54 resultados para Mosaic Viruses.


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A virus-based vector was used for the transient expression of the alfalfa mosaic virus coat protein (CP) gene in protoplasts and plants. The accumulation of wild-type CP conferred strong protection against subsequent alfalfa mosaic virus infection, enabling the efficacy of CP mutants to be determined without developing transgenic plants. Expression of the CP mRNA alone without CP accumulation conferred weaker protection against infection. The activity of the N-terminal mutant CPs in protection did not correlate with their activities in genome activation. The activity of a C-terminal mutant suggested that encapsidation did not have a role in protection. Our results indicate that interaction of the CP with alfalfa mosaic virus RNA is not important in protection, thereby leaving open the possibility that interactions with host factors lead to protection.


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To elucidate the functions of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) genes in a nonhuman primate model, we have constructed infectious recombinant viruses (chimeras) between the pathogenic molecular clone of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) SIVmac239 and molecular clones of HIV-1 that differ in phenotypic properties controlled by the env gene. HIV-1SF33 is a T-cell-line-tropic virus which induces syncytia, and HIV-1SF162 is a macrophage-tropic virus that does not induce syncytia. A DNA fragment encoding tat, rev, and env (gp160) of SIVmac239 has been replaced with the counterpart genetic region of HIV-1SF33 and HIV-1SF162 to derive chimeric recombinant simian/human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV) strains SHIVSF33 and SHIVSF162, respectively. In the acute infection stage, macaques inoculated with SHIVSF33 had levels of viremia similar to macaques infected with SIVmac239, whereas virus loads were 1/10th to 1/100th those in macaques infected with SHIVSF162. Of note is the relatively small amount of virus detected in lymph nodes of SHIVSF162-infected macaques. In the chronic infection stage, macaques infected with SHIVSF33 also showed higher virus loads than macaques infected with SHIVSF162. Virus persists for over 1 year, as demonstrated by PCR for amplification of viral DNA in all animals and by virus isolation in some animals. Antiviral antibodies, including antibodies to the HIV-1 env glycoprotein (gp160), were detected; titers of antiviral antibodies were higher in macaques infected with SHIVSF33 than in macaques infected with SHIVSF162. Although virus has persisted for over 1 year after inoculation, these animals have remained healthy with no signs of immunodeficiency. These findings demonstrate the utility of the SHIV/macaque model for analyzing HIV-1 env gene functions and for evaluating vaccines based on HIV-1 env antigens.


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In addition to their well-recognized hepatotropism, all hepatitis B viruses (HBVs) display marked species specificity, growing poorly or not at all in species other than those closely related to their natural hosts. We have examined the molecular basis for this narrow host range, using duck HBV (DHBV) and heron HBV (HHBV) as a model system. HHBV virions will not infect ducks in vivo and infect cultured duck hepatocytes extremely inefficiently in vitro. Mutant HHBV genomes lacking all viral envelope proteins (HHBV env-) can be complemented in trans with DHBV envelope proteins; the resulting pseudotyped virions can efficiently infect duck hepatocytes. Further complementation analysis reveals that of the two viral surface proteins (L and S), it is the L protein that determines host range. Pseudotyping of HHBV env- with DHBV/HHBV chimeric envelope proteins reveals that replacement of as few as 69 amino acids of the pre-S domain of the HHBV L protein by their DHBV counterparts is sufficient to permit infection of duck hepatocytes. These studies indicate that the species-specificity of hepadnaviral infection is determined at the level of virus entry and is governed by the pre-S domain of the viral L protein.


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S-Adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase (SAHH) is a key enzyme in transmethylation reactions that use S-adenosylmethionine as the methyl donor. Because of the importance of SAHH in a number of S-adenosylmethionine-dependent transmethylation reactions, particularly the 5' capping of mRNA during viral replication, SAHH has been considered as a target of potential antiviral agents against animal viruses. To test the possibility of engineering a broad type of resistance to plant viruses, we expressed the antisense RNA for tobacco SAHH in transgenic tobacco plants. As expected, transgenic plants constitutively expressing an anti-sense SAHH gene showed resistance to infection by various plant viruses. Among those plants, about half exhibited some level of morphological change (typically stunting). Analysis of the physiological change in those plants showed that they contained excess levels of cytokinin. Because cytokinin has been found to induce acquired resistance, there is also a strong possibility that the observed resistance was induced by cytokinin.


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Mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) encodes a superantigen that is important for viral infectivity in vivo. To determine whether superantigen function was required for infection by milk-borne MMTV, we created HYB PRO/Cla transgenic mice. These mice produced a full-length, packaged viral RNA with a frameshift mutation that caused premature termination of the superantigen protein. Young HYB PRO/Cla mice showed no deletion of their cognate V beta 14+ T cells, although they shed virus in their milk. The nontransgenic offspring of the HYB PRO/Cla mice were infected with this virus, since transgene-specific viral transcripts were detected in their mammary glands. Surprisingly, these offspring demonstrated the progressive deletion of V beta 14+ T cells characteristic of exogenous MMTV (C3H) infection. Sequence analysis demonstrated that these newly acquired viruses had reconstituted superantigen open reading frames resulting from recombination between the HYB PRO/Cla and endogenous Mtv-1 proviral RNAs. Thus, there is selection during the infection process for MMTVs with functional superantigen genes.


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In this report we show that yeast expressing brome mosaic virus (BMV) replication proteins 1a and 2a and replicating a BMV RNA3 derivative can be extracted to yield a template-dependent BMV RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) able to synthesize (-)-strand RNA from BMV (+)-strand RNA templates added in vitro. This virus-specific yeast-derived RdRp mirrored the template selectivity and other characteristics of RdRp from BMV-infected plants. Equivalent extracts from yeast expressing 1a and 2a but lacking RNA3 contained normal amounts of 1a and 2a but had no RdRp activity on BMV RNAs added in vitro. To determine which RNA3 sequences were required in vivo to yield RdRp activity, we tested deletions throughout RNA3, including the 5',3', and intercistronic noncoding regions, which contain the cis-acting elements required for RNA3 replication in vivo. RdRp activity was obtained only from cells expressing 1a, 2a, and RNA3 derivatives retaining both 3' and intercistronic noncoding sequences. Strong correlation between extracted RdRp activity and BMV (-)-strand RNA accumulation in vivo was found for all RNA3 derivatives tested. Thus, extractable in vitro RdRp activity paralleled formation of a complex capable of viral RNA synthesis in vivo. The results suggest that assembly of active RdRp requires not only viral proteins but also viral RNA, either to directly contribute some nontemplate function or to recruit essential host factors into the RdRp complex and that sequences at both the 3'-terminal initiation site and distant internal sites of RNA3 templates may participate in RdRp assembly and initiation of (-)-strand synthesis.


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Plants can recognize and resist invading pathogens by signaling the induction of rapid defense responses. Often these responses are mediated by single dominant resistance genes (R genes). The products of R genes have been postulated to recognize the pathogen and trigger rapid host defense responses. Here we describe isolation of the classical resistance gene N of tobacco that mediates resistance to the well-characterized pathogen tobacco mosaic virus (TMV). The N gene was isolated by transposon tagging using the maize Activator (Ac) transposon. We confirmed isolation of the N gene by complementation of the TMV-sensitive phenotype with a genomic DNA fragment. Sequence analysis of the N gene shows that it encodes a protein with an amino-terminal domain similar to that of the cytoplasmic domains of the Drosophila Toll protein and the interleukin 1 receptor in mammals, a putative nucleotide-binding site and 14 imperfect leucine-rich repeats. The presence of these functional domains in the predicted N gene product is consistent with the hypothesis that the N resistance gene functions in a signal transduction pathway. Similarities of N to Toll and the interleukin 1 receptor suggest a similar signaling mechanism leading to rapid gene induction and TMV resistance.


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We assembled a DNA clone containing the 11,161-nt sequence of the prototype rhabdovirus, vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV), such that it could be transcribed by the bacteriophage T7 RNA polymerase to yield a full-length positive-strand RNA complementary to the VSV genome. Expression of this RNA in cells also expressing the VSV nucleocapsid protein and the two VSV polymerase subunits resulted in production of VSV with the growth characteristics of wild-type VSV. Recovery of virus from DNA was verified by (i) the presence of two genetic tags generating restriction sites in DNA derived from the genome, (ii) direct sequencing of the genomic RNA of the recovered virus, and (iii) production of a VSV recombinant in which the glycoprotein was derived from a second serotype. The ability to generate VSV from DNA opens numerous possibilities for the genetic analysis of VSV replication. In addition, because VSV can be grown to very high titers and in large quantities with relative ease, it may be possible to genetically engineer recombinant VSVs displaying foreign antigens. Such modified viruses could be useful as vaccines conferring protection against other viruses.


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Elongated particles of simple RNA viruses of plants are composed of an RNA molecule coated with numerous identical capsid protein subunits to form a regular helical structure, of which tobacco mosaic virus is the archetype. Filamentous particles of the closterovirus beet yellow virus (BYV) reportedly contain approximately 4000 identical 22-kDa (p22) capsid protein subunits. The BYV genome encodes a 24-kDa protein (p24) that is structurally related to the p22. We searched for the p24 in BYV particles by using immunoelectron microscopy with specific antibodies against the recombinant p24 protein and its N-terminal peptide. A 75-nm segment at one end of the 1370-nm filamentous viral particle was found to be consistently labeled with both types of antibodies, thus indicating that p24 is indeed the second capsid protein and that the closterovirus particle, unlike those of other plant viruses with helical symmetry, has a "rattlesnake" rather than uniform structure.