75 resultados para Rapid calcinations
Niemann–Pick type C1 (NPC1) disease results from a defect in the NPC1 protein and is characterized by a pathological accumulation of cholesterol and glycolipids in endocytic organelles. We followed the biosynthesis and trafficking of NPC1 with the use of a functional green fluorescent protein-fused NPC1. Newly synthesized NPC1 is exported from the endoplasmic reticulum and requires transit through the Golgi before it is targeted to late endosomes. NPC1-containing late endosomes then move by a dynamic process involving tubulation and fission, followed by rapid retrograde and anterograde migration along microtubules. Cell fusion studies with normal and mutant NPC1 cells show that exchange of contents between late endosomes and lysosomes depends upon ongoing tubulovesicular late endocytic trafficking. In turn, rapid endosomal tubular movement requires an intact NPC1 sterol-sensing domain and is retarded by an elevated endosomal cholesterol content. We conclude that the neuropathology and cellular lysosomal lipid accumulation in NPC1 disease results, at least in part, from striking defects in late endosomal tubulovesicular trafficking.
Systematic conservation planning is a branch of conservation biology that seeks to identify spatially explicit options for the preservation of biodiversity. Alternative systems of conservation areas are predictions about effective ways of promoting the persistence of biodiversity; therefore, they should consider not only biodiversity pattern but also the ecological and evolutionary processes that maintain and generate species. Most research and application, however, has focused on pattern representation only. This paper outlines the development of a conservation system designed to preserve biodiversity pattern and process in the context of a rapidly changing environment. The study area is the Cape Floristic Region (CFR), a biodiversity hotspot of global significance, located in southwestern Africa. This region has experienced rapid (post-Pliocene) ecological diversification of many plant lineages; there are numerous genera with large clusters of closely related species (flocks) that have subdivided habitats at a very fine scale. The challenge is to design conservation systems that will preserve both the pattern of large numbers of species and various natural processes, including the potential for lineage turnover. We outline an approach for designing a system of conservation areas to incorporate the spatial components of the evolutionary processes that maintain and generate biodiversity in the CFR. We discuss the difficulty of assessing the requirements for pattern versus process representation in the face of ongoing threats to biodiversity, the difficulty of testing the predictions of alternative conservation systems, and the widespread need in conservation planning to incorporate and set targets for the spatial components (or surrogates) of processes.
Organisms producing resting stages provide unique opportunities for reconstructing the genetic history of natural populations. Diapausing seeds and eggs often are preserved in large numbers, representing entire populations captured in an evolutionary inert state for decades and even centuries. Starting from a natural resting egg bank of the waterflea Daphnia, we compare the evolutionary rates of change in an adaptive quantitative trait with those in selectively neutral DNA markers, thus effectively testing whether the observed genetic changes in the quantitative trait are driven by natural selection. The population studied experienced variable and well documented levels of fish predation over the past 30 years and shows correlated genetic changes in phototactic behavior, a predator-avoidance trait that is related to diel vertical migration. The changes mainly involve an increased plasticity response upon exposure to predator kairomone, the direction of the changes being in agreement with the hypothesis of adaptive evolution. Genetic differentiation through time was an order of magnitude higher for the studied behavioral trait than for neutral markers (DNA microsatellites), providing strong evidence that natural selection was the driving force behind the observed, rapid, evolutionary changes.
The paleoclimate record makes it clear that rapid climate shifts of the 20th century are only a subset of possible climate system behavior that might occur in the absence of glacial conditions, and that climatic surprises could be a challenge for society even in the absence of significant greenhouse warming.
The accumulation of soluble carbohydrates resulting from growth under elevated CO2 may potentially signal the repression of gene activity for the small subunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (rbcS). To test this hypothesis we grew rice (Oryza sativa L.) under ambient (350 μL L−1) and high (700 μL L−1) CO2 in outdoor, sunlit, environment-controlled chambers and performed a cross-switching of growth CO2 concentration at the late-vegetative phase. Within 24 h, plants switched to high CO2 showed a 15% and 23% decrease in rbcS mRNA, whereas plants switched to ambient CO2 increased 27% and 11% in expanding and mature leaves, respectively. Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase total activity and protein content 8 d after the switch increased up to 27% and 20%, respectively, in plants switched to ambient CO2, but changed very little in plants switched to high CO2. Plants maintained at high CO2 showed greater carbohydrate pool sizes and lower rbcS transcript levels than plants kept at ambient CO2. However, after switching growth CO2 concentration, there was not a simple correlation between carbohydrate and rbcS transcript levels. We conclude that although carbohydrates may be important in the regulation of rbcS expression, changes in total pool size alone could not predict the rapid changes in expression that we observed.
High-affinity K+ uptake in plant roots is rapidly up-regulated when K+ is withheld and down-regulated when K+ is resupplied. These processes make important contributions to plant K+ homeostasis. A cDNA coding for a high-affinity K+ transporter, HKT1, was earlier cloned from wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) roots and functionally characterized. We demonstrate here that in both barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and wheat roots, a rapid and large up-regulation of HKT1 mRNA levels resulted when K+ was withdrawn from growth media. This effect was specific for K+; withholding N caused a modest reduction of HKT1 mRNA levels. Up-regulation of HKT1 transcript levels in barley roots occurred within 4 h of removing K+, which corresponds to the documented increase of high-affinity K+ uptake in roots following removal of K+. Increased expression of HKT1 mRNA was evident before a decline in total root K+ concentration could be detected. Resupply of 1 mm K+ was sufficient to strongly reduce HKT1 transcript levels. In wheat root cortical cells, both membrane depolarizations in response to 100 μm K+, Cs+, and Rb+, and high-affinity K+ uptake were enhanced by K+ deprivation. Thus, in both plant systems the observed physiological changes associated with manipulating external K+ supply were correlated with levels of HKT1 mRNA expression. Implications of these findings for K+ sensing and regulation of the HKT1 mRNA levels in plant roots are discussed.
The role of acid secretion in regulating short-term changes in growth rate and wall extensibility was investigated in emerging first leaves of intact, water-stressed maize (Zea mays L.) seedlings. A novel approach was used to measure leaf responses to injection of water or solutions containing potential regulators of growth. Both leaf elongation and wall extensibility, as measured with a whole-plant creep extensiometer, increased dramatically within minutes of injecting water, 0.5 mm phosphate, or strong (50 mm) buffer solutions with pH ≤ 5.0 into the cell-elongation zone of water-stressed leaves. In contrast, injecting buffer solutions at pH ≥ 5.5 inhibited these fast responses. Solutions containing 0.5 mm orthovanadate or erythrosin B to inhibit wall acidification by plasma membrane H+-ATPases were also inhibitory. Thus, cell wall extensibility and leaf growth in water-stressed plants remained inhibited, despite the increased availability of (injected) water when accompanying increases in acid-induced wall loosening were prevented. However, growth was stimulated when pH 4.5 buffers were included with the vanadate injections. These findings suggest that increasing the availability of water to expanding cells in water-stressed leaves signals rapid increases in outward proton pumping by plasma membrane H+-ATPases. Resultant increases in cell wall extensibility participate in the regulation of water uptake, cell expansion, and leaf growth.
It is well established that the expression of Bacillus thuringiensis (B.t.) toxin genes in higher plants is severely limited at the mRNA level, but the cause remains controversial. Elucidating whether mRNA accumulation is limited transcriptionally or posttranscriptionally could contribute to effective gene design as well as provide insights about endogenous plant gene-expression mechanisms. To resolve this controversy, we compared the expression of an A/U-rich wild-type cryIA(c) gene and a G/C-rich synthetic cryIA(c) B.t.-toxin gene under the control of identical 5′ and 3′ flanking sequences. Transcriptional activities of the genes were equal as determined by nuclear run-on transcription assays. In contrast, mRNA half-life measurements demonstrated directly that the wild-type transcript was markedly less stable than that encoded by the synthetic gene. Sequences that limit mRNA accumulation were located at more than one site within the coding region, and some appeared to be recognized in Arabidopsis but not in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum). These results support previous observations that some A/U-rich sequences can contribute to mRNA instability in plants. Our studies further indicate that some of these sequences may be differentially recognized in tobacco cells and Arabidopsis.
Cultured hippocampal slices prepared from apolipoprotein E-deficient mice were exposed to an inhibitor of cathepsins B and L and then processed for immunocytochemistry using antibodies against human paired helical filaments. Dense, AT8-immunopositive deposits were found in the subiculum, stratum oriens of hippocampal field CA1, and the hilus of the dentate gyrus. This distribution agrees with that described for tangles in Alzheimer's disease. The appearance of the labeled structures fell into categories that correspond to previously proposed stages in the progression of intraneuronal neurofibrillary tangles in human hippocampus. Electron microscopic analyses confirmed that microtubule disruption and twisted bundles of filaments were present in neurons in the affected areas. These results support the hypothesis that partial lysosomal dysfunction is a contributor to Alzheimer's disease and suggest a simple model for studying an important component of the disease.
We report here a rapid evaporation method that produces in high yield giant unilamellar vesicles up to 50 microns in diameter. The vesicles are obtained after only 2 min and can be prepared from different phospholipids, including L-alpha-phosphatidylcholine (lecithin), dipalmitoleoyl L-alpha-phosphatidylcholine, and beta-arachidonoyl gamma-palmitoyl L-alpha-phosphatidylcholine. Vesicles can be produced in distilled water and in Hepes, phosphate, and borate buffers in the pH range of 7.0 to 11.5 with ionic strengths up to 50 mM. The short preparation time allows encapsulation of labile molecular targets or enzymes with high catalytic activities. Cell-sized proteoliposomes have been prepared in which gamma-glutamyltransferase (EC was functionally incorporated into the membrane wall.
Fibronectin type III modules contain approximately 90 residues and are an extremely common building block of animal proteins. Despite containing a complex all-beta-sheet topology and eight prolines, the refolding of the 10th type III module of human fibronectin has been found to be very rapid, with native core packing, amide hydrogen bonding, and backbone conformation all recovered within 1 s at 5 degrees C. These observations indicate that this domain can overcome many structural characteristics often thought to slow the folding process.
There is increasing evidence for an additional acute, nongenomic action of the mineralocorticoid hormone aldosterone on renal epithelial cells, leading to a two-step model of mineralocorticoid action on electrolyte excretion. We investigated the acute effect of aldosterone on intracellular free Ca2+ and on intracellular pH in an aldosterone-sensitive Madin-Darby canine kidney cell clone. Within seconds of application of aldosterone, but not of the glucocorticoid hydrocortisone, there was a 3-fold sustained increase of intracellular Ca2+ at a half-maximal concentration of 10(-10) mol/liter. Omission of extracellular Ca2+ prevented this hormone response. In the presence of extracellular Ca2+ aldosterone led to intracellular alkalinization. The Na+/H+ exchange inhibitor ethyl-isopropanol-amiloride (EIPA) prevented the aldosterone-induced alkalinization but not the aldosterone-induced increase of intracellular Ca2+. Omission of extracellular Ca2+ also prevented aldosterone-induced alkalinization. Instead, aldosterone led to a Zn(2+)-dependent intracellular acidification in the presence of EIPA, indicative of an increase of plasma membrane proton conductance. Under control conditions, Zn2+ prevented the aldosterone-induced alkalinization completely. We conclude that aldosterone stimulated net-entry of Ca2+ from the extracellular compartment and a plasma membrane H+ conductance as prerequisites for the stimulation of plasma membrane Na+/H+ exchange which in turn modulates K+ channel acitivity. It is probable that the aldosterone-sensitive H+ conductance maintains Na+/H+ exchange activity by providing an acidic environment in the vicinity of the exchanger. Thus, genomic action of aldosterone determines cellular transport equipment, whereas the nongenomic action regulates transporter activity that requires responses within seconds or minutes, which explains the rapid effects on electrolyte excretion.
It has been known for more than 40 years that images fade from perception when they are kept at the same position on the retina by abrogating eye movements. Although aspects of this phenomenon were described earlier, the use of close-fitting contact lenses in the 1950s made possible a series of detailed observations on eye movements and visual continuity. In the intervening decades, many investigators have studied the role of image motion on visual perception. Although several controversies remain, it is clear that images deteriorate and in some cases disappear following stabilization; eye movements are, therefore, essential to sustained exoptic vision. The time course of image degradation has generally been reported to be a few seconds to a minute or more, depending upon the conditions. Here we show that images of entoptic vascular shadows can disappear in less than 80 msec. The rapid vanishing of these images implies an active mechanism of image erasure and creation as the basis of normal visual processing.
The potential contribution of recombination to the development of HIV-1 resistance to multiple drugs was investigated. Two distinct viruses, one highly resistant to a protease inhibitor (SC-52151) and the other highly resistant to zidovudine, were used to coinfect T lymphoblastoid cells in culture. The viral genotypes could be distinguished by four mutations conferring drug resistance to each drug and by other sequence differences specific for each parental virus. Progeny virions recovered from mixed infection were passaged in the presence and absence of both zidovudine and SC-52151. Dually resistant mutants emerged rapidly under selective conditions, and these viruses were genetic recombinants. These results emphasize that genetic recombination could contribute to high-level multiple-drug resistance and that this process must be considered in chemotherapeutic strategies for HIV infection.