130 resultados para Localization of functions.
Tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR) p55-knockout (KO) mice are susceptible profoundly to Salmonella infection. One day after peritoneal inoculation, TNFR-KO mice harbor 1,000-fold more bacteria in liver and spleen than wild-type mice despite the formation of well organized granulomas. Macrophages from TNFR-KO mice produce abundant quantities of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species in response to Salmonella but nevertheless exhibit poor bactericidal activity. Treatment with IFN-γ enhances killing by wild-type macrophages but does not restore the killing defect of TNFR-KO cells. Bactericidal activity of macrophages can be abrogated by a deletion in the gene encoding TNFα but not by saturating concentrations of TNF-soluble receptor, suggesting that intracellular TNFα can regulate killing of Salmonella by macrophages. Peritoneal macrophages from TNFR-KO mice fail to localize NADPH oxidase-containing vesicles to Salmonella-containing vacuoles. A TNFR-KO mutation substantially restores virulence to an attenuated mutant bacterial strain lacking the type III secretory system encoded by Salmonella pathogenicity island 2 (SPI2), suggesting that TNFα and SPI2 have opposing actions on a common pathway of vesicular trafficking. TNFα–TNFRp55 signaling plays a critical role in the immediate innate immune response to an intracellular pathogen by optimizing the delivery of toxic reactive oxygen species to the phagosome.
Apicomplexan parasites such as Toxoplasma gondii contain a primitive plastid, the apicoplast, whose genome consists of a 35-kb circular DNA related to the plastid DNA of plants. Plants synthesize fatty acids in their plastids. The first committed step in fatty acid synthesis is catalyzed by acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC). This enzyme is encoded in the nucleus, synthesized in the cytosol, and transported into the plastid. In the present work, two genes encoding ACC from T. gondii were cloned and the gene structure was determined. Both ORFs encode multidomain proteins, each with an N-terminal extension, compared with the cytosolic ACCs from plants. The N-terminal extension of one isozyme, ACC1, was shown to target green fluorescent protein to the apicoplast of T. gondii. In addition, the apicoplast contains a biotinylated protein, consistent with the assertion that ACC1 is localized there. The second ACC in T. gondii appears to be cytosolic. T. gondii mitochondria also contain a biotinylated protein, probably pyruvate carboxylase. These results confirm the essential nature of the apicoplast and explain the inhibition of parasite growth in cultured cells by herbicides targeting ACC.
We identified seven alternatively spliced forms of human 8-oxoguanine DNA glycosylase (OGG1) mRNAs, classified into two types based on their last exons (type 1 with exon 7: 1a and 1b; type 2 with exon 8: 2a to 2e). Types 1a and 2a mRNAs are major in human tissues. Seven mRNAs are expected to encode different polypeptides (OGG1–1a to 2e) that share their N terminus with the common mitochondrial targeting signal, and each possesses a unique C terminus. A 36-kDa polypeptide, corresponding to OGG1–1a recognized only by antibodies against the region containing helix-hairpin-helix-PVD motif, was copurified from the nuclear extract with an activity introducing a nick into DNA containing 8-oxoguanine. A 40-kDa polypeptide corresponding to a processed form of OGG1–2a was detected in their mitochondria using antibodies against its C terminus. Electron microscopic immunocytochemistry and subfractionation of the mitochondria revealed that OGG1–2a locates on the inner membrane of mitochondria. Deletion mutant analyses revealed that the unique C terminus of OGG1–2a and its mitochondrial targeting signal are essential for mitochondrial localization and that nuclear localization of OGG1–1a depends on the NLS at its C terminus.
In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, clathrin is necessary for localization of trans-Golgi network (TGN) membrane proteins, a process that involves cycling of TGN proteins between the TGN and endosomes. To characterize further TGN protein localization, we applied a screen for mutations that cause severe growth defects in combination with a temperature-sensitive clathrin heavy chain. This screen yielded a mutant allele of RIC1. Cells carrying a deletion of RIC1 (ric1Δ) mislocalize TGN membrane proteins Kex2p and Vps10p to the vacuole. Delivery to the vacuole occurs in ric1Δ cells also harboring end3Δ to block endocytosis, indicative of a defect in retrieval to the TGN rather than sorting to endosomes. SYS1, originally discovered as a multicopy suppressor of defects caused by the absence of the Rab GTPase YPT6, was identified as a multicopy suppressor of ric1Δ. Further comparison of ric1Δ and ypt6Δ cells demonstrated identical phenotypes. Multicopy plasmids expressing v-SNAREs Gos1p or Ykt6p, but not other v- and t-SNAREs, partially suppressed phenotypes of ric1Δ and ypt6Δ cells. SLY1–20, a dominant activator of the cis-Golgi network t-SNARE Sed5p, also functioned as a multicopy suppressor. Because Gos1p and Ykt6p interact with Sed5p, these results raise the possibility that TGN membrane protein localization requires Ric1p- and Ypt6p-dependent retrieval to the cis-Golgi network.
Differential compartmentalization of signaling molecules in cells and tissues is being recognized as an important mechanism for regulating the specificity of signal transduction pathways. A kinase anchoring proteins (AKAPs) direct the subcellular localization of protein kinase A (PKA) by binding to its regulatory (R) subunits. Dual specific AKAPs (D-AKAPs) interact with both RI and RII. A 372-residue fragment of mouse D-AKAP2 with a 40-residue C-terminal PKA binding region and a putative regulator of G protein signaling (RGS) domain was previously identified by means of a yeast two-hybrid screen. Here, we report the cloning of full-length human D-AKAP2 (662 residues) with an additional putative RGS domain, and the corresponding mouse protein less the first two exons (617 residues). Expression of D-AKAP2 was characterized by using mouse tissue extracts. Full-length D-AKAP2 from various tissues shows different molecular weights, possibly because of alternative splicing or posttranslational modifications. The cloned human gene product has a molecular weight similar to one of the prominent mouse proteins. In vivo association of D-AKAP2 with PKA in mouse brain was demonstrated by using cAMP agarose pull-down assay. Subcellular localization for endogenous mouse, rat, and human D-AKAP2 was determined by immunocytochemistry, immunohistochemistry, and tissue fractionation. D-AKAP2 from all three species is highly enriched in mitochondria. The mitochondrial localization and the presence of RGS domains in D-AKAP2 may have important implications for its function in PKA and G protein signal transduction.
We present evidence that a bacterial signal transduction cascade that couples morphogenesis with cell cycle progression is regulated by dynamic localization of its components. Previous studies have implicated two histidine kinases, DivJ and PleC, and the response regulator, DivK, in the regulation of morphogenesis in the dimorphic bacterium Caulobacter crescentus. Here, we show that the cytoplasmic response regulator, DivK, exhibits a dynamic, cyclical localization that culminates in asymmetric distribution of DivK within the two cell types that are characteristic of the Caulobacter cell cycle; DivK is dispersed throughout the cytoplasm of the progeny swarmer cell and is localized to the pole of the stalked cell. The membrane-bound DivJ and PleC histidine kinases, which are asymmetrically localized at the opposite poles of the predivisional cell, control the temporal and spatial localization of DivK. DivJ mediates DivK targeting to the poles whereas PleC controls its release from one of the poles at times and places that are consistent with the activities and location of DivJ and PleC in the late predivisional cell. Thus, dynamic changes in subcellular location of multiple components of a signal transduction cascade may constitute a novel mode of prokaryotic regulation to generate and maintain cellular asymmetry.
The spectrum of immunogenic epitopes presented by the H2-IAb MHC class II molecule to CD4+ T cells has been defined for two different (clade B and clade D) HIV envelope (gp140) glycoproteins. Hybridoma T cell lines were generated from mice immunized by a sequential prime and boost regime with DNA, recombinant vaccinia viruses, and protein. The epitopes recognized by reactive T cell hybridomas then were characterized with overlapping peptides synthesized to span the entire gp140 sequence. Evidence of clonality also was assessed with antibodies to T cell receptor Vα and Vβ chains. A total of 80 unique clonotypes were characterized from six individual mice. Immunogenic peptides were identified within only four regions of the HIV envelope. These epitope hotspots comprised relatively short sequences (≈20–80 aa in length) that were generally bordered by regions of heavy glycosylation. Analysis in the context of the gp120 crystal structure showed a pattern of uniform distribution to exposed, nonhelical strands of the protein. A likely explanation is that the physical location of the peptide within the native protein leads to differential antigen processing and consequent epitope selection.
Apoplastic α-glucosidases occur widely in plants but their function is unknown because appropriate substrates in the apoplast have not been identified. Arabidopsis contains at least three α-glucosidase genes; Aglu-1 and Aglu-3 are sequenced and Aglu-2 is known from six expressed sequence tags. Antibodies raised to a portion of Aglu-1 expressed in Escherichia coli recognize two proteins of 96 and 81 kD, respectively, in vegetative tissues of Arabidopsis, broccoli (Brassica oleracea L.), and mustard (Brassica napus L.). The acidic α-glucosidase activity from broccoli flower buds was purified using concanavalin A and ion-exchange chromatography. Two active fractions were resolved and both contained a 96-kD immunoreactive polypeptide. The N-terminal sequence from the 96-kD broccoli α-glucosidase indicated that it corresponds to the Arabidopsis Aglu-2 gene and that approximately 15 kD of the predicted N terminus was cleaved. The 81-kD protein was more abundant than the 96-kD protein, but it was not active with 4-methylumbelliferyl-α-d-glucopyranoside as the substrate and it did not bind to concanavalin A. In situ activity staining using 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-α-d-glucopyranoside revealed that the acidic α-glucosidase activity is predominantly located in the outer cortex of broccoli stems and in vascular tissue, especially in leaf traces.
The quantitative analysis with immunogold-electron microscopy using a single-affinity-purified anti-NADH-glutamate synthase (GOGAT) immunoglobulin G (IgG) as the primary antibody showed that the NADH-GOGAT protein was present in various forms of plastids in the cells of the epidermis and exodermis, in the cortex parenchyma, and in the vascular parenchyma of root tips (<10 mm) of rice (Oryza sativa) seedlings supplied with 1 mm NH4+ for 24 h. The values of the mean immunolabeling density of plastids were almost equal among these different cell types in the roots. However, the number of plastids per individual cell type was not identical, and some parts of the cells in the epidermis and exodermis contained large numbers of plastids that were heavily immunolabeled. Although there was an indication of labeling in the mitochondria using the single-affinity-purified anti-NADH-GOGAT IgG, this was not confirmed when a twice-affinity-purified IgG was used, indicating an exclusively plastidial location of the NADH-GOGAT protein in rice roots. These results, together with previous work from our laboratory (K. Ishiyama, T. Hayakawa, and T. Yamaya [1998] Planta 204: 288–294), suggest that the assimilation of exogeneously supplied NH4+ ions is primarily via the cytosolic glutamine synthetase/plastidial NADH-GOGAT cycle in specific regions of the epidermis and exodermis in rice roots. We also discuss the role of the NADH-GOGAT protein in vascular parenchyma cells.
Four cDNAs encoding phosphoribosyl diphosphate (PRPP) synthase were isolated from a spinach (Spinacia oleracea) cDNA library by complementation of an Escherichia coli Δprs mutation. The four gene products produced PRPP in vitro from ATP and ribose-5-phosphate. Two of the enzymes (isozymes 1 and 2) required inorganic phosphate for activity, whereas the others were phosphate independent. PRPP synthase isozymes 2 and 3 contained 76 and 87 amino acid extensions, respectively, at their N-terminal ends in comparison with other PRPP synthases. Isozyme 2 was synthesized in vitro and shown to be imported and processed by pea (Pisum sativum) chloroplasts. Amino acid sequence analysis indicated that isozyme 3 may be transported to mitochondria and that isozyme 4 may be located in the cytosol. The deduced amino acid sequences of isozymes 1 and 2 and isozymes 3 and 4 were 88% and 75% identical, respectively. In contrast, the amino acid identities of PRPP synthase isozyme 1 or 2 with 3 or 4 was modest (22%–25%), but the sequence motifs for binding of PRPP and divalent cation-nucleotide were identified in all four sequences. The results indicate that PRPP synthase isozymes 3 and 4 belong to a new class of PRPP synthases that may be specific to plants.
In skeletal muscle, transcription of the gene encoding the mouse type Iα (RIα) subunit of the cAMP-dependent protein kinase is initiated from the alternative noncoding first exons 1a and 1b. Here, we report that activity of the promoter upstream of exon 1a (Pa) depends on two adjacent E boxes (E1 and E2) in NIH 3T3-transfected fibroblasts as well as in intact muscle. Both basal activity and MyoD transactivation of the Pa promoter require binding of the upstream stimulating factors (USF) to E1. E2 binds either an unknown protein in a USF/E1 complex-dependent manner or MyoD. Both E2-bound proteins seem to function as repressors, but with different strengths, of the USF transactivation potential. Previous work has shown localization of the RIα protein at the neuromuscular junction. Using DNA injection into muscle of plasmids encoding segments of RIα or RIIα fused to green fluorescent protein, we demonstrate that anchoring at the neuromuscular junction is specific to RIα subunits and requires the amino-terminal residues 1–81. Mutagenesis of Phe-54 to Ala in the full-length RIα–green fluorescent protein template abolishes localization, indicating that dimerization of RIα is essential for anchoring. Moreover, two other hydrophobic residues, Val-22 and Ile-27, are crucial for localization of RIα at the neuromuscular junction. These amino acids are involved in the interaction of the Caenorhabditis elegans type Iα homologue RCE with AKAPCE and for in vitro binding of RIα to dual A-kinase anchoring protein 1. We also show enrichment of dual A-kinase anchoring protein 1 at the neuromuscular junction, suggesting that it could be responsible for RIα tethering at this site.
Vsx-1 is a paired-like:CVC homeobox gene whose expression is linked to bipolar cell differentiation during zebrafish retinogenesis. We used a yeast two-hybrid screen to identify proteins interacting with Vsx-1 and isolated Ubc9, an enzyme that conjugates the small ubiquitin-like modifier SUMO-1. Despite its interaction with Ubc9, we show that Vsx-1 is not a substrate for SUMO-1 in COS-7 cells or in vitro. When a yeast two-hybrid assay is used, deletion analysis of the interacting domain on Vsx-1 shows that Ubc9 binds to a nuclear localization signal (NLS) at the NH2 terminus of the homeodomain. In SW13 cells, Vsx-1 localizes to the nucleus and is excluded from nucleoli. Deletion of the NLS disrupts this nuclear localization, resulting in a diffuse cytoplasmic distribution of Vsx-1. In SW13 AK1 cells that express low levels of endogenous Ubc9, Vsx-1 accumulates in a perinuclear ring and colocalizes with an endoplasmic reticulum marker. However, NLS-tagged STAT1 protein exhibits normal nuclear localization in both SW13 and SW13 AK1 cells, suggesting that nuclear import is not globally disrupted. Cotransfection of Vsx-1 with Ubc9 restores Vsx-1 nuclear localization in SW3 AK1 cells and demonstrates that Ubc9 is required for the nuclear localization of Vsx-1. Ubc9 continues to restore nuclear localization even after a C93S active site mutation has eliminated its SUMO-1-conjugating ability. These results suggest that Ubc9 mediates the nuclear localization of Vsx-1, and possibly other proteins, through a nonenzymatic mechanism that is independent of SUMO-1 conjugation.
Recombinant type 3 ryanodine receptor (RyR3) has been purified in quantities sufficient for structural characterization by cryoelectron microscopy and three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction. Two cDNAs were prepared and expressed in HEK293 cells, one encoding the wild-type RyR3 and the other encoding RyR3 containing glutathione S-transferase (GST) fused to its amino terminus (GST-RyR3). RyR3 was purified from detergent-solubilized transfected cells by affinity chromatography using 12.6-kDa FK506-binding protein in the form of a GST fusion as the affinity ligand. Purification of GST-RyR3 was achieved by affinity chromatography by using glutathione-Sepharose. Purified recombinant RyR3 and GST-RyR3 proteins exhibited high-affinity [3H]ryanodine binding that was sensitive to activation by Ca2+ and caffeine and to inhibition by Mg2+. 3D reconstructions of both recombinant RyR3 and GST-RyR3 appeared very similar to that of the native RyR3 purified from bovine diaphragm. Comparison of the 3D reconstructions of RyR3 and GST-RyR3 revealed that the GST domains and, hence, the amino termini of the RyR3 subunits are located in the “clamp” structures that form the corners of the square-shaped cytoplasmic region of homotetrameric RyR3. This study describes the 3D reconstruction of a recombinant ryanodine receptor and it demonstrates the potential of this technology for characterizing functional and structural perturbations introduced by site-directed mutagenesis.
It is now clear that there are a number of different forms or aspects of learning and memory that involve different brain systems. Broadly, memory phenomena have been categorized as explicit or implicit. Thus, explicit memories for experience involve the hippocampus–medial temporal lobe system and implicit basic associative learning and memory involves the cerebellum, amygdala, and other systems. Under normal conditions, however, many of these brain–memory systems are engaged to some degree in learning situations. But each of these brain systems is learning something different about the situation. The cerebellum is necessary for classical conditioning of discrete behavioral responses (eyeblink, limb flexion) under all conditions; however, in the “trace” procedure where a period of no stimuli intervenes between the conditioned stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus the hippocampus plays a critical role. Trace conditioning appears to provide a simple model of explicit memory where analysis of brain substrates is feasible. Analysis of the role of the cerebellum in basic delay conditioning (stimuli overlap) indicates that the memories are formed and stored in the cerebellum. The phenomenon of cerebellar long-term depression is considered as a putative mechanism of memory storage.