112 resultados para RNA sequence


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Protein synthesis is believed to be initiated with the amino acid methionine because the AUG translation initiation codon of mRNAs is recognized by the anticodon of initiator methionine transfer RNA. A group of positive-stranded RNA viruses of insects, however, lacks an AUG translation initiation codon for their capsid protein gene, which is located at the downstream part of the genome. The capsid protein of one of these viruses, Plautia stali intestine virus, is synthesized by internal ribosome entry site-mediated translation. Here we report that methionine is not the initiating amino acid in the translation of the capsid protein in this virus. Its translation is initiated with glutamine encoded by a CAA codon that is the first codon of the capsid-coding region. The nucleotide sequence immediately upstream of the capsid-coding region interacts with a loop segment in the stem–loop structure located 15–43 nt upstream of the 5′ end of the capsid-coding region. The pseudoknot structure formed by this base pair interaction is essential for translation of the capsid protein. This mechanism for translation initiation differs from the conventional one in that the initiation step controlled by the initiator methionine transfer RNA is not necessary.


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A family of RNA m5C methyl transferases (MTases) containing over 55 members in eight subfamilies has been identified recently by an iterative search of the genomic sequence databases by using the known 16S rRNA m5C 967 MTase, Fmu, as an initial probe. The RNA m5C MTase family contained sequence motifs that were highly homologous to motifs in the DNA m5C MTases, including the ProCys sequence that contains the essential Cys catalyst of the functionally similar DNA-modifying enzymes; it was reasonable to assign the Cys nucleophile to be that in the conserved ProCys. The family also contained an additional conserved Cys residue that aligns with the nucleophilic catalyst in m5U54 tRNA MTase. Surprisingly, the mutant of the putative Cys catalyst in the ProCys sequence was active and formed a covalent complex with 5-fluorocytosine-containing RNA, whereas the mutant at the other conserved Cys was inactive and unable to form the complex. Thus, notwithstanding the highly homologous sequences and similar functions, the RNA m5C MTase uses a different Cys as a catalytic nucleophile than the DNA m5C MTases. The catalytic Cys seems to be determined, not by the target base that is modified, but by whether the substrate is DNA or RNA. The function of the conserved ProCys sequence in the RNA m5C MTases remains unknown.


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The core enzyme of Escherichia coli RNA polymerase acquires essential promoter recognition and transcription initiation activities by binding one of several σ subunits. To characterize the proximity between σ70, the major σ for transcription of the growth-related genes, and the core enzyme subunits (α2ββ′), we analyzed the protein-cutting patterns produced by a set of covalently tethered FeEDTA probes [FeBABE: Fe (S)-1-(p-bromoacetamidobenzyl)EDTA]. The probes were positioned in or near conserved regions of σ70 by using seven mutants, each carrying a single cysteine residue at position 132, 376, 396, 422, 496, 517, or 581. Each FeBABE-conjugated σ70 was bound to the core enzyme, which led to cleavage of nearby sites on the β and β′ subunits (but not α). Unlike the results of random cleavage [Greiner, D. P., Hughes, K. A., Gunasekera, A. H. & Meares, C. F. (1996) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93, 71–75], the cut sites from different probe-modified σ70 proteins are clustered in distinct regions of the subunits. On the β subunit, cleavage is observed in two regions, one between residues 383 and 554, including the conserved C and Rif regions; and the other between 854 and 1022, including conserved region G, regions of ppGpp sensitivity, and one of the segments forming the catalytic center of RNA polymerase. On the β′ subunit, the cleavage was identified within the sequence 228–461, including β′ conserved regions C and D (which comprise part of the catalytic center).


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As an adhesion receptor, the β2 integrin lymphocyte function-associated antigen-1 (LFA-1) contributes a strong adhesive force to promote T lymphocyte recirculation and interaction with antigen-presenting cells. As a signaling molecule, LFA-1-mediates transmembrane signaling, which leads to the generation of second messengers and costimulation resulting in T cell activation. We recently have demonstrated that, in costimulatory fashion, LFA-1 activation promotes the induction of T cell membrane urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR) and that this induced uPAR is functional. To investigate the mechanism(s) of this induction, we used the RNA polymerase II inhibitor 5,6-dichloro-1-β-d-ribobenzimidazole and determined that uPAR mRNA degradation is delayed by LFA-1 activation. Cloning of the wild-type, deleted and mutated 3′-untranslated region of the uPAR cDNA into a serum-inducible rabbit β-globin cDNA reporter construct revealed that the AU-rich elements and, in particular the nonameric UUAUUUAUU sequence, are crucial cis-acting elements in uPAR mRNA degradation. Experiments in which Jurkat T cells were transfected with reporter constructs demonstrated that LFA-1 engagement was able to stabilize the unstable reporter mRNA containing the uPAR 3′-untranslated region. Our study reveals a consequence of adhesion receptor-mediated signaling in T cells, which is potentially important in the regulation of T cell activation, including production of cytokines and expression of proto-oncogenes, many of which are controlled through 3′ AU-rich elements.


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M2 is a double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) element occurring in the hypovirulent isolate Rhs 1A1 of the plant pathogenic basidiomycete Rhizoctonia solani. Rhs 1A1 originated as a sector of the virulent field isolate Rhs 1AP, which contains no detectable amount of the M2 dsRNA. The complete sequence (3,570 bp) of the M2 dsRNA has been determined. A 6.9-kbp segment of total DNA from either Rhs 1A1 or Rhs 1AP hybridizes with an M2-specific cDNA probe. The sequences of M2 dsRNA and of PCR products generated from Rhs 1A1 total DNA were found to be identical. Thus this report describes a fungal host containing full-length DNA copies of a dsRNA element. A major portion of the M2 dsRNA is located in the cytoplasm, whereas a smaller amount is found in mitochondria. Based on either the universal or the mitochondrial genetic code of filamentous fungi, one strand of M2 encodes a putative protein of 754 amino acids. The resulting polypeptide has all four motifs of a dsRNA viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RDRP) and is phylogenetically related to the RDRP of a mitochondrial dsRNA associated with hypovirulence in strain NB631 of Cryphonectria parasitica, incitant of chestnut blight. This polypeptide also has significant sequence similarity with two domains of a pentafunctional polypeptide, which catalyzes the five central steps of the shikimate pathway in yeast and filamentous fungi.


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Using the bacteriophage λ DNA replication system, composed entirely of purified proteins, we have tested the accessibility of the short-lived λ O protein to the ClpP/ClpX protease during the various stages of λ DNA replication. We find that binding of λ O protein to its oriλ DNA sequence, leading to the so-called “O-some” formation, largely inhibits its degradation. On the contrary, under conditions permissive for transcription, the λ O protein bound to the oriλ sequence becomes largely accessible to ClpP/ClpX-mediated proteolysis. However, when the λ O protein is part of the larger oriλ:O⋅P⋅DnaB preprimosomal complex, transcription does not significantly increase ClpP/ClpX-dependent λ O degradation. These results show that transcription can stimulate proteolysis of a protein that is required for the initiation of DNA replication.


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Proteins are transported into and out of the cell nucleus via specific signals. The two best-studied nuclear transport processes are mediated either by classical nuclear localization signals or nuclear export signals. There also are shuttling sequences that direct the bidirectional transport of RNA-binding proteins. Two examples are the M9 sequence in heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1 and the heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein K shuttling domain (KNS) sequence in heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein K, both of which appear to contribute importantly to the export of mRNA to the cytoplasm. HuR is an RNA-binding protein that can stabilize labile mRNAs containing AU-rich elements in their 3′ untranslated regions and has been shown to shuttle between the nucleus and cytoplasm (18, 19). We have identified in HuR a shuttling sequence that also possess transcription-dependent nuclear localization signal activity. We propose that HuR first may bind AU-rich element-containing mRNAs in the nucleus and then escort them through the nuclear pore, providing protection during and after export to the cytoplasmic compartment.


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Introduction of exogenous double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) into Caenorhabditis elegans has been shown to specifically and potently disrupt the activity of genes containing homologous sequences. In this study we present evidence that the primary interference effects of dsRNA are post-transcriptional. First, we examined the primary DNA sequence after dsRNA-mediated interference and found no evidence for alterations. Second, we found that dsRNA-mediated interference with the upstream gene in a polar operon had no effect on the activity of the downstream gene; this finding argues against an effect on initiation or elongation of transcription. Third, we observed by in situ hybridization that dsRNA-mediated interference produced a substantial, although not complete, reduction in accumulation of nascent transcripts in the nucleus, while cytoplasmic accumulation of transcripts was virtually eliminated. These results indicate that the endogenous mRNA is the target for interference and suggest a mechanism that degrades the targeted RNA before translation can occur. This mechanism is not dependent on the SMG system, an mRNA surveillance system in C. elegans responsible for targeting and destroying aberrant messages. We suggest a model of how dsRNA might function in a catalytic mechanism to target homologous mRNAs for degradation.


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The double helix is a ubiquitous feature of RNA molecules and provides a target for nucleases involved in RNA maturation and decay. Escherichia coli ribonuclease III participates in maturation and decay pathways by site-specifically cleaving double-helical structures in cellular and viral RNAs. The site of cleavage can determine RNA functional activity and half-life and is specified in part by local tertiary structure elements such as internal loops. The involvement of base pair sequence in determining cleavage sites is unclear, because RNase III can efficiently degrade polymeric double-stranded RNAs of low sequence complexity. An alignment of RNase III substrates revealed an exclusion of specific Watson–Crick bp sequences at defined positions relative to the cleavage site. Inclusion of these “disfavored” sequences in a model substrate strongly inhibited cleavage in vitro by interfering with RNase III binding. Substrate cleavage also was inhibited by a 3-bp sequence from the selenocysteine-accepting tRNASec, which acts as an antideterminant of EF-Tu binding to tRNASec. The inhibitory bp sequences, together with local tertiary structure, can confer site specificity to cleavage of cellular and viral substrates without constraining the degradative action of RNase III on polymeric double-stranded RNA. Base pair antideterminants also may protect double-helical elements in other RNA molecules with essential functions.


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RNA polymerase I (Pol I) transcription in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is greatly stimulated in vivo and in vitro by the multiprotein complex, upstream activation factor (UAF). UAF binds tightly to the upstream element of the rDNA promoter, such that once bound (in vitro), UAF does not readily exchange onto a competing template. Of the polypeptides previously identified in purified UAF, three are encoded by genes required for Pol I transcription in vivo: RRN5, RRN9, and RRN10. Two others, p30 and p18, have remained uncharacterized. We report here that the N-terminal amino acid sequence, its mobility in gel electrophoresis, and the immunoreactivity of p18 shows that it is histone H3. In addition, histone H4 was found in UAF, and myc-tagged histone H4 could be used to affinity-purify UAF. Histones H2A and H2B were not detectable in UAF. These results suggest that histones H3 and H4 probably account for the strong binding of UAF to DNA and may offer a means by which general nuclear regulatory signals could be transmitted to Pol I.


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HIV type 1 (HIV-1) specifically uses host cell tRNALys-3 as a primer for reverse transcription. The 3′ 18 nucleotides of this tRNA are complementary to a region on the HIV RNA genome known as the primer binding site (PBS). HIV-1 has a strong preference for maintaining a lysine-specific PBS in vivo, and viral genomes with mutated PBS sequences quickly revert to be complementary to tRNALys-3. To investigate the mechanism for the observed PBS reversion events in vitro, we examined the capability of the nucleocapsid protein (NC) to anneal various tRNA primer sequences onto either complementary or noncomplementary PBSs. We show that NC can anneal different full-length tRNAs onto viral RNA transcripts derived from the HIV-1 MAL or HXB2 isolates, provided that the PBS is complementary to the tRNA used. In contrast, NC promotes specific annealing of only tRNALys-3 onto an RNA template (HXB2) whose PBS sequence has been mutated to be complementary to the 3′ 18 nt of human tRNAPro. Moreover, HIV-1 reverse transcriptase extends this binary complex from the proline-specific PBS. The formation of the noncomplementary binary complex does not occur when a chimeric tRNALys/Pro containing proline-specific D and anticodon domains is used as the primer. Thus, elements outside the acceptor-TΨC domains of tRNALys-3 play an important role in preferential primer use in vitro. Our results support the hypothesis that mutant PBS reversion is a result of tRNALys-3 annealing onto and extension from a PBS that specifies an alternate host cell tRNA.


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The HIV-1 transcript is alternatively spliced to over 30 different mRNAs. Whether RNA secondary structure can influence HIV-1 RNA alternative splicing has not previously been examined. Here we have determined the secondary structure of the HIV-1/BRU RNA segment, containing the alternative A3, A4a, A4b, A4c and A5 3′ splice sites. Site A3, required for tat mRNA production, is contained in the terminal loop of a stem–loop structure (SLS2), which is highly conserved in HIV-1 and related SIVcpz strains. The exon splicing silencer (ESS2) acting on site A3 is located in a long irregular stem–loop structure (SLS3). Two SLS3 domains were protected by nuclear components under splicing condition assays. One contains the A4c branch points and a putative SR protein binding site. The other one is adjacent to ESS2. Unexpectedly, only the 3′ A residue of ESS2 was protected. The suboptimal A3 polypyrimidine tract (PPT) is base paired. Using site-directed mutagenesis and transfection of a mini-HIV-1 cDNA into HeLa cells, we found that, in a wild-type PPT context, a mutation of the A3 downstream sequence that reinforced SLS2 stability decreased site A3 utilization. This was not the case with an optimized PPT. Hence, sequence and secondary structure of the PPT may cooperate in limiting site A3 utilization.


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Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and human T cell leukemia virus type II (HTLV-2) use a similar mechanism for –1 translational frameshifting to overcome the termination codon in viral RNA at the end of the gag gene. Previous studies have identified two important RNA signals for frameshifting, the slippery sequence and a downstream stem–loop structure. However, there have been somewhat conflicting reports concerning the individual contributions of these sequences. In this study we have performed a comprehensive mutational analysis of the cis-acting RNA sequences involved in HIV-1 gag–pol and HTLV-2 gag–pro frameshifting. Using an in vitro translation system we determined frameshifting efficiencies for shuffled HIV-1/HTLV-2 RNA elements in a background of HIV-1 or HTLV-2 sequences. We show that the ability of the slippery sequence and stem–loop to promote ribosomal frameshifting is influenced by the flanking upstream sequence and the nucleotides in the spacer element. A wide range of frameshift efficiency rates was observed for both viruses when shuffling single sequence elements. The results for HIV-1/HTLV-2 chimeric constructs represent strong evidence supporting the notion that the viral wild-type sequences are not designed for maximal frameshifting activity but are optimized to a level suited to efficient viral replication.


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The RegA proteins from the bacteriophage T4 and RB69 are translational repressors that control the expression of multiple phage mRNAs. RegA proteins from the two phages share 78% sequence identity; however, in vivo expression studies have suggested that the RB69 RegA protein binds target RNAs with a higher affinity than T4 RegA protein. To study the RNA binding properties of T4 and RB69 RegA proteins more directly, the binding sites of RB69 RegA protein on synthetic RNAs corresponding to the translation initiation region of two RB69 target genes were mapped by RNase protection assays. These assays revealed that RB69 RegA protein protects nucleotides –9 to –3 (relative to the start codon) on RB69 gene 44, which contains the sequence GAAAAUU. On RB69 gene 45, the protected site (nucleotides –8 to –3) contains a similar purine-rich sequence: GAAAUA. Interestingly, T4 RegA protein protected the same nucleotides on these RNAs. To examine the specificity of RNA binding, quantitative RNA gel shift assays were performed with synthetic RNAs corresponding to recognition elements (REs) in three T4 and three RB69 mRNAs. Comparative gel shift assays demonstrated that RB69 RegA protein has an ∼7-fold higher affinity for T4 gene 44 RE RNA than T4 RegA protein. RB69 RegA protein also binds RB69 gene 44 RE RNA with a 4-fold higher affinity than T4 RegA protein. On the other hand, T4 RegA exhibited a higher affinity than RB69 RegA protein for RB69 gene 45 RE RNA. With respect to their affinities for cognate RNAs, both RegA proteins exhibited the following hierarchy of affinities: gene 44 > gene 45 > regA. Interestingly, T4 RegA exhibited the highest affinity towards RB69 gene 45 RE RNA, whereas RB69 RegA protein had the highest affinity for T4 gene 44 RE RNA. The helix–loop groove RNA binding motif of T4 RegA protein is fully conserved in RB69 RegA protein. However, homology modeling of the structure of RB69 RegA protein reveals that the divergent residues are clustered in two areas of the surface, and that there are two large areas of high conservation near the helix–loop groove, which may also play a role in RNA binding.


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Hypoxanthine (H), the deamination product of adenine, has been implicated in the high frequency of A to G transitions observed in retroviral and other RNA genomes. Although H·C base pairs are thermodynamically more stable than other H·N pairs, polymerase selection may be determined in part by kinetic factors. Therefore, the hypoxanthine induced substitution pattern resulting from replication by viral polymerases may be more complex than that predicted from thermodynamics. We have examined the steady-state kinetics of formation of base pairs opposite template H in RNA by HIV-RT, and for the incorporation of dITP during first- and second-strand synthesis. Hypoxanthine in an RNA template enhances the k2app for pairing with standard dNTPs by factors of 10–1000 relative to adenine at the same sequence position. The order of base pairing preferences for H in RNA was observed to be H·C >> H·T > H·A > H·G. Steady-state kinetics of insertion for all possible mispairs formed with dITP were examined on RNA and DNA templates of identical sequence. Insertion of dITP opposite all bases occurs 2–20 times more frequently on RNA templates. This bias for higher insertion frequencies on RNA relative to DNA templates is also observed for formation of mispairs at template A. This kinetic advantage afforded by RNA templates for mismatches and pairing involving H suggests a higher induction of mutations at adenines during first-strand synthesis by HIV-RT.