65 resultados para Cysteine


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Caveolae form the terminus for a major pathway of intracellular free cholesterol (FC) transport. Caveolin mRNA levels in confluent human skin fibroblasts were up-regulated following increased uptake of low density lipoprotein (LDL) FC. The increase induced by FC was not associated with detectable change in mRNA stability, indicating that caveolin mRNA levels were mediated at the level of gene transcription. A total of 924 bp of 5′ flanking region of the caveolin gene were cloned and sequenced. The promoter sequence included three G+C-rich potential sterol regulatory elements (SREs), a CAAT sequence and a Sp1 consensus sequence. Deletional mutagenesis of individual SRE-like sequences indicated that of these two (at −646 and −395 bp) were essential for the increased transcription rates mediated by LDL-FC, whereas the third was inconsequential. Gel shift analysis of protein binding from nuclear extracts to these caveolin promoter DNA sequences, together with DNase I footprinting, confirmed nucleoprotein binding to the SRE-like elements as part of the transcriptional response to LDL-FC. A supershift obtained with antibody to SRE-binding protein 1 (SPEBP-1) indicated that this protein binds at −395 bp. There was no reaction at −395 bp with anti-Sp1 antibody nor with either antibody at −646 bp. The cysteine protease inhibitor N-acetyl-leu-leu-norleucinal (ALLN), which inhibits SREBP catabolism, superinhibited caveolin mRNA levels regardless of LDL-FC. This finding suggests that SREBP inhibits caveolin gene transcription in contrast to its stimulating effect on other promoters. The findings of this study are consistent with the postulated role for caveolin as a regulator of cellular FC homeostasis in quiescent peripheral cells, and the coordinate regulation by SREBP of FC influx and efflux.


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Protein prenyltransferases catalyze the covalent attachment of isoprenoid lipids (farnesyl or geranylgeranyl) to a cysteine near the C terminus of their substrates. This study explored the specificity determinants for interactions between the farnesyltransferase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and its protein substrates. A series of substitutions at amino acid 149 of the farnesyltransferase β-subunit were tested in combination with a series of substitutions at the C-terminal amino acid of CaaX protein substrates Ras2p and a-factor. Efficient prenylation was observed when oppositely charged amino acids were present at amino acid 149 of the yeast farnesyltransferase β-subunit and the C-terminal amino acid of the CaaX protein substrate, but not when like charges were present at these positions. This evidence for electrostatic interaction between amino acid 149 and the C-terminal amino acid of CaaX protein substrates leads to the prediction that the C-terminal amino acid of the protein substrate binds near amino acid 149 of the yeast farnesyltransferase β-subunit.


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Angiostatin, a potent naturally occurring inhibitor of angiogenesis and growth of tumor metastases, is generated by cancer-mediated proteolysis of plasminogen. Human prostate carcinoma cells (PC-3) release enzymatic activity that converts plasminogen to angiostatin. We have now identified two components released by PC-3 cells, urokinase (uPA) and free sulfhydryl donors (FSDs), that are sufficient for angiostatin generation. Furthermore, in a defined cell-free system, plasminogen activators [uPA, tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA), or streptokinase], in combination with one of a series of FSDs (N-acetyl-l-cysteine, d-penicillamine, captopril, l-cysteine, or reduced glutathione] generate angiostatin from plasminogen. An essential role of plasmin catalytic activity for angiostatin generation was identified by using recombinant mutant plasminogens as substrates. The wild-type recombinant plasminogen was converted to angiostatin in the setting of uPA/FSD; however, a plasminogen activation site mutant and a catalytically inactive mutant failed to generate angiostatin. Cell-free derived angiostatin inhibited angiogenesis in vitro and in vivo and suppressed the growth of Lewis lung carcinoma metastases. These findings define a direct mechanism for cancer-cell-mediated angiostatin generation and permit large-scale production of bioactive angiostatin for investigation and potential therapeutic application.


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Macrophages play a key role in both normal and pathological processes involving immune and inflammatory responses, to a large extent through their capacity to secrete a wide range of biologically active molecules. To identify some of these as yet not characterized molecules, we have used a subtraction cloning approach designed to identify genes expressed in association with macrophage activation. One of these genes, designated macrophage inhibitory cytokine 1 (MIC-1), encodes a protein that bears the structural characteristics of a transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) superfamily cytokine. Although it belongs to this superfamily, it has no strong homology to existing families, indicating that it is a divergent member that may represent the first of a new family within this grouping. Expression of MIC-1 mRNA in monocytoid cells is up-regulated by a variety of stimuli associated with activation, including interleukin 1β, tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α), interleukin 2, and macrophage colony-stimulating factor but not interferon γ, or lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Its expression is also increased by TGF-β. Expression of MIC-1 in CHO cells results in the proteolytic cleavage of the propeptide and secretion of a cysteine-rich dimeric protein of Mr 25 kDa. Purified recombinant MIC-1 is able to inhibit lipopolysaccharide -induced macrophage TNF-α production, suggesting that MIC-1 acts in macrophages as an autocrine regulatory molecule. Its production in response to secreted proinflammatory cytokines and TGF-β may serve to limit the later phases of macrophage activation.


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The small subunit of calpain, a calcium-dependent cysteine protease, was found to interact with the cytoplasmic domain of the common cytokine receptor γ chain (γc) in a yeast two-hybrid interaction trap assay. This interaction was functional as demonstrated by the ability of calpain to cleave in vitro-translated wild-type γc, but not γc containing a mutation in the PEST (proline, glutamate, serine, and threonine) sequence in its cytoplasmic domain, as well as by the ability of endogenous calpain to mediate cleavage of γc in a calcium-dependent fashion. In T cell receptor-stimulated murine thymocytes, calpain inhibitors decreased cleavage of γc. Moreover, in single positive CD4+ thymocytes, not only did a calpain inhibitor augment CD3-induced proliferation, but antibodies to γc blocked this effect. Finally, treatment of cells with ionomycin could inhibit interleukin 2-induced STAT protein activation, but this inhibition could be reversed by calpain inhibitors. Together, these data suggest that calpain-mediated cleavage of γc represents a mechanism by which γc-dependent signaling can be controlled.


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Staphylococcal α-toxin is a 293-residue, single-chain polypeptide that spontaneously assembles into a heptameric pore in target cell membranes. To identify the pore-forming domain, substitution mutants have been produced in which single cysteine residues were introduced throughout the toxin molecule. By attaching the environmentally sensitive dye acrylodan to the sulfhydryl groups, the environment of individual amino acid side chains could be probed. In liposomes, a single 23-amino acid sequence (residues 118–140) was found to move from a polar to a nonpolar environment, indicating that this sequence forms the walls of the pore. However, periodicity in side chain environmental polarity could not be detected in the liposomal system. In the present study, the fluorimetric analyses were extended to physiological target cells. With susceptible cells such as rabbit erythrocytes and human lymphocytes, the 23 central amino acids 118–140 were again found to insert into the membrane; in contrast to the previous study with liposomes, the expected periodicity was now detected. Thus, every other residue in the sequence 126–140 entered a nonpolar environment in a striking display of an amphipathic transmembrane β-barrel. In contrast, human granulocytes were found to bind α-toxin to a similar extent as lymphocytes, but the heptamers forming on these cells failed to insert their pore-forming domain into the membrane. As a consequence, nonfunctional heptamers assembled and the cells remained viable. The data resolve the molecular organization of a pore-forming toxin domain in living cells and reveal that resistant cells can prevent insertion of the functional domain into the bilayer.


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Genetic studies in chickens and receptor interference experiments have indicated that avian leukosis virus (ALV)-E may utilize a cellular receptor related to the receptor for ALV-B and ALV-D. Recently, we cloned CAR1, a tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR)-related protein, that serves as a cellular receptor for ALV-B and ALV-D. To determine whether the cellular receptor for ALV-E is a CAR1-like protein, a cDNA library was made from turkey embryo fibroblasts (TEFs), which are susceptible to ALV-E infection, but not to infection by ALV-B and ALV-D. The cDNA library was screened with a radioactively labeled CAR1 cDNA probe, and clones that hybridized with the probe were isolated. A 2.3-kb cDNA clone was identified that conferred susceptibility to ALV-E infection, but not to ALV-B infection, when expressed in transfected human 293 cells. The functional cDNA clone is predicted to encode a 368 amino acid protein with significant amino acid similarity to CAR1. Like CAR1, the TEF protein is predicted to have two extracellular TNFR-like cysteine-rich domains and a putative death domain similar to those of TNFR I and Fas. Flow cytometric analysis and immunoprecipitation experiments demonstrated specific binding between the TEF CAR1-related protein and an immunoadhesin composed of the surface (SU) envelope protein of subgroup E (RAV-0) virus fused to the constant region of a rabbit immunoglobulin. These two activities of the TEF CAR1-related protein, specific binding to ALV-E SU and permitting entry only of ALV-E, have unambiguously identified this protein as a cellular receptor specific for subgroup E ALV.


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α-Melanocyte stimulating hormone (α-MSH) analogs, cyclized through site-specific rhenium (Re) and technetium (Tc) metal coordination, were structurally characterized and analyzed for their abilities to bind α-MSH receptors present on melanoma cells and in tumor-bearing mice. Results from receptor-binding assays conducted with B16 F1 murine melanoma cells indicated that receptor-binding affinity was reduced to approximately 1% of its original levels after Re incorporation into the cyclic Cys4,10, d-Phe7–α-MSH4-13 analog. Structural analysis of the Re–peptide complex showed that the disulfide bond of the original peptide was replaced by thiolate–metal–thiolate cyclization. A comparison of the metal-bound and metal-free structures indicated that metal complexation dramatically altered the structure of the receptor-binding core sequence. Redesign of the metal binding site resulted in a second-generation Re–peptide complex (ReCCMSH) that displayed a receptor-binding affinity of 2.9 nM, 25-fold higher than the initial Re–α-MSH analog. Characterization of the second-generation Re–peptide complex indicated that the peptide was still cyclized through Re coordination, but the structure of the receptor-binding sequence was no longer constrained. The corresponding 99mTc- and 188ReCCMSH complexes were synthesized and shown to be stable in phosphate-buffered saline and to challenges from diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) and free cysteine. In vivo, the 99mTcCCMSH complex exhibited significant tumor uptake and retention and was effective in imaging melanoma in a murine-tumor model system. Cyclization of α-MSH analogs via 99mTc and 188Re yields chemically stable and biologically active molecules with potential melanoma-imaging and therapeutic properties.


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Understanding the mechanism for sucrose-induced protein stabilization is important in many diverse fields, ranging from biochemistry and environmental physiology to pharmaceutical science. Timasheff and Lee [Lee, J. C. & Timasheff, S. N. (1981) J. Biol. Chem. 256, 7193–7201] have established that thermodynamic stabilization of proteins by sucrose is due to preferential exclusion of the sugar from the protein’s surface, which increases protein chemical potential. The current study measures the preferential exclusion of 1 M sucrose from a protein drug, recombinant interleukin 1 receptor antagonist (rhIL-1ra). It is proposed that the degree of preferential exclusion and increase in chemical potential are directly proportional to the protein surface area and that, hence, the system will favor the protein state with the smallest surface area. This mechanism explains the observed sucrose-induced restriction of rhIL-1ra conformational fluctuations, which were studied by hydrogen–deuterium exchange and cysteine reactivity measurements. Furthermore, infrared spectroscopy of rhlL-1ra suggested that a more ordered native conformation is induced by sucrose. Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy demonstrated that in the presence of sucrose, spin-labeled cysteine 116 becomes more buried in the protein’s interior and that the hydrodynamic diameter of the protein is reduced. The preferential exclusion of sucrose from the protein and the resulting shift in the equilibrium between protein states toward the most compact conformation account for sucrose-induced effects on rhIL-1ra.


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The retinoids are reported to reduce incidence of second primary aerodigestive cancers. Mechanisms for this chemoprevention are previously linked to all-trans retinoic acid (RA) signaling growth inhibition at G1 in carcinogen-exposed immortalized human bronchial epithelial cells. This study investigated how RA suppresses human bronchial epithelial cell growth at the G1-S cell cycle transition. RA signaled growth suppression of human bronchial epithelial cells and a decline in cyclin D1 protein but not mRNA expression. Exogenous cyclin D1 protein also declined after RA treatment of transfected, immortalized human bronchial epithelial cells, suggesting that posttranslational mechanisms were active in this regulation of cyclin D1 expression. Findings were extended by showing treatment with ubiquitin-dependent proteasome inhibitors: calpain inhibitor I and lactacystin each prevented this decreased cyclin D1 protein expression, despite RA treatment. Treatment with the cysteine proteinase inhibitor, E-64, did not prevent this cyclin D1 decline. High molecular weight cyclin D1 protein species appeared after proteasome inhibitor treatments, suggesting that ubiquitinated species were present. To learn whether RA directly promoted degradation of cyclin D1 protein, studies using human bronchial epithelial cell protein extracts and in vitro-translated cyclin D1 were performed. In vitro-translated cyclin D1 degraded more rapidly when incubated with extracts from RA treated vs. untreated cells. Notably, this RA-signaled cyclin D1 proteolysis depended on the C-terminal PEST sequence, a region rich in proline (P), glutamate (E), serine (S), and threonine (T). Taken together, these data highlight RA-induced cyclin D1 proteolysis as a mechanism signaling growth inhibition at G1 active in the prevention of human bronchial epithelial cell transformation.


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Diets high in fat are associated with an increased risk of prostate cancer, although the molecular mechanism is still unknown. We have previously reported that arachidonic acid, an omega-6 fatty acid common in the Western diet, stimulates proliferation of prostate cancer cells through production of the 5-lipoxygenase metabolite, 5-HETE (5-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid). We now show that 5-HETE is also a potent survival factor for human prostate cancer cells. These cells constitutively produce 5-HETE in serum-free medium with no added stimulus. Exogenous arachidonate markedly increases the production of 5-HETE. Inhibition of 5-lipoxygenase by MK886 completely blocks 5-HETE production and induces massive apoptosis in both hormone-responsive (LNCaP) and -nonresponsive (PC3) human prostate cancer cells. This cell death is very rapid: cells treated with MK886 showed mitochondrial permeability transition between 30 and 60 min, externalization of phosphatidylserine within 2 hr, and degradation of DNA to nucleosomal subunits beginning within 2–4 hr posttreatment. Cell death was effectively blocked by the thiol antioxidant, N-acetyl-l-cysteine, but not by androgen, a powerful survival factor for prostate cancer cells. Apoptosis was specific for 5-lipoxygenase—programmed cell death was not observed with inhibitors of 12-lipoxygenase, cyclooxygenase, or cytochrome P450 pathways of arachidonic acid metabolism. Exogenous 5-HETE protects these cells from apoptosis induced by 5-lipoxygenase inhibitors, confirming a critical role of 5-lipoxygenase activity in the survival of these cells. These findings provide a possible molecular mechanism by which dietary fat may influence the progression of prostate cancer.


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The application of immunoprotein-based targeting strategies to the boron neutron-capture therapy of cancer poses an exceptional challenge, because viable boron neutron-capture therapy by this method will require the efficient delivery of 103 boron-10 atoms by each antigen-binding protein. Our recent investigations in this area have been focused on the development of efficient methods for the assembly of homogeneous immunoprotein conjugates containing the requisite boron load. In this regard, engineered immunoproteins fitted with unique, exposed cysteine residues provide attractive vehicles for site-specific modification. Additionally, homogeneous oligomeric boron-rich phosphodiesters (oligophosphates) have been identified as promising conjugation reagents. The coupling of two such boron-rich oligophosphates to sulfhydryls introduced to the CH2 domain of a chimeric IgG3 has been demonstrated. The resulting boron-rich immunoconjugates are formed efficiently, are readily purified, and have promising in vitro and in vivo characteristics. Encouragingly, these studies showed subtle differences in the properties of the conjugates derived from the two oligophosphate molecules studied, providing a basis for the application of rational design to future work. Such subtle details would not have been as readily discernible in heterogeneous conjugates, thus validating the rigorous experimental design employed here.


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CLC chloride channels form a large and conserved gene family unrelated to other channel proteins. Knowledge of the transmembrane topology of these channels is important for understanding the effects of mutations found in human myotonia and inherited hypercalciuric kidney stone diseases and for the interpretation of structure–function studies. We now systematically study the topology of human ClC-1, a prototype CLC channel that is defective in human myotonia. Using a combination of in vitro glycosylation scanning and protease protection assays, we show that both N and C termini face the cytoplasm and demonstrate the presence of 10 (or less likely 12) transmembrane spans. Difficult regions were additionally tested by inserting cysteines and probing the effect of cysteine-modifying reagents on ClC-1 currents. The results show that D3 crosses the membrane and D4 does not, and that L549 between D11 and D12 is accessible from the outside. Further, since the modification of cysteines introduced between D11 and D12 and at the extracellular end of D3 strongly affect ClC-1 currents, these regions are suggested to be important for ion permeation.


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The delivery of copper to specific sites within the cell is mediated by distinct intracellular carrier proteins termed copper chaperones. Previous studies in Saccharomyces cerevisiae suggested that the human copper chaperone HAH1 may play a role in copper trafficking to the secretory pathway of the cell. In this current study, HAH1 was detected in lysates from multiple human cell lines and tissues as a single-chain protein distributed throughout the cytoplasm and nucleus. Studies with a glutathione S-transferase-HAH1 fusion protein demonstrated direct protein–protein interaction between HAH1 and the Wilson disease protein, which required the cysteine copper ligands in the amino terminus of HAH1. Consistent with these in vitro observations, coimmunoprecipitation experiments revealed that HAH1 interacts with both the Wilson and Menkes proteins in vivo and that this interaction depends on available copper. When these studies were repeated utilizing three disease-associated mutations in the amino terminus of the Wilson protein, a marked diminution in HAH1 interaction was observed, suggesting that impaired copper delivery by HAH1 constitutes the molecular basis of Wilson disease in patients harboring these mutations. Taken together, these data provide a mechanism for the function of HAH1 as a copper chaperone in mammalian cells and demonstrate that this protein is essential for copper homeostasis.


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We established stable COS-7 cell lines overexpressing recombinant PTPMEG and an inactive mutant form in which the active site cysteine is mutated to serine (PTPMEGCS). We found that both endogenous and recombinant enzyme were primarily located in the membrane and cytoskeletal fractions of COS-7 cells. Endogenous PTPMEG accounts for only 1/3000th of the total tyrosine phosphatase activity in COS-7 cells and transfected cells expressed 2- to 7-fold higher levels of the enzyme. These levels of overexpression did not result in detectable changes in either total tyrosine phosphatase activity or the state of protein tyrosine phosphorylation as determined by immunoblotting of cell homogenates with anti-phosphotyrosine antibodies. Despite the low levels of activity for PTPMEG, we found that overexpressing cells grew slower and reached confluence at a lower density than vector transfected cells. Surprisingly, PTPMEGCS-transfected cells also reach confluence at a lower density than vector-transfected cells, although they grow to higher density than PTPMEG-transfected cells. Both constructs inhibited the ability of COS-7 cells to form colonies in soft agar, with the native PTPMEG having a greater effect (30-fold) than PTPMEGCS (10-fold). These results indicate that in COS-7 cells both PTPMEG and PTPMEGCS inhibit cell proliferation, reduce the saturation density, and block the ability of these cells to grow without adhering to a solid matrix.