98 resultados para uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1)


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Adherence of mature Plasmodium falciparum parasitized erythrocytes (PRBCs) to microvascular endothelium contributes directly to acute malaria pathology. We affinity purified molecules from detergent extracts of surface-radioiodinated PRBCs using several endothelial cell receptors known to support PRBC adherence, including CD36, thrombospondin (TSP), and intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1). All three host receptors affinity purified P. falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1), a very large malarial protein expressed on the surface of adherent PRBCs. Binding of PfEMP1 to particular host cell receptors correlated with the binding phenotype of the PRBCs from which PfEMP1 was extracted. Preadsorption of PRBC extracts with anti-PfEMP1 antibodies, CD36, or TSP markedly reduced PfEMP1 binding to CD36 or TSP. Mild trypsinization of intact PRBCs of P. falciparum strains shown to express antigenically different PfEMP1 released different (125)I-labeled tryptic fragments of PfEMP1 that bound specifically to CD36 and TSP. In clone C5 and strain MC, these activities resided on different tryptic fragments, but a single tryptic fragment from clone ItG-ICAM bound to both CD36 and TSP. Hence, the CD36- and TSP-binding domains are distinct entities located on a single PfEMP1 molecule. PfEMP1, the malarial variant antigen on infected erythrocytes, is therefore a receptor for CD36, TSP, and ICAM-1. A therapeutic approach to block or reverse adherence of PRBCs to host cell receptors can now be pursued with the identification of PfEMP1 as a malarial receptor for PRBC adherence to host proteins.


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We report the three-dimensional structure of osteogenic protein 1 (OP-1, also known as bone morphogenetic protein 7) to 2.8-A resolution. OP-1 is a member of the transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) superfamily of proteins and is able to induce new bone formation in vivo. Members of this superfamily share sequence similarity in their C-terminal regions and are implicated in embryonic development and adult tissue repair. Our crystal structure makes possible the structural comparison between two members of the TGF-beta superfamily. We find that although there is limited sequence identity between OP-1 and TGF-beta 2, they share a common polypeptide fold. These results establish a basis for proposing the OP-1/TGF-beta 2 fold as the primary structural motif for the TGF-beta superfamily as a whole. Detailed comparison of the OP-1 and TGF-beta 2 structures has revealed striking differences that provide insights into how these growth factors interact with their receptors.


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Autonomously replicating sequence (ARS) elements of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe contain multiple imperfect copies of the consensus sequence reported by Maundrell et al. [Maundrell K., Hutchison, A. & Shall, S. (1988) EMBO J. 7, 2203-2209]. When cell free extracts of S. pombe were incubated with a dimer or tetramer of an oligonucleotide containing the ARS consensus sequence, several complexes were detected using a gel mobility-shift assay. The proteins forming these complexes also bind ars3002, which is the most active origin in the ura4 region of chromosome III of S. pombe. One protein, partly responsible for the binding activity observed with crude extracts, was purified to near homogeneity. It is a 60-kDa protein and was named ARS-binding protein 1 (Abp1). Abp1 preferentially binds to multiple sites in ARS 3002 and to the DNA polymer poly[d(A.T)]. The cloning and sequence of the gene coding for Abp1 revealed that it encodes a protein of 59.8 kDa (522 amino acids). Abp1 has significant homology (25% identity, 50% similarity) to the N-terminal region (approximately 300 amino acids) of the human and mouse centromere DNA-binding protein CENP-B. Because centromeres of S. pombe contain a high density of ARS elements, Abp1 may play a role connecting DNA replication and chromosome segregation.


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Vascular endothelial cells, serving as a barrier between vessel and blood, are exposed to shear stress in the body. Although endothelial responses to shear stress are important in physiological adaption to the hemodynamic environments, they can also contribute to pathological conditions--e.g., in atherosclerosis and reperfusion injury. We have previously shown that shear stress mediates a biphasic response of monocyte chemotactic protein 1 (MCP-1) gene expression in vascular endothelial cells and that the regulation is at the transcriptional level. These observations led us to functionally analyze the 550-bp promoter region of the MCP-1-encoding gene to define the cis element responding to shear stress. The shear stress/luciferase assay on the deletion constructs revealed that a 38-bp segment (-53 to -90 bp relative to the transcription initiation site) containing two divergent phorbol ester "12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate" (TPA)-responsive elements (TRE) is critical for shear inducibility. Site-specific mutations on these two sites further demonstrated that the proximal one (TGACTCC) but not the distal one (TCACTCA) was shear-responsive. Shear inducibility was lost after the mutation or deletion of the proximal site. This molecular mechanism of shear inducibility of the MCP-1 gene was functional in both the epithelial-like HeLa cells and bovine aortic endothelial cells (BAEC). In a construct with four copies of the TRE consensus sequences TGACTACA followed by the rat prolactin minimal promoter and luciferase gene, shear stress induced the reporter activities by 35-fold and 7-fold in HeLa cells and BAEC, respectively. The application of shear stress on BAEC also induced a rapid and transient phosphorylation of mitogen-activated protein kinases. Pretreatment of BAEC with TPA attenuated the shear-induced mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphorylation, suggesting that shear stress and TPA share a similar signal transduction pathway in activating cells. The present study provides a molecular basis for the transient induction of MCP-1 gene by shear stress.


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Feedback regulation of transcription from the low density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor gene is fundamentally important in the maintenance of intracellular sterol balance. The region of the LDL receptor promoter responsible for normal sterol regulation contains adjacent binding sites for the ubiquitous transcription factor Sp1 and the cholesterol-sensitive sterol regulatory element-binding proteins (SREBPs). Interestingly, both are essential for normal sterolmediated regulation of the promoter. The cooperation by Sp1 and SREBP-1 occurs at two steps in the activation process. SREBP-1 stimulates the binding of Sp1 to its adjacent recognition site in the promoter followed by enhanced stimulation of transcription after both proteins are bound to DNA. In the present report, we have defined the protein domains of Sp1 that are required for both synergistic DNA binding and transcriptional activation. The major activation domains of Sp1 that have previously been shown to be essential to activation of promoters containing multiple Sp1 sites are required for activation of the LDL receptor promoter. Additionally, the C domain is also crucial. This slightly acidic approximately 120-amino acid region is not required for efficient synergistic activation by multiple Sp1 sites or in combination with other recently characterized transcriptional regulators. We also show that Sp1 domain C is essential for full, enhanced DNA binding by SREBP-1. Taken together with other recent studies on the role of Sp1 in promoter activation, the current experiments suggest a unique combinatorial mechanism for promoter activation by two distinct transcription factors that are both essential to intracellular cholesterol homeostasis.


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Proteinase inhibitor I (Inh I) and proteinase inhibitor II (Inh II) from potato tubers are effective proteinase inhibitors of chymotrypsin and trypsin. Inh I and Inh II were shown to suppress irradiation-induced transformation in mouse embryo fibroblasts suggesting that they possess anticarcinogenic characteristics. We have previously demonstrated that Inh I and Inh II could effectively block UV irradiation-induced activation of transcription activator protein 1 (AP-1) in mouse JB6 epidermal cells, which mechanistically may explain their anticarcinogenic actions. In the present study, we investigated the effects of Inh I and Inh II on the expression and composition pattern of the AP-1 complex following stimulation by UV B (UVB) irradiation in the JB6 model. We found that Inh I and Inh II specifically inhibited UVB-induced AP-1, but not NFκB, activity in JB6 cells. Both Inh I and Inh II up-regulated AP-1 constituent proteins, JunD and Fra-2, and suppressed c-Jun and c-Fos expression and composition in bound AP-1 in response to UVB stimulation. This regulation of the AP-1 protein compositional pattern in response to Inh I or Inh II may be critical for the inhibition of UVB-induced AP-1 activity by these agents found in potatoes.


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The KARP-1 (Ku86 Autoantigen Related Protein-1) gene, which is expressed from the human Ku86 autoantigen locus, appears to play a role in mammalian DNA double-strand break repair as a regulator of the DNA-dependent protein kinase complex. Here we demonstrate that KARP-1 gene expression is significantly up-regulated following exposure of cells to DNA damage. KARP-1 mRNA induction was completely dependent on the ataxia telangiectasia and p53 gene products, consistent with the presence of a p53 binding site within the second intron of the KARP-1 locus. These observations link ataxia telangiectasia, p53, and KARP-1 in a common pathway.


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Primary CD8+ T cells from HIV+ asymptomatics can suppress virus production from CD4+ T cells acutely infected with either non-syncytia-inducing (NSI) or syncytia-inducing (SI) HIV-1 isolates. NSI strains of HIV-1 predominantly use the CCR5 chemokine receptor as a fusion cofactor, whereas fusion of T cell line-adapted SI isolates is mediated by another chemokine receptor, CXCR4. The CCR5 ligands RANTES (regulated on activation, normal T cell expressed and secreted), macrophage inflammatory protein 1α (MIP-1α), and MIP-1β are HIV-1 suppressive factors secreted by CD8+ cells that inhibit NSI viruses. Recently, the CXC chemokine stromal cell-derived factor 1 (SDF-1) was identified as a ligand for CXCR4 and shown to inhibit SI strains. We speculated that SDF-1 might be an effector molecule for CD8+ suppression of SI isolates and assessed several SDF-1 preparations for inhibition of HIV-1LAI-mediated cell–cell fusion, and examined levels of SDF-1 transcripts in CD8+ T cells. SDF-1 fusion inhibitory activity correlated with the N terminus, and the α and β forms of SDF-1 exhibited equivalent fusion blocking activity. SDF-1 preparations having the N terminus described by Bleul et al. (Bleul, C.C., Fuhlbrigge, R.C., Casasnovas, J.M., Aiuti, A. & Springer, T.A. (1996) J. Exp. Med. 184, 11011109) readily blocked HIV-1LAI-mediated fusion, whereas forms containing two or three additional N-terminal amino acids lacked this activity despite their ability to bind and/or signal through CXCR4. Though SDF-1 is constitutively expressed in most tissues, CD8 T cells contained extremely low levels of SDF-1 mRNA transcripts (<1 transcript/5,000 cells), and these levels did not correlate with virus suppressive activity. We conclude that suppression of SI strains of HIV-1 by CD8+ T cells is unlikely to involve SDF-1.


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Chemokines comprise a family of low-molecular-weight proteins that elicit a variety of biological responses including chemotaxis, intracellular Ca2+ mobilization, and activation of tyrosine kinase signaling cascades. A subset of chemokines, including regulated upon activation, normal T cell expressed and secreted (RANTES), macrophage inflammatory protein-1α (MIP-1α), and MIP-1β, also suppress infection by HIV-1. All of these activities are contingent on interactions between chemokines and cognate seven-transmembrane spanning, G protein-coupled receptors. However, these activities are strongly inhibited by glycanase treatment of receptor-expressing cells, indicating an additional dependence on surface glycosaminoglycans (GAG). To further investigate this dependence, we examined whether soluble GAG could reconstitute the biological activities of RANTES on glycanase-treated cells. Complexes formed between RANTES and a number of soluble GAG failed to induce intracellular Ca2+ mobilization on either glycanase-treated or untreated peripheral blood mononuclear cells and were unable to stimulate chemotaxis. In contrast, the same complexes demonstrated suppressive activity against macrophage tropic HIV-1. Complexes composed of 125I-labeled RANTES demonstrated saturable binding to glycanase-treated peripheral blood mononuclear cells, and such binding could be reversed partially by an anti-CCR5 antibody. These results suggest that soluble chemokine–GAG complexes represent seven-transmembrane ligands that do not activate receptors yet suppress HIV infection. Such complexes may be considered as therapeutic formulations for the treatment of HIV-1 infection.


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A toxic dose of the nitric oxide (NO) donor S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO; 1 mM) promoted apoptotic cell death of RAW 264.7 macrophages, which was attenuated by cellular preactivation with a nontoxic dose of GSNO (200 μM) or with lipopolysaccharide, interferon-γ, and NG-monomethyl-l-arginine (LPS/IFN-γ/NMMA) for 15 h. Protection from apoptosis was achieved by expression of cyclooxygenase-2 (Cox-2). Here we investigated the underlying mechanisms leading to Cox-2 expression. LPS/IFN-γ/NMMA prestimulation activated nuclear factor (NF)-κB and promoted Cox-2 expression. Cox-2 induction by low-dose GSNO demanded activation of both NF-κB and activator protein-1 (AP-1). NF-κB supershift analysis implied an active p50/p65 heterodimer, and a luciferase reporter construct, containing four copies of the NF-κB site derived from the murine Cox-2 promoter, confirmed NF-κB activation after NO addition. An NF-κB decoy approach abrogated not only Cox-2 expression after low-dose NO or after LPS/IFN-γ/NMMA but also inducible protection. The importance of AP-1 for Cox-2 expression and cell protection by low-level NO was substantiated by using the extracellular signal-regulated kinase inhibitor PD98059, blocking NO-elicited Cox-2 expression, but leaving the cytokine signal unaltered. Transient transfection of a dominant-negative c-Jun mutant further attenuated Cox-2 expression by low-level NO. Whereas cytokine-mediated Cox-2 induction relies on NF-κB activation, a low-level NO–elicited Cox-2 response required activation of both NF-κB and AP-1.


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We show that CC chemokines induced a sustained increase in monocyte adhesion to intercellular adhesion molecule-1 that was mediated by Mac-1 (αMβ2) but not lymphocyte function–associated antigen-1 (LFA-1; αLβ2). In contrast, staining for an activation epitope revealed a rapid and transient up-regulation of LFA-1 activity by monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1) in monocytes and Jurkat CCR2 chemokine receptor transfectants or by stromal-derived factor-1α in Jurkat cells. Differential kinetics for activation of Mac-1 (sustained) and LFA-1 (transient) avidity in response to stromal-derived factor-1α were confirmed by expression of αM or αL in αL-deficient Jurkat cells. Moreover, expression of chimeras containing αL and αM cytoplasmic domain exchanges indicated that α cytoplasmic tails conferred the specific mode of regulation. Coexpressing αM or chimeras in mutant Jurkat cells with a “gain of function” phenotype that results in constitutively active LFA-1 demonstrated that Mac-1 was not constitutively active, whereas constitutive activity was mediated via the αL cytoplasmic tail, implying the presence of distinct signaling pathways for LFA-1 and Mac-1. Transendothelial chemotaxis of monocytes in response to MCP-1 was dependent on LFA-1; however, Mac-1 was involved at MCP-1 concentrations stimulating its avidity, showing differential contributions of β2 integrins. Our data suggest that a specific regulation of β2 integrin avidity by chemokines may be important in leukocyte extravasation and may be triggered by distinct activation pathways transduced via the α subunit cytoplasmic domains.


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Ciliates are unicellular eukaryotic organisms containing two types of nuclei: macronuclei and micronuclei. After the sexual pathway takes place, a new macronucleus is formed from a zygote nucleus, whereas the old macronucleus is degraded and resorbed. In the course of macronuclear differentiation, polytene chromosomes are synthesized that become degraded again after some hours. Most of the DNA is eliminated, and the remaining DNA is fragmented into small DNA molecules that are amplified to a high copy number in the new macronucleus. The protein Pdd1p (programmed DNA degradation protein 1) from Tetrahymena has been shown to be present in macronuclear anlagen in the DNA degradation stage and also in the old macronuclei, which are resorbed during the formation of the new macronucleus. In this study the identification and localization of a Pdd1p homologous protein in Stylonychia (Spdd1p) is described. Spdd1p is localized in the precursor nuclei in the DNA elimination stage and in the old macronuclei during their degradation, but also in macronuclei and micronuclei of starved cells. In all of these nuclei, apoptotic-like DNA breakdown was detected. These data suggest that Spdd1p is a general factor involved in programmed DNA degradation in Stylonychia.


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Ran, the small, predominantly nuclear GTPase, has been implicated in the regulation of a variety of cellular processes including cell cycle progression, nuclear-cytoplasmic trafficking of RNA and protein, nuclear structure, and DNA synthesis. It is not known whether Ran functions directly in each process or whether many of its roles may be secondary to a direct role in only one, for example, nuclear protein import. To identify biochemical links between Ran and its functional target(s), we have generated and examined the properties of a putative Ran effector mutation, T42A-Ran. T42A-Ran binds guanine nucleotides as well as wild-type Ran and responds as well as wild-type Ran to GTP or GDP exchange stimulated by the Ran-specific guanine nucleotide exchange factor, RCC1. T42A-Ran·GDP also retains the ability to bind p10/NTF2, a component of the nuclear import pathway. In contrast to wild-type Ran, T42A-Ran·GTP binds very weakly or not detectably to three proposed Ran effectors, Ran-binding protein 1 (RanBP1), Ran-binding protein 2 (RanBP2, a nucleoporin), and karyopherin β (a component of the nuclear protein import pathway), and is not stimulated to hydrolyze bound GTP by Ran GTPase-activating protein, RanGAP1. Also in contrast to wild-type Ran, T42A-Ran does not stimulate nuclear protein import in a digitonin permeabilized cell assay and also inhibits wild-type Ran function in this system. However, the T42A mutation does not block the docking of karyophilic substrates at the nuclear pore. These properties of T42A-Ran are consistent with its classification as an effector mutant and define the exposed region of Ran containing the mutation as a probable effector loop.


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The Krüppel-associated box A (KRAB-A) domain is an evolutionarily conserved transcriptional repressor domain present in approximately one-third of zinc finger proteins of the Cys2-His2 type. Using the yeast two-hybrid system, we report the isolation of a cDNA encoding a novel murine protein, KRAB-A interacting protein 1 (KRIP-1) that physically interacts with the KRAB-A region. KRIP-1 is a member of the RBCC subfamily of the RING finger, or Cys3HisCys4, family of zinc binding proteins whose other members are known to play important roles in differentiation, oncogenesis, and signal transduction. The KRIP-1 protein has high homology to TIF1, a putative modulator of ligand-dependent activation function of nuclear receptors. A 3.5-kb mRNA for KRIP-1 is ubiquitously expressed among all adult mouse tissues studied. When a GAL4–KRIP-1 fusion protein is expressed in COS cells with a chloramphenicol acetyltransferase reporter construct with five GAL4 binding sites, there is dose-dependent repression of transcription. Thus, KRIP-1 interacts with the KRAB-A region of C2H2 zinc finger proteins and may mediate or modulate KRAB-A transcriptional repressor activity.


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It has been demonstrated that CD8+ T cells produce a soluble factor(s) that suppresses human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) replication in CD4+ T cells. The role of soluble factors in the suppression of HIV replication in monocyte/macrophages (M/M) has not been fully delineated. To investigate whether a CD8+ T-cell-derived soluble factor(s) can also suppress HIV infection in the M/M system, primary macrophages were infected with the macrophage tropic HIV-1 strain Ba-L. CD8+ T-cell-depleted peripheral blood mononuclear cells were also infected with HIV-1 IIIB or Ba-L. HIV expression from the chronically infected macrophage cell line U1 was also determined in the presence of CD8+ T-cell supernatants or β-chemokines. We demonstrate that: (i) CD8+ T-cell supernatants did, but β-chemokines did not, suppress HIV replication in the M/M system; (ii) antibodies to regulated on activation normal T-cell expressed and Secreted (RANTES), macrophage inflammatory protein 1α (MIP-1α) and MIP-1β did not, whereas antibodies to interleukin 10, interleukin 13, interferon α, or interferon γ modestly reduced anti-HIV activity of the CD8+ T-cell supernatants; and (iii) the CD8+ T-cell supernatants did, but β-chemokines did not, suppress HIV-1 IIIB replication in peripheral blood mononuclear cells as well as HIV expression in U1 cells. These results suggest that HIV-suppressor activity of CD8+ T cells is a multifactorial phenomenon, and that RANTES, MIP-1α, and MIP-1β do not account for the entire scope of CD8+ T-cell-derived HIV-suppressor factors.