109 resultados para P19 embryonal carcinoma cells


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Angiostatin, a potent naturally occurring inhibitor of angiogenesis and growth of tumor metastases, is generated by cancer-mediated proteolysis of plasminogen. Human prostate carcinoma cells (PC-3) release enzymatic activity that converts plasminogen to angiostatin. We have now identified two components released by PC-3 cells, urokinase (uPA) and free sulfhydryl donors (FSDs), that are sufficient for angiostatin generation. Furthermore, in a defined cell-free system, plasminogen activators [uPA, tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA), or streptokinase], in combination with one of a series of FSDs (N-acetyl-l-cysteine, d-penicillamine, captopril, l-cysteine, or reduced glutathione] generate angiostatin from plasminogen. An essential role of plasmin catalytic activity for angiostatin generation was identified by using recombinant mutant plasminogens as substrates. The wild-type recombinant plasminogen was converted to angiostatin in the setting of uPA/FSD; however, a plasminogen activation site mutant and a catalytically inactive mutant failed to generate angiostatin. Cell-free derived angiostatin inhibited angiogenesis in vitro and in vivo and suppressed the growth of Lewis lung carcinoma metastases. These findings define a direct mechanism for cancer-cell-mediated angiostatin generation and permit large-scale production of bioactive angiostatin for investigation and potential therapeutic application.


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Loss of functional p53 paradoxically results in either increased or decreased resistance to chemotherapeutic drugs. The inconsistent relationship between p53 status and drug sensitivity may reflect p53’s selective regulation of genes important to cytotoxic response of chemotherapeutic agents. We reasoned that the discrepant effects of p53 on chemotherapeutic cytotoxicity is due to p53-dependent regulation of the multidrug resistance gene (MDR1) expression in tumors that normally express MDR1. To test the hypothesis that wild-type p53 regulates the endogenous mdr1 gene we stably introduced a trans-dominant negative (TDN) p53 into rodent H35 hepatoma cells that express P-glycoprotein (Pgp) and have wild-type p53. Levels of Pgp and mdr1a mRNA were markedly elevated in cells expressing TDN p53 and were linked to impaired p53 function (both transactivation and transrepression) in these cells. Enhanced mdr1a gene expression in the TDN p53 cells was not secondary to mdr1 gene amplification and Pgp was functional as demonstrated by the decreased uptake of vinblastine. Cytotoxicity assays revealed that the TDN p53 cell lines were selectively insensitive to Pgp substrates. Sensitivity was restored by the Pgp inhibitor reserpine, demonstrating that only drug retention was the basis for loss of drug sensitivity. Similar findings were evident in human LS180 colon carcinoma cells engineered to overexpress TDN p53. Therefore, the p53 inactivation seen in cancers likely leads to selective resistance to chemotherapeutic agents because of up-regulation of MDR1 expression.


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Ablation of tumor colonies was seen in a wide spectrum of human carcinoma cells in culture after treatment with the combination of β-lapachone and taxol, two low molecular mass compounds. They synergistically induced death of cultured ovarian, breast, prostate, melanoma, lung, colon, and pancreatic cancer cells. This synergism is schedule dependent; namely, taxol must be added either simultaneously or after β-lapachone. This combination therapy has unusually potent antitumor activity against human ovarian and prostate tumor prexenografted in mice. There is little host toxicity. Cells can commit to apoptosis at cell-cycle checkpoints, a mechanism that eliminates defective cells to ensure the integrity of the genome. We hypothesize that when cells are treated simultaneously with drugs activating more than one different cell-cycle checkpoint, the production of conflicting regulatory signaling molecules induces apoptosis in cancer cells. β-Lapachone causes cell-cycle delays in late G1 and S phase, and taxol arrests cells at G2/M. Cells treated with both drugs were delayed at multiple checkpoints before committing to apoptosis. Our findings suggest an avenue for developing anticancer therapy by exploiting apoptosis-prone “collisions” at cell-cycle checkpoints.


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Our recent studies have shown that deregulated expression of R2, the rate-limiting component of ribonucleotide reductase, enhances transformation and malignant potential by cooperating with activated oncogenes. We now demonstrate that the R1 component of ribonucleotide reductase has tumor-suppressing activity. Stable expression of a biologically active ectopic R1 in ras-transformed mouse fibroblast 10T½ cell lines, with or without R2 overexpression, led to significantly reduced colony-forming efficiency in soft agar. The decreased anchorage independence was accompanied by markedly suppressed malignant potential in vivo. In three ras-transformed cell lines, R1 overexpression resulted in abrogation or marked suppression of tumorigenicity. In addition, the ability to form lung metastases by cells overexpressing R1 was reduced by >85%. Metastasis suppressing activity also was observed in the highly malignant mouse 10T½ derived RMP-6 cell line, which was transformed by a combination of oncogenic ras, myc, and mutant p53. Furthermore, in support of the above observations with the R1 overexpressing cells, NIH 3T3 cells cotransfected with an R1 antisense sequence and oncogenic ras showed significantly increased anchorage independence as compared with control ras-transfected cells. Finally, characteristics of reduced malignant potential also were demonstrated with R1 overexpressing human colon carcinoma cells. Taken together, these results indicate that the two components of ribonucleotide reductase both are unique malignancy determinants playing opposing roles in its regulation, that there is a novel control point important in mechanisms of malignancy, which involves a balance in the levels of R1 and R2 expression, and that alterations in this balance can significantly modify transformation, tumorigenicity, and metastatic potential.


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The human type VII collagen gene (COL7A1) recently has been identified as an immediate-early response gene for transforming growth factor β (TGF-β)/SMAD signaling pathway. In this study, by using MDA-MB-468 SMAD4−/− breast carcinoma cells, we demonstrate that expression of SMAD4 is an absolute requirement for SMAD-mediated promoter activity. We also demonstrate that the SMAD binding sequence (SBS) representing the TGF-β response element in the region −496/−444 of the COL7A1 promoter functions as an enhancer in the context of a heterologous promoter. Electrophoretic mobility-shift assays with nuclear extracts from COS-1 cells transfected with expression vectors for SMADs 1–5 indicate that SMAD3 forms a complex with a migration similar to that of the endogenous TGF-β-specific complex observed in fibroblast extracts. Electrophoretic mobility-shift assays using recombinant glutathione S-transferase-SMAD fusion proteins indicate that both SMAD4 and C-terminally truncated SMAD3, but not SMAD2, can bind the COL7A1 SBS. Coexpression of SMAD3 and SMAD4 in COS-1 cells leads to the formation of two complexes: a DNA/protein complex containing SMAD3 alone and another slower-migrating complex containing both SMAD3 and SMAD4, the latter complex not being detected in fibroblasts. Maximal transactivation of COL7A1 SBS-driven promoters in either MDA-MB-468 carcinoma cells or fibroblasts requires concomitant overexpression of SMAD3 and SMAD4. These data may represent the first identification of a functional homomeric SMAD3 complex regulating a human gene.


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Recent evidence suggests a potential role for thrombospondin-2 (TSP-2), a matricellular glycoprotein, in the regulation of primary angiogenesis. To directly examine the biological effect of TSP-2 expression on tumor growth and angiogenesis, human A431 squamous cell carcinoma cells, which do not express TSP-2, were stably transfected with a murine TSP-2 expression vector or with vector alone. A431 cells expressing TSP-2 did not show an altered growth rate, colony-forming ability, or susceptibility to induction of apoptosis in vitro. However, injection of TSP-2-transfected clones into the dermis of nude mice resulted in pronounced inhibition of tumor growth that was significantly stronger than the inhibition observed in A431 clones stably transfected with a thrombospondin-1 (TSP-1) expression vector, and combined overexpression of TSP-1 and TSP-2 completely prevented tumor formation. Extensive areas of necrosis were observed in TSP-2-expressing tumors, and both the density and the size of tumor vessels were significantly reduced, although tumor cell expression of the major tumor angiogenesis factor, vascular endothelial growth factor, was maintained at high levels. These findings establish TSP-2 as a potent endogenous inhibitor of tumor growth and angiogenesis.


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Transforming growth factor β (TGF-β)-mediated G1 arrest previously has been shown to specifically target inactivation of cyclin D:cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk) 4/6 complexes. We report here that TGF-β-treated human HepG2 hepatocellular carcinoma cells arrest in G1, but retain continued cyclin D:Cdk4/6 activity and active, hypophosphorylated retinoblastoma tumor suppressor protein. Consistent with this observation, TGF-β-treated cells failed to induce p15INK4b, down-regulate CDC25A, or increase levels of p21CIP1, p27KIP1, and p57KIP2. However, TGF-β treatment resulted in the specific inactivation of cyclin E:Cdk2 complexes caused by absence of the activating Thr160 phosphorylation on Cdk2. Whole-cell lysates from TGF-β-treated cells showed inhibition of Cdk2 Thr160 Cdk activating kinase (CAK) activity; however, cyclin H:Cdk7 activity, a previously assumed mammalian CAK, was not altered. Saccharomyces cerevisiae contains a genetically and biochemically proven CAK gene, CAK1, that encodes a monomeric 44-kDa Cak1p protein unrelated to Cdk7. Anti-Cak1p antibodies cross-reacted with a 45-kDa human protein with CAK activity that was specifically down-regulated in response to TGF-β treatment. Taken together, these observations demonstrate that TGF-β signaling mediates a G1 arrest in HepG2 cells by targeting Cdk2 CAK and suggests the presence of at least two mammalian CAKs: one specific for Cdk2 and one for Cdk4/6.


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The structure and biosynthesis of poly-N-acetyllactosamine display a dramatic change during development and oncogenesis. Poly-N-acetyllactosamines are also modified by various carbohydrate residues, forming functional oligosaccharides such as sialyl Lex. Herein we describe the isolation and functional expression of a cDNA encoding β-1,3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase (iGnT), an enzyme that is essential for the formation of poly-N-acetyllactosamine. For this expression cloning, Burkitt lymphoma Namalwa KJM-1 cells were transfected with cDNA libraries derived from human melanoma and colon carcinoma cells. Transfected Namalwa cells overexpressing the i antigen were continuously selected by fluorescence-activated cell sorting because introduced plasmids containing Epstein–Barr virus replication origin can be continuously amplified as episomes. Sibling selection of plasmids recovered after the third consecutive sorting resulted in a cDNA clone that directs the increased expression of i antigen on the cell surface. The deduced amino acid sequence indicates that this protein has a type II membrane protein topology found in almost all mammalian glycosyltransferases cloned to date. iGnT, however, differs in having the longest transmembrane domain among glycosyltransferases cloned so far. The iGnT transcript is highly expressed in fetal brain and kidney and adult brain but expressed ubiquitously in various adult tissues. The expression of the presumed catalytic domain as a fusion protein with the IgG binding domain of protein A enabled us to demonstrate that the cDNA encodes iGnT, the enzyme responsible for the formation of GlcNAcβ1 → 3Galβ1 → 4GlcNAc → R structure and poly-N-acetyllactosamine extension.


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Guanylyl cyclase C (GCC) has been detected only in intestinal mucosa and colon carcinoma cells of placental mammals. However, this receptor has been identified in several tissues in marsupials, and its expression has been suggested in tissues other than intestine in placental mammals. Selective expression of GCC by colorectal tumor cells in extraintestinal tissues would permit this receptor to be employed as a selective marker for metastatic disease. Thus, expression of GCC was examined in human tissues and tumors, correlating receptor function with detection by PCR. GCC was detected by ligand binding and catalytic activation in normal intestine and primary and metastatic colorectal tumors, but not in extraintestinal tissues or tumors. Similarly, PCR yielded GCC-specific amplification products with specimens from normal intestine and primary and metastatic colorectal tumors, but not from extraintestinal tissues or tumors. Northern blot analysis employing GCC-specific probes revealed an ≈4-kb transcript, corresponding to recombinant GCC, in normal intestine and primary and metastatic colorectal tumors, but not in extraintestinal tissues. Thus, GCC is selectively expressed in intestine and colorectal tumors in humans and appears to be a relatively specific marker for metastatic cancer cells in normal tissues. Indeed, PCR of GCC detected tumor cells in blood from some patients with Dukes B colorectal cancer and all patients examined with Dukes C and D colorectal cancer, but not in that from normal subjects or patients with Dukes A colon carcinoma or other nonmalignant intestinal pathologies.


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P210 Bcr-Abl is an activated tyrosine kinase oncogene encoded by the Philadelphia chromosome associated with human chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML). The disease represents a clonal disorder arising in the pluripotent hematopoietic stem cell. During the chronic phase, patients present with a dramatic expansion of myeloid cells and a mild anemia. Retroviral gene transfer and transgenic expression in rodents have demonstrated the ability of Bcr-Abl to induce various types of leukemia. However, study of human CML or rodent models has not determined the direct and immediate effects of Bcr-Abl on hematopoietic cells from those requiring secondary genetic or epigenetic changes selected during the pathogenic process. We utilized tetracycline-regulated expression of Bcr-Abl from a promoter engineered for robust expression in primitive stem cells through multilineage blood cell development in combination with the in vitro differentiation of embryonal stem cells into hematopoietic elements. Our results demonstrate that Bcr-Abl expression alone is sufficient to increase the number of multipotent and myeloid lineage committed progenitors in a dose-dependent manner while suppressing the development of committed erythroid progenitors. These effects are reversible upon extinguishing Bcr-Abl expression. These findings are consistent with Bcr-Abl being the sole genetic change needed for the establishment of the chronic phase of CML and provide a powerful system for the analysis of any genetic change that alters cell growth and lineage choices of the hematopoietic stem cell.


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Tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) is a potent endogenous activator of the cell death pathway and functions by activating the cell surface death receptors 4 and 5 (DR4 and DR5). TRAIL is nontoxic in vivo and preferentially kills neoplastically transformed cells over normal cells by an undefined mechanism. Radiotherapy is a common treatment for breast cancer as well as many other cancers. Here we demonstrate that ionizing radiation can sensitize breast carcinoma cells to TRAIL-induced apoptosis. This synergistic effect is p53-dependent and may be the result of radiation-induced up-regulation of the TRAIL-receptor DR5. Importantly, TRAIL and ionizing radiation have a synergistic effect in the regression of established breast cancer xenografts. Changes in tumor cellularity and extracellular space were monitored in vivo by diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (diffusion MRI), a noninvasive technique to produce quantitative images of the apparent mobility of water within a tissue. Increased water mobility was observed in combined TRAIL- and radiation-treated tumors but not in tumors treated with TRAIL or radiation alone. Histological analysis confirmed the loss of cellularity and increased numbers of apoptotic cells in TRAIL- and radiation-treated tumors. Taken together, our results provide support for combining radiation with TRAIL to improve tumor eradication and suggest that efficacy of apoptosis-inducing cancer therapies may be monitored noninvasively, using diffusion MRI.


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Induction of wild-type p53 in the ECV-304 bladder carcinoma cell line by infection with a p53 recombinant adenovirus (Ad5CMV-p53) resulted in extensive apoptosis and eventual death of nearly all of the cells. As a strategy to determine the molecular events important to p53-mediated apoptosis in these transformed cells, ECV-304 cells were selected for resistance to p53 by repeated infections with Ad5CMV-p53. We compared the expression of 5,730 genes in p53-resistant (DECV) and p53-sensitive ECV-304 cells by reverse transcription–PCR, Northern blotting, and DNA microarray analysis. The expression of 480 genes differed by 2-fold or more between the two p53-infected cell lines. A number of potential targets for p53 were identified that play roles in cell cycle regulation, DNA repair, redox control, cell adhesion, apoptosis, and differentiation. Proline oxidase, a mitochondrial enzyme involved in the proline/pyrroline-5-carboxylate redox cycle, was up-regulated by p53 in ECV but not in DECV cells. Pyrroline-5-carboxylate (P5C), a proline-derived metabolite generated by proline oxidase, inhibited the proliferation and survival of ECV-304 and DECV cells and induced apoptosis in both cell lines. A recombinant proline oxidase protein tagged with a green fluorescent protein at the amino terminus localized to mitochondria and induced apoptosis in p53-null H1299 non-small cell lung carcinoma cells. The results directly implicate proline oxidase and the proline/P5C pathway in p53-induced growth suppression and apoptosis.


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There is evidence from both genetic and pharmacologic studies to suggest that the cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) enzyme plays a causal role in the development of colorectal cancer. However, little is known about the identity or role of the eicosanoid receptor pathways activated by COX-derived prostaglandins (PG). We previously have reported that COX-2-derived prostacyclin promotes embryo implantation in the mouse uterus via activation of the nuclear hormone receptor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) δ. In light of the recent finding that PPARδ is a target of β-catenin transactivation, it is important to determine whether this signaling pathway is operative during the development of colorectal cancer. Analysis of PPARδ mRNA in matched normal and tumor samples revealed that expression of PPARδ, similar to COX-2, is up-regulated in colorectal carcinomas. In situ hybridization studies demonstrate that PPARδ is expressed in normal colon and localized to the epithelial cells at the very tips of the mucosal glands. In contrast, expression of PPARδ mRNA in colorectal tumors was more widespread with increased levels in transformed epithelial cells. Analysis of PPARδ and COX-2 mRNA in serial sections suggested they were colocalized to the same region within a tumor. Finally, transient transfection assays established that endogenously synthesized prostacyclin (PGI2) could serve as a ligand for PPARδ. In addition, the stable PGI2 analog, carbaprostacyclin, and a synthetic PPARδ agonist induced transactivation of endogenous PPARδ in human colon carcinoma cells. We conclude from these observations that PPARδ, similar to COX-2, is aberrantly expressed in colorectal tumors and that endogenous PPARδ is transcriptionally responsive to PGI2. However, the functional consequence of PPARδ activation in colon carcinogenesis still needs to be determined.


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Histone deacetylases (HDACs) catalyze the removal of acetyl groups on the amino-terminal lysine residues of core nucleosomal histones. This activity is associated generally with transcriptional repression. We have reported previously that inhibition of HDAC activity by hydroxamic acid-based hybrid polar compounds, such as suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid (SAHA), induces differentiation and/or apoptosis of transformed cells in vitro and inhibits tumor growth in vivo. SAHA is a potentially new therapeutic approach to cancer treatment and is in Phase I clinical trials. In several tumor cell lines examined, HDAC inhibitors alter the expression of less than 1% of expressed genes, including the cell cycle kinase inhibitor p21WAF1. In T24 bladder carcinoma cells, SAHA induces up to a 9-fold increase in p21WAF1 mRNA and protein, which is, at least in part, because of an increase in the rate of transcription of the gene. SAHA causes an accumulation of acetylated histones H3 and H4 in total cellular chromatin by 2 h, which is maintained through 24 h of culture. An increase in the accumulation of acetylated H3 and H4 was detected throughout the p21WAF1 promoter and the structural gene after culture with SAHA. The level of histone acetylation did not change in chromatin associated with the actin and p27 genes, and their mRNA expression was not altered during culture of T24 cells with SAHA. Thus, the present findings indicate that the induction of p21WAF1 by SAHA is regulated, at least in part, by the degree of acetylation of the gene-associated histones and that this induced increase in acetylation is gene selective.


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The development of drugs for the control of tumor angiogenesis requires a simple, accurate, and economical assay for tumor-induced vascularization. We have adapted the orthotopic implantation model to angiogenesis measurement by using human tumors labeled with Aequorea victoria green fluorescent protein for grafting into nude mice. The nonluminous induced capillaries are clearly visible against the very bright tumor fluorescence examined either intravitally or by whole-body luminance in real time. The orthotopic implantation model of human cancer has been well characterized, and fluorescence shadowing replaces the laborious histological techniques for determining blood vessel density. Intravital images of orthotopically implanted human pancreatic tumors clearly show angiogenic capillaries at both primary and metastatic sites. A quantitative time course of angiogenesis was determined for an orthotopically growing human prostate tumor periodically imaged intravitally in a single nude mouse over a 19-day period. Whole-body optical imaging of tumor angiogenesis was demonstrated by injecting fluorescent Lewis lung carcinoma cells into the s.c. site of the footpad of nude mice. The footpad is relatively transparent, with comparatively few resident blood vessels, allowing quantitative imaging of tumor angiogenesis in the intact animal. Capillary density increased linearly over a 10-day period as determined by whole-body imaging. Similarly, the green fluorescent protein-expressing human breast tumor MDA-MB-435 was orthotopically transplanted to the mouse fat pad, where whole-body optical imaging showed that blood vessel density increased linearly over a 20-week period. These powerful and clinically relevant angiogenesis mouse models can be used for real-time in vivo evaluation of agents inhibiting or promoting tumor angiogenesis in physiological microenvironments.