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Purified RNA polymerase II initiated transcription from the yeast CUP1 promoter fused to a C-less cassette if the DNA was negatively supercoiled. Relaxed plasmid was not transcribed. Transcription did not require addition of any other transcription factors. TATA box-binding protein (TBP) was not detectable in the polymerase preparation and the TATA box was not required. Deletion analysis of the CUP1 promoter revealed that a 25-bp element containing the initiation region was sufficient for recognition by polymerase. Two transcription start sites were mapped, one of which is identical to one of the two major start sites observed in vivo. Our observations can be accounted for by using a theoretical analysis of the probability of DNA melting within the plasmid as a function of superhelix density: the CUP1 initiation element is intrinsically unstable to superhelical stress, permitting entry of the polymerase, which then scans the DNA to locate the start site. In support of this analysis, the CUP1 promoter was sensitive to mung bean nuclease. These observations and a previous theoretical analysis of yeast genes support the idea that promoters are stress points within the DNA superhelix. The role of transcription factors might be to mark the promoter and to regulate specific melting of promoter DNA.


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Gene therapy for patients with hemoglobin disorders has been hampered by the inability of retrovirus vectors to transfer globin genes and their cis-acting regulatory sequences into hematopoietic stem cells without rearrangement. In addition, the expression from intact globin gene vectors has been variable in red blood cells due to position effects and retrovirus silencing. We hypothesized that by substituting the globin gene promoter for the promoter of another gene expressed in red blood cells, we could generate stable retrovirus vectors that would express globin at sufficient levels to treat hemoglobinopathies. Recently, we have shown that the human ankyrin (Ank) gene promoter directs position-independent, copy number-dependent expression of a linked γ-globin gene in transgenic mice. We inserted the Ank/Aγ-globin gene into retrovirus vectors that could transfer one or two copies of the Ank/Aγ-globin gene to target cells. Both vectors were stable, transferring only intact proviral sequences into primary mouse hematopoietic stem cells. Expression of Ank/Aγ-globin mRNA in mature red blood cells was 3% (single copy) and 8% (double copy) of the level of mouse α-globin mRNA. We conclude that these novel retrovirus vectors may be valuable for treating a variety of red cell disorders by gene replacement therapy including severe β-thalassemia if the level of expression can be further increased.


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We describe a mutant Escherichia coli RNA polymerase (RNAP) that forms stable open promoter complexes even at −20°C but with a shortened melted region that extends downstream to only position −7. In the presence of initiating transcription substrates, the mutant RNAP undergoes a temperature-dependent isomerization, resulting in a promoter complex that is indistinguishable from the wild-type RNAP–promoter complex, with the melted region extended downstream to position +4. We propose that the open complex formed by the mutant RNAP represents an intermediate on the normal promoter-opening pathway and that our results support earlier findings that initial promoter opening occurs in the upstream region of the −10 promoter consensus element and subsequently extends downstream to encompass the transcription start site.


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Aldehyde dehydrogenase class 3 (ALDH3) constitutes 20–40% of the total water-soluble proteins in the mammalian cornea. Here, we show by Northern blot analysis that ALDH3 expression in the mouse is at least 500-fold higher in the cornea than in any other tissue examined, with very low levels of expression detected in the stomach, urinary bladder, ocular lens, and lung. Histochemical localization reveals that this exceptional level of expression in the mouse cornea occurs in the anterior epithelial cells and that little ALDH3 is present in the keratocytes or corneal endothelial cells. A 13-kbp mouse ALDH3 promoter fragment containing >12 kbp of the 5′ flanking sequence, the 40-bp untranslated first exon, and 29 bp of intron 1 directed cat reporter gene expression to tissues that express the endogenous ALDH3 gene, except that transgene promoter activity was higher in the stomach and bladder than in the cornea. By contrast, when driven by a 4.4-kbp mouse ALDH3 promoter fragment [1,050-bp 5′ flanking region, exon 1, intron 1 (3.4 kbp), and 7 bp of exon 2] expression of the cat reporter gene was confined to the corneal epithelial cells, except for very low levels in the liver, effectively reproducing the corneal expression pattern of the endogenous ALDH3 gene. These results indicate that tissue-specific expression of ALDH3 is determined by positive and negative elements in the 5′ flanking region of the gene and suggests putative silencers located in intron 1. We demonstrate regulatory sequences capable of directing cornea-specific gene expression, affording the opportunity for genetic engineering in this transparent tissue.


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Methylation of cytosines in the dinucleotide CpG has been shown to suppress transcription of a number of tissue-specific genes, yet the precise mechanism is not fully understood. The vertebrate globin genes were among the first examples in which an inverse correlation was shown between CpG methylation and transcription. We studied the methylation pattern of the 235-bp ρ-globin gene promoter in genomic DNA from primary chicken erythroid cells using the sodium bisulfite conversion technique and found all CpGs in the promoter to be methylated in erythroid cells from adult chickens in which the ρ-globin gene is silent but unmethylated in 5-day (primitive) embryonic red cells in which the gene is transcribed. To elucidate further the mechanism of methylation-induced silencing, an expression construct consisting of 235 bp of 5′ promoter sequence of the ρ-globin gene along with a strong 5′ erythroid enhancer driving a chloramphenicol acetyltransferase reporter gene, ρ-CAT, was transfected into primary avian erythroid cells derived from 5-day embryos. Methylation of just the 235-bp ρ-globin gene promoter fragment at every CpG resulted in a 20- to 30-fold inhibition of transcription, and this effect was not overridden by the presence of potent erythroid-specific enhancers. The ability of the 235-bp ρ-globin gene promoter to bind to a DNA Methyl Cytosine binding Protein Complex (MeCPC) was tested in electrophoretic mobility shift assays utilizing primary avian erythroid cell nuclear extract. The results were that fully methylated but not unmethylated 235-bp ρ-globin gene promoter fragment could compete efficiently for MeCPC binding. These results are a direct demonstration that site-specific methylation of a globin gene promoter at the exact CpGs that are methylated in vivo can silence transcription in homologous primary erythroid cells. Further, these data implicate binding of MeCPC to the promoter in the mechanism of silencing.


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γ-Crystallin genes are specifically expressed in the eye lens. Their promoters constitute excellent models to analyse tissue-specific gene expression. We investigated murine Cryge/f promoters of different length in lens epithelial cell lines. The most active fragment extends from position –219 to +37. Computer analysis predicts homeodomain and paired-domain binding sites for all rodent Crygd/e/f core promoters. As examples, we analysed the effects of Prox1 and Six3, which are considered important transcription factors involved in lens development. Because of endogenous Prox1 expression in N/N1003A cells, a weak stimulation of Cryge/f promoter activity was found for PROX1. In contrast, PROX1 stimulated the Crygf promoter 10-fold in CD5A cells without endogenous PROX1. In both cell lines Six3 repressed the Crygf promoter to 10% of its basal activity. Our cell transfection experiments indicated that Cryg expression increases as Six3 expression decreases. Prox1 and Six3 act antagonistically on regulation of the Crygd/e/f promoters. Functional assays using randomly mutated γF-crystallin promoter fragments define a Six3-responsive element between –101 and –123 and a Prox1-responsive element between –151 and –174. Since Prox1 and Six3 are present at the beginning of lens development, expression of Crygd/e/f is predicted to remain low at this time. It increases as Six3 expression decreases during ongoing lens development.


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The rpoH regulatory region of different members of the enteric bacteria family was sequenced or downloaded from GenBank and compared. In addition, the transcriptional start sites of rpoH of Yersinia frederiksenii and Proteus mirabilis, two distant members of this family, were determined. Sequences similar to the σ70 promoters P1, P4 and P5, to the σE promoter P3 and to boxes DnaA1, DnaA2, cAMP receptor protein (CRP) boxes CRP1, CRP2 and box CytR present in Escherichia coli K12, were identified in sequences of closely related bacteria such as: E.coli, Shigella flexneri, Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium, Citrobacter freundii, Enterobacter cloacae and Klebsiella pneumoniae. In more distant bacteria, Y.frederiksenii and P.mirabilis, the rpoH regulatory region has a distal P1-like σ70 promoter and two proximal promoters: a heat-induced σE-like promoter and a σ70 promoter. Sequences similar to the regulatory boxes were not identified in these bacteria. This study suggests that the general pattern of transcription of the rpoH gene in enteric bacteria includes a distal σ70 promoter, >200 nt upstream of the initiation codon, and two proximal promoters: a heat-induced σE-like promoter and a σ70 promoter. A second proximal σ70 promoter under catabolite-regulation is probably present only in bacteria closely related to E.coli.


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Transcription factors belonging to the CCAAT-enhancer binding protein (C/EBP) family have been implicated in the regulation of gene expression during differentiation, development and disease. Autoregulation is relatively common in the modulation of C/EBP gene expression and the murine and human C/EBPα genes have been shown to be auto-activated by different mechanisms. In the light of this finding, it is essential that autoregulation of C/EBPα genes from a wider range of different species be investigated in order to gauge the degree of commonality, or otherwise, that may exist. We report here studies that investigate the regulation of the Xenopus laevis C/EBPα gene (xC/EBPα). The –1131/+41 promoter region was capable of directing high levels of expression in both the human hepatoma Hep3B and the Xenopus kidney epithelial A6 cell lines, and was auto-activated by expression vectors specifying for xC/EBPα or xC/EBPβ. Deletion analysis showed that the –321/+41 sequence was sufficient for both the constitutive promoter activity and auto-activation and electrophoretic mobility shift assays identified the interaction of C/EBPs and Sp1 to this region. Although deletion of either the C/EBP or the Sp1 site drastically reduced the xC/EBPα promoter activity, multimers of only the C/EBP site could confer autoregulation to a heterologous SV40 promoter. These results indicate that, in contrast to the human promoter and in common with the murine gene, the xC/EBPα promoter was subject to direct autoregulation. In addition, we demonstrate a novel species-specific action of Sp1 in the regulation of C/EBPα expression, with the factor able to repress the murine promoter but activate the Xenopus gene.


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We report here the development of a regulated gene expression system for Dictyostelium discoideum based on the DNA-damage inducibility of the rnrB gene. rnrB, which codes for the small subunit of the enzyme ribonucleotide reductase, responds to DNA-damaging agents at all stages of the D.discoideum life cycle. Doses that have little effect on development have previously been shown to increase the level of the rnrB transcript by up to 15-fold. Here we show that all elements necessary for DNA-damage induction are contained in a 450 bp promoter fragment. We used a fusion of the rnrB promoter with the gene encoding GFP to demonstrate an up to 10-fold induction at the RNA level, which appears in all aspects similar to induction of the endogenous rnrB transcript. Using a fusion with the lacZ gene we observed an up to 7-fold induction at the protein level. These results indicate that the rnrB promoter can be used to regulate the expression of specific genes in D.discoideum. This controllable gene expression system provides the following new characteristics: the induction is rapid, taking place in the order of minutes, and the promoter is responsive at all stages of the D.discoideum life cycle.


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Ets factors play a critical role in oncogenic Ras- and growth factor-mediated regulation of the proximal rat prolactin (rPRL) promoter in pituitary cells. The rPRL promoter contains two key functional Ets binding sites (EBS): a composite EBS/Pit-1 element located at –212 and an EBS that co-localizes with the basal transcription element (BTE, or A-site) located at –96. Oncogenic Ras exclusively signals to the –212 site, which we have named the Ras response element (RRE); whereas the response of multiple growth factors (FGFs, EGF, IGF, insulin and TRH) maps to both EBSs. Although Ets-1 and GA binding protein (GABP) have been implicated in the Ras and insulin responses, respectively, the precise identity of the pituitary Ets factors that specifically bind to the RRE and BTE sites remains unknown. In order to identify the Ets factor(s) present in GH4 and GH3 nuclear extracts (GH4NE and GH3NE) that bind to the EBSs contained in the RRE and BTE, we used EBS-RRE and BTE oligonucleotides in electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSAs), antibody supershift assays, western blot analysis of partially purified fractions and UV-crosslinking studies. EMSAs, using either the BTE or EBS-RRE probes, identified a specific protein–DNA complex, designated complex A, which contains an Ets factor as determined by oligonucleotide competition studies. Using western blot analysis of GH3 nuclear proteins that bind to heparin–Sepharose, we have shown that Ets-1 and GABP, which are MAP kinase substrates, co-purify with complex A, and supershift analysis with specific antisera revealed that complex A contains Ets-1, GABPα and GABPβ1. In addition, we show that recombinant full-length Ets-1 binds equivalently to BTE and EBS-RRE probes, while recombinant GABPα/β preferentially binds to the BTE probe. Furthermore, comparing the DNA binding of GH4NE containing both Ets-1 and GABP and HeLa nuclear extracts devoid of Ets-1 but containing GABP, we were able to show that the EBS-RRE preferentially binds Ets-1, while the BTE binds both GABP and Ets-1. Finally, UV-crosslinking experiments with radiolabeled EBS-RRE and BTE oligonucleotides showed that these probes specifically bind to a protein of ∼64 kDa, which is consistent with binding to Ets-1 (54 kDa) and/or the DNA binding subunit of GABP, GABPα (57 kDa). These studies show that endogenous, pituitary-derived GABP and Ets-1 bind to the BTE, whereas Ets-1 preferentially binds to the EBS-RRE. Taken together, these data provide important insights into the mechanisms by which the combination of distinct Ets members and EBSs transduce differential growth factor responses.


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Heterocyst differentiation in the filamentous cyanobacterium Anabaena PCC 7120 requires a functional hetR gene. Increased expression of the hetR gene is seen in developing and mature heterocysts in response to fixed nitrogen limitation. We mapped four likely transcriptional start sites for hetR and identified a specific transcript that is positively autoregulated. By using the copper-responsive petE promoter from Anabaena PCC 7120 to drive hetR expression, we show that ectopic expression of hetR increases heterocyst frequency and induces heterocyst differentiation under fully repressing conditions. Coexpression of a reporter gene shows that expression from the petE promoter is smoothly induced depending on the amount of copper supplied. In the heterocyst pattern mutant PatA, where terminally positioned heterocysts are formed almost exclusively, expression of the petE∷hetR fusion does not result in the formation of intercalary heterocysts. These results suggest that although the intracellular concentration of HetR has to be elevated for the differentiation decision, PatA plays a role as well. This role may be in the form of posttranslational modification of HetR, because PatA is a member of the response regulator family of proteins.


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Cyclin D1 is expressed at abnormally high levels in many cancers and has been specifically implicated in the development of breast cancer. In this report we have extensively analyzed the cyclin D1 promoter in a variety of cancer cell lines that overexpress the protein and identified two critical regulatory elements (CREs), a previously identified CRE at –52 and a novel site at –30. In vivo footprinting experiments demonstrated factors binding at both sites. We have used a novel DNA-binding ligand, GL020924, to target the site at –30 (–30–21) of the cyclin D1 promoter in MCF7 breast cancer cells. A binding site for this novel molecule was constructed by mutating 2 bp of the wild-type cyclin D1 promoter at the –30–21 site. Treatment with GL020924 specifically inhibited expression of the targeted cyclin D1 promoter construct in MCF7 cells in a concentration-dependent manner, thus validating the –30–21 site as a target for minor groove-binding ligands. In addition, this result validates our approach to regulating the expression of genes implicated in disease by targeting small DNA-binding ligands to key regulatory elements in the promoters of those genes.


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Human c-sis/PDGF-B proto-oncogene has been shown to be overexpressed in a large percentage of human tumor cells establishing a growth-promoting, autocrine growth circuit. Triplex forming oligonucleotides (TFOs) can recognize and bind sequences in duplex DNA, and have received considerable attention because of their potential for targeting specific genomic sites. The c-sis/PDGF-B promoter contains a unique homopurine/homopyrimidine sequence (SIS proximal element, SPE), which is crucial for binding nuclear factors that provoke transcription. In order to develop specific transcriptional inhibitors of the human c-sis/PDGF-B proto-oncogene, 20 potential TFOs targeting part or all of the SPE were screened by gel mobility analysis. DNase I footprinting shows that the TFOs we designed can form a sequence-specific triplex with the target. Protein binding assays demonstrate that triplex formation inhibits nuclear factors binding the c-sis/PDGF-B promoter. Both transient and stable transfection experiments demonstrate that the transcriptional activity of the promoter is considerably inhibited by the TFOs. We propose that TFOs represent a therapeutic potential to specifically diminish the expression of c-sis/PDGF-B proto-oncogene in various pathologic settings where constitutive expression of this gene has been observed.