70 resultados para Base excision repair


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Replication protein A (RPA), the nuclear single-stranded DNA binding protein is involved in DNA replication, nucleotide excision repair (NER) and homologous recombination. It is a stable heterotrimer consisting of subunits with molecular masses of 70, 32 and 14 kDa (p70, p32 and p14, respectively). Gapped DNA structures are common intermediates during DNA replication and NER. To analyze the interaction of RPA and its subunits with gapped DNA we designed structures containing 9 and 30 nucleotide gaps with a photoreactive arylazido group at the 3′-end of the upstream oligonucleotide or at the 5′-end of the downstream oligonucleotide. UV crosslinking and subsequent analysis showed that the p70 subunit mainly interacts with the 5′-end of DNA irrespective of DNA structure, while the subunit orientation towards the 3′-end of DNA in the gap structures strongly depends on the gap size. The results are compared with the data obtained previously with the primer–template systems containing 5′- or 3′-protruding DNA strands. Our results suggest a model of polar RPA binding to the gapped DNA.


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Microarrays can measure the expression of thousands of genes to identify changes in expression between different biological states. Methods are needed to determine the significance of these changes while accounting for the enormous number of genes. We describe a method, Significance Analysis of Microarrays (SAM), that assigns a score to each gene on the basis of change in gene expression relative to the standard deviation of repeated measurements. For genes with scores greater than an adjustable threshold, SAM uses permutations of the repeated measurements to estimate the percentage of genes identified by chance, the false discovery rate (FDR). When the transcriptional response of human cells to ionizing radiation was measured by microarrays, SAM identified 34 genes that changed at least 1.5-fold with an estimated FDR of 12%, compared with FDRs of 60 and 84% by using conventional methods of analysis. Of the 34 genes, 19 were involved in cell cycle regulation and 3 in apoptosis. Surprisingly, four nucleotide excision repair genes were induced, suggesting that this repair pathway for UV-damaged DNA might play a previously unrecognized role in repairing DNA damaged by ionizing radiation.


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Exposure to DNA-damaging agents triggers signal transduction pathways that are thought to play a role in maintenance of genomic stability. A key protein in the cellular processes of nucleotide excision repair, DNA recombination, and DNA double-strand break repair is the single-stranded DNA binding protein, RPA. We showed previously that the p34 subunit of RPA becomes hyperphosphorylated as a delayed response (4–8 h) to UV radiation (10–30 J/m2). Here we show that UV-induced RPA-p34 hyperphosphorylation depends on expression of ATM, the product of the gene mutated in the human genetic disorder ataxia telangiectasia (A-T). UV-induced RPA-p34 hyperphosphorylation was not observed in A-T cells, but this response was restored by ATM expression. Furthermore, purified ATM kinase phosphorylates the p34 subunit of RPA complex in vitro at many of the same sites that are phosphorylated in vivo after UV radiation. Induction of this DNA damage response was also dependent on DNA replication; inhibition of DNA replication by aphidicolin prevented induction of RPA-p34 hyperphosphorylation by UV radiation. We postulate that this pathway is triggered by the accumulation of aberrant DNA replication intermediates, resulting from DNA replication fork blockage by UV photoproducts. Further, we suggest that RPA-p34 is hyperphosphorylated as a participant in the recombinational postreplication repair of these replication products. Successful resolution of these replication intermediates reduces the accumulation of chromosomal aberrations that would otherwise occur as a consequence of UV radiation.


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The MMS19 gene of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae encodes a polypeptide of unknown function which is required for both nucleotide excision repair (NER) and RNA polymerase II (RNAP II) transcription. Here we report the molecular cloning of human and mouse orthologs of the yeast MMS19 gene. Both human and Drosophila MMS19 cDNAs correct thermosensitive growth and sensitivity to killing by UV radiation in a yeast mutant deleted for the MMS19 gene, indicating functional conservation between the yeast and mammalian gene products. Alignment of the translated sequences of MMS19 from multiple eukaryotes, including mouse and human, revealed the presence of several conserved regions, including a HEAT repeat domain near the C-terminus. The presence of HEAT repeats, coupled with functional complementation of yeast mutant phenotypes by the orthologous protein from higher eukaryotes, suggests a role of Mms19 protein in the assembly of a multiprotein complex(es) required for NER and RNAP II transcription. Both the mouse and human genes are ubiquitously expressed as multiple transcripts, some of which appear to derive from alternative splicing. The ratio of different transcripts varies in several different tissue types.


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Alternative reproductive cycles make use of different strategies to generate different reproductive products. In Escherichia coli, recA and several other rec genes are required for the generation of recombinant genomes during Hfr conjugation. During normal asexual reproduction, many of these same genes are needed to generate clonal products from UV-irradiated cells. However, unlike conjugation, this latter process also requires the function of the nucleotide excision repair genes. Following UV irradiation, the recovery of DNA replication requires uvrA and uvrC, as well as recA, recF, and recR. The rec genes appear to be required to protect and maintain replication forks that are arrested at DNA lesions, based on the extensive degradation of the nascent DNA that occurs in their absence. The products of the recJ and recQ genes process the blocked replication forks before the resumption of replication and may affect the fidelity of the recovery process. We discuss a model in which several rec gene products process replication forks arrested by DNA damage to facilitate the repair of the blocking DNA lesions by nucleotide excision repair, thereby allowing processive replication to resume with no need for strand exchanges or recombination. The poor survival of cellular populations that depend on recombinational pathways (compared with that in their excision repair proficient counterparts) suggests that at least some of the rec genes may be designed to function together with nucleotide excision repair in a common and predominant pathway by which cells faithfully recover replication and survive following UV-induced DNA damage.


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The β and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) sliding clamps were first identified as components of their respective replicases, and thus were assigned a role in chromosome replication. Further studies have shown that the eukaryotic clamp, PCNA, interacts with several other proteins that are involved in excision repair, mismatch repair, cellular regulation, and DNA processing, indicating a much wider role than replication alone. Indeed, the Escherichia coli β clamp is known to function with DNA polymerases II and V, indicating that β also interacts with more than just the chromosomal replicase, DNA polymerase III. This report demonstrates three previously undetected protein–protein interactions with the β clamp. Thus, β interacts with MutS, DNA ligase, and DNA polymerase I. Given the diverse use of these proteins in repair and other DNA transactions, this expanded list of β interactive proteins suggests that the prokaryotic β ring participates in a wide variety of reactions beyond its role in chromosomal replication.


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We describe a novel DNA damage binding activity in nuclear extracts from a normal human fibroblast cell strain. This protein was identified using electrophoretic mobility shift assays of immunopurified UV-irradiated oligonucleotide substrates containing a single, site-specific cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer or a pyrimidine (6-4) pyrimidinone photoproduct. Compared with the (6-4) photoproduct, which displayed similar levels of binding in double and single-stranded substrates, the protein showed somewhat lower affinity for the cyclobutane dimer in a single-stranded oligonucleotide and negligible binding in double-stranded DNA. The specificity and magnitude of binding was similar in cells with normal excision repair (GM637) and repair-deficient cells from xeroderma pigmentosum groups A (XP12RO) and E (XP2RO). An apparent molecular mass of 66 kDa consisting of two subunits of approximately 22 and approximately 44 kDa was determined by Southwestern analysis. Cell cycle studies using centrifugal cell elutriation indicated that the binding activity was significantly greater in G1 phase compared with S phase in a human lymphoblast cell line. Gel supershift analysis using an anti-replication protein A antibody showed that the binding protein was not antigenically related to the human single-stranded binding protein. Taken together, these data suggest that this activity represents a novel DNA damage binding protein that, in addition to a putative role in excision repair, may also function in cell cycle or gene regulation.


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Transcription factor IIH (TFIIH) is a multisubunit protein complex essential for both the initiation of RNA polymerase class II (pol II)-catalyzed transcription and nucleotide excision repair of DNA. Recent studies have shown that TFIIH copurifies with the cyclin-dependent kinase (cdk)-activating kinase complex (CAK) that includes cdk7, cyclin H, and p36/MAT1. Here we report the isolation of two TFIIH-related complexes: TFIIH* and ERCC2/CAK. TFIIH* consists of a subset of the TFIIH complex proteins including ERCC3 (XPB), p62, p44, p41, and p34 but is devoid of detectable levels of ERCC2 (XPD) and CAK. ERCC2/CAK was isolated as a complex that exhibits CAK activity that cosediments with the three CAK components (cdk7, cyclin H, and p36/MAT1) as well as the ERCC2 (XPD) protein. TFIIH* can support pol II-catalyzed transcription in vitro with lower efficiency compared with TFIIH. This TFIIH*-dependent transcription reaction was stimulated by ERCC2/CAK. The ERCC2/CAK and TFIIH* complexes are each active in DNA repair as shown by their ability to complement extracts prepared from ERCC2 (XPD)- and ERCC3 (XPB)-deficient cells, respectively, in supporting the excision of DNA containing a cholesterol lesion. These data suggest that TFIIH* and ERCC2/CAK interact to form the TFIIH holoenzyme capable of efficiently assembling the pol II transcription initiation complex and directly participating in excision repair reactions.


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Transcription factor IIH (TFIIH) is a multisubunit complex required for transcription and for DNA nucleotide excision repair. TFIIH possesses three enzymatic activities: (i) an ATP-dependent DNA helicase, (ii) a DNA-dependent ATPase, and (iii) a kinase with specificity for the carboxyl-terminal domain of RNA polymerase II. The kinase activity was recently identified as the cdk (cyclin-dependent kinase) activating kinase, CAK, composed of cdk7, cyclin H, and MAT-1. Here we report the isolation and characterization of three distinct CAK-containing complexes from HeLa nuclear extracts: CAK, a novel CAK-ERCC2 complex, and TFIIH. CAK-ERCC2 can efficiently associate with core-TFIIH to reconstitute holo-TFIIH transcription activity. We present evidence proposing a critical role for ERCC2 in mediating the association of CAK with core TFIIH subunits.


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The method of Matsumoto and Ohta [Matsumoto, K. & Ohta, T. (1992) Chromosoma 102, 60-65; Matsumoto, K. & Ohta, T. (1995) Mutat. Res. 326, 93-98] to induce large numbers of endoreduplicated Chinese hamster ovary cells has now been coupled with the fluorescence-plus-Giemsa method of Perry and Wolff [Perry, P. & Wolff, S. (1974) Nature (London) 251, 156-158] to produce harlequin endoreduplicated chromosomes that after the third round of DNA replication are composed of a chromosome with a light chromatid and a dark chromatid in close apposition to its sister chromosome containing two light chromatids. Unless the pattern is disrupted by sister chromatid exchange (SCE), the dark chromatid is always in the center, so that the order of the chromatids is light-dark light-light. The advent of this method, which permits the observation of SCEs in endoreduplicated cells, makes it possible to determine with great ease in which cell cycle an SCE occurred. This now allows us to approach several vexing questions about the induction of SCEs (genetic damage and its repair) after exposure to various types of mutagenic carcinogens. The present experiments have allowed us to observe how many cell cycles various types of lesions that are induced in DNA by a crosslinking agent, an alkylating agent, or ionizing radiation, and that are responsible for the induction of SCEs, persist before being repaired and thus lose their ability to inflict genetic damage. Other experiments with various types of mutagenic carcinogens and various types of cell lines that have defects in different DNA repair processes, such as mismatch repair, excision repair, crosslink repair, and DNA-strand-break repair, can now be carried out to determine the role of these types of repair in removing specific types of lesions.


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Xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) is caused by a defect in nucleotide excision repair. Patients in the complementation group E (XP-E) have the mildest form of the disease and the highest level of residual repair activity. About 20% of the cell strains derived from XP-E patients lack a damaged DNA-binding protein (DDB) activity that binds to ultraviolet-induced (6-4) photoproducts with high affinity. We report here that cell-free extracts prepared from XP-E cell strains that either lacked or contained DDB activity were severely defective in excising DNA damage including (6-4) photoproducts. However, this excision activity defect was not restored by addition of purified DDB that, in fact, inhibited removal of (6-4) photoproducts by the human excision nuclease reconstituted from purified proteins. Extensive purification of correcting activity from HeLa cells revealed that the correcting activity is inseparable from the human replication/repair protein A [RPA (also known as human single stranded DNA binding protein, HSSB)]. Indeed, supplementing XP-E extracts with recombinant human RPA purified from Escherichia coli restored excision activity. However, no mutation was found in the genes encoding the three subunits of RPA in an XP-E (DDB-) cell line. It is concluded that RPA functionally complements XP-E extracts in vitro, but it is not genetically altered in XP-E patients.


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A number of RecA-like proteins have been found in eukaryotic organisms. We demonstrate that the prokaryotic recombination protein RecA itself is capable of interacting with genomic homologous DNA in somatic plant cells. Resistance to the DNA crosslinking agent mitomycin C requires homologous recombination as well as excision repair activity. Tobacco protoplasts expressing a nucleus-targeted RecA protein were at least three times as efficient as wild-type cells in repairing mitomycin C-induced damage. Moreover, homologous recombination at a defined locus carrying an endogenous nuclear marker gene was stimulated at least 10-fold in transgenic plant cells expressing nucleus-targeted RecA. The increase in resistance to mitomycin C and the stimulation of intrachromosomal recombination demonstrate that Escherichia coli RecA protein is functional in genomic homologous recombination in plants, especially when targeted to the plant nucleus.


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In most organisms, the mismatch repair (MMR) system plays an important role in substantially lowering mutation rates and blocking recombination between nonidentical sequences. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the products of three genes homologous to Escherichia coli mutS—MSH2, MSH3, and MSH6—function in MMR by recognizing mispaired bases. To determine the effect of MMR on single-base pair mismatches, we have measured reversion rates of specific point mutations in the CYC1 gene in both wild-type and MMR-deficient strains. The reversion rates of all of the point mutations are similar in wild-type cells. However, we find that in the absence of MSH2 or MSH6, but not MSH3, reversion rates of some mutations are increased by up to 60,000-fold, whereas reversion rates of other mutations are essentially unchanged. When cells are grown anaerobically, the reversion rates in MMR-deficient strains are decreased by as much as a factor of 60. We suggest that the high reversion rates observed in these MMR-deficient strains are caused by misincorporations opposite oxidatively damaged bases and that MMR normally prevents these mutations. We further suggest that recognition of mispairs opposite damaged bases may be a more important role for MMR in yeast than correction of errors opposite normal bases.


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Clustered damages are formed in DNA by ionising radiation and radiomimetic anticancer agents and are thought to be biologically severe. 7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine (8-oxoG), a major DNA damage resulting from oxidative attack, is highly mutagenic leading to a high level of G·C→T·A transversions if not previously excised by OGG1 DNA glycosylase/AP lyase proteins in eukaryotes. However, 8-oxoG within clustered DNA damage may present a challenge to the repair machinery of the cell. The ability of yeast OGG1 to excise 8-oxoG was determined when another type of damage [dihydrothymine, uracil, 8-oxoG, abasic (AP) site or various types of single-strand breaks (SSBs)] is present on the complementary strand 1, 3 or 5 bases 5′ or 3′ opposite to 8-oxoG. Base damages have little or no influence on the excision of 8-oxoG by yeast OGG1 (yOGG1) whereas an AP site has a strong inhibitory effect. Various types of SSBs, obtained using either oligonucleotides with 3′- and 5′-phosphate termini around a gap or through conversion of an AP site with either endonuclease III or human AP endonuclease 1, strongly inhibit excision of 8-oxoG by yOGG1. Therefore, this large inhibitory effect of an AP site or a SSB may minimise the probability of formation of a double-strand break in the processing of 8-oxoG within clustered damages.


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8-Oxoguanine (8-oxoG), induced by reactive oxygen species and arguably one of the most important mutagenic DNA lesions, is prone to further oxidation. Its one-electron oxidation products include potentially mutagenic guanidinohydantoin (Gh) and spiroiminodihydantoin (Sp) because of their mispairing with A or G. All three oxidized base-specific DNA glycosylases of Escherichia coli, namely endonuclease III (Nth), 8-oxoG-DNA glycosylase (MutM) and endonuclease VIII (Nei), excise Gh and Sp, when paired with C or G in DNA, although Nth is less active than the other two. MutM prefers Sp and Gh paired with C (kcat/Km of 0.24–0.26 min–1 nM–1), while Nei prefers G over C as the complementary base (kcat/Km – 0.15–0.17 min–1 nM–1). However, only Nei efficiently excises these paired with A. MutY, a 8-oxoG·A(G)-specific A(G)-DNA glycosylase, is inactive with Gh(Sp)·A/G-containing duplex oligonucleotide, in spite of specific affinity. It inhibits excision of lesions by MutM from the Gh·G or Sp·G pair, but not from Gh·C and Sp·C pairs. In contrast, MutY does not significantly inhibit Nei for any Gh(Sp) base pair. These results suggest a protective function for MutY in preventing mutation as a result of A (G) incorporation opposite Gh(Sp) during DNA replication.