203 resultados para Mediated Expression


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Human T lymphocytes have been shown to express inhibitory natural killer cell receptors (NKR), which can down-regulate T cell antigen receptor-mediated T cell function, including cytolytic activity. In the present study, we demonstrate that CD3+NKR+ cells can be identified in HIV-infected patients. HIV-specific cytolytic activity was analyzed in five patients in whom autologous lymphoblastoid B cell lines could be derived as a source of autologous target cells. Phytohemagglutinin-activated T cell populations that had been cultured in interleukin 2 displayed HIV-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) activity against HIV env, gag, pol, and nef in 3 of 5 patients. Addition of anti-NKR mAb of IgM isotype could increase the specific CTL activity. Moreover, in one additional patient, HIV-specific CTL activity was undetectable; however, after addition of anti-NKR mAb such CTL activity appeared de novo. Similar results were obtained by analysis of CD3+NKR+ clones derived from two patients. These data provide direct evidence that CD3+NKR+ cells may include antigen (HIV)-specific CTLs and that mAb-mediated masking of inhibitory NKR may revert the down-regulation of CTL function.


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Although adenovirus can infect a wide range of cell types, lymphocytes are not generally susceptible to adenovirus infection, in part because of the absence of the expression of the cellular receptor for the adenoviral fiber protein. The cellular receptor for adenovirus and coxsackievirus (CAR) recently was cloned and shown to mediate adenoviral entry by interaction with the viral fiber protein. We show that the ectopic expression of CAR in various lymphocyte cell lines, which are almost completely resistant to adenovirus infection, is sufficient to facilitate the efficient transduction of these cells by recombinant adenoviruses. Furthermore, this property of CAR does not require its cytoplasmic domain, consistent with the idea that CAR primarily serves as a high affinity binding site for the adenoviral fiber protein, and that viral entry is mediated by interaction of the viral penton base proteins with cellular integrins. As a demonstration of their functional utility, we used CAR-expressing lymphocytes transduced with an adenovirus expressing Fas ligand to efficiently kill Fas receptor-expressing tumor cells. The ability to efficiently manipulate gene expression in lymphocyte cells by using adenovirus vectors should facilitate the functional characterization of pathways affecting lymphocyte physiology.


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The Ink4a/Arf locus encodes p16Ink4a and p19Arf and is among the most frequently mutated tumor suppressor loci in human cancer. In mice, many of these effects appear to be mediated by interactions between p19Arf and the p53 tumor-suppressor protein. Because Tp53 mutations are a common feature of the multistep pre-B cell transformation process mediated by Abelson murine leukemia virus (Ab-MLV), we examined the possibility that proteins encoded by the Ink4a/Arf locus also play a role in Abelson virus transformation. Analyses of primary transformants revealed that both p16Ink4a and p19Arf are expressed in many of the cells as they emerge from the apoptotic crisis that characterizes the transformation process. Analyses of primary transformants from Ink4a/Arf null mice revealed that these cells bypassed crisis. Because expression of p19Arf but not p16 Ink4a induced apoptosis in Ab-MLV-transformed pre-B cells, p19Arf appears to be responsible for these events. Consistent with the link between p19Arf and p53, Ink4a/Arf expression correlates with or precedes the emergence of cells expressing mutant p53. These data demonstrate that p19Arf is an important part of the cellular defense mounted against transforming signals from the Abl oncoprotein and provide direct evidence that the p19Arf–p53 regulatory loop plays an important role in lymphoma induction.


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Hypertrophy of mammalian cardiac muscle is mediated, in part, by angiotensin II through an angiotensin II type1a receptor (AT1aR)-dependent mechanism. To understand how the level of AT1aRs is altered in this pathological state, we studied the expression of an injected AT1aR promoter-luciferase reporter gene in adult rat hearts subjected to an acute pressure overload by aortic coarctation. This model was validated by demonstrating that coarctation increased expression of the α-skeletal actin promoter 1.7-fold whereas the α-myosin heavy chain promoter was unaffected. Pressure overload increased expression from the AT1aR promoter by 1.6-fold compared with controls. Mutations introduced into consensus binding sites for AP-1 or GATA transcription factors abolished the pressure overload response but had no effect on AT1aR promoter activity in control animals. In extracts from coarcted hearts, but not from control hearts, a Fos-JunB-JunD complex and GATA-4 were detected in association with the AP-1 and GATA sites, respectively. These results establish that the AT1aR promoter is active in cardiac muscle and its expression is induced by pressure overload, and suggest that this response is mediated, in part, by a functional interaction between AP-1 and GATA-4 transcription factors.


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Neutrophils are important effector cells in immunity to microorganisms, particularly bacteria. Here, we show that the process of neutrophil apoptosis is delayed in several inflammatory diseases, suggesting that this phenomenon may represent a general feature contributing to the development of neutrophilia, and, therefore, in many cases to host defense against infection. The delay of neutrophil apoptosis was associated with markedly reduced levels of Bax, a pro-apoptotic member of the Bcl-2 family. Such Bax-deficient cells were also observed upon stimulation of normal neutrophils with cytokines present at sites of neutrophilic inflammation, such as granulocyte and granulocyte–macrophage colony-stimulating factors, in vitro. Moreover, Bax-deficient neutrophils generated by using Bax antisense oligodeoxynucleotides demonstrated delayed apoptosis, providing direct evidence for a role of Bax as a pro-apoptotic molecule in these cells. Interestingly, the Bax gene was reexpressed in Bax-deficient neutrophils under conditions of cytokine withdrawal. Thus, both granulocyte expansion and the resolution of inflammation appear to be regulated by the expression of the Bax gene in neutrophils.


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Activation of protein kinase C (PKC) protects the heart from ischemic injury; however, its mechanism of action is unknown, in part because no model for chronic activation of PKC has been available. To test whether chronic, mild elevation of PKC activity in adult mouse hearts results in myocardial protection during ischemia or reperfusion, hearts isolated from transgenic mice expressing a low level of activated PKCβ throughout adulthood (β-Tx) were compared with control hearts before ischemia, during 12 or 28 min of no-flow ischemia, and during reperfusion. Left-ventricular-developed pressure in isolated isovolumic hearts, normalized to heart weight, was similar in the two groups at baseline. However, recovery of contractile function was markedly improved in β-Tx hearts after either 12 (97 ± 3% vs. 69 ± 4%) or 28 min of ischemia (76 ± 8% vs. 48 ± 3%). Chelerythrine, a PKC inhibitor, abolished the difference between the two groups, indicating that the beneficial effect was PKC-mediated. 31P NMR spectroscopy was used to test whether modification of intracellular pH and/or preservation of high-energy phosphate levels during ischemia contributed to the cardioprotection in β-Tx hearts. No difference in intracellular pH or high-energy phosphate levels was found between the β-Tx and control hearts at baseline or during ischemia. Thus, long-term modest increase in PKC activity in adult mouse hearts did not alter baseline function but did lead to improved postischemic recovery. Furthermore, our results suggest that mechanisms other than reduced acidification and preservation of high-energy phosphate levels during ischemia contribute to the improved recovery.


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The Bs2 resistance gene of pepper specifically recognizes and confers resistance to strains of Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria that contain the corresponding bacterial avirulence gene, avrBs2. The involvement of avrBs2 in pathogen fitness and its prevalence in many X. campestris pathovars suggests that the Bs2 gene may be durable in the field and provide resistance when introduced into other plant species. Employing a positional cloning strategy, the Bs2 locus was isolated and the gene was identified by coexpression with avrBs2 in an Agrobacterium-mediated transient assay. A single candidate gene, predicted to encode motifs characteristic of the nucleotide binding site–leucine-rich repeat class of resistance genes, was identified. This gene specifically controlled the hypersensitive response when transiently expressed in susceptible pepper and tomato lines and in a nonhost species, Nicotiana benthamiana, and was designated as Bs2. Functional expression of Bs2 in stable transgenic tomatoes supports its use as a source of resistance in other Solanaceous plant species.


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To gain more insight into the molecular mechanisms by which androgens stimulate lipogenesis and induce a marked accumulation of neutral lipids in the human prostate cancer cell line LNCaP, we studied their impact on the expression of lipogenic enzymes. Northern blot analysis of the steady-state mRNA levels of seven different lipogenic enzymes revealed that androgens coordinately stimulate the expression of enzymes belonging to the two major lipogenic pathways: fatty acid synthesis and cholesterol synthesis. In view of the important role of the recently characterized sterol regulatory element binding proteins (SREBPs) in the coordinate induction of lipogenic genes, we examined whether the observed effects of androgens on lipogenic gene expression are mediated by these transcription factors. Our findings indicate that androgens stimulate the expression of SREBP transcripts and precursor proteins and enhance the nuclear content of the mature active form of the transcription factor. Moreover, by using the fatty acid synthase gene as an experimental paradigm we demonstrate that the presence of an SREBP-binding site is essential for its regulation by androgens. These data support the hypothesis that SREBPs are involved in the coordinate regulation of lipogenic gene expression by androgens and provide evidence for the existence of a cascade mechanism of androgen-regulated gene expression.


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Radiation is the primary modality of therapy for all commonly occurring malignant brain tumors, including medulloblastoma and glioblastoma. These two brain tumors, however, have a distinctly different response to radiation therapy. Medulloblastoma is very sensitive to radiation therapy, whereas glioblastoma is highly resistant, and the long-term survival of medulloblastoma patients exceeds 50%, while there are few long-term survivors among glioblastoma patients. p53-mediated apoptosis is thought to be an important mechanism mediating the cytotoxic response of tumors to radiotherapy. In this study, we compared the response to radiation of five cell lines that have wild-type p53: three derived from glioblastoma and two derived from medulloblastoma. We found that the medulloblastoma-derived cell lines underwent extensive radiation-induced apoptotic cell death, while those from glioblastomas did not exhibit significant radiation-induced apoptosis. p53-mediated induction of p21BAX is thought to be a key component of the pathway mediating apoptosis after the exposure of cells to cytotoxins, and the expression of mRNA encoding p21BAX was correlated with these cell lines undergoing radiation-induced apoptosis. The failure of p53 to induce p21BAX expression in glioblastoma-derived cell lines is likely to be of biologic significance, since inhibition of p21BAX induction in medulloblastoma resulted in a loss of radiation-induced apoptosis, while forced expression of p21BAX in glioblastoma was sufficient to induce apoptosis. The failure of p53 to induce p21BAX in glioblastoma-derived cell lines suggests a distinct mechanism of radioresistance and may represent a critical factor in determining therapeutic responsiveness to radiation in glioblastomas.


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Developmental and physiological responses are regulated by light throughout the entire life cycle of higher plants. To sense changes in the light environment, plants have developed various photoreceptors, including the red/far-red light-absorbing phytochromes and blue light-absorbing cryptochromes. A wide variety of physiological responses, including most light responses, also are modulated by circadian rhythms that are generated by an endogenous oscillator, the circadian clock. To provide information on local time, circadian clocks are synchronized and entrained by environmental time cues, of which light is among the most important. Light-driven entrainment of the Arabidopsis circadian clock has been shown to be mediated by phytochrome A (phyA), phytochrome B (phyB), and cryptochromes 1 and 2, thus affirming the roles of these photoreceptors as input regulators to the plant circadian clock. Here we show that the expression of PHYB∷LUC reporter genes containing the promoter and 5′ untranslated region of the tobacco NtPHYB1 or Arabidopsis AtPHYB genes fused to the luciferase (LUC) gene exhibit robust circadian oscillations in transgenic plants. We demonstrate that the abundance of PHYB RNA retains this circadian regulation and use a PHYB∷Luc fusion protein to show that the rate of PHYB synthesis is also rhythmic. The abundance of bulk PHYB protein, however, exhibits only weak circadian rhythmicity, if any. These data suggest that photoreceptor gene expression patterns may be significant in the daily regulation of plant physiology and indicate an unexpectedly intimate relationship between the components of the input pathway and the putative circadian clock mechanism in higher plants.


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A hammerhead ribozyme [R(-)] targeting the minus strand RNA of potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) and a mutated nonfunctional ribozyme [mR(-)] were designed, cloned, and transcribed. As predicted, both monomer and dimer transcripts of the active R(-) ribozyme gene could cleave the PSTVd minus strand dimer RNA into three fragments of 77, 338, and 359 bases in vitro at 25 and 50°C. The tandem dimer genes of R(-) and mR(-) were subcloned separately into the plant expression vector pROK2. Transgenic potato plants (cultivar Desirée) were generated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation. Twenty-three of 34 independent transgenic plant lines expressing the active ribozyme R(-) resulted in having high levels of resistance to PSTVd, being free of PSTVd accumulation after challenge inoculation with PSTVd, but the remaining lines showed weaker levels of resistance to PSTVd with low levels of PSTVd accumulation. In contrast, 59 of 60 independent transgenic lines expressing the mutated ribozyme mR(-) were susceptible to PSTVd inoculation and had levels of PSTVd accumulation similar to that of the control plants transformed with the empty vector. The resistance against PSTVd replication was stably inherited to the vegetative progenies.


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The achaete-scute genes encode essential transcription factors in normal Drosophila and vertebrate nervous system development. Human achaete-scute homolog-1 (hASH1) is constitutively expressed in a human lung cancer with neuroendocrine (NE) features, small cell lung cancer (SCLC), and is essential for development of the normal pulmonary NE cells that most resemble this neoplasm. Mechanisms regulating achaete-scute homolog expression outside of Drosophila are presently unclear, either in the context of the developing nervous system or in normal or neoplastic cells with NE features. We now provide evidence that the protein hairy-enhancer-of-split-1 (HES-1) acts in a similar manner as its Drosophila homolog, hairy, to transcriptionally repress achaete-scute expression. HES-1 protein is detected at abundant levels in most non-NE human lung cancer cell lines which lack hASH1 but is virtually absent in hASH1-expressing lung cancer cells. Moreover, induction of HES-1 in a SCLC cell line down-regulates endogenous hASH1 gene expression. The repressive effect of HES-1 is directly mediated by binding of the protein to a class C site in the hASH1 promoter. Thus, a key part of the process that determines neural fate in Drosophila is conserved in human lung cancer cells. Furthermore, modulation of this pathway may underlie the constitutive hASH1 expression seen in NE tumors such as SCLC, the most virulent human lung cancer.


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The functional significance of the developmental transition from slow skeletal troponin I (ssTnI) to cardiac TnI (cTnI) isoform expression in cardiac myocytes remains unclear. We show here the effects of adenovirus-mediated ssTnI gene transfer on myofilament structure and function in adult cardiac myocytes in primary culture. Gene transfer resulted in the rapid, uniform, and nearly complete replacement of endogenous cTnI with the ssTnI isoform with no detected changes in sarcomeric ultrastructure, or in the isoforms and stoichiometry of other myofilament proteins compared with control myocytes over 7 days in primary culture. In functional studies on permeabilized single cardiac myocytes, the threshold for Ca2+-activated contraction was significantly lowered in adult cardiac myocytes expressing ssTnI relative to control values. The tension–Ca2+ relationship was unchanged from controls in primary cultures of cardiac myocytes treated with adenovirus containing the adult cardiac troponin T (TnT) or cTnI cDNAs. These results indicate that changes in Ca2+ activation of tension in ssTnI-expressing cardiac myocytes were isoform-specific, and not due to nonspecific functional changes resulting from overexpression of a myofilament protein. Further, Ca2+-activated tension development was enhanced in cardiac myocytes expressing ssTnI compared with control values under conditions mimicking the acidosis found during myocardial ischemia. These results show that ssTnI enhances contractile sensitivity to Ca2+ activation under physiological and acidic pH conditions in adult rat cardiac myocytes, and demonstrate the utility of adenovirus vectors for rapid and efficient genetic modification of the cardiac myofilament for structure/function studies in cardiac myocytes.


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The b locus encodes a transcription factor that regulates the expression of genes that produce purple anthocyanin pigment. Different b alleles are expressed in distinct tissues, causing tissue-specific anthocyanin production. Understanding how phenotypic diversity is produced and maintained at the b locus should provide models for how other regulatory genes, including those that influence morphological traits and development, evolve. We have investigated how different levels and patterns of pigmentation have evolved by determining the phenotypic and evolutionary relationships between 18 alleles that represent the diversity of b alleles in Zea mays. Although most of these alleles have few phenotypic differences, five alleles have very distinct tissue-specific patterns of pigmentation. Superimposing the phenotypes on the molecular phylogeny reveals that the alleles with strong and distinctive patterns of expression are closely related to alleles with weak expression, implying that the distinctive patterns have arisen recently. We have identified apparent insertions in three of the five phenotypically distinct alleles, and the fourth has unique upstream restriction fragment length polymorphisms relative to closely related alleles. The insertion in B-Peru has been shown to be responsible for its unique expression and, in the other two alleles, the presence of the insertion correlates with the phenotype. These results suggest that major changes in gene expression are probably the result of large-scale changes in DNA sequence and/or structure most likely mediated by transposable elements.


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Cardiac hypertrophy and dilatation can result from stimulation of signal transduction pathways mediated by heterotrimeric G proteins, especially Gq, whose α subunit activates phospholipase Cβ (PLCβ). We now report that transient, modest expression of a hemagglutinin (HA) epitope-tagged, constitutively active mutant of the Gq α subunit (HAα*q) in hearts of transgenic mice is sufficient to induce cardiac hypertrophy and dilatation that continue to progress after the initiating stimulus becomes undetectable. At 2 weeks, HAα*q protein is expressed at less than 50% of endogenous αq/11, and the transgenic hearts are essentially normal morphologically. Although HAα*q protein declines at 4 weeks and is undetectable by 10 weeks, the animals develop cardiac hypertrophy and dilatation and die between 8 and 30 weeks in heart failure. As the pathology develops, endogenous αq/11 rises (2.9-fold in atria; 1.8-fold in ventricles). At 2 weeks, basal PLC activity is increased 9- to 10-fold in atria but not ventricles. By 10 weeks, it is elevated in both, presumably because of the rise in endogenous αq/11. We conclude that the pathological changes initiated by early, transient HAα*q expression are maintained in part by compensatory changes in signal transduction and other pathways. Cyclosporin A (CsA) prevents hypertrophy caused by activation of calcineurin [Molkentin, J. D., Lu, J.-R., Antos, C. L., Markham, B., Richardson, J., Robbins, J., Grant, S. R. & Olson, E. N. (1998) Cell 93, 215–228]. Because HAα*q acts upstream of calcineurin, we hypothesized that HAα*q might initiate additional pathways leading to hypertrophy and dilatation. Treating HAα*q mice with CsA diminished some, but not all, aspects of the hypertrophic phenotype, suggesting that multiple pathways are involved.