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The structures of two isoforms of Bcl-2 that differ by two amino acids have been determined by NMR spectroscopy. Because wild-type Bcl-2 behaved poorly in solution, the structures were determined by using Bcl-2/Bcl-xL chimeras in which part of the putative unstructured loop of Bcl-2 was replaced with a shortened loop from Bcl-xL. These chimeric proteins have a low pI compared with the wild-type protein and are soluble. The structures of the two Bcl-2 isoforms consist of 6 α-helices with a hydrophobic groove on the surface similar to that observed for the homologous protein, Bcl-xL. Comparison of the Bcl-2 structures to that of Bcl-xL shows that although the overall fold is the same, there are differences in the structural topology and electrostatic potential of the binding groove. Although the structures of the two isoforms of Bcl-2 are virtually identical, differences were observed in the ability of the proteins to bind to a 25-residue peptide from the proapoptotic Bad protein and a 16-residue peptide from the proapoptotic Bak protein. These results suggest that there are subtle differences in the hydrophobic binding groove in Bcl-2 that may translate into differences in antiapoptotic activity for the two isoforms.


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The x-ray structure of a C-terminal fragment of the RAP74 subunit of human transcription factor (TF) IIF has been determined at 1.02-Å resolution. The α/β structure is strikingly similar to the globular domain of linker histone H5 and the DNA-binding domain of hepatocyte nuclear factor 3γ (HNF-3γ), making it a winged-helix protein. The surface electrostatic properties of this compact domain differ significantly from those of bona fide winged-helix transcription factors (HNF-3γ and RFX1) and from the winged-helix domains found within the RAP30 subunit of TFIIF and the β subunit of TFIIE. RAP74 has been shown to interact with the TFIIF-associated C-terminal domain phosphatase FCP1, and a putative phosphatase binding site has been identified within the RAP74 winged-helix domain.


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The NMR structure of the rat calreticulin P-domain, comprising residues 189–288, CRT(189–288), shows a hairpin fold that involves the entire polypeptide chain, has the two chain ends in close spatial proximity, and does not fold back on itself. This globally extended structure is stabilized by three antiparallel β-sheets, with the β-strands comprising the residues 189–192 and 276–279, 206–209 and 262–265, and 223–226 and 248–251, respectively. The hairpin loop of residues 227–247 and the two connecting regions between the β-sheets contain a hydrophobic cluster, where each of the three clusters includes two highly conserved tryptophyl residues, one from each strand of the hairpin. The three β-sheets and the three hydrophobic clusters form a repeating pattern of interactions across the hairpin that reflects the periodicity of the amino acid sequence, which consists of three 17-residue repeats followed by three 14-residue repeats. Within the global hairpin fold there are two well-ordered subdomains comprising the residues 219–258, and 189–209 and 262–284, respectively. These are separated by a poorly ordered linker region, so that the relative orientation of the two subdomains cannot be precisely described. The structure type observed for CRT(189–288) provides an additional basis for functional studies of the abundant endoplasmic reticulum chaperone calreticulin.


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The A loop is an essential RNA component of the ribosome peptidyltransferase center that directly interacts with aminoacyl (A)-site tRNA. The A loop is highly conserved and contains a ubiquitous 2′-O-methyl ribose modification at position U2552. Here, we present the solution structure of a modified and unmodified A-loop RNA to define both the A-loop fold and the structural impact of the U2552 modification. Solution data reveal that the A-loop RNA has a compact structure that includes a noncanonical base pair between C2556 and U2552. NMR evidence is presented that the N3 position of C2556 has a shifted pKa and that protonation at C2556-N3 changes the C-U pair geometry. Our data indicate that U2552 methylation modifies the A-loop fold, in particular the dynamics and position of residues C2556 and U2555. We compare our structural data with the structure of the A loop observed in a recent 50S crystal structure [Ban, N., Nissen, P., Hansen, J., Moore, P. B. & Steitz, T. A. (2000) Science 289, 905–920; Nissen, P., Hansen, J., Ban, N., Moore, P. B. & Steitz, T. A. (2000) Science 289, 920–930]. The solution and crystal structures of the A loop are dramatically different, suggesting that a structural rearrangement of the A loop must occur on docking into the peptidyltransferase center. Possible roles of this docking event, the shifted pKa of C2556 and the U2552 2′-O-methylation in the mechanism of translation, are discussed.


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The poly(A)-binding protein (PABP) recognizes the 3′ mRNA poly(A) tail and plays an essential role in eukaryotic translation initiation and mRNA stabilization/degradation. PABP is a modular protein, with four N-terminal RNA-binding domains and an extensive C terminus. The C-terminal region of PABP is essential for normal growth in yeast and has been implicated in mediating PABP homo-oligomerization and protein–protein interactions. A small, proteolytically stable, highly conserved domain has been identified within this C-terminal segment. Remarkably, this domain is also present in the hyperplastic discs protein (HYD) family of ubiquitin ligases. To better understand the function of this conserved region, an x-ray structure of the PABP-like segment of the human HYD protein has been determined at 1.04-Å resolution. The conserved domain adopts a novel fold resembling a right-handed supercoil of four α-helices. Sequence profile searches and comparative protein structure modeling identified a small ORF from the Arabidopsis thaliana genome that encodes a structurally similar but distantly related PABP/HYD domain. Phylogenetic analysis of the experimentally determined (HYD) and homology modeled (PABP) protein surfaces revealed a conserved feature that may be responsible for binding to a PABP interacting protein, Paip1, and other shared interaction partners.


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Ribozyme activity in vivo depends on achieving high-level expression, intracellular stability, target colocalization, and cleavage site access. At present, target site selection is problematic because of unforeseeable secondary and tertiary RNA structures that prevent cleavage. To overcome this design obstacle, we wished to engineer a ribozyme that could access any chosen site. To create this ribozyme, the constitutive transport element (CTE), an RNA motif that has the ability to interact with intracellular RNA helicases, was attached to our ribozymes so that the helicase-bound, hybrid ribozymes would be produced in cells. This modification significantly enhanced ribozyme activity in vivo, permitting cleavage of sites previously found to be inaccessible. To confer cleavage enhancement, the CTE must retain helicase-binding activity. Binding experiments demonstrated the likely involvement of RNA helicase(s). We found that attachment of the RNA motif to our tRNA ribozymes leads to cleavage in vivo at the chosen target site regardless of the local RNA secondary or tertiary structure.


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An overview is presented of the current situation regarding radioactive dating of the matter of which our Galaxy is comprised. A firm lower bound on the age from nuclear chronometers of ≈9–10 Gyr is entirely consistent with age determinations from globular clusters and white dwarf cooling histories. The reasonable assumption of an approximately uniform nucleosynthesis rate yields an age for the Galaxy of 12.8 ± 3 Gyr, which again is consistent with current determinations from other methods.


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Many persistent viruses have evolved the ability to subvert MHC class I antigen presentation. Indeed, human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) encodes at least four proteins that down-regulate cell-surface expression of class I. The HCMV unique short (US)2 glycoprotein binds newly synthesized class I molecules within the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and subsequently targets them for proteasomal degradation. We report the crystal structure of US2 bound to the HLA-A2/Tax peptide complex. US2 associates with HLA-A2 at the junction of the peptide-binding region and the α3 domain, a novel binding surface on class I that allows US2 to bind independently of peptide sequence. Mutation of class I heavy chains confirms the importance of this binding site in vivo. Available data on class I-ER chaperone interactions indicate that chaperones would not impede US2 binding. Unexpectedly, the US2 ER-luminal domain forms an Ig-like fold. A US2 structure-based sequence alignment reveals that seven HCMV proteins, at least three of which function in immune evasion, share the same fold as US2. The structure allows design of further experiments to determine how US2 targets class I molecules for degradation.


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The expression of virulence determinants in Staphylococcus aureus is controlled by global regulatory loci (e.g., sarA and agr). The sar (Staphylococcus accessory regulator) locus is composed of three overlapping transcripts (sarA P1, P3, and P2, transcripts initiated from the P1, P3, and P2 promoters, respectively), all encoding the 124-aa SarA protein. The level of SarA, the major regulatory protein, is partially controlled by the differential activation of the sarA promoters. We previously partially purified a 13.6-kDa protein, designated SarR, that binds to the sarA promoter region to down-modulate sarA transcription from the P1 promoter and subsequently SarA expression. SarR shares sequence similarity to SarA, and another SarA homolog, SarS. Here we report the 2.3 Å-resolution x-ray crystal structure of the dimeric SarR-MBP (maltose binding protein) fusion protein. The structure reveals that the SarR protein not only has a classic helix–turn–helix module for DNA binding at the major grooves, but also has an additional loop region involved in DNA recognition at the minor grooves. This interaction mode could represent a new functional class of the “winged helix” family. The dimeric SarR structure could accommodate an unusually long stretch of ≈27 nucleotides with two or four bending points along the course, which could lead to the bending of DNA by 90° or more, similar to that seen in the catabolite activator protein (CAP)–DNA complex. The structure also demonstrates the molecular basis for the stable dimerization of the SarR monomers and possible motifs for interaction with other proteins.


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In contrast to the F-type ATPases, which use a proton gradient to generate ATP, the V-type enzymes use ATP to actively transport protons into organelles and extracellular compartments. We describe here the structure of the H-subunit (also called Vma13p) of the yeast enzyme. This is the first structure of any component of a V-type ATPase. The H-subunit is not required for assembly but plays an essential regulatory role. Despite the lack of any apparent sequence homology the structure contains five motifs similar to the so-called HEAT or armadillo repeats seen in the importins. A groove, which is occupied in the importins by the peptide that targets proteins for import into the nucleus, is occupied here by the 10 amino-terminal residues of subunit H itself. The structural similarity suggests how subunit H may interact with the ATPase itself or with other proteins. A cleft between the amino- and carboxyl-terminal domains also suggests another possible site of interaction with other factors.


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The carcinogenic heterocyclic amine (HA) 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine (PhIP) is formed during the cooking of various meats. To enable structure/activity studies aimed at understanding how DNA damaged by a member of the HA class of compounds can ultimately lead to cancer, we have determined the first solution structure of an 11-mer duplex containing the C8-dG adduct formed by reaction with N-acetoxy-PhIP. A slow conformational exchange is observed in which the PhIP ligand either intercalates into the DNA helix by denaturing and displacing the modified base pair (main form) or is located outside the helix in a minimally perturbed B-DNA duplex (minor form). In the main base-displaced intercalation structure, the minor groove is widened, and the major groove is compressed at the lesion site because of the location of the bulky PhIP-N-methyl and phenyl ring in the minor groove; this distortion causes significant bending of the helix. The PhIP phenyl ring interacts with the phosphodiester-sugar ring backbone of the complementary strand and its fast rotation with respect to the intercalated imidazopyridine ring causes substantial distortions at this site, such as unwinding and bulging-out of the strand. The glycosidic torsion angle of the [PhIP]dG residue is syn, and the displaced guanine base is directed toward the 3′ end of the modified strand. This study contributes, to our knowledge, the first structural information on the biologically relevant HA class to a growing body of knowledge about how conformational similarities and differences for a variety of types of lesions can influence protein interactions and ultimately biological outcome.


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The life history of Candida albicans presents an enigma: this species is thought to be exclusively asexual, yet strains show extensive phenotypic variation. To address the population genetics of C. albicans, we developed a genetic typing method for codominant single-locus markers by screening randomly amplified DNA for single-strand conformation polymorphisms. DNA fragments amplified by arbitrary primers were initially screened for single-strand conformation polymorphisms and later sequenced using locus-specific primers. A total of 12 single base mutations and insertions were detected from six out of eight PCR fragments. Patterns of sequence-level polymorphism observed for individual strains detected considerable heterozygosity at the DNA sequence level, supporting the view that most C. albicans strains are diploid. Population genetic analyses of 52 natural isolates from Duke University Medical Center provide evidence for both clonality and recombination in C. albicans. Evidence for clonality is supported by the presence of several overrepresented genotypes, as well as by deviation of genotypic frequencies from random (Hardy-Weinberg) expectations. However, tests for nonrandom association of alleles across loci reveal less evidence for linkage disequilibrium than expected for strictly clonal populations. Although C. albicans populations are primarily clonal, evidence for recombination suggests that sexual reproduction or some other form of genetic exchange occurs in this species.