103 resultados para Lipid-protein interaction
When lipid synthesis is limited in HepG2 cells, apoprotein B100 (apoB100) is not secreted but rapidly degraded by the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway. To investigate apoB100 biosynthesis and secretion further, the physical and functional states of apoB100 destined for either degradation or lipoprotein assembly were studied under conditions in which lipid synthesis, proteasomal activity, and microsomal triglyceride transfer protein (MTP) lipid-transfer activity were varied. Cells were pretreated with a proteasomal inhibitor (which remained with the cells throughout the experiment) and radiolabeled for 15 min. During the chase period, labeled apoB100 remained associated with the microsomes. Furthermore, by crosslinking sec61β to apoB100, we showed that apoB100 remained close to the translocon at the same time apoB100–ubiquitin conjugates could be detected. When lipid synthesis and lipoprotein assembly/secretion were stimulated by adding oleic acid (OA) to the chase medium, apoB100 was deubiquitinated, and its interaction with sec61β was disrupted, signifying completion of translocation concomitant with the formation of lipoprotein particles. MTP participates in apoB100 translocation and lipoprotein assembly. In the presence of OA, when MTP lipid-transfer activity was inhibited at the end of pulse labeling, apoB100 secretion was abolished. In contrast, when the labeled apoB100 was allowed to accumulate in the cell for 60 min before adding OA and the inhibitor, apoB100 lipidation and secretion were no longer impaired. Overall, the data imply that during most of its association with the endoplasmic reticulum, apoB100 is close to or within the translocon and is accessible to both the ubiquitin-proteasome and lipoprotein-assembly pathways. Furthermore, MTP lipid-transfer activity seems to be necessary only for early translocation and lipidation events.
Anionic lipids play a variety of key roles in biomembrane function, including providing the immediate environment for the integral membrane proteins that catalyze photosynthetic and respiratory energy transduction. Little is known about the molecular basis of these lipid–protein interactions. In this study, x-ray crystallography has been used to examine the structural details of an interaction between cardiolipin and the photoreaction center, a key light-driven electron transfer protein complex found in the cytoplasmic membrane of photosynthetic bacteria. X-ray diffraction data collected over the resolution range 30.0–2.1 Å show that binding of the lipid to the protein involves a combination of ionic interactions between the protein and the lipid headgroup and van der Waals interactions between the lipid tails and the electroneutral intramembrane surface of the protein. In the headgroup region, ionic interactions involve polar groups of a number of residues, the protein backbone, and bound water molecules. The lipid tails sit along largely hydrophobic grooves in the irregular surface of the protein. In addition to providing new information on the immediate lipid environment of a key integral membrane protein, this study provides the first, to our knowledge, high-resolution x-ray crystal structure for cardiolipin. The possible significance of this interaction between an integral membrane protein and cardiolipin is considered.
The association of protein kinase C (PKC) with membranes was found not to be specific for phosphatidyl-L-serine (PS). In particular, a synthetic phospholipid, dansyl-phosphatidylethanolamine, proved to be fully functional in the association of PKC with lipid bilayers and in mediating the interaction of this enzyme with diacylglycerol. Dansyl-phosphatidylethanolamine was also able to activate the enzyme in a Ca2+-dependent fashion. Differences in the ability to bind and activate PKC observed for an array of anionic lipids were not larger than alterations caused by changes in acyl chain composition. Thus, although different lipids interact to different extents with PKC, there are no specific binding sites for the PS headgroup on the enzyme. We found that lipids with a greater tendency to form inverted phases increased the binding of PKC to bilayers. However, these changes in lipid structure cannot be considered separately from the miscibility of lipid components in the membrane. For pairs of lipids with similar acyl chains, the dependence on PS concentration is sigmoidal, while for dissimilar acyl chains there is much less dependence of binding on PS concentration. The results can be explained in terms of differences in the lateral distribution of components in the membrane.
A small (96-aa) protein, virus protein R (Vpr), of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 contains one hydrophobic segment that could form a membrane-spanning helix. Recombinant Vpr, expressed in Escherichia coli and purified by affinity chromatography, formed ion channels in planar lipid bilayers when it was added to the cis chamber and when the trans chamber was held at a negative potential. The channels were more permeable to Na+ than to Cl- ions and were inhibited when the trans potential was made positive. Similar channel activity was caused by Vpr that had a truncated C terminus, but the potential dependence of channel activity was no longer seen. Antibody raised to a peptide mimicking part of the C terminus of Vpr (AbC) inhibited channel activity when added to the trans chamber but had no effect when added to the cis chamber. Antibody to the N terminus of Vpr (AbN) increased channel activity when added to the cis chamber but had no effect when added to the trans chamber. The effects of potential and antibodies on channel activity are consistent with a model in which the positive C-terminal end of dipolar Vpr is induced to traverse the bilayer membrane when the opposite (trans) side of the membrane is at a negative potential. The C terminus of Vpr would then be available for interaction with AbC in the trans chamber, and the N terminus would be available for interaction with AbN in the cis chamber. The ability of Vpr to form ion channels in vitro suggests that channel formation by Vpr in vivo is possible and may be important in the life cycle of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 and/or may cause changes in cells that contribute to AIDS-related pathologies.
The generation of transport vesicles at the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) depends on cytosolic proteins, which, in the form of subcomplexes (Sec23p/Sec24p; Sec13p/Sec31p) are recruited to the ER membrane by GTP-bound Sar1p and form the coat protein complex II (COPII). Using affinity chromatography and two-hybrid analyses, we found that the essential COPII component Sec24p, but not Sec23p, binds to the cis-Golgi syntaxin Sed5p. Sec24p/Sed5p interaction in vitro was not dependent on the presence of [Sar1p⋅GTP]. The binding of Sec24p to Sed5p is specific; none of the other seven yeast syntaxins bound to this COPII component. Whereas the interaction site of Sec23p is within the N-terminal half of the 926-aa-long Sec24p (amino acid residues 56–549), Sed5p binds to the N- and C-terminal halves of the protein. Destruction by mutagenesis of a potential zinc finger within the N-terminal half of Sec24p led to a nonfunctional protein that was still able to bind Sec23p and Sed5p. Sec24p/Sed5p binding might be relevant for cargo selection during transport-vesicle formation and/or for vesicle targeting to the cis-Golgi.
CTLA-4 plays a critical role in regulating the immune response. It is mainly located in cytoplasmic vesicles and is expressed only transiently on the surface after T cell activation. In this study, we demonstrate that CTLA-4 is associated with AP50, the medium chain of the clathrin-associated coated pit adaptor protein complex AP2. In a yeast two-hybrid screen, three individual cDNA clones that encode mouse AP50 were isolated, all of which can interact specifically with the cytoplasmic domain of mouse CTLA-4, but not with the cytoplasmic domain of mouse CD28. We have shown that CTLA-4 can bind specifically to AP50 when CTLA-4 and AP50 are cotransfected into human 293T cells. A Y201 to F201 mutation in the YVKM intracellular localization motif of the CTLA-4 cytoplasmic domain significantly diminished its binding to AP50. We also found that AP50 bound to a CTLA-4 peptide containing unphosphorylated Y201 but not to a peptide containing phosphorylated Y201. Conversely, the p85 subunit of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and, to a lesser extent, protein tyrosine phosphatase SYP (SHP-2) and SHP (SHP-1) bind only to the CTLA-4 peptide containing phosphorylated Y201. Therefore, the phosphorylation status of Y201 in the CTLA-4 cytoplasmic domain determines the binding specificity of CTLA-4. These results suggest that AP50 and the coated pit adaptor complex AP2 may play an important role in regulating the intracellular trafficking and function of CTLA-4.
Several classes of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels (VGCCs) are inhibited by G proteins activated by receptors for neurotransmitters and neuromodulatory peptides. Evidence has accumulated to indicate that for non-L-type Ca2+ channels the executing arm of the activated G protein is its βγ dimer (Gβγ). We report below the existence of two Gβγ-binding sites on the A-, B-, and E-type α1 subunits that form non-L-type Ca2+ channels. One, reported previously, is in loop 1 connecting transmembrane domains I and II. The second is located approximately in the middle of the ca. 600-aa-long C-terminal tails. Both Gβγ-binding regions also bind the Ca2+ channel β subunit (CCβ), which, when overexpressed, interferes with inhibition by activated G proteins. Replacement in α1E of loop 1 with that of the G protein-insensitive and Gβγ-binding-negative loop 1 of α1C did not abolish inhibition by G proteins, but the exchange of the α1E C terminus with that of α1C did. This and properties of α1E C-terminal truncations indicated that the Gβγ-binding site mediating the inhibition of Ca2+ channel activity is the one in the C terminus. Binding of Gβγ to this site was inhibited by an α1-binding domain of CCβ, thus providing an explanation for the functional antagonism existing between CCβ and G protein inhibition. The data do not support proposals that Gβγ inhibits α1 function by interacting with the site located in the loop I–II linker. These results define the molecular mechanism by which presynaptic G protein-coupled receptors inhibit neurotransmission.
Heterotrimeric G proteins (peripheral proteins) conduct signals from membrane receptors (integral proteins) to regulatory proteins localized to various cellular compartments. They are in excess over any G protein-coupled receptor type on the cell membrane, which is necessary for signal amplification. These facts account for the large number of G protein molecules bound to membrane lipids. Thus, the protein-lipid interactions are crucial for their cellular localization, and consequently for signal transduction. In this work, the binding of G protein subunits to model membranes (liposomes), formed with defined membrane lipids, has been studied. It is shown that although G protein α-subunits were able to bind to lipid bilayers, the presence of nonlamellar-prone phospholipids (phosphatidylethanolamines) enhanced their binding to model membranes. This mechanism also appears to be used by other (structurally and functionally unrelated) peripheral proteins, such as protein kinase C and the insect protein apolipophorin III, indicating that it could constitute a general mode of protein-lipid interactions, relevant in the activity and translocation of some peripheral (amphitropic) proteins from soluble to particulate compartments. Other factors, such as the presence of cholesterol or the vesicle surface charge, also modulated the binding of the G protein subunits to lipid bilayers. Conversely, the binding of G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 and the G protein β-subunit to liposomes was not increased by hexagonally prone lipids. Their distinct interactions with membrane lipids may, in part, explain the different cellular localizations of all of these proteins during the signaling process.
The γ-aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) receptor is a transmitter-gated ion channel mediating the majority of fast inhibitory synaptic transmission within the brain. The receptor is a pentameric assembly of subunits drawn from multiple classes (α1–6, β1–3, γ1–3, δ1, and ɛ1). Positive allosteric modulation of GABAA receptor activity by general anesthetics represents one logical mechanism for central nervous system depression. The ability of the intravenous general anesthetic etomidate to modulate and activate GABAA receptors is uniquely dependent upon the β subunit subtype present within the receptor. Receptors containing β2- or β3-, but not β1 subunits, are highly sensitive to the agent. Here, chimeric β1/β2 subunits coexpressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes with human α6 and γ2 subunits identified a region distal to the extracellular N-terminal domain as a determinant of the selectivity of etomidate. The mutation of an amino acid (Asn-289) present within the channel domain of the β3 subunit to Ser (the homologous residue in β1), strongly suppressed the GABA-modulatory and GABA-mimetic effects of etomidate. The replacement of the β1 subunit Ser-290 by Asn produced the converse effect. When applied intracellularly to mouse L(tk−) cells stably expressing the α6β3γ2 subunit combination, etomidate was inert. Hence, the effects of a clinically utilized general anesthetic upon a physiologically relevant target protein are dramatically influenced by a single amino acid. Together with the lack of effect of intracellular etomidate, the data argue against a unitary, lipid-based theory of anesthesia.
Replication protein A (RPA) is required for both DNA replication and nucleotide excision repair. Previous studies have shown that RPA interacts with the tumor suppressor p53. Herein, we have mapped a 20-amino acid region in the N-terminal part of p53 that is essential for its binding to RPA. This region is distinct from the minimal activation domain of p53 previously identified. We also demonstrate that UV radiation of cells greatly reduces the ability of RPA to bind to p53. Interestingly, damage-induced hyperphosphorylated RPA does not associate with p53. Furthermore, down-regulation of the RPA/p53 interaction is dependent upon the capability of cells to perform global genome repair. On the basis of these data, we propose that RPA may participate in the coordination of DNA repair with the p53-dependent checkpoint control by sensing UV damage and releasing p53 to activate its downstream targets.
The delivery of copper to specific sites within the cell is mediated by distinct intracellular carrier proteins termed copper chaperones. Previous studies in Saccharomyces cerevisiae suggested that the human copper chaperone HAH1 may play a role in copper trafficking to the secretory pathway of the cell. In this current study, HAH1 was detected in lysates from multiple human cell lines and tissues as a single-chain protein distributed throughout the cytoplasm and nucleus. Studies with a glutathione S-transferase-HAH1 fusion protein demonstrated direct protein–protein interaction between HAH1 and the Wilson disease protein, which required the cysteine copper ligands in the amino terminus of HAH1. Consistent with these in vitro observations, coimmunoprecipitation experiments revealed that HAH1 interacts with both the Wilson and Menkes proteins in vivo and that this interaction depends on available copper. When these studies were repeated utilizing three disease-associated mutations in the amino terminus of the Wilson protein, a marked diminution in HAH1 interaction was observed, suggesting that impaired copper delivery by HAH1 constitutes the molecular basis of Wilson disease in patients harboring these mutations. Taken together, these data provide a mechanism for the function of HAH1 as a copper chaperone in mammalian cells and demonstrate that this protein is essential for copper homeostasis.
Budding and vesiculation of erythrocyte membranes occurs by a process involving an uncoupling of the membrane skeleton from the lipid bilayer. Vesicle formation provides an important means whereby protein sorting and trafficking can occur. To understand the mechanism of sorting at the molecular level, we have developed a micropipette technique to quantify the redistribution of fluorescently labeled erythrocyte membrane components during mechanically induced membrane deformation and vesiculation. Our previous studies indicated that the spectrin-based membrane skeleton deforms elastically, producing a constant density gradient during deformation. Our current studies showed that during vesiculation the skeleton did not fragment but rather retracted to the cell body, resulting in a vesicle completely depleted of skeleton. These local changes in skeletal density regulated the sorting of nonskeletal membrane components. Highly mobile membrane components, phosphatidylethanolamine- and glycosylphosphatidylinositol-linked CD59 with no specific skeletal association were enriched in the vesicle. In contrast, two components with known specific skeletal association, band 3 and glycophorin A, were differentially depleted in vesicles. Increasing the skeletal association of glycophorin A by liganding its extrafacial domain reduced the fraction partitioning to the vesicle. We conclude that this technique of bilayer/skeleton uncoupling provides a means with which to study protein sorting driven by changes in local skeletal density. Moreover, it is the interaction of particular membrane components with the spectrin-based skeleton that determines molecular partitioning during protein sorting.
β-catenin, the vertebrate homolog of the Drosophila Armadillo protein, has been shown to have dual cellular functions, as a component of both the cadherin-catenin cell adhesion complex and the Wnt signaling pathway. At Wnt signaling, β-catenin becomes stabilized in the cytoplasm and subsequently available for interaction with transcription factors of the lymphocyte enhancer factor-1/T-cell factor family, resulting in a nuclear localization of β-catenin. Although β-catenin does not bind DNA directly, its carboxyl- and amino-terminal regions exhibit a transactivating activity still not well understood molecularly. Here we report the identification of an interaction partner of β-catenin, a nuclear protein designated Pontin52. Pontin52 binds β-catenin in the region of Armadillo repeats 2–5 and, more importantly, also binds the TATA box binding protein. We provide evidence for an in vivo multiprotein complex composed of Pontin52, β-catenin, and lymphocyte enhancer factor-1/T-cell factor. Our results suggest involvement of Pontin52 in the nuclear function of β-catenin.
Rad is the prototypic member of a new class of Ras-related GTPases. Purification of the GTPase-activating protein (GAP) for Rad revealed nm23, a putative tumor metastasis suppressor and a development gene in Drosophila. Antibodies against nm23 depleted Rad-GAP activity from human skeletal muscle cytosol, and bacterially expressed nm23 reconstituted the activity. The GAP activity of nm23 was specific for Rad, was absent with the S105N putative dominant negative mutant of Rad, and was reduced with mutations of nm23. In the presence of ATP, GDP⋅Rad was also reconverted to GTP⋅Rad by the nucleoside diphosphate (NDP) kinase activity of nm23. Simultaneously, Rad regulated nm23 by enhancing its NDP kinase activity and decreasing its autophosphorylation. Melanoma cells transfected with wild-type Rad, but not the S105N-Rad, showed enhanced DNA synthesis in response to serum; this effect was lost with coexpression of nm23. Thus, the interaction of nm23 and Rad provides a potential novel mechanism for bidirectional, bimolecular regulation in which nm23 stimulates both GTP hydrolysis and GTP loading of Rad whereas Rad regulates activity of nm23. This interaction may play important roles in the effects of Rad on glucose metabolism and the effects of nm23 on tumor metastasis and developmental regulation.
Posttranslational modification of Rab proteins by geranylgeranyltransferase type II requires that they first bind to Rab escort protein (REP). Following prenylation, REP is postulated to accompany the modified GTPase to its specific target membrane. REP binds preferentially to Rab proteins that are in the GDP state, but the specific structural domains involved in this interaction have not been defined. In p21 Ras, the α2 helix of the Switch 2 domain undergoes a major conformational change upon GTP hydrolysis. Therefore, we hypothesized that the corresponding region in Rab1B might play a key role in the interaction with REP. Introduction of amino acid substitutions (I73N, Y78D, and A81D) into the putative α2 helix of Myc-tagged Rab1B prevented prenylation of the recombinant protein in cell-free assays, whereas mutations in the α3 and α4 helices did not. Additionally, upon transient expression in transfected HEK-293 cells, the Myc-Rab1B α2 helix mutants were not efficiently prenylated as determined by incorporation of [3H]mevalonate. Metabolic labeling studies using [32P]orthophosphate indicated that the poor prenylation of the Rab1B α2 helix mutants was not directly correlated with major disruptions in guanine nucleotide binding or intrinsic GTPase activity. Finally, gel filtration analysis of cytosolic fractions from 293 cells that were coexpressing T7 epitope-tagged REP with various Myc-Rab1B constructs revealed that mutations in the α2 helix of Rab1B prevented the association of nascent (i.e., nonprenylated) Rab1B with REP. These data indicate that the Switch 2 domain of Rab1B is a key structural determinant for REP interaction and that nucleotide-dependent conformational changes in this region are largely responsible for the selective interaction of REP with the GDP-bound form of the Rab substrate.