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Many blockers of Na+ and K+ channels act by blocking the pore from the intracellular side. For Shaker K+ channels, such intracellular blockers vary in their functional effect on slow (C-type) inactivation: Some blockers interfere with C-type inactivation, whereas others do not. These functional differences can be explained by supposing that there are two overlapping “subsites” for blocker binding, only one of which inhibits C-type inactivation through an allosteric effect. We find that the ability to bind to these subsites depends on specific structural characteristics of the blockers, and correlates with the effect of mutations in two distinct regions of the channel protein. These interactions are important because they affect the ability of blockers to produce use-dependent inhibition.


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Muscarinic acetylcholine receptors are members of the G protein-coupled receptor superfamily expressed in neurons, cardiomyocytes, smooth muscle, and a variety of epithelia. Five subtypes of muscarinic acetylcholine receptors have been discovered by molecular cloning, but their pharmacological similarities and frequent colocalization make it difficult to assign functional roles for individual subtypes in specific neuronal responses. We have used gene targeting by homologous recombination in embryonic stem cells to produce mice lacking the m1 receptor. These mice show no obvious behavioral or histological defects, and the m2, m3, and m4 receptors continue to be expressed in brain with no evidence of compensatory induction. However, the robust suppression of the M-current potassium channel activity evoked by muscarinic agonists in sympathetic ganglion neurons is completely lost in m1 mutant mice. In addition, both homozygous and heterozygous mutant mice are highly resistant to the seizures produced by systemic administration of the muscarinic agonist pilocarpine. Thus, the m1 receptor subtype mediates M current modulation in sympathetic neurons and induction of seizure activity in the pilocarpine model of epilepsy.


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The role of channel inactivation in the molecular mechanism of calcium (Ca2+) channel block by phenylalkylamines (PAA) was analyzed by designing mutant Ca2+ channels that carry the high affinity determinants of the PAA receptor site [Hockerman, G. H., Johnson, B. D., Scheuer, T., and Catterall, W. A. (1995) J. Biol. Chem. 270, 22119–22122] but inactivate at different rates. Use-dependent block by PAAs was studied after expressing the mutant Ca2+ channels in Xenopus oocytes. Substitution of single putative pore-orientated amino acids in segment IIIS6 by alanine (F-1499-A, F-1500-A, F-1510-A, I-1514-A, and F-1515-A) gradually slowed channel inactivation and simultaneously reduced inhibition of barium currents (IBa) by (−)D600 upon depolarization by 100 ms steps at 0.1 Hz. This apparent reduction in drug sensitivity was only evident if test pulses were applied at a low frequency of 0.1 Hz and almost disappeared at the frequency of 1 Hz. (−)D600 slowed IBa recovery after maintained membrane depolarization (1–3 sec) to a comparable extent in all channel constructs. A drug-induced delay in the onset of IBa recovery from inactivation suggests that PAAs promote the transition to a deep inactivated channel conformation. These findings indicate that apparent PAA sensitivity of Ca2+ channels is not only defined by drug interaction with its receptor site but also crucially dependent on intrinsic gating properties of the channel molecule. A molecular model for PAA-Ca2+ channel interaction that accounts for the relationship between drug induced inactivation and channel block by PAA is proposed.


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Tetraethylammonium (TEA+) is widely used for reversible blockade of K channels in many preparations. We noticed that intracellular perfusion of voltage-clamped squid giant axons with a solution containing K+ and TEA+ irreversibly decreased the potassium current when there was no K+ outside. Five minutes of perfusion with 20 mM TEA+, followed by removal of TEA+, reduced potassium current to <5% of its initial value. The irreversible disappearance of K channels with TEA+ could be prevented by addition of ≥ 10 mM K+ to the extracellular solution. The rate of disappearance of K channels followed first-order kinetics and was slowed by reducing the concentration of TEA+. Killing is much less evident when an axon is held at −110 mV to tightly close all of the channels. The longer-chain TEA+ derivative decyltriethylammonium (C10+) had irreversible effects similar to TEA+. External K+ also protected K channels against the irreversible action of C10+. It has been reported that removal of all K+ internally and externally (dekalification) can result in the disappearance of K channels, suggesting that binding of K+ within the pore is required to maintain function. Our evidence further suggests that the crucial location for K+ binding is external to the (internal) TEA+ site and that TEA+ prevents refilling of this location by intracellular K+. Thus in the absence of extracellular K+, application of TEA+ (or C10+) has effects resembling dekalification and kills the K channels.


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N-type Ca2+ channels mediate Ca2+ influx, which initiates fast exocytosis of neurotransmitters at synapses, and they interact directly with the SNARE proteins syntaxin and SNAP-25 (synaptosome-associated protein of 25 kDa) through a synaptic protein interaction (synprint) site in the intracellular loop connecting domains II and III of their α1B subunits. Introduction of peptides containing the synprint site into presynaptic neurons reversibly inhibits synaptic transmission, confirming the importance of interactions with this site in synaptic transmission. Here we report a direct interaction of the synprint peptide from N-type Ca2+ channels with synaptotagmin I, an important Ca2+ sensor for exocytosis, as measured by an affinity-chromatography binding assay and a solid-phase immunoassay. This interaction is mediated by the second C2 domain (C2B) of synaptotagmin I, but is not regulated by Ca2+. Using both immobilized recombinant proteins and native presynaptic membrane proteins, we found that the synprint peptide and synaptotagmin competitively interact with syntaxin. This interaction is Ca2+-dependent because of the Ca2+ dependence of the interactions between syntaxin and these two proteins. These results provide a molecular basis for a physical link between Ca2+ channels and synaptotagmin, and suggest that N-type Ca2+ channels may undergo a complex series of Ca2+-dependent interactions with multiple presynaptic proteins during neurotransmission.


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Structural models of inward rectifier K+ channels incorporate four identical or homologous subunits, each of which has two hydrophobic segments (M1 and M2) which are predicted to span the membrane as α helices. Since hydrophobic interactions between proteins and membrane lipids are thought to be generally of a nonspecific nature, we attempted to identify lipid-contacting residues in Kir2.1 as those which tolerate mutation to tryptophan, which has a large hydrophobic side chain. Tolerated mutations were defined as those which produced measurable inwardly rectifying currents in Xenopus oocytes. To distinguish between water-accessible positions and positions adjacent to membrane lipids or within the protein interior we also mutated residues in M1 and M2 individually to aspartate, since an amino acid with a charged side chain should not be tolerated at lipid-facing or interior positions, due to the energy cost of burying a charge in a hydrophobic environment. Surprisingly, 17 out of 20 and 17 out of 22 non-tryptophan residues in M1 and M2, respectively, tolerated being mutated to tryptophan. Moreover, aspartate was tolerated at 15 out of 22 and 15 out of 21 non-aspartate M1 and M2 positions respectively. Periodicity in the pattern of tolerated vs. nontolerated mutations consistent with α helices or β strands did not emerge convincingly from these data. We consider the possibility that parts of M1 and M2 may be in contact with water.


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GEF1 is a gene in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which encodes a putative voltage-regulated chloride channel. gef1 mutants have a defect in the high-affinity iron transport system, which relies on the cell surface multicopper oxidase Fet3p. The defect is due to an inability to transfer Cu+ to apoFet3p within the secretory apparatus. We demonstrate that the insertion of Cu into apoFet3p is dependent on the presence of Cl−. Cu-loading of apoFet3p is favored at acidic pH, but in the absence of Cl− there is very little Cu-loading at any pH. Cl− has a positive allosteric effect on Cu-loading of apoFet3p. Kinetic studies suggest that Cl− may also bind to Fet3p and that Cu+ has an allosteric effect on the binding of Cl− to the enzyme. Thus, Cl− may be required for the metal loading of proteins within the secretory apparatus. These results may have implications in mammalian physiology, as mutations in human intracellular chloride channels result in disease.


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ATP-sensitive potassium (“KATP”) channels are rapidly inhibited by intracellular ATP. This inhibition plays a crucial role in the coupling of electrical activity to energy metabolism in a variety of cells. The KATP channel is formed from four each of a sulfonylurea receptor (SUR) regulatory subunit and an inwardly rectifying potassium (Kir6.2) pore-forming subunit. We used systematic chimeric and point mutagenesis, combined with patch-clamp recording, to investigate the molecular basis of ATP-dependent inhibition gating of mouse pancreatic β cell KATP channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes. We identified distinct functional domains of the presumed cytoplasmic C-terminal segment of the Kir6.2 subunit that play an important role in this inhibition. Our results suggest that one domain is associated with inhibitory ATP binding and another with gate closure.


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The neurotrophins nerve growth factor (NGF) and neurotrophin-3 (NT3) support the survival of subpopulations of primary sensory neurons with defined and distinct physiological characteristics. Only a few genes have been identified as being differentially expressed in these subpopulations, and not much is known about the nature of the molecules involved in the processing of sensory information in NGF-dependent nociceptive neurons or NT3-dependent proprioceptive neurons. We devised a simple dorsal root ganglion (DRG) explant culture system, allowing the selection of neuronal populations preferentially responsive to NGF or NT3. The reliability of this assay was first monitored by the differential expression of the NGF and NT3 receptors trkA and trkC, as well as that of neuropeptides and calcium-binding proteins. We then identified four differentially expressed sodium channels, two enriched in the NGF population and two others in the NT3 population. Finally, using an optimized RNA fingerprinting protocol, we identified 20 additional genes, all differentially expressed in DRG explants cultured with NGF or NT3. This approach thus allows the identification of large number of genes expressed in subpopulations of primary sensory neurons and opens the possibility of studying the molecular mechanisms of nociception and proprioception.


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The L-type voltage-gated Ca2+ channels that control tonic release of neurotransmitter from hair cells exhibit unusual electrophysiological properties: a low activation threshold, rapid activation and deactivation, and a lack of Ca2+-dependent inactivation. We have inquired whether these characteristics result from cell-specific splicing of the mRNA for the L-type α1D subunit that predominates in hair cells of the chicken’s cochlea. The α1D subunit in hair cells contains three uncommon exons: one encoding a 26-aa insert in the cytoplasmic loop between repeats I and II, an alternative exon for transmembrane segment IIIS2, and a heretofore undescribed exon specifying a 10-aa insert in the cytoplasmic loop between segments IVS2 and IVS3. We propose that the alternative splicing of the α1D mRNA contributes to the unusual behavior of the hair cell’s voltage-gated Ca2+ channels.


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The depletion of inositol trisphosphate-sensitive intracellular pools of calcium causes activation of store-operated calcium (SOC) channels. Loperamide at 10–30 μM has no effect on intracellular calcium levels alone, but augments calcium levels in cultured cells when SOC channels have been activated. In HL-60 leukemic cells, the apparent positive modulatory effect of loperamide on SOC channels occurs when these channels have been activated after ATP, thapsigargin, or ionomycin-elicited depletion of calcium from intracellular storage sites. Loperamide has no effect when levels of intracellular calcium are elevated through a mechanism not involving SOC channels by using sphingosine. Loperamide caused augmentation of intracellular calcium levels after activation of SOC channels in NIH 3T3 fibroblasts, astrocytoma 1321N cells, smooth muscle DDT-MF2 cells, RBL-2H3 mast cells, and pituitary GH4C1 cells. Only in astrocytoma cells did loperamide cause an elevation in intracellular calcium in the absence of activation of SOC channels. The augmentation of intracellular calcium elicited by loperamide in cultured cells was dependent on extracellular calcium and was somewhat resistant to agents (SKF 96365, miconazole, clotrimazole, nitrendipine, and trifluoperazine) that in the absence of loperamide effectively blocked SOC channels. It appears that loperamide augments influx of calcium through activated SOC channels.


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Inwardly rectifying potassium (K+) channels gated by G proteins (Kir3.x family) are widely distributed in neuronal, atrial, and endocrine tissues and play key roles in generating late inhibitory postsynaptic potentials, slowing the heart rate and modulating hormone release. They are directly activated by Gβγ subunits released from G protein heterotrimers of the Gi/o family upon appropriate receptor stimulation. Here we examine the role of isoforms of pertussis toxin (PTx)-sensitive G protein α subunits (Giα1–3 and GoαA) in mediating coupling between various receptor systems (A1, α2A, D2S, M4, GABAB1a+2, and GABAB1b+2) and the cloned counterpart of the neuronal channel (Kir3.1+3.2A). The expression of mutant PTx-resistant Gi/oα subunits in PTx-treated HEK293 cells stably expressing Kir3.1+3.2A allows us to selectively investigate that coupling. We find that, for those receptors (A1, α2A) known to interact with all isoforms, Giα1–3 and GoαA can all support a significant degree of coupling to Kir3.1+3.2A. The M4 receptor appears to preferentially couple to Giα2 while another group of receptors (D2S, GABAB1a+2, GABAB1b+2) activates the channel predominantly through Gβγ liberated from GoA heterotrimers. Interestingly, we have also found a distinct difference in G protein coupling between the two splice variants of GABAB1. Our data reveal selective pathways of receptor activation through different Gi/oα isoforms for stimulation of the G protein-gated inwardly rectifying K+ channel.


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The homozygous weaver mouse displays neuronal degeneration in several brain regions. Previous experiments in heterologous expression systems showed that the G protein-gated inward rectifier K+ channel (GIRK2) bearing the weaver pore-region GYG-to-SYG mutation (i) is not activated by Gβγ subunits, but instead shows constitutive activation, and (ii) is no longer a K+-selective channel but conducts Na+ as well. The present experiments on weaverGIRK2 (wvGIRK2) expressed in Xenopus oocytes show that the level of constitutive activation depends on intracellular Na+ concentration. In particular, manipulations that decrease intracellular Na+ produce a component of Na+-permeable current activated via a G protein pathway. Therefore, constitutive activation may not arise because the weaver mutation directly alters the gating transitions of the channel protein. Instead, there may be a regenerative cycle of Na+ influx through the wvGIRK2 channel, leading to additional Na+ activation. We also show that the wvGIRK2 channel is permeable to Ca2+, providing an additional mechanism for the degeneration that characterizes the weaver phenotype. We further demonstrate that the GIRK4 channel bearing the analogous weaver mutation has properties similar to those of the wvGIRK2 channel, providing a glimpse of the selective pressures that have maintained the GYG sequence in nearly all known K+ channels.


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Synaptically released Zn2+ can enter and cause injury to postsynaptic neurons. Microfluorimetric studies using the Zn2+-sensitive probe, Newport green, examined levels of [Zn2+]i attained in cultured cortical neurons on exposure to N-methyl-d-asparte, kainate, or high K+ (to activate voltage-sensitive Ca2+ channels) in the presence of 300 μM Zn2+. Indicating particularly high permeability through Ca2+-permeable α-amino3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic-acid/kainate (Ca-A/K) channels, micromolar [Zn2+]i rises were observed only after kainate exposures and only in neurons expressing these channels [Ca-A/K(+) neurons]. Further studies using the oxidation-sensitive dye, hydroethidine, revealed Zn2+-dependent reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation that paralleled the [Zn2+]i rises, with rapid oxidation observed only in the case of Zn2+ entry through Ca-A/K channels. Indicating a mitochondrial source of this ROS generation, hydroethidine oxidation was inhibited by the mitochondrial electron transport blocker, rotenone. Additional evidence for a direct interaction between Zn2+ and mitochondria was provided by the observation that the Zn2+ entry through Ca-A/K channels triggered rapid mitochondrial depolarization, as assessed by using the potential-sensitive dye tetramethylrhodamine ethylester. Whereas Ca2+ influx through Ca-A/K channels also triggers ROS production, the [Zn2+]i rises and subsequent ROS production are of more prolonged duration.


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The nervous system maintains a delicate balance between excitation and inhibition, partly through the complex interplay between voltage-gated sodium and potassium ion channels. Because K+ channel blockade or gene deletion causes hyperexcitability, it is generally assumed that increases in K+ channel gene expression should reduce neuronal network excitability. We have tested this hypothesis by creating a transgenic mouse that expresses a Shaker-type K+ channel gene. Paradoxically, we find that addition of the extra K+ channel gene results in a hyperexcitable rather than a hypoexcitable phenotype. The presence of the transgene leads to a complex deregulation of endogenous Shaker genes in the adult central nervous system as well as an increase in network excitability that includes spontaneous cortical spike and wave discharges and a lower threshold for epileptiform bursting in isolated hippocampal slices. These data suggest that an increase in K+ channel gene dosage leads to dysregulation of normal K+ channel gene expression, and it may underlie a mechanism contributing to the pathogenesis of human aneuploidies such as Down syndrome.