The voltage-dependent K+ channel responsible for the slowly activating delayed K+ current IKs is composed of pore-forming KCNQ1 and regulatory KCNE1 subunits, which are mutated in familial forms of cardiac long QT syndrome. Because KCNQ1 and KCNE1 genes also are expressed in epithelial tissues, such as the kidneys and the intestine, we have investigated the adaptation of KCNE1-deficient mice to different K+ and Na+ intakes. On a normal K+ diet, homozygous kcne1−/− mice exhibit signs of chronic volume depletion associated with fecal Na+ and K+ wasting and have lower plasma K+ concentration and higher levels of aldosterone than wild-type mice. Although plasma aldosterone can be suppressed by low K+ diets or stimulated by low Na+ diets, a high K+ diet provokes a tremendous increase of plasma aldosterone levels in kcne1−/− mice as compared with wild-type mice (7.1-fold vs. 1.8-fold) despite lower plasma K+ in kcne1−/− mice. This exacerbated aldosterone production in kcne1−/− mice is accompanied by an abnormally high plasma renin concentration, which could partly explain the hyperaldosteronism. In addition, we found that KCNE1 and KCNQ1 mRNAs are expressed in the zona glomerulosa of adrenal glands where IKs may directly participate in the control of aldosterone production by plasma K+. These results, which show that KCNE1 and IKs are involved in K+ homeostasis, might have important implications for patients with IKs-related long QT syndrome, because hypokalemia is a well known risk factor for the occurrence of torsades de pointes ventricular arrhythmia.
The microsomal triglyceride (TG) transfer protein (MTP) is a heterodimeric lipid transfer protein that catalyzes the transport of triglyceride, cholesteryl ester, and phosphatidylcholine between membranes. Previous studies showing that the proximal cause of abetalipoproteinemia is an absence of MTP indicate that MTP function is required for the assembly of the apolipoprotein B (apoB) containing plasma lipoproteins, i.e., very low density lipoproteins and chylomicrons. However, the precise role of MTP in lipoprotein assembly is not known. In this study, the role of MTP in lipoprotein assembly is investigated using an inhibitor of MTP-mediated lipid transport, 2-[1-(3, 3-diphenylpropyl)-4-piperidinyl]-2,3-dihydro-1H-isoindol-1-o ne (BMS-200150). The similarity of the IC50 for inhibition of bovine MTP-mediated TG transfer (0.6 microM) to the Kd for binding of BMS-200150 to bovine MTP (1.3 microM) strongly supports that the inhibition of TG transfer is the result of a direct effect of the compound on MTP. BMS-200150 also inhibits the transfer of phosphatidylcholine, however to a lesser extent (30% at a concentration that almost completely inhibits TG and cholesteryl ester transfer). When BMS-200150 is added to cultured HepG2 cells, a human liver-derived cell line that secretes apoB containing lipoproteins, it inhibits apoB secretion in a concentration dependent manner. These results support the hypothesis that transport of lipid, and in particular, the transport of neutral lipid by MTP, plays a critical role in the assembly of apoB containing lipoproteins.
Exocytotic membrane fusion and secretion are promoted by the concerted action of GTP and Ca2+, although the precise site(s) of action in the process are not presently known. However, the calcium-dependent membrane fusion reaction driven by synexin (annexin VII) is an in vitro model for this process, which we have now found to be further activated by GTP. The mechanism of fusion activation depends on the unique ability of synexin to bind and hydrolyze GTP in a calcium-dependent manner, both in vitro and in vivo in streptolysin O-permeabilized chromaffin cells. The required [Ca2+] for GTP binding by synexin is in the range of 50-200 microM, which is known to occur at exocytotic sites in chromaffin cells, neurons, and other cell types. Previous immunolocalization studies place synexin at exocytotic sites in chromaffin cells, and we conclude that synexin is an atypical G protein that may be responsible for both detecting and mediating the Ca2+/GTP signal for exocytotic membrane fusion.
Fabry disease is an X-linked metabolic disorder due to a deficiency of alpha-galactosidase A (alpha-gal A; EC Patients accumulate glycosphingolipids with terminal alpha-galactosyl residues that come from intracellular synthesis, circulating metabolites, or from the biodegradation Of senescent cells. Patients eventually succumb to renal, cardio-, or cerebrovascular disease. No specific therapy exists. One possible approach to ameliorating this disorder is to target corrective gene transfer therapy to circulating hematopoietic cells. Toward this end, an amphotropic virus-producer cell line has been developed that produces a high titer (>10(6) i.p. per ml) recombinant retrovirus constructed to transduce and correct target cells. Virus-producer cells also demonstrate expression of large amounts of both intracellular and secreted alpha-gal A. To examine the utility of this therapeutic vector, skin fibroblasts from Fabry patients were corrected for the metabolic defect by infection with this recombinant virus and secreted enzyme was observed. Furthermore, the secreted enzyme was found to be taken up by uncorrected cells in a mannose-6-phosphate receptor-dependent manner. In related experiments, immortalized B cell lines from Fabry patients, created as a hematologic delivery test system, were transduced. As with the fibroblasts, transduced patient B cell lines demonstrated both endogenous enzyme correction and a small amount of secretion together with uptake by uncorrected cells. These studies demonstrate that endogenous metabolic correction in transduced cells, combined with secretion, may provide a continuous source of corrective material in trans to unmodified patient bystander cells (metabolic cooperativity).
The Abeta peptide of Alzheimer disease is derived from the proteolytic processing of the amyloid precursor proteins (APP), which are considered type I transmembrane glycoproteins. Recently, however, soluble forms of full-length APP were also detected in several systems including chromaffin granules. In this report we used antisera specific for the cytoplasmic sequence of APP to show that primary bovine chromaffin cells secrete a soluble APP, termed solAPPcyt, of an apparent molecular mass of 130 kDa. This APP was oversecreted from Chinese hamster ovary cells transfected with a full-length APP cDNA indicating that solAPPcyt contained both the transmembrane and Abeta sequence. Deglycosylation of solAPPcyt showed that it contained both N- and O-linked sugars, suggesting that this APP was transported through the endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi pathway. Secretion of solAPPcyt from primary chromatin cells was temperature-, time-, and energy-dependent and was stimulated by cell depolarization in a Ca2+-dependent manner. Cholinergic receptor agonists, including acetylcholine, nicotine, or carbachol, stimulated the rapid secretion of solAPPcyt, a process that was inhibited by cholinergic antagonists. Stimulation of solAPPcyt secretion was paralleled by a stimulation of secretion in catecholamines and chromogranin A, indicating that secretion of solAPPcyt was mediated by chromaffin granule vesicles. Taken together, our results show that release of the potentially amyloidogenic solAPPcyt is an active cellular process mediated by both the constitutive and regulated pathways. solAPPcyt was also detected in human cerebrospinal fluid. Combined with the neuronal physiology of chromaffin cells, our data suggest that cholinergic agonists may stimulate the release of this APP in neuronal synapses where it may exert its biological functions. Moreover, vesicular or secreted solAPPcyt may serve as a soluble precursor of Abeta.
A group of resident ER proteins have been identified that are proposed to function as molecular chaperones. The best characterized of these is BiP/GRP78, an hsp70 homologue that binds peptides containing hydrophobic residues in vitro and unfolded or unassembled proteins in vivo. However, evidence that mammalian BiP plays a direct role in protein folding remains circumstantial. In this study, we examine how BiP interacts with a particular substrate, immunoglobulin light chain (lambda LC), during its folding. Wild-type hamster BiP and several well-characterized BiP ATPase mutants were used in transient expression experiments. We demonstrate that wild-type lambda LCs showed prolonged association with mutant BiP which inhibited their secretion. Both wild-type and mutant BiP bound only to unfolded and partially folded LCs. The wild-type BiP was released from the incompletely folded LCs, allowing them to fold and be secreted, whereas the mutant BiP was not released. As a result, the LCs that were bound to BiP mutants were unable to undergo complete disulfide bond formation and were retained in the ER. Our experiments suggest that LCs undergo both BiP-dependent and BiP-independent folding steps, demonstrating that both ATP binding and hydrolysis activities of BiP are essential for the completion of LC folding in vivo and reveal that BiP must release before disulfide bond formation can occur in that domain.
Cholecystokinin (CCK) secretion in rats and humans is inhibited by pancreatic proteases and bile acids in the intestine. It has been hypothesized that the inhibition of CCK release caused by pancreatic proteases is due to proteolytic inactivation of a CCK-releasing peptide present in intestinal secretion. To purify the putative luminal CCK-releasing factor (LCRF), intestinal secretions were collected by perfusing a modified Thiry-Vella fistula of jejunum in conscious rats. From these secretions, the peptide was concentrated by ultrafiltration followed by low-pressure reverse-phase chromatography and purified by reverse-phase high-pressure liquid chromatography. Purity was confirmed by high-performance capillary electrophoresis. Fractions were assayed for CCK-releasing activity by their ability to stimulate pancreatic protein secretion when infused into the proximal small intestine of conscious rats. Partially purified fractions strongly stimulated both pancreatic secretion and CCK release while CCK receptor blockade abolished the pancreatic response. Amino acid analysis and mass spectral analysis showed that the purified peptide is composed of 70-75 amino acid residues and has a mass of 8136 Da. Microsequence analysis of LCRF yielded an amino acid sequence for 41 residues as follows: STFWAYQPDGDNDPTDYQKYEHTSSPSQLLAPGDYPCVIEV. When infused intraduodenally, the purified peptide stimulated pancreatic protein and fluid secretion in a dose-related manner in conscious rats and significantly elevated plasma CCK levels. Immunoaffinity chromatography using antisera raised to synthetic LCRF-(1-6) abolished the CCK releasing activity of intestinal secretions. These studies demonstrate, to our knowledge, the first chemical characterization of a luminally secreted enteric peptide functioning as an intraluminal regulator of intestinal hormone release.
Chromogranin B (CgB, secretogranin I) is a widespread constituent of neuroendocrine secretory granules whose function is unknown. To determine whether CgB affects the sorting of peptide hormone and neuropeptide precursors to secretory granules, we overexpressed CgB in AtT-20 cells, which exhibit an only moderate capacity to sort proopiomelanocortin and proteolytic fragments derived therefrom. In mock-transfected AtT-20 cells, a substantial proportion of newly synthesized proopiomelanocortin and its two primary proteolytic products generated in the trans-Golgi network, the N-terminal 23-kDa fragment containing adrenocorticotropin and the C-terminal beta-lipotropin fragment, was secreted via the constitutive pathway. Two- to three-fold overexpression of CgB markedly reduced the constitutive secretion of the 23-kDa fragment, but not beta-lipotropin and tripled the amount of adrenocorticotropin generated and stored in secretory granules. Our results indicate the existence of neuroendocrine-specific helper proteins which promote the sorting from the trans-Golgi network to secretory granules of certain processing intermediates derived from peptide hormone and neuropeptide precursors and demonstrate that CgB functions as such.
Mapping the insertion points of 16 signature-tagged transposon mutants on the Salmonella typhimurium chromosome led to the identification of a 40-kb virulence gene cluster at minute 30.7. This locus is conserved among all other Salmonella species examined but is not present in a variety of other pathogenic bacteria or in Escherichia coli K-12. Nucleotide sequencing of a portion of this locus revealed 11 open reading frames whose predicted proteins encode components of a type III secretion system. To distinguish between this and the type III secretion system encoded by the inv/spa invasion locus known to reside on a pathogenicity island, we refer to the inv/spa locus as Salmonella pathogenicity island (SPI) 1 and the new locus as SPI2. SPI2 has a lower G+C content than that of the remainder of the Salmonella genome and is flanked by genes whose products share greater than 90% identity with those of the E. coli ydhE and pykF genes. Thus SPI2 was probably acquired horizontally by insertion into a region corresponding to that between the ydhE and pykF genes of E. coli. Virulence studies of SPI2 mutants have shown them to be attenuated by at least five orders of magnitude compared with the wild-type strain after oral or intraperitoneal inoculation of mice.
Pathogenic yersiniae secrete a set of antihost proteins, called Yops, by a type III secretion mechanism. Upon infection of cultured epithelial cells, extracellular Yersinia pseudotuberculosis and Yersinia enterocolitica translocate cytotoxin YopE across the host cell plasma membrane. Several lines of evidence suggest that tyrosine phosphatase YopH follows the same pathway. We analyzed internalization of YopE and YopH into murine PU5-1.8 macrophages by using recombinant Y. enterocolitica producing truncated YopE and YopH proteins fused to a calmodulin-dependent adenylate cyclase. The YopE-cyclase and YopH-cyclase hybrids were readily secreted by Y. enterocolitica. The N-terminal domain required for secretion was not longer than 15 residues of YopE and 17 residues of YopH. Internalization into eukaryotic cells, revealed by cAMP production, only required the N-terminal 50 amino acid residues of YopE and the N-terminal 71 amino acid residues of YopH. YopE and YopH are thus modular proteins composed of a secretion domain, a translocation domain, and an effector domain. Translocation of YopE and YopH across host cell's membranes was also dependent on the secretion of YopB and YopD by the same bacterium. The cyclase fusion approach could be readily extended to study the fate of other proteins secreted by invasive bacterial pathogens.
A recombinant Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vector-based vaccine that secretes the V3 principal neutralizing epitope of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) could induce immune response to the epitope and prevent the viral infection. By using the Japanese consensus sequence of HIV-1, we successfully constructed chimeric protein secretion vectors by selecting an appropriate insertion site of a carrier protein and established the principal neutralizing determinant (PND)-peptide secretion system in BCG. The recombinant BCG (rBCG)-inoculated guinea pigs were initially screened by delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) skin reactions to the PND peptide, followed by passive transfer of the DTH by the systemic route. Further, immunization of mice with the rBCG resulted in induction of cytotoxic T lymphocytes. The guinea pig immune antisera showed elevated titers to the PND peptide and neutralized HIVMN, and administration of serum IgG from the vaccinated guinea pigs was effective in completely blocking the HIV infection in thymus/liver transplanted severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID)/hu or SCID/PBL mice. In addition, the immune serum IgG was shown to neutralize primary field isolates of HIV that match the neutralizing sequence motif by a peripheral blood mononuclear cell-based virus neutralization assay. The data support the idea that the antigen-secreting rBCG system can be used as a tool for development of HIV vaccines.
Neurodegenerative processes in Alzheimer disease (AD) are thought to be driven in part by the deposition of amyloid beta (A beta), a 39- to 43-amino acid peptide product resulting from an alternative cleavage of amyloid precursor protein. Recent descriptions of in vitro neurotoxic effects of A beta support this hypothesis and suggest toxicity might be mediated by A beta-induced neuronal calcium disregulation. In addition, it has been reported that "aging" A beta results in increased toxic potency due to peptide aggregation and formation of a beta-sheet secondary structure. In addition, A beta might also promote neuropathology indirectly by activating immune/inflammatory pathways in affected areas of the brain (e.g., cortex and hippocampus). Here we report that A beta can modulate cytokine secretion [interleukins 6 and 8 (IL-6 and IL-8)] from human astrocytoma cells (U-373 MG). Freshly prepared and aged A beta modestly stimulated IL-6 and IL-8 secretion from U-373 MG cells. However, in the presence of interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta), aged, but not fresh, A beta markedly potentiated (3- to 8-fold) cytokine release. In contrast, aged A beta did not potentiate substance P (NK-1)- or histamine (H1)-stimulated cytokine production. Further studies showed that IL-1 beta-induced cytokine release was potentiated by A beta-(25-35), while A beta-(1-16) was inactive. Calcium disregulation may be responsible for the effects of A beta on cytokine production, since the calcium ionophore A23187 similarly potentiated IL-1 beta-induced cytokine secretion and EGTA treatment blocked either A beta or A23187 activity. Thus, chronic neurodegeneration in AD-affected brain regions may be mediated in part by the ability of A beta to exacerbate inflammatory pathways in a conformation-dependent manner.
Differential activation of CD4+ T-cell precursors in vivo leads to the development of effectors with unique patterns of lymphokine secretion. To investigate whether the differential pattern of lymphokine secretion is influenced by factors associated with either the display and/or recognition of the ligand, we have used a set of ligands with various class II binding affinities but unchanged T-cell specificity. The ligand that exhibited approximately 10,000-fold higher binding to I-Au considerably increased the frequency of interferon gamma-producing but not interleukin (IL) 4- or IL-5-secreting cells in vivo. Using an established ligand-specific, CD4+ T-cell clone secreting only IL-4, we also demonstrated that stimulation with the highest affinity ligand resulted in interferon gamma production in vitro. In contrast, ligands that demonstrated relatively lower class II binding induced only IL-4 secretion. These data suggest that the major histocompatibility complex binding affinity of antigenic determinants, leading to differential interactions at the T cell-antigen-presenting cell interface, can be crucial for the differential development of cytokine patterns in T cells.
Many of the molecules necessary for neurotransmission are homologous to proteins involved in the Golgi-to-plasma membrane stage of the yeast secretory pathway. Of 15 genes known to be essential for the later stages of vesicle trafficking in yeast, 7 have no identified mammalian homologs. These include the yeast SEC6, SEC8, and SEC15 genes, whose products are constituents of a 19.5S particle that interacts with the GTP-binding protein Sec4p. Here we report the sequences of rSec6 and rSec8, rat homologs of Sec6p and Sec8p. The rSec6 cDNA is predicted to encode an 87-kDa protein with 22% amino acid identity to Sec6p, and the rSec8 cDNA is predicted to encode a 110-kDa protein which is 20% identical to Sec8p. Northern blot analysis indicates that rSec6 and rSec8 are expressed in similar tissues. Immunodetection reveals that rSec8 is part of a soluble 17S particle in brain. COS cell cotransfection studies demonstrate that rSec8 colocalizes with the GTP-binding protein Rab3a and syntaxin 1a, two proteins involved in synaptic vesicle docking and fusion at the presynaptic terminal. These data suggest that rSec8 is a component of a high molecular weight complex which may participate in the regulation of vesicle docking and fusion in brain.
Simultaneous measurements of cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration and insulin release, in mouse single pancreatic islets, revealed a direct correlation only initially after stimulation with glucose or K+. Later, there is an apparent dissociation between these two parameters, with translocation of alpha and epsilon isoenzymes of protein kinase C to membranes and simultaneous desensitization of insulin release in response to glucose. Recovery of insulin release, without any concomitant changes in cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration, after addition of phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate, okadaic acid, and forskolin supports the notion that the desensitization process is accounted for by dephosphorylation of key regulatory sites of the insulin exocytotic machinery.