP) to a panel of 218 haplotypes of normal individuals. We found that the three diseases (BP, OCP, and OP) have significant association with DQB1*0301 (P = 0.005, P < 0.0001, and P = 0.001, respectively). The frequencies of alleles DQB1*0302, 0303, and 06, which share a specific amino acid sequence from position 71 to 77 (Thr-Arg-Ala-Glu-Leu-Val-Thr) were also increased (P = 0.01). We suggest that an identical major histocompatibility complex class II allele (DQB1*0301) is a common marker for enhanced susceptibility and that the same amino acid residues in positions 71-77 (DQB1*0301, -0302, -0305, -0602, -0603 alleles) are found in patients with BP, OCP and OP. Our findings propose that the autoimmune response in the three different clinical variants of pemphigoid, involves the recognition by T cells of a class II region of DQB1, bound to a peptide from the basement membrane of conjunctiva, oral mucosa, and skin.


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A functional methyl-directed mismatch repair pathway in Escherichia coli prevents the formation of deletions between 101-bp tandem repeats with 4% sequence divergence. Deletions between perfectly homologous repeats are unaffected. Deletion in both cases occurs independently of the homologous recombination gene, recA. Because the methyl-directed mismatch repair pathway detects and excises one strand of a mispaired duplex, an intermediate for RecA-independent deletion of tandem repeats must therefore be a heteroduplex formed between strands of each repeat. We find that MutH endonuclease, which in vivo incises specifically the newly replicated strand of DNA, and the Dam methylase, the source of this strand-discrimination, are required absolutely for the exclusion of "homeologous" (imperfectly homologous) tandem deletion. This supports the idea that the heteroduplex intermediate for deletion occurs during or shortly after DNA replication in the context of hemi-methylation. Our findings confirm a "replication slippage" model for deletion formation whereby the displacement and misalignment of the nascent strand relative to the repeated sequence in the template strand accomplishes the deletion.


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Position 57 in the beta chain of HLA class II molecules maintains an Asp/non-Asp dimorphism that has been conserved through evolution and is implicated in susceptibility to some autoimmune diseases. The latter effect may be due to the influence of this residue on the ability of class II alleles to bind specific pathogenic peptides. We utilized highly homologous pairs of both DR and DQ alleles that varied at residue 57 to investigate the impact of this dimorphism on binding of model peptides. Using a direct binding assay of biotinylated peptides on whole cells expressing the desired alleles, we report several peptides that bind differentially to the allele pairs depending on the presence or absence of Asp at position 57. Peptides with negatively charged residues at anchor position 9 bind well to alleles not containing Asp at position 57 in the beta chain but cannot bind well to homologous Asp-positive alleles. By changing the peptides at the single residue predicted to interact with this position 57, we demonstrate a drastically altered or reversed pattern of binding. Ala analog peptides confirm these interactions and identify a limited set of interaction sites between the bound peptides and the class II molecules. Clarification of the impact of specific class II polymorphisms on generating unique allele-specific peptide binding "repertoires" will aid in our understanding of the development of specific immune responses and HLA-associated diseases.


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Recognition of peptides bound to class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules by specific receptors on T cells regulates the development and activity of the cellular immune system. We have designed and synthesized de novo cyclic peptides that incorporate PEG in the ring structure for binding to class I MHC molecules. The large PEG loops are positioned to extend out of the peptide binding site, thus creating steric effects aimed at preventing the recognition of class I MHC complexes by T-cell receptors. Peptides were synthesized and cyclized on polymer support using high molecular weight symmetrical PEG dicarboxylic acids to link the side chains of lysine residues substituted at positions 4 and 8 in the sequence of the HLA-A2-restricted human T-lymphotrophic virus type I Tax peptide. Cyclic peptides promoted the in vitro folding and assembly of HLA-A2 complexes. Thermal denaturation studies using circular dichroism spectroscopy showed that these complexes are as stable as complexes formed with antigenic peptides.


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The role of inflammatory T cells in Crohn's disease suggests that inherited variations in major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II genes may be of pathogenetic importance in inflammatory bowel disease. The absence of consistent and strong associations with MHC class II genes in Caucasian patients with inflammatory bowel disease probably reflects the use of less precise typing approaches and the failure to type certain loci by any means. A PCR-sequence-specific oligonucleotide-based approach was used to type individual alleles of the HLA class II DRB1, DRB3, DRB4, and DRB5 loci in 40 patients with ulcerative colitis, 42 Crohn's disease patients, and 93 ethnically matched healthy controls. Detailed molecular typing of the above alleles has previously not been reported in patients with inflammatory bowel disease. A highly significant positive association with the HLA-DRB3*0301 allele was observed in patients with Crohn's disease (P = 0.0004) but not in patients with ulcerative colitis. The relative risk for this association was 7.04. Other less significant HLA class II associations were also noted in patients with Crohn's disease. One of these associations involved the HLA-DRB1*1302 allele, which is known to be in linkage disequilibrium with HLA-DRB3*0301. These data suggest that a single allele of an infrequently typed HLA class II locus is strongly associated with Crohn's disease and that MHC class II molecules may be important in its pathogenesis.


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Escherichia coli methyl-directed mismatch repair is initiated by MutS-, MutL-, and ATP-dependent activation of MutH endonuclease, which cleaves at d(GATC) sites in the vicinity of a mismatch. This reaction provides an efficient method for detection of mismatches in heteroduplexes produced by hybridization of genetically distinct sequences after PCR amplification. Multiple examples of transition and transversion mutations, as well as one, two, and three nucleotide insertion/deletion mutants, have been detected in PCR heteroduplexes ranging in size from 400 bp to 2.5 kb. Background cleavage of homoduplexes is largely due to polymerase errors that occur during amplification, and the MutHLS reaction provides an estimate of the incidence of mutant sequences that arise during PCR.


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The peptide-binding motif of HLA-A29, the predisposing allele for birdshot retinopathy, was determined after acid-elution of endogenous peptides from purified HLA-A29 molecules. Individual and pooled HPLC fractions were sequenced by Edman degradation. Major anchor residues could be defined as glutamate at the second position of the peptide and as tyrosine at the carboxyl terminus. In vitro binding of polyglycine synthetic peptides to purified HLA-A29 molecules also revealed the need for an auxiliary anchor residue at the third position, preferably phenylalanine. By using this motif, we synthesized six peptides from the retinal soluble antigen, a candidate autoantigen in autoimmune uveoretinitis. Their in vitro binding was tested on HLA-A29 and also on HLA-B44 and HLA-B61, two alleles sharing close peptide-binding motifs. Two peptides derived from the carboxyl-terminal sequence of the human retinal soluble antigen bound efficiently to HLA-A29. This study could contribute to the prediction of T-cell epitopes from retinal autoantigens implicated in birdshot retinopathy.