191 resultados para Nuclear Matrix Proteins
Many cellular events depend on a tightly compartmentalized distribution of H+ ions across membrane-bound organelles. However, measurements of organelle pH in living cells have been scarce. Several mutants of the Aequorea victoria green fluorescent protein (GFP) displayed a pH-dependent absorbance and fluorescent emission, with apparent pKa values ranging from 6.15 (mutations F64L/S65T/H231L) and 6.4 (K26R/F64L/S65T/Y66W/N146I/M153T/V163A/N164H/H231L) to a remarkable 7.1 (S65G/S72A/T203Y/H231L). We have targeted these GFPs to the cytosol plus nucleus, the medial/trans-Golgi by fusion with galactosyltransferase, and the mitochondrial matrix by using the targeting signal from subunit IV of cytochrome c oxidase. Cells in culture transfected with these cDNAs displayed the expected subcellular localization by light and electron microscopy and reported local pH that was calibrated in situ with ionophores. We monitored cytosolic and nuclear pH of HeLa cells, and mitochondrial matrix pH in HeLa cells and in rat neonatal cardiomyocytes. The pH of the medial/trans-Golgi was measured at steady-state (calibrated to be 6.58 in HeLa cells) and after various manipulations. These demonstrated that the Golgi membrane in intact cells is relatively permeable to H+, and that Cl− serves as a counter-ion for H+ transport and likely helps to maintain electroneutrality. The amenability to engineer GFPs to specific subcellular locations or tissue targets using gene fusion and transfer techniques should allow us to examine pH at sites previously inaccessible.
Germ-line mutations of the BRCA1 gene predispose women to early-onset breast and ovarian cancer by compromising the gene’s presumptive function as a tumor suppressor. Although the biochemical properties of BRCA1 polypeptides are not understood, their expression pattern and subcellular localization suggest a role in cell-cycle regulation. When resting cells are induced to proliferate, the steady-state levels of BRCA1 increase in late G1 and reach a maximum during S phase. Moreover, in S phase cells, BRCA1 polypeptides are hyperphosphorylated and accumulate into discrete subnuclear foci termed “BRCA1 nuclear dots.” BRCA1 associates in vivo with a structurally related protein termed BARD1. Here we show that the steady-state levels of BARD1, unlike those of BRCA1, remain relatively constant during cell cycle progression. However, immunostaining revealed that BARD1 resides within BRCA1 nuclear dots during S phase of the cell cycle, but not during the G1 phase. Nevertheless, BARD1 polypeptides are found exclusively in the nuclear fractions of both G1- and S-phase cells. Therefore, progression to S phase is accompanied by the aggregation of nuclear BARD1 polypeptides into BRCA1 nuclear dots. This cell cycle-dependent colocalization of BARD1 and BRCA1 indicates a role for BARD1 in BRCA1-mediated tumor suppression.
Cholesterol feeding reduces the mRNAs encoding multiple enzymes in the cholesterol biosynthetic pathway and the low density lipoprotein receptor in livers of hamsters. Here we show that cholesterol feeding also reduces the levels of the nuclear NH2-terminal domains of sterol regulatory element binding proteins (SREBPs), which activate transcription of sterol-regulated genes. We show that livers of hamsters, like those of mice and humans, predominantly produce SREBP-2 and the 1c isoform of SREBP-1. Both are produced as membrane-bound precursors that must be proteolyzed to release the transcriptionally active NH2-terminal domains. Diets containing 0.1% to 1.0% cholesterol decreased the amount of nuclear SREBP-1c without affecting the amount of the membrane precursor or its mRNA, suggesting that cholesterol inhibits the proteolytic processing of SREBP-1 in liver as it does in cultured cells. Cholesterol also appeared to reduce the proteolytic processing of SREBP-2. In addition, at high levels of dietary cholesterol the mRNA encoding SREBP-2 declined and the amount of the precursor also fell, suggesting that cholesterol accumulation also may inhibit transcription of the SREBP-2 gene. The high-cholesterol diets reduced the amount of low density lipoprotein receptor mRNA by 30% and produced a more profound 70–90% reduction in mRNAs encoding 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA synthase and reductase. Treatment with lovastatin and Colestipol, which increases hepatic demands for cholesterol, increased the amount of SREBP-2 mRNA as well as the precursor and nuclear forms of the protein. This treatment caused a reciprocal decline in SREBP-1c mRNA and protein. Considered together, these data suggest that SREBPs play important roles in controlling transcription of sterol-regulated genes in liver, as they do in cultured cells.
The roles of two kinesin-related proteins, Kip2p and Kip3p, in microtubule function and nuclear migration were investigated. Deletion of either gene resulted in nuclear migration defects similar to those described for dynein and kar9 mutants. By indirect immunofluorescence, the cytoplasmic microtubules in kip2Δwere consistently short or absent throughout the cell cycle. In contrast, in kip3Δ strains, the cytoplasmic microtubules were significantly longer than wild type at telophase. Furthermore, in the kip3Δ cells with nuclear positioning defects, the cytoplasmic microtubules were misoriented and failed to extend into the bud. Localization studies found Kip2p exclusively on cytoplasmic microtubules throughout the cell cycle, whereas GFP-Kip3p localized to both spindle and cytoplasmic microtubules. Genetic analysis demonstrated that the kip2Δ kar9Δ double mutants were synthetically lethal, whereas kip3Δ kar9Δ double mutants were viable. Conversely, kip3Δ dhc1Δ double mutants were synthetically lethal, whereas kip2Δ dhc1Δ double mutants were viable. We suggest that the kinesin-related proteins, Kip2p and Kip3p, function in nuclear migration and that they do so by different mechanisms. We propose that Kip2p stabilizes microtubules and is required as part of the dynein-mediated pathway in nuclear migration. Furthermore, we propose that Kip3p functions, in part, by depolymerizing microtubules and is required for the Kar9p-dependent orientation of the cytoplasmic microtubules.
A sensitive and rapid in situ method was developed to visualize sites of single-stranded (ss) DNA in cultured cells and in experimental test animals. Anti-bromodeoxyuridine antibody recognizes the halogenated base analog incorporated into chromosomal DNA only when substituted DNA is in the single strand form. After treatment of cells with DNA-damaging agents or γ irradiation, ssDNA molecules form nuclear foci in a dose-dependent manner within 60 min. The mammalian recombination protein Rad51 and the replication protein A then accumulate at sites of ssDNA and form foci, suggesting that these are sites of recombinational DNA repair.
Here, we describe the identification and characterization of a nuclear body (matrix-associated deacetylase body) whose formation and integrity depend on deacetylase activity. Typically, there are 20–40 0.5-μM bodies per nucleus, although the size and number can vary substantially. The structure appears to contain both class I and the recently described class II histone deacetylases (HDAC)5 and 7 along with the nuclear receptor corepressors SMRT (silencing mediator for retinoid and thyroid receptor) and N-CoR (nuclear receptor corepressor). Addition of the deacetylase inhibitors trichostatin A and sodium butyrate completely disrupt these nuclear bodies, providing a demonstration that the integrity of a nuclear body is enzyme dependent. We demonstrate that HDAC5 and 7 can associate with at least 12 distinct proteins, including several members of the NuRD and Sin3A repression complexes, and appear to define a new but related complex.
NFAT (nuclear factor of activated T cells) is a family of transcription factors implicated in the control of cytokine and early immune response gene expression. Recent studies have pointed to a role for NFAT proteins in gene regulation outside of the immune system. Herein we demonstrate that NFAT proteins are present in 3T3-L1 adipocytes and, upon fat cell differentiation, bind to and transactivate the promoter of the adipocyte-specific gene aP2. Further, fat cell differentiation is inhibited by cyclosporin A, a drug shown to prevent NFAT nuclear localization and hence function. Thus, these data suggest a role for NFAT transcription factors in the regulation of the aP2 gene and in the process of adipocyte differentiation.
HIV-1 replication requires the translocation of viral genome into the nucleus of a target cell. We recently reported the synthesis of an arylene bis(methyl ketone) compound (CNI-H0294) that inhibits nuclear targeting of the HIV-1 genome and thus HIV-1 replication in monocyte cultures. Here we demonstrate that CNI-H0294 inhibits nuclear targeting of HIV-1-derived preintegration complexes by inactivating the nuclear localization sequence of the HIV-1 matrix antigen in a reaction that absolutely requires reverse transcriptase. This drug/reverse transcriptase interaction defines the specificity of its antiviral effect and is most likely mediated by the pyrimidine side-chain of CNI-H0294. After binding to reverse transcriptase, the carbonyl groups of CNI-H0294 react with the nuclear localization sequence of matrix antigen and prevent its binding to karyopherin alpha, the cellular receptor for nuclear localization sequences that carries proteins into the nucleus. Our results provide a basis for the development of a novel class of compounds that inhibit nuclear translocation and that can, in principle, be modified to target specific infectious agents.
We have previously shown that specific nuclear pre-mRNA transcripts and their splicing products, as well as the general population of nuclear poly(A)+ RNA, are packaged in large nuclear ribonucleoprotein (InRNP) particles that sediment at the 200S region in sucrose gradients. The InRNP particles contain all uridine-rich small nuclear ribonucleoprotein complexes required for pre-mRNA splicing, as well as protein splicing factors. In this paper we show that all of the phosphorylated, mAb 104 detectable, Ser/Arg-rich essential splicing factors (SR proteins) in the nucleoplasm are integral components of the InRNP particles, whereas only part of the essential splicing factor U2AF65 (U2 snRNP auxiliary factor) and the polypyrimidine tract binding protein (PTB) are associated with these particles. This finding suggests a limiting role for SR proteins in the assembly of the InRNP particles. We further show that the structural integrity of InRNP particles is sensitive to variations in the phosphorylation levels of the SR proteins.
A purine-rich splicing enhancer from a constitutive exon has been shown to shift the alternative splicing of calcitonin/CGRP pre-mRNA in vivo. Here, we demonstrate that the native repetitive GAA sequence comprises the optimal enhancer element and specifically binds a saturable complex of proteins required for general splicing in vitro. This complex contains a 37-kDa protein that directly binds the repetitive GAA sequence and SRp40, a member of the SR family of non-snRNP splicing factors. While purified SR proteins do not stably bind the repetitive GAA element, exogenous SR proteins become associated with the GAA element in the presence of nuclear extracts and stimulate GAA-dependent splicing. These results suggest that repetitive GAA sequences enhance splicing by binding a protein complex containing a sequence-specific RNA binding protein and a general splicing activator that, in turn, recruit additional SR proteins. This type of mechanism resembles the tra/tra-2-dependent recruitment of SR proteins to the Drosophila doublesex alternative splicing regulatory element.
The histone gene family in mammals consists of 15-20 genes for each class of nucleosomal histone protein. These genes are classified as either replication-dependent or -independent in regard to their expression in the cell cycle. The expression of the replication-dependent histone genes increases dramatically as the cell prepares to enter S phase. Using mouse histone genes, we previously identified a coding region activating sequence (CRAS) involved in the upregulation of at least two (H2a and H3) and possibly all nucleosomal replication-dependent histone genes. Mutation of two seven-nucleotide elements, alpha and omega, within the H3 CRAS causes a decrease in expression in stably transfected Chinese hamster ovary cells comparable with the effect seen upon deletion of the entire CRAS. Further, nuclear proteins interact in a highly specific manner with nucleotides within these sequences. Mutation of these elements abolishes DNA/protein interactions in vitro. Here we report that the interactions of nuclear factors with these elements are differentially regulated in the cell cycle and that protein interactions with these elements are dependent on the phosphorylation/dephosphorylation state of the nuclear factors.
The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Rev protein is required for nuclear export of late HIV-1 mRNAs. This function is dependent on the mutationally defined Rev activation domain, which also forms a potent nuclear export signal. Transcription factor IIIA (TFIIIA) binds to 5S rRNA transcripts and this interaction has been proposed to play a role in the efficient nuclear export of 5S rRNA in amphibian oocytes. Here it is reported that amphibian TFIIIA proteins contain a sequence element with homology to the Rev activation domain that effectively substitutes for this domain in inducing the nuclear export of late HIV-1 mRNAs. It is further demonstrated that this TFIIIA sequence element functions as a protein nuclear export signal in both human cells and frog oocytes. Thus, this shared protein motif may play an analogous role in mediating the nuclear export of both late HIV-1 RNAs and 5S rRNA transcripts.
All animal DNA viruses except pox virus utilize the cell nucleus as the site for virus reproduction. Yet, a critical viral infection process, nuclear targeting of the viral genome, is poorly understood. The role of capsid proteins in nuclear targeting of simian virus 40 (SV40) DNA, which is assessed by the nuclear accumulation of large tumor (T) antigen, the initial sign of the infectious process, was tested by two independent approaches: antibody interception experiments and reconstitution experiments. When antibody against viral capsid protein Vp1 or Vp3 was introduced into the cytoplasm, the nuclear accumulation of T antigen was not observed in cells either infected or cytoplasmically injected with virion. Nuclearly introduced anti-Vp3 IgG also showed the inhibitory effect. In the reconstitution experiments, SV40 DNA was allowed to interact with protein components of the virus, either empty particles or histones, and the resulting complexes were tested for the capability of protein components to target the DNA to the nucleus from cytoplasm as effectively as the targeting of DNA in the mature virion. In cells injected with empty particle-DNA, but not in minichromosome-injected cells, T antigen was observed as effectively as in SV40-injected cells. These results demonstrate that SV40 capsid proteins can facilitate transport of SV40 DNA into the nucleus and indicate that Vp3, one of the capsid proteins, accompanies SV40 DNA as it enters the nucleus during virus infection.
The measurement of dipolar contributions to the splitting of 15N resonances of 1H-15N amide pairs in multidimensional high-field NMR spectra of field-oriented cyanometmyoglobin is reported. The splittings appear as small field-dependent perturbations of normal scalar couplings. Assignment of more than 90 resonances to specific sequential sites in the protein allows correlation of the dipolar contributions with predictions based on the known susceptibility and known structure of the protein. Implications as an additional source of information for protein structure determination in solution are discussed.
Alternative splicing of precursor messenger RNAs (pre-mRNAs) is an important mechanism for the regulation of gene expression. The members of the SR protein family of pre-mRNA splicing factors have distinct functions in promoting alternative splice site usage. Here we show that SR proteins are required for the first step of spliceosome assembly, interaction of the U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein complex (U1 snRNP) with the 5' splice site of the pre-mRNA. Further, we find that individual SR proteins have distinct abilities to promote interaction of U1 snRNP with alternative 5' splice junctions. These results suggest that SR proteins direct 5' splice site selection by regulation of U1 snRNP assembly onto the pre-mRNA.