247 resultados para Dna binding domains


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The NagC and Mlc proteins are homologous transcriptional regulators that control the expression of several phosphotransferase system (PTS) genes in Escherichia coli. NagC represses nagE, encoding the N-acetylglucosamine-specific transporter, while Mlc represses three PTS operons, ptsG, manXYZ and ptsHIcrr, involved in the uptake of glucose. NagC and Mlc can bind to each others operator, at least in vitro. A binding site selection procedure was used to try to distinguish NagC and Mlc sites. The major difference was that all selected NagC binding sites had a G or a C at positions +11/–11 from the centre of symmetry. This is also the case for most native NagC sites, but not the nagE operator, which thus looks like a potential Mlc target. The nagE operator does exhibit a higher affinity for Mlc than NagC, but no regulation of nagE by physiological concentrations of Mlc was detected in vivo. Regulation of wild-type nagE by NagC is achieved because of the chelation effect due to a second high affinity NagC operator covering the nagB promoter. Replacing the A/T at +11/–11 with C/G allows repression by NagC in the absence of the nagB operator.


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DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) in eukaryotic cells can be repaired by non-homologous end-joining or homologous recombination. The complex containing the Mre11, Rad50 and Nbs1 proteins has been implicated in both DSB repair pathways, even though they are mechanistically different. To get a better understanding of the properties of the human Mre11 (hMre11) protein, we investigated some of its biochemical activities. We found that hMre11 binds both double- and single-stranded (ss)DNA, with a preference for ssDNA. hMre11 does not require DNA ends for efficient binding. Interestingly, hMre11 mediates the annealing of complementary ssDNA molecules. In contrast to the annealing activity of the homologous recombination protein hRad52, the activity of hMre11 is abrogated by the ssDNA binding protein hRPA. We discuss the possible implications of the results for the role(s) of hMre11 in both DSB repair pathways.


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The Homeodomain Resource is an annotated collection of non-redundant protein sequences, three-dimensional structures and genomic information for the homeodomain protein family. Release 3.0 contains 795 full-length homeodomain-containing sequences, 32 experimentally-derived structures and 143 homeo­box loci implicated in human genetic disorders. Entries are fully hyperlinked to facilitate easy retrieval of the original records from source databases. A simple search engine with a graphical user interface is provided to query the component databases and assemble customized data sets. A new feature for this release is the addition of DNA recognition sites for all human homeodomain proteins described in the literature. The Homeodomain Resource is freely available through the World Wide Web at http://genome.nhgri.nih.gov/homeodomain.


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Cyclin D1 is expressed at abnormally high levels in many cancers and has been specifically implicated in the development of breast cancer. In this report we have extensively analyzed the cyclin D1 promoter in a variety of cancer cell lines that overexpress the protein and identified two critical regulatory elements (CREs), a previously identified CRE at –52 and a novel site at –30. In vivo footprinting experiments demonstrated factors binding at both sites. We have used a novel DNA-binding ligand, GL020924, to target the site at –30 (–30–21) of the cyclin D1 promoter in MCF7 breast cancer cells. A binding site for this novel molecule was constructed by mutating 2 bp of the wild-type cyclin D1 promoter at the –30–21 site. Treatment with GL020924 specifically inhibited expression of the targeted cyclin D1 promoter construct in MCF7 cells in a concentration-dependent manner, thus validating the –30–21 site as a target for minor groove-binding ligands. In addition, this result validates our approach to regulating the expression of genes implicated in disease by targeting small DNA-binding ligands to key regulatory elements in the promoters of those genes.


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Using a spectrophotometric assay that measures the hyperchromicity that accompanies the unwinding of a DNA duplex, we have identified an ATP-independent step in the unwinding of a herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) origin of replication, Oris, by a complex of the HSV-1 origin binding protein (UL9 protein) and the HSV-1 single-strand DNA binding protein (ICP8). The sequence unwound is the 18-bp A + T-rich segment that links the two high-affinity UL9 protein binding sites, boxes I and II of Oris. P1 nuclease sensitivity of Oris and single-strand DNA-dependent ATPase measurements of the UL9 protein indicate that, at 37°C, the A + T-rich segment is sufficiently single stranded to permit the binding of ICP8. Binding of the UL9 protein to boxes I and II then results in the formation of the UL9 protein–ICP8 complex, that can, in the absence of ATP, promote unwinding of the A + T-rich segment. On addition of ATP, the helicase activity of the UL9 protein–ICP8 complex can unwind boxes I and II, permitting access of the replication machinery to the Oris sequences.


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The chloroplast gene psbD encodes D2, a chlorophyll-binding protein located in the photosystem II reaction center. Transcription of psbD in higher plants involves at least three promoters, one of which is regulated by blue light. The psbD blue-light-regulated promoter (BLRP) consists of a −10 promoter element and an activating complex, AGF, that binds immediately upstream of −35. A second sequence-specific DNA-binding complex, PGTF, binds upstream of AGF between −71 and −100 in the barley (Hordeum vulgare) psbD BLRP. In this study we report that ADP-dependent phosphorylation selectively inhibits the binding of PGTF to the barley psbD BLRP. ATP at high concentrations (1–5 mm) inhibits PGTF binding, but in the presence of phosphocreatine and phosphocreatine kinase, this capacity is lost, presumably due to scavenging of ADP. ADP inhibits PGTF binding at relatively low concentrations (0.1 mm), whereas other nucleotides are unable to mediate this response. ADP-mediated inhibition of PGTF binding is reduced in the presence of the protein kinase inhibitor K252a. This and other results suggest that ADP-dependent phosphorylation of PGTF (or some associated protein) inhibits binding of PGTF to the psbD BLRP and reduces transcription. ADP-dependent phosphorylation is expected to increase in darkness in parallel with the rise in ADP levels in chloroplasts. ADP-dependent phosphorylation in chloroplasts may, therefore, in coordination, inactivate enzymes involved in carbon assimilation, protein synthesis, and transcription during diurnal light/dark cycles.


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The discovery that several inherited human diseases are caused by mtDNA depletion has led to an increased interest in the replication and maintenance of mtDNA. We have isolated a new mutant in the lopo (low power) gene from Drosophila melanogaster affecting the mitochondrial single-stranded DNA-binding protein (mtSSB), which is one of the key components in mtDNA replication and maintenance. lopo1 mutants die late in the third instar before completion of metamorphosis because of a failure in cell proliferation. Molecular, histochemical, and physiological experiments show a drastic decrease in mtDNA content that is coupled with the loss of respiration in these mutants. However, the number and morphology of mitochondria are not greatly affected. Immunocytochemical analysis shows that mtSSB is expressed in all tissues but is highly enriched in proliferating tissues and in the developing oocyte. lopo1 is the first mtSSB mutant in higher eukaryotes, and its analysis demonstrates the essential function of this gene in development, providing an excellent model to study mitochondrial biogenesis in animals.


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The structures of the ligand-binding domains (LBD) of the wild-type androgen receptor (AR) and the T877A mutant corresponding to that in LNCaP cells, both bound to dihydrotestosterone, have been refined at 2.0 Å resolution. In contrast to the homodimer seen in the retinoid-X receptor and estrogen receptor LBD structures, the AR LBD is monomeric, possibly because of the extended C terminus of AR, which lies in a groove at the dimerization interface. Binding of the natural ligand dihydrotestosterone by the mutant LBD involves interactions with the same residues as in the wild-type receptor, with the exception of the side chain of threonine 877, which is an alanine residue in the mutant. This structural difference in the binding pocket can explain the ability of the mutant AR found in LNCaP cells (T877A) to accommodate progesterone and other ligands that the wild-type receptor cannot.


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The combined structural and biochemical studies on Lac repressor bound to operator DNA have demonstrated the central role of the hinge helices in operator bending and the induction mechanism. We have constructed a covalently linked dimeric Lac-headpiece that binds DNA with four orders of magnitude higher affinity as compared with the monomeric form. This enabled a detailed biochemical and structural study of Lac binding to its cognate wild-type and selected DNA operators. The results indicate a profound contribution of hinge helices to the stability of the protein–DNA complex and highlight their central role in operator recognition. Furthermore, protein–DNA interactions in the minor groove appear to modulate hinge helix stability, thus accounting for affinity differences and protein-induced DNA bending among the various operator sites. Interestingly, the in vitro DNA-binding affinity of the reported dimeric Lac construct can de readily modulated by simple adjustment of redox conditions, thus rendering it a potential artificial gene regulator.


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The tumor suppressor Brca1 plays an important role in protecting mammalian cells against genomic instability, but little is known about its modes of action. In this work we demonstrate that recombinant human Brca1 protein binds strongly to DNA, an activity conferred by a domain in the center of the Brca1 polypeptide. As a result of this binding, Brca1 inhibits the nucleolytic activities of the Mre11/Rad50/Nbs1 complex, an enzyme implicated in numerous aspects of double-strand break repair. Brca1 displays a preference for branched DNA structures and forms protein–DNA complexes cooperatively between multiple DNA strands, but without DNA sequence specificity. This fundamental property of Brca1 may be an important part of its role in DNA repair and transcription.


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A key step in the regulation of networks that control gene expression is the sequence-specific binding of transcription factors to their DNA recognition sites. A more complete understanding of these DNA–protein interactions will permit a more comprehensive and quantitative mapping of the regulatory pathways within cells, as well as a deeper understanding of the potential functions of individual genes regulated by newly identified DNA-binding sites. Here we describe a DNA microarray-based method to characterize sequence-specific DNA recognition by zinc-finger proteins. A phage display library, prepared by randomizing critical amino acid residues in the second of three fingers of the mouse Zif268 domain, provided a rich source of zinc-finger proteins with variant DNA-binding specificities. Microarrays containing all possible 3-bp binding sites for the variable zinc fingers permitted the quantitation of the binding site preferences of the entire library, pools of zinc fingers corresponding to different rounds of selection from this library, as well as individual Zif268 variants that were isolated from the library by using specific DNA sequences. The results demonstrate the feasibility of using DNA microarrays for genome-wide identification of putative transcription factor-binding sites.


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Ethylene-responsive element-binding proteins (EREBPs) of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) bind to the GCC box of many pathogenesis-related (PR) gene promoters, including osmotin (PR-5). The two GCC boxes on the osmotin promoter are known to be required, but not sufficient, for maximal ethylene responsiveness. EREBPs participate in the signal transduction pathway leading from exogenous ethylene application and pathogen infection to PR gene induction. In this study EREBP3 was used as bait in a yeast two-hybrid interaction trap with a tobacco cDNA library as prey to isolate signal transduction pathway intermediates that interact with EREBPs. One of the strongest interactors was found to encode a nitrilase-like protein (NLP). Nitrilase is an enzyme involved in auxin biosynthesis. NLP interacted with other EREBP family members, namely tobacco EREBP2 and tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) Pti4/5/6. The EREBP2-EREBP3 interaction with NLP required part of the DNA-binding domain. The specificity of interaction was further confirmed by protein-binding studies in solution. We propose that the EREBP-NLP interaction serves to regulate PR gene expression by sequestration of EREBPs in the cytoplasm.


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We studied transcription initiation in the mitochondria of higher plants, with particular respect to promoter structures. Conserved elements of these promoters have been successfully identified by in vitro transcription systems in different species, whereas the involved protein components are still unknown. Proteins binding to double-stranded oligonucleotides representing different parts of the pea (Pisum sativum) mitochondrial atp9 were analyzed by denaturation-renaturation chromatography and mobility-shift experiments. Two DNA-protein complexes were detected, which appeared to be sequence specific in competition experiments. Purification by hydroxyapatite, phosphocellulose, and reversed-phase high-pressure liquid chromatography separated two polypeptides with apparent molecular masses of 32 and 44 kD. Both proteins bound to conserved structures of the pea atp9 and the heterologous Oenothera berteriana atp1 promoters and to sequences just upstream. Possible functions of these proteins in mitochondrial promoter recognition are discussed.


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Crystal structures and biochemical analyses of PcrA helicase provide evidence for a model for processive DNA unwinding that involves coupling of single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) tracking to a duplex destabilization activity. The DNA tracking model invokes ATP-dependent flipping of bases between several pockets on the enzyme formed by conserved aromatic amino acid residues. We have used site-directed mutagenesis to confirm the requirement of all of these residues for helicase activity. We also demonstrate that the duplex unwinding defects correlate with an inability of certain mutant proteins to translocate effectively on ssDNA. Moreover, the results define an essential triad of residues within the ssDNA binding site that comprise the ATP-driven DNA motor itself.