125 resultados para Insulin-like Growth Factor-I


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Recent reports have demonstrated beneficial effects of proinsulin C-peptide in the diabetic state, including improvements of kidney and nerve function. To examine the background to these effects, C-peptide binding to cell membranes has been studied by using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. Measurements of ligand–membrane interactions at single-molecule detection sensitivity in 0.2-fl confocal volume elements show specific binding of fluorescently labeled C-peptide to several human cell types. Full saturation of the C-peptide binding to the cell surface is obtained at low nanomolar concentrations. Scatchard analysis of binding to renal tubular cells indicates the existence of a high-affinity binding process with Kass > 3.3 × 109 M−1. Addition of excess unlabeled C-peptide is accompanied by competitive displacement, yielding a dissociation rate constant of 4.5 × 10−4 s−1. The C-terminal pentapeptide also displaces C-peptide bound to cell membranes, indicating that the binding occurs at this segment of the ligand. Nonnative d-C-peptide and a randomly scrambled C-peptide do not compete for binding with the labeled C-peptide, nor were crossreactions observed with insulin, insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I, IGF-II, or proinsulin. Pretreatment of cells with pertussis toxin, known to modify receptor-coupled G proteins, abolishes the binding. It is concluded that C-peptide binds to specific G protein-coupled receptors on human cell membranes, thus providing a molecular basis for its biological effects.


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We have previously linked aging, carcinogenesis, and de novo methylation within the promoter of the estrogen receptor (ER) gene in human colon. We now examine the dynamics of this process for the imprinted gene for insulin-like growth factor II (IGF2). In young individuals, the P2-4 promoters of IGF2 are methylated exclusively on the silenced maternal allele. During aging, this promoter methylation becomes more extensive and involves the originally unmethylated allele. Most adult human tumors, including colon, breast, lung, and leukemias, exhibit increased methylation at the P2-4 IGF2 promoters, suggesting further spreading during the neoplastic process. In tumors, this methylation is associated with diminished or absent IGF2 expression from the methylated P3 promoter but maintained expression from P1, an upstream promoter that is not contained within the IGF2 CpG island. Our results demonstrate a remarkable evolution of methylation patterns in the imprinted promoter of the IGF2 gene during aging and carcinogenesis, and provide further evidence for a potential link between aberrant methylation and diseases of aging.


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The Wilms tumor suppressor gene WT1 is implicated in the ontogeny of genito-urinary abnormalities, including Denys-Drash syndrome and Wilms tumor of the kidney. WT1 encodes Kruppel-type zinc finger proteins that can regulate the expression of several growth-related genes, apparently by binding to specific DNA sites located within 5' untranslated leader regions as well as 5' promoter sequences. Both WT1 and a closely related early growth response factor, EGR1, can bind the same DNA sequences from the mouse gene encoding insulin-like growth factor 2 (Igf-2). We report that WT1, but not EGR1, can bind specific Igf-2 exonic RNA sequences, and that the zinc fingers are required for this interaction. WT1 zinc finger 1, which is not represented in EGR1, plays a more significant role in RNA binding than zinc finger 4, which does have a counterpart in EGR1. Furthermore, the normal subnuclear localization of WT1 proteins is shown to be RNase, but not DNase, sensitive. Therefore, WT1 might, like the Kruppel-type zinc finger protein TFIIIA, regulate gene expression by both transcriptional and posttranscriptional mechanisms.


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The differentiation of small intestinal epithelial cells may require stimulation by microenvironmental factors in vivo. In this study, the effects of mesenchymal and luminal elements in nonmalignant epithelia] cells isolated from the human fetus were studied in vitro. Enterocytes from the human fetus were cultured and microenvironmental factors were added in stages, each stage more closely approximating the microenvironment in vivo. Four stages were examined: epithelial cells derived on plastic from intestinal culture and grown as a cell clone, the same cells grown on connective tissue support, primary epithelial explants grown on fibroblasts with a laminin base, and primary epithelial explants grown on fibroblasts and laminin with n-butyrate added to the incubation medium. The epithelial cell clone dedifferentiated when grown on plastic; however, the cells expressed cytokeratins and villin as evidence of their epithelial cell origin. Human connective tissue matrix from Engelbreth-Holm-Swarm sarcoma cells (Matrigel) modulated their phenotype: alkaline phosphatase activity increased, microvilli developed on their apical surface, and the profile of insulin-like growth factor binding proteins resembled that secreted by differentiated enterocytes. Epithelial cells taken directly from the human fetus as primary cultures and grown as explants on fibroblasts and laminin expressed greater specific enzyme activities in brush border membrane fractions than the cell clone. These activities were enhanced by the luminal molecule sodium butyrate. Thus the sequential addition of connective tissue and luminal molecules to nonmalignant epithelia] cells in vitro induces a spectrum of changes in the epithelial cell phenotype toward full differentiation.


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Recent investigations have shown that the maintenance of genomic imprinting of the murine insulin-like growth factor 2 (Igf2) gene involves at least two factors: the DNA (cytosine-5-)-methyltransferase activity, which is required to preserve the paternal specific expression of Igf2, and the H19 gene (lying 90 kb downstream of Igf2 gene), which upon inactivation leads to relaxation of the Igf2 imprint. It is not yet clear how these two factors are related to each other in the process of maintenance of Igf2 imprinting and, in particular, whether the latter is acting through cis elements or whether the H19 RNA itself is involved. By using Southern blots and the bisulfite genomic-sequencing technique, we have investigated the allelic methylation patterns (epigenotypes) of the Igf2 gene in two strains of mouse with distinct deletions of the H19 gene. The results show that maternal transmission of H19 gene deletions leads the maternal allele of Igf2 to adopt the epigenotype of the paternal allele and indicate that this phenomenon is influenced directly or indirectly by the H19 gene expression. More importantly, the bisulfite genomic-sequencing allowed us to show that the methylation pattern of the paternal allele of the Igf2 gene is affected in trans by deletions of the active maternal allele of the H19 gene. Selection during development for the appropriate expression of Igf2, dosage-dependent factors that bind to the Igf2 gene, or methylation transfer between the parental alleles could be involved in this trans effect.


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Interaction between a peptide hormone and extracellular domains of its receptor is a crucial step for initiation of hormone action. We have developed a modification of the yeast two-hybrid system to study this interaction and have used it to characterize the interaction of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) with its receptor by using GAL4 transcriptional regulation with a β-galactosidase assay as readout. In this system, IGF-1 and proIGF-1 bound to the cysteine-rich domain, extracellular domain, or entire IGF-1 proreceptor. This interaction was specific. Thus, proinsulin showed no significant interaction with the IGF-1 receptor, while a chimeric proinsulin containing the C-peptide of IGF-1 had an intermediate interaction, consistent with its affinity for the IGF-1 receptor. Over 2000 IGF-1 mutants were generated by PCR and screened for interaction with the color assay. About 40% showed a strong interaction, 20% showed an intermediate interaction, and 40% give little or no signal. Of 50 mutants that were sequenced, several (Leu-5 → His, Glu-9 → Val, Arg-37 → Gly, and Met-59 → Leu) appeared to enhance receptor association, others resulted in weaker receptor interaction (Tyr-31 → Phe and Ile-43 → Phe), and two gave no detectable signal (Leu-14 → Arg and Glu-46 → Ala). Using PCR-based mutagenesis with proinsulin, we also identified a gain of function mutant (proinsulin Leu-17 → Pro) that allowed for a strong IGF-1–receptor interaction. These data demonstrate that the specificity of the interaction between a hormone and its receptor can be characterized with high efficiency in the two-hybrid system and that novel hormone analogues may be found by this method.


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The mouse insulin-like growth factor 2 (Igf2) locus is a complex genomic region that produces multiple transcripts from alternative promoters. Expression at this locus is regulated by parental imprinting. However, despite the existence of putative imprinting control elements in the Igf2 upstream region, imprinted transcriptional repression is abolished by null mutations at the linked H19 locus. To clarify the extent to which the Igf2 upstream region contains autonomous imprinting control elements we have performed functional and comparative analyses of the region in the mouse and human. Here we report the existence of multiple, overlapping imprinted (maternally repressed) sense and antisense transcripts that are associated with a tandem repeat in the mouse Igf2 upstream region. Regions flanking the repeat exhibit tissue-specific parental allelic methylation patterns, suggesting the existence of tissue-specific control elements in the upstream region. Studies in H19 null mice indicate that both parental allelic methylation and monoallelic expression of the upstream transcripts depends on an intact H19 gene acting in cis. The homologous region in human IGF2 is structurally conserved, with the significant exception that it does not contain a tandem repeat. Our results support the proposal that tandem repeats act to target methylation to imprinted genetic loci.


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Low voltage-activated, or T-type, calcium currents are important regulators of neuronal and muscle excitability, secretion, and possibly cell growth and differentiation. The gene (or genes) coding for the pore-forming subunit of low voltage-activated channel proteins has not been unequivocally identified. We have used reverse transcription–PCR to identify partial clones from rat atrial myocytes that share high homology with a member of the E class of calcium channel genes. Antisense oligonucleotides targeting one of these partial clones (raE1) specifically block the increase in T-current density that normally results when atrial myocytes are treated with insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). Antisense oligonucleotides targeting portions of the neuronal rat α1E sequence, which are not part of the clones detected in atrial tissue, also block the IGF-1-induced increase in T-current, suggesting that the high homology to α1E seen in the partial clone may be present in the complete atrial sequence. The basal T-current expressed in these cells is also blocked by antisense oligonucleotides, which is consistent with the notion that IGF-1 up-regulates the same gene that encodes the basal current. These results support the hypothesis that a member of the E class of calcium channel genes encodes a low voltage-activated calcium channel in atrial myocytes.


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In both human and mouse, the Igf2 gene, localized on chromosomes 11 and 7, respectively, is expressed from the paternally inherited chromosome in the majority of tissues. Insulin-like growth factor-II (IGF-II) plays an important role in embryonic growth, and aberrant IGF2 expression has been documented in several human pathologies, such as Beckwith–Wiedemann syndrome (BWS), and a wide variety of tumors. Human and mouse genetic data strongly implicate another gene, CDKN1C (p57kip2), located in the same imprinted gene cluster on human chromosome II, in BWS. p57KIP2 is a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor and is required for normal mouse embryonic development. Mutations in CDKN1C (p57kip2) have been identified in a small proportion of patients with BWS, and removal of the gene from mice by targeted mutagenesis produces a phenotype with elements in common with this overgrowth syndrome. Patients with BWS with biallelic expression of IGF2 or with a CDKN1C (p57kip2) mutation, as well as overlapping phenotypes observed in two types of mutant mice, the p57kip2 knockout and IGF-II-overexpressing mice, strongly suggest that the genes may act in a common pathway of growth control in situations where Igf2 expression is abnormal. Herein, we show that p57kip2 expression is reduced on IGF-II treatment of primary embryo fibroblasts in a dose-dependent manner. In addition, p57kip2 expression is down-regulated in mice with high serum levels of IGF-II. These data suggest that the effects of increased IGF-II in BWS may, in part, be mediated through a decrease in p57kip2 gene expression.


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Parental origin-specific alterations of chromosome 11p15 in human cancer suggest the involvement of one or more maternally expressed imprinted genes involved in embryonal tumor suppression and the cancer-predisposing Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (BWS). The gene encoding cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p57KIP2, whose overexpression causes G1 phase arrest, was recently cloned and mapped to this band. We find that the p57KIP2 gene is imprinted, with preferential expression of the maternal allele. However, the imprint is not absolute, as the paternal allele is also expressed at low levels in most tissues, and at levels comparable to the maternal allele in fetal brain and some embryonal tumors. The biochemical function, chromosomal location, and imprinting of the p57KIP2 gene match the properties predicted for a tumor suppressor gene at 11p15.5. However, as the p57KIP2 gene is 500 kb centromeric to the gene encoding insulin-like growth factor 2, it is likely to be part of a large domain containing other imprinted genes. Thus, loss of heterozygosity or loss of imprinting might simultaneously affect several genes at this locus that together contribute to tumor and/or growth- suppressing functions that are disrupted in BWS and embryonal tumors.


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We cloned and sequenced the 8767-bp full-length cDNA for the chicken cation-independent mannose-6-phosphate receptor (CI-MPR), of interest because, unlike its mammalian homologs, it does not bind insulin-like growth factor II (IGF-II). The cDNA encodes a protein of 2470 aa that includes a putative signal sequence, an extracytoplasmic domain consisting of 15 homologous repeat sequences, a 23-residue transmembrane sequence, and a 161-residue cytoplasmic sequence. Overall, it shows 60% sequence identity with human and bovine CI-MPR homologs, and all but two of 122 cysteine residues are conserved. However, it shows much less homology in the N-terminal signal sequence, in repeat 11, which is proposed to contain the IGF-II-binding site in mammalian CI-MPR homologs, and in the 14-aa residue segment in the cytoplasmic sequence that has been proposed to mediate G-protein-coupled signal transduction in response to IGF-II binding by the human CI-MPR. Transient expression in COS-7 cells produced a functional CI-MPR which exhibited mannose-6-phosphate-inhibitable binding and mediated endocytosis of recombinant human beta-glucuronidase. Expression of the functional chicken CI-MPR in mice lacking the mammalian CI-MPR should clarify the controversy over the physiological role of the IGF-II-binding site in mammalian CI-MPR homologs.


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SPC2 and SPC3 are two members of a family of subtilisin-related proteases which play essential roles in the processing of prohormones into their mature forms in the pancreatic B cell and many other neuroendocrine cells. To investigate the phylogenetic origins and evolutionary functions of SPC2 and SPC3 we have identified and cloned cDNAs encoding these enzymes from amphioxus (Branchiostoma californiensis), a primitive chordate. The amino acid sequence of preproSPC2 contains 689 aa and is 71% identical to human SPC2. In contrast, amphioxus prproSPC3 consists of 774 aa and exhibits 55% identity to human SPC3. These results suggest that the primary structure of SPC2 has been more highly conserved during evolution than that of SPC3. To further investigate the function(s) of SPC2 and SPC3 in amphioxus, we have determined the regional expression of these genes by using a reverse transcriptase-linked polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assay. Whole amphioxus was dissected longitudinally into four equal-length segments and RNA was extracted. Using RT-PCR to simultaneously amplify SPC2 and SPC3 DNA fragments, we found that the cranial region (section 1) expressed equal amounts of SPC2 and SPC3 mRNAs, whereas in the caudal region (section 4) the SPC2-to-SPC3 ratio was 5:1. In the mid-body sections 2 and 3 the SPC2-to-SPC3 ratio was 1:5. By RT-PCR we also determined that amphioxus ILP, a homologue of mammalian insulin/insulin-like growth factor, was expressed predominately in section 3. These results suggest that the relative levels of SPC2 and SPC3 mRNAs are specifically regulated in various amphioxus tissues. Furthermore, the ubiquitous expression of these mRNAs in the organism indicates that they are involved in the processing of other precursor proteins in addition to proILP.


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The stability of the ompA mRNA depends on the bacterial growth rate. The 5′ untranslated region is the stability determinant of this transcript and the target of the endoribonuclease, RNase E, the key player of mRNA degradation. An RNA-binding protein with affinity for the 5′ untranslated region ompA was purified and identified as Hfq, a host factor initially recognized for its function in phage Qβ replication. The ompA RNA-binding activity parallels the amount of Hfq, which is elevated in bacteria cultured at slow growth rate, a condition leading to facilitated degradation of the ompA mRNA. In hfq mutant cells with a deficient Hfq gene product, the RNA-binding activity is missing, and analysis of the ompA mRNA showed that the growth-rate dependence of degradation is lost. Furthermore, the half-life of the ompA mRNA is prolonged in the mutant cells, irrespective of growth rate. Hfq has no affinity for the lpp transcript whose degradation, like that of bulk mRNA, is not affected by bacterial growth rate. Compatible with our results, we found that the intracellular concentration of RNase E and its associated degradosome components is independent of bacterial growth rate. Thus our results suggest a regulatory role for Hfq that specifically facilitates the ompA mRNA degradation in a growth rate-dependent manner.


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Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) family plays key roles in development, wound healing, and angiogenesis. Understanding of the molecular nature of interactions of FGFs with their receptors (FGFRs) has been seriously limited by the absence of structural information on FGFR or FGF–FGFR complex. In this study, based on an exhaustive analysis of the primary sequences of the FGF family, we determined that the residues that constitute the primary receptor-binding site of FGF-2 are conserved throughout the FGF family, whereas those of the secondary receptor binding site of FGF-2 are not. We propose that the FGF–FGFR interaction mediated by the ‘conserved’ primary site interactions is likely to be similar if not identical for the entire FGF family, whereas the ‘variable’ secondary sites, on both FGF as well as FGFR mediates specificity of a given FGF to a given FGFR isoform. Furthermore, as the pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin 1 (IL-1) and FGF-2 share the same structural scaffold, we find that the spatial orientation of the primary receptor-binding site of FGF-2 coincides structurally with the IL-1β receptor-binding site when the two molecules are superimposed. The structural similarities between the IL-1 and the FGF system provided a framework to elucidate molecular principles of FGF–FGFR interactions. In the FGF–FGFR model proposed here, the two domains of a single FGFR wrap around a single FGF-2 molecule such that one domain of FGFR binds to the primary receptor-binding site of the FGF molecule, while the second domain of the same FGFR binds to the secondary receptor-binding site of the same FGF molecule. Finally, the proposed model is able to accommodate not only heparin-like glycosaminoglycan (HLGAG) interactions with FGF and FGFR but also FGF dimerization or oligomerization mediated by HLGAG.


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Multiple human skeletal and craniosynostosis disorders, including Crouzon, Pfeiffer, Jackson–Weiss, and Apert syndromes, result from numerous point mutations in the extracellular region of fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 (FGFR2). Many of these mutations create a free cysteine residue that potentially leads to abnormal disulfide bond formation and receptor activation; however, for noncysteine mutations, the mechanism of receptor activation remains unclear. We examined the effect of two of these mutations, W290G and T341P, on receptor dimerization and activation. These mutations resulted in cellular transformation when expressed as FGFR2/Neu chimeric receptors. Additionally, in full-length FGFR2, the mutations induced receptor dimerization and elevated levels of tyrosine kinase activity. Interestingly, transformation by the chimeric receptors, dimerization, and enhanced kinase activity were all abolished if either the W290G or the T341P mutation was expressed in conjunction with mutations that eliminate the disulfide bond in the third immunoglobulin-like domain (Ig-3). These results demonstrate a requirement for the Ig-3 cysteine residues in the activation of FGFR2 by noncysteine mutations. Molecular modeling also reveals that noncysteine mutations may activate FGFR2 by altering the conformation of the Ig-3 domain near the disulfide bond, preventing the formation of an intramolecular bond. This allows the unbonded cysteine residues to participate in intermolecular disulfide bonding, resulting in constitutive activation of the receptor.