129 resultados para Open Reading Frame


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A novel human cDNA encoding a cytosolic 62-kDa protein (p62) that binds to the Src homology 2 (SH2) domain of p56lck in a phosphotyrosine-independent manner has been cloned. The cDNA is composed of 2074 nucleotides with an open reading frame encoding 440 amino acids. Northern analysis suggests that p62 is expressed ubiquitously in all tissues examined. p62 is not homologous to any known protein in the data base. However, it contains a cysteine-rich region resembling a zinc finger motif, a potential G-protein-binding region, a PEST motif, and several potential phosphorylation sites. Using T7-epitope tagged p62 expression in HeLa cells, the expressed protein was shown to bind to the lck SH2 domain. Deletion of the N-terminal 50 amino acids abolished binding, but mutagenesis of the single tyrosine residue in this region had no effect on binding. Thus, the cloned cDNA indeed encodes the p62 protein, which is a phosphotyrosine-independent ligand for the lck SH2 domain. Its binding mechanism is unique with respect to binding modes of other known ligands for SH2 domains.


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The eukaryotic convertase family plays an important role in posttranslational proteolytic processing and activation of many pro- and polypeptides that have at their cleavage sites the paired basic motif, RX(K/R)R. Recent studies have revealed that the cleavage site of insect pro-vitellogenins (pro-Vg) also contains this motif. To identify and characterize the insect pro-Vg processing enzyme, Vg convertase (VC), its cDNA was cloned from a vitellogenic female fat body cDNA library of the mosquito, Aedes aegypti. The 3735-bp-long VC cDNA has an open reading frame encoding a 115-kDa protein. In vitro transcription/translation of VC cDNA revealed that this 115-kDa protein becomes 140 kDa after co- and posttranslational modifications. The VC deduced amino acid sequence has high similarity to and a domain structure characteristic of furin-like convertases. Northern blot analysis showed that a single 4.2-kb transcript was expressed in the fat body during the first 18 hr of the Vg synthetic period. Coexpression of VC cDNA with mosquito Vg cDNA resulted in correct cleavage of pro-Vg. Thus, this newly identified convertase is, indeed, a functional fat body-specific enzyme for pro-Vg cleavage.


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A spontaneous mutator strain of Escherichia coli (fpg mutY) was used to clone the OGG1 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which encodes a DNA glycosylase activity that excises 7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine (8-OxoG). E. coli (fpg mutY) was transformed by a yeast DNA library, and clones that showed a reduced spontaneous mutagenesis were selected. The antimutator activity was associated with pYSB10, an 11-kbp recombinant plasmid. Cell-free extracts of E. coli (fpg mutY) harboring pYSB10 possess an enzymatic activity that cleaves a 34-mer oligonucleotide containing a single 8-oxoG opposite a cytosine (8-OxoG/C). The yeast DNA fragment of 1.7 kbp that suppresses spontaneous mutagenesis and overproduces the 8-OxoG/C cleavage activity was sequenced and mapped to chromosome XIII. DNA sequencing identified an open reading frame, designated OGG1, which encodes a protein of 376 amino acids with a molecular mass of 43 kDa. The OGG1 gene was inserted in plasmid pUC19, yielding pYSB110. E. coli (fpg) harboring pYSB110 was used to purify the Ogg1 protein of S. cerevisiae to apparent homogeneity. The Ogg1 protein possesses a DNA glycosylase activity that releases 8-OxoG and 2,6-diamino-4-hydroxy-5-N-methylformamidopyrimidine. The Ogg1 protein preferentially incises DNA that contains 8-OxoG opposite cytosine (8-OxoG/C) or thymine (8-OxoG/T). In contrast, Ogg1 protein does not incise the duplex where an adenine is placed opposite 8-OxoG (8-OxoG/A). The mechanism of strand cleavage by Ogg1 protein is probably due to the excision of 8-OxoG followed by a beta-elimination at the resulting apurinic/apyrimidinic site.


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The coding sequence of rat MEK kinase 1 (MEKK1) has been determined from multiple, independent cDNA clones. The cDNA is full-length based on the presence of stop codons in all three reading frames of the 5' untranslated region. Probes from the 5' and the 3' coding sequences both hybridize to a 7-kb mRNA. The open reading frame is 4.5 kb and predicts a protein with molecular mass of 161,225 Da, which is twice the size of the previously published MEKK1 sequence and reveals 801 amino acids of novel coding sequence. The novel sequence contains two putative pH domains, two proline-rich regions, and a cysteine-rich region. Antisera to peptides derived from this new sequence recognize an endogenous protein in human and rodent cells of 195 kDa, consistent with the size of the expressed rat MEKK1 clone. Endogenous and recombinant rat MEKK1 are enriched in membranes; little of either is found in soluble fractions. Expression of recombinant rat MEKK1 leads to activation of three mitogen-activated protein kinase modules in the order c-Jun N-terminal kinase/stress-activated protein kinase > p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase = extracellular signal-regulated kinase 2.


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A pentapeptide open reading frame equipped with a canonical ribosome-binding site is present in the Escherichia coli 23S rRNA. Overexpression of 23S rRNA fragments containing the mini-gene renders cells resistant to the ribosome-inhibiting antibiotic erythromycin. Mutations that change either the initiator or stop codons of the peptide mini-gene result in the loss of erythromycin resistance. Nonsense mutations in the mini-gene also abolish erythromycin resistance, which can be restored in the presence of the suppressor tRNA, thus proving that expression of the rRNA-encoded peptide is essential for the resistance phenotype. The ribosome appears to be the likely target of action of the rRNA-encoded pentapeptide, because in vitro translation of the peptide mini-gene decreases the inhibitory action of erythromycin on cell-free protein synthesis. Thus, the new mechanism of drug resistance reveals that in addition to the structural and functional role of rRNA in the ribosome, it may also have a peptide-coding function.


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We have isolated a cDNA encoding human ceramide glucosyltransferase (glucosylceramide synthase, UDP-glucose:N-acylsphingosine D-glucosyltransferase, EC by expression cloning using as a recipient GM-95 cells lacking the enzyme. The enzyme catalyzes the first glycosylation step of glycosphingolipid synthesis and the product, glucosylceramide, serves as the core of more than 300 glycosphingolipids. The cDNA has a G+C-rich 5' untranslated region of 290 nucleotides and the open reading frame encodes 394 amino acids (44.9 kDa). A hydrophobic segment was found near the N terminus that is the potential signal-anchor sequence. In addition, considerable hydrophobicity was detected in the regions close to the C terminus, which may interact with the membrane. A catalytically active enzyme was produced from Escherichia coli transfected with the cDNA. Northern blot analysis revealed a single transcript of 3.5 kb, and the mRNA was widely expressed in organs. The amino acid sequence of ceramide glucosyltransferase shows no significant homology to ceramide galactosyltransferase, which indicates different evolutionary origins of these enzymes.


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We have isolated mutants of Synechocystis PCC6803 that grew very slowly in a low-sodium medium, which is unfavorable for HCO3(-) transport, and examined two of these mutants (SC1 and SC2) for their ability to take up CO2 and HCO3(-) in the light. The CO2 transport activity of SC1 and SC2 was much lower than that of the wild type (WT), whereas there was no difference between the mutants and the WT in their activity of HCO3(-) transport. A clone containing a 3.9-kilobase-pair insert DNA that transforms both mutants to the WT phenotype was isolated from a genomic library of WT Synechocystis. Sequencing of the insert DNA in the region of mutations in SC1 and SC2 revealed an open reading frame (designated cotA), which showed significant amino-acid sequence homology to cemA encoding a protein found in the inner envelope membrane of chloroplasts. The cotA gene is present in a single copy and was not cotranscribed with any other gene(s). cotA encodes a protein of 247 amino acids containing four transmembrane domains. There was substitution of a single base in SC1 and two bases in SC2 in their cotA genes. A possible role of the cotA gene product in CO2 transport is discussed.


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We have cloned the gene for a putative chloroplast RNA polymerase sigma factor from the unicellular rhodophyte Cyanidium caldarium. This gene contains an open reading frame encoding a protein of 609 amino acids with domains highly homologous to all four conserved regions found in bacterial and cyanobacterial sigma 70-type subunits. When Southern blots of genomic DNA were hybridized to the "rpoD box" oligonucleotide probe, up to six hybridizing hands were observed. Transcripts of the sigma factor gene were undetectable in RNA from dark-grown cells but were abundant in the poly(A)+ fraction of RNA from illuminated cells. The sigma factor gene was expressed in Escherichia coli, and antibodies against the expressed sigma factor fusion protein cross-reacted with a 55-kDa protein in partially purified chloroplast RNA polymerase. Antibodies directed against a cyanobacterial RNA polymerase sigma factor also cross-reacted with a 55-kDa protein in the same enzyme preparation. Immunoprecipitation experiments showed that this enzyme preparation contains proteins with the same molecular weights as the alpha, beta, beta', and beta" subunits of chloroplast RNA polymerase in higher plants. This study identifies a gene for a plastid RNA polymerase sigma factor and indicates that there may be a family of nuclear-encoded sigma factors that recognize promoters in subsets of plastid genes and regulate differential gene expression at the transcriptional level.


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By using reverse transcription-coupled PCR on rat anterior pituitary RNA, we isolated a 285-bp cDNA coding for a novel subtilisin/kexin-like protein convertase (PC), called rat (r) PC7. By screening rat spleen and PC12 cell lambda gt11 cDNA libraries, we obtained a composite 3.5-kb full-length cDNA sequence of rPC7. The open reading frame codes for a prepro-PC with a 36-amino acid signal peptide, a 104-amino acid prosegment ending with a cleavable RAKR sequence, and a 747-amino acid type I membrane-bound glycoprotein, representing the mature form of this serine proteinase. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that PC7 represents the most divergent enzyme of the mammalian convertase family and that it is the closest member to the yeast convertases krp and kexin. Northern blot analyses demonstrated a widespread expression with the richest source of rPC7 mRNA being the colon and lymphoid-associated tissues. In situ hybridization revealed a distinctive tissue distribution that sometimes overlaps with that of furin, suggesting that PC7 has widespread proteolytic functions. The gene for PC7 (Pcsk7) was mapped to mouse chromosome 9 by linkage analysis of an interspecific backcross DNA panel.


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An expression-cloning strategy was used to isolate a cDNA that encodes a protein that confers calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) responsiveness to Xenopus laevis oocytes. A guinea pig organ of Corti (the mammalian hearing organ) cDNA library was screened by using an assay based on the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR). The CFTR is a chloride channel that is activated upon phosphorylation; this channel activity was used as a sensor for CGRP-induced activation of intracellular kinases. A cDNA library from guinea pig organ of Corti was screened by using this oocyte-CFTR assay. A cDNA was identified that contained an open reading frame coding for a small hydrophilic protein that is presumed to be either a CGRP receptor or a component of a CGRP receptor complex. This CGRP receptor component protein confers CGRP-specific activation to the CFTR assay, as no activation was detected upon application of calcitonin, amylin, neuropeptide Y, vasoactive intestinal peptide, or beta-endorphin. In situ hybridization demonstrated that the CGRP receptor component protein is expressed in outer hair cells of the organ of Corti and is colocalized with CGRP-containing efferent nerve terminals.


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Human CAS cDNA contains a 971-aa open reading frame that is homologous to the essential yeast gene CSE1. CSE1 is involved in chromosome segregation and is necessary for B-type cyclin degradation in mitosis. Using antibodies to CAS, it was shown that CAS levels are high in proliferating and low in nonproliferating cells. Here we describe the distribution of CAS in cells and tissues analyzed with antibodies against CAS. CAS is an approximately 100-kDa protein present in the cytoplasm of proliferating cells at levels between 2 x 10(5) and 1 x 10(6) molecules per cell. The intracellular distribution of CAS resembles that of tubulin. In interphase cells, anti-CAS antibody shows microtubule-like patterns and in mitotic cells it labels the mitotic spindle. CAS is removed from microtubules by mild detergent treatment (cytoskeleton preparations) and in vincristine- or taxol-treated cells. CAS is diffusely distributed in the cytoplasm with only traces present in tubulin paracrystals or bundles. Thus, CAS appears to be associated with but not to be an integral part of microtubules. Immunohistochemical staining of frozen tissues shows elevated amounts of CAS in proliferating cells such as testicular spermatogonia and cells in the basal layer cells of the colon. CAS was also concentrated in the respiratory epithelium of the trachea and in axons and Purkinje cells in the cerebellum. These cells contain many microtubules. The cellular location of CAS is consistent with an important role in cell division as well as in ciliary movement and vesicular transport.


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A family of proteins involved in cell cycle progression, DNA recombination, and the detection of DNA damage has been recently identified. One of the members of this family, human ATM, is defective in the cells of patients with ataxia telangiectasia and is involved in detection and response of cells to damaged DNA. Other members include Mei-41 (Drosophila melanogaster), Mec1p (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), and Rad3 (Schizosaccharomyces pombe), which are required for the S and G2/M checkpoints, as well as FRAP (Homo sapiens) and Torl/2p (S. cerevisiae), which are involved in a rapamycin-sensitive pathway leading to G1 cell cycle progression. We report here the cloning of a human cDNA encoding a protein with significant homology to members of this family. Three overlapping clones isolated from a Jurkat T-cell cDNA library revealed a 7.9-kb open reading frame encoding a protein that we have named FRP1 (FRAP-related protein) with 2644 amino acids and a predicted molecular mass of 301 kDa. Using fluorescence in situ hybridization and a full-length cDNA FRP1 clone, the FRP1 gene has been mapped to the chromosomal locus 3q22-q24. FRP1 is most closely related to three of the PIK-related kinase family members involved in checkpoint function--Mei-41, Mec1p, and Rad3--and as such may be the functional human counterpart of these proteins.


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Human papillomavirus (HPV) types 16, 18, 31, and 51 are the etiologic agents of many anogenital cancers including those of the cervix. These "high risk" HPVs specifically target genital squamous epithelia, and their lytic life cycle is closely linked to epithelial differentiation. We have developed a genetic assay for HPV functions during pathogenesis using recircularized cloned HPV 31 genomes that were transfected together with a drug resistance marker into monolayer cultures of normal human foreskin keratinocytes, the natural host cell. After drug selection, cell lines were isolated that stably maintained HPV 31 DNA as episomes and underwent terminal differentiation when grown in organotypic raft cultures. In differentiated rafts, the expression of late viral genes, amplification of viral DNA, and production of viral particles were detected in suprabasal cells. This demonstrated the ability to synthesize HPV 31 virions from transfected DNA templates and allowed an examination of HPV functions during the vegetative viral life cycle. We then used this system to investigate whether an episomal genome was required for the induction of late viral gene expression. When an HPV 31 genome (31E1*) containing a missense mutation in the E1 open reading frame was transfected into normal human keratinocytes, the mutant viral sequences were found to integrate into the host cell chromosomal DNA with both early and late regions intact. While high levels of early viral gene transcription were observed, no late gene expression was detected in rafts of cell lines containing the mutant viral genome despite evidence of terminal differentiation. Therefore, the induction of late viral gene expression required that the viral genomes be maintained as extrachromosomal elements, and terminal differentiation alone was not sufficient. These studies provide the basis for a detailed examination of HPV functions during viral pathogenesis.


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Chimeric genomes of poliovirus (PV) have been constructed in which the cognate internal ribosomal entry site (IRES) element was replaced by genetic elements of hepatitis C virus (HCV). Replacement of PV IRES with nt 9-332 of the genotype Ib HCV genome, a sequence comprising all but the first eight residues of the 5' nontranslated region (5'NTR) of HCV, resulted in a lethal phenotype. Addition of 366 nt of the HCV core-encoding sequence downstream of the HCV 5'NTR yielded a viable PV/HCV chimera, which expressed a stable, small-plaque phenotype. This chimeric genome encoded a truncated HCV core protein that was fused to the N terminus of the PV polyprotein via an engineered cleavage site for PV proteinase 3CPpro. Manipulation of the HCV core-encoding sequence of this viable chimera by deletion and frameshift yielded results suggesting that the 5'-proximal sequences of the HCV open reading frame were essential for viability of the chimera and that the N-terminal basic region of the HCV core protein is required for efficient replication of the chimeric virus. These data suggest that the bona fide HCV IRES includes genetic information mapping to the 5'NTR and sequences of the HCV open reading frame. PV chimeras replicating under translational control of genetic elements of HCV can serve to study HCV IRES function in vivo and to search for anti-HCV chemotherapeutic agents.


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The EVI1 gene, located at chromosome band 3q26, is overexpressed in some myeloid leukemia patients with breakpoints either 5' of the gene in the t(3;3)(q21;q26) or 3' of the gene in the inv(3)(q21q26). EVI1 is also expressed as part of a fusion transcript with the transcription factor AML1 in the t(3;21)(q26;q22), associated with myeloid leukemia. In cells with t(3;21), additional fusion transcripts are AML1-MDS1 and AML1-MDS1-EVI1. MDS1 is located at 3q26 170-400 kb upstream (telomeric) of EVI1 in the chromosomal region in which some of the breakpoints 5' of EVI1 have been mapped. MDS1 has been identified as a single gene as well as a previously unreported exon(s) of EVI1 We have analyzed the relationship between MDS1 and EVI1 to determine whether they are two separate genes. In this report, we present evidence indicating that MDS1 exists in normal tissues both as a unique transcript and as a normal fusion transcript with EVI1, with an additional 188 codons at the 5' end of the previously reported EVI1 open reading frame. This additional region has about 40% homology at the amino acid level with the PR domain of the retinoblastoma-interacting zinc-finger protein RIZ. These results are important in view of the fact that EVI1 and MDS1 are involved in leukemia associated with chromosomal translocation breakpoints in the region between these genes.