63 resultados para transfer of resistance


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A diverse group of GPI-anchored protein structures are ubiquitously expressed on the external cell membranes of eukaryotes. Whereas the physiological role for these structures is usually defined by their protein component, the precise biological significance of the glycolipid anchors remains vague. In the course of producing a HeLa cell line (JM88) that contained a recombinant adeno-associated virus genome expressing a GPI-anchored CD4-GPI fusion protein on the surface of the cells, we noted the transfer of CD4-GPI to native HeLa cells. Transfer occurred after direct cell contact or exposure to JM88 cell supernatants. The magnitude of contact-mediated CD4-GPI transfer correlated with temperature. Supernatant CD4-GPI also attached to human red blood cells and could be cleaved with phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C. The attached CD4-GPI remained biologically active after transfer and permitted the formation of syncytium when coated HeLa cells were incubated with glycoprotein 160 expressing H9 cells. JM88 cells provide a model for the production, release, and reattachment of CD4-GPI and may furnish insight into a physiologic role of naturally occurring GPI-anchored proteins. This approach may also allow the production of other recombinant GPI-anchored proteins for laboratory and clinical investigation.


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Starburst polyamidoamine dendrimers are a new class of synthetic polymers with unique structural and physical characteristics. These polymers were investigated for the ability to bind DNA and enhance DNA transfer and expression in a variety of mammalian cell lines. Twenty different types of polyamidoamine dendrimers were synthesized, and the polymer structure was confirmed using well-defined analytical techniques. The efficiency of plasmid DNA transfection using dendrimers was examined using two reporter gene systems: firefly luciferase and bacterial beta-galactosidase. The transfections were performed using various dendrimers, and levels of expression of the reporter protein were determined. Highly efficient transfection of a broad range of eukaryotic cells and cell lines was achieved with minimal cytotoxicity using the DNA/dendrimer complexes. However, the ability to transfect cells was restricted to certain types of dendrimers and in some situations required the presence of additional compounds, such as DEAE-dextran, that appeared to alter the nature of the complex. A few cell lines demonstrated enhanced transfection with the addition of chloroquine, indicating endosomal localization of the complexes. The capability of a dendrimer to transfect cells appeared to depend on the size, shape, and number of primary amino groups on the surface of the polymer. However, the specific dendrimer most efficient in achieving transfection varied between different types of cells. These studies demonstrate that Starburst dendrimers can transfect a wide variety of cell types in vitro and offer an efficient method for producing permanently transfected cell lines.


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Fast skeletal muscles of mdx (X chromosome-linked muscular dystrophy) mice were injected after birth with a recombinant adenovirus containing a minidys- trophin gene, a 6.3-kbp cDNA coding for the N- and C-terminal ends of dystrophin. Adult muscles were challenged by forced lengthening during tetanic contractions. Stretch-induced mechanical and histological damages were much reduced in injected muscles, in direct proportion of the Miniber of fibers expressing minidystrophin. Damaged fibers were preferentially found among minidystrophin-negative regions. Minidystrostrophin confers an important functional and structural protection of limb muscles against high mechanical stress, even after a partial somatic gene transfer.


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Tracing interisland and interarchipelago movements of people and artifacts in prehistoric Polynesia has posed a challenge to archaeologists due to the lack of pottery and obsidian, two materials most readily used in studies of prehistoric trade or exchange. Here we report the application of nondestructive energy-dispersive x-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) analysis to the sourcing of Polynesian artifacts made from basalt, one of the most ubiquitous materials in Polynesian archaeological sites. We have compared excavated and surface-collected basalt adzes and adze flakes from two sites in Samoa (site AS-13-1) and the Cook Islands (site MAN-44), with source basalts from known prehistoric quarries in these archipelagoes. In both cases, we are able to demonstrate the importing of basalt adzes from Tutuila Island, a distance of 100 km to Ofu Island, and of 1600 km to Mangaia Island. These findings are of considerable significance for Polynesian prehistory, as they demonstrate the movement of objects not only between islands in the same group (where communities were culturally and linguistically related) but also between distant island groups. Further applications of EDXRF analysis should greatly aid archaeologists in their efforts to reconstruct ancient trade and exchange networks, not only in Polynesia but also in other regions where basalt was a major material for artifact production.


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The observed in vitro and in vivo benefit of combination treatment with anti-human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) agents prompted us to examine the potential of resistance development when two protease inhibitors are used concurrently. Recombinant HIV-1 (NL4-3) proteases containing combined resistance mutations associated with BMS-186318 and A-77003 (or saquinavir) were either inactive or had impaired enzyme activity. Subsequent construction of HIV-1 (NL4-3) proviral clones containing the same mutations yielded viruses that were severely impaired in growth or nonviable, confirming that combination therapy may be advantageous. However, passage of BMS-186318-resistant HIV-1 (RF) in the presence of either saquinavir or SC52151, which represented sequential drug treatment, produced viable viruses resistant to both BMS-186318 and the second compound. The predominant breakthrough virus contained the G48V/A71T/V82A protease mutations. The clone-purified RF (G48V/A71T/V82A) virus, unlike the corresponding defective NL4-3 triple mutant, grew well and displayed cross-resistance to four distinct protease inhibitors. Chimeric virus and in vitro mutagenesis studies indicated that the RF-specific protease sequence, specifically the Ile at residue 10, enabled the NL4-3 strain with the triple mutant to grow. Our results clearly indicate that viral genetic background will play a key role in determining whether cross-resistance variants will arise.


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As in Alzheimer-disease (AD) brain, vacuolated muscle fibers of inclusion-body myositis (IBM) contain abnormally accumulated beta-amyloid precursor protein (beta APP), including its beta-amyloid protein epitope, and increased beta APP-751 mRNA. Other similarities between IBM muscle and AD brain phenotypes include paired helical filaments, hyperphosphorylated tau protein, apolipoprotein E, and mitochondrial abnormalities, including decreased cytochrome-c oxidase (COX) activity. The pathogenesis of these abnormalities in IBM muscle and AD brain is not known. We now report that direct transfer of the beta APP gene, using adenovirus vector, into cultured normal human muscle fibers causes structural abnormalities of mitochondria and decreased COX activity. In this adenovirus-mediated beta APP gene transfer, we demonstrated that beta APP overproduction can induce mitochondrial abnormalities. The data suggest that excessive beta APP may be responsible for mitochondrial and COX abnormalities in IBM muscle and perhaps AD brain.


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Restoration of the impaired balance between pro- and antiinflammatory cytokines should provide effective treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Gene therapy has been proposed as an approach for delivery of therapeutic proteins to arthritic joints. Here, we examined the efficacy of antiinflammatory gene therapy in bacterial cell wall-induced arthritis in rats. Human secreted interleukin 1 receptor antagonist (sIL-1ra) was expressed in joints of rats with recurrent bacterial cell wall-induced arthritis by using ex vivo gene transfer. To achieve this, primary synoviocytes were transduced in culture with a retroviral vector carrying the sIL-1ra cDNA. Transduced cells were engrafted in ankle joints of animals prior to reactivation of arthritis. Animals in control groups were engrafted with synoviocytes transduced with lacZ and neo marker genes. Cells continued to express transferred genes for at least 9 days after engraftment. We found that gene transfer of sIL-1ra significantly suppressed the severity of recurrence of arthritis, as assessed by measuring joint swelling and by the gross-observation score, and attenuated but did not abolish erosion of cartilage and bone. The effect of intraarticularly expressed sIL-1ra was essentially local, as there was no significant difference in severity of recurrence between unengrafted contralateral joints in control and experimental groups. We estimate that locally expressed sIL-1ra was about four orders of magnitude more therapeutically efficient than systemically administered recombinant sIL-1ra protein. These findings provide experimental evidence for the feasibility of antiinflammatory gene therapy for arthritis.


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Mutational analysis based on the pharmacological differences between mammalian and amphibian angiotensin II receptors (AT receptors) previously identified 7 aa residues located in transmembrane domains (TMs) III (Val-108), IV (Ala-163), V (Pro-192, Thr-198), VI (Ser-252), and VII (Leu-300, Phe-301) of the rat AT receptor type 1b (rAT1b receptor) that significantly influenced binding of the nonpeptide antagonist Losartan. Further studies have shown that an additional 6 residues in the rAT1b receptor TMs II (Ala-73), III (Ser-109, Ala-114, Ser-115), VI (Phe-248), and VII (Asn-295) are important in Losartan binding. The 13 residues required for Losartan binding in the mammalian receptor were exchanged for the corresponding amino acids in the Xenopus AT receptor type a (xATa receptor) to generate a mutant amphibian receptor that bound Losartan with the same affinity as the rAT1b receptor (Losartan IC50 values: rAT1b, 2.2 +/- 0.2 nM: xATa, > 50 microM; mutant, 2.0 +/- 0.1 nM). To our knowledge, this is the first report of a gain-of-function mutant in which the residues crucial to formation of a ligand binding site in a mammalian peptide hormone receptor were transferred to a previously unresponsive receptor by site-directed mutagenesis. Ala substitutions and comparison of mammalian and amphibian combinatorial mutants indicated that TM III in the rAT1b receptor plays a key role in Losartan binding. Identification of residues involved in nonpeptide ligand binding will facilitate studies aimed at elucidating the chemical basis for ligand recognition in the AT receptor and peptide hormone receptors in general.


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Macrophages are considered to be the mediators of resistance to extra-intestinal Salmonella infections. Nevertheless, the initial cellular response to Salmonella infections consists primarily of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN). To determine whether PMN serve an important function for the infected host, we made mice neutropenic with the rat mAb to RB6–8C5 and infected them i.v. with ≈103 Salmonella dublin or an isogenic derivative that lacks the virulence plasmid (LD842). We infected BALB/c mice, which have a point mutation in the macrophage-expressed gene Nramp1 that makes them susceptible to Salmonella, and BALB/c.D2 congenic mice, which have the wild-type Nramp1 gene that makes them resistant to Salmonella. Both mouse strains were resistant to LD842, and neutropenia made only the BALB/c strain susceptible to this infection. Neutropenic congenic mice, however, were susceptible only to wild-type S. dublin (plasmid+). These results show a complex interplay between plasmid-virulence genes in Salmonella, host macrophages, and PMN. Mice with normal macrophages need PMN to defend against nontyphoid Salmonella that carry a virulence plasmid but not against Salmonella without virulence plasmids. Mice with a mutant Nramp1 gene need PMN to defend against all Salmonella, even those that lack virulence plasmids. These results, plus the evidence that PMN kill Salmonella efficiently in vitro, suggest that Salmonella have adapted to grow inside macrophages where they are relatively sheltered from PMN. The adaptations that allow Salmonella to survive in macrophages do not protect them from PMN.


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Continual exposure of malarial parasite populations to different drugs may have selected not only for resistance to individual drugs but also for genetic traits that favor initiation of resistance to novel unrelated antimalarials. To test this hypothesis, different Plasmodium falciparum clones having varying numbers of preexisting resistance mechanisms were treated with two new antimalarial agents: 5-fluoroorotate and atovaquone. All parasite populations were equally susceptible in small numbers. However, when large populations of these clones were challenged with either of the two compounds, significant variations in frequencies of resistance became apparent. On one extreme, clone D6 from West Africa, which was sensitive to all traditional antimalarial agents, failed to develop resistance under simple nonmutagenic conditions in vitro. In sharp contrast, the Indochina clone W2, which was known to be resistant to all traditional antimalarial drugs, independently acquired resistance to both new compounds as much as a 1,000 times more frequently than D6. Additional clones that were resistant to some (but not all) traditional antimalarial agents acquired resistance to atovaquone at high frequency, but not to 5-fluoroorotate. These findings were unexpected and surprising based on current views of the evolution of drug resistance in P. falciparum populations. Such new phenotypes, named accelerated resistance to multiple drugs (ARMD), raise important questions about the genetic and biochemical mechanisms related to the initiation of drug resistance in malarial parasites. Some potential mechanisms underlying ARMD phenotypes have public health implications that are ominous.


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Cry proteins produced by Bacillus thuringiensis are selective biodegradable insecticides used increasingly in bacterial insecticides and transgenic plants as alternatives to synthetic chemical insecticides. However, the potential for development of resistance and cross-resistance in target insect populations to Cry proteins used alone or in combination threatens the more widespread use of this novel pest control technology. Here we show that high levels of resistance to CryIV proteins in larvae of the mosquito, Culex quinquefasciatus, can be suppressed or reduced markedly by combining these proteins with sublethal quantities of CytA, a cytolytic endotoxin of B. thuringiensis. Resistance at the LC95 level of 127-fold for a combination of three CryIV toxins (CryIVA, B, and D), resulting from 60 generations of continuous selection, was completely suppressed by combining sporulated powders of CytA in a 1:3 ratio with sporulated powders of a CryIVA, CryIVB, and CryIVD strain. Combining the CytA strain with a CryIVA and CryIVB strain also completely suppressed mosquito resistance of 217-fold to the latter toxins at the LC95 level, whereas combination of CytA with CryIVD reduced resistance in a CryIVD-selected mosquito strain from greater than 1,000-fold to less than 8-fold. The CytA/CryIV model provides a potential molecular genetic strategy for engineering resistance management for Cry proteins directly into bacterial insecticides and transgenic plants.


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Cardiovascular gene therapy is a novel approach to the treatment of diseases such as congestive heart failure (CHF). Gene transfer to the heart would allow for the replacement of defective or missing cellular proteins that may improve cardiac performance. Our laboratory has been focusing on the feasibility of restoring β-adrenergic signaling deficiencies that are a characteristic of chronic CHF. We have now studied isolated ventricular myocytes from rabbits that have been chronically paced to produce hemodynamic failure. We document molecular β-adrenergic signaling defects including down-regulation of myocardial β-adrenergic receptors (β-ARs), functional β-AR uncoupling, and an up-regulation of the β-AR kinase (βARK1). Adenoviral-mediated gene transfer of the human β2-AR or an inhibitor of βARK1 to these failing myocytes led to the restoration of β-AR signaling. These results demonstrate that defects present in this critical myocardial signaling pathway can be corrected in vitro using genetic modification and raise the possibility of novel inotropic therapies for CHF including the inhibition of βARK1 activity in the heart.


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Ngrol genes (NgrolB, NgrolC, NgORF13, and NgORF14) that are similar in sequence to genes in the left transferred DNA (TL-DNA) of Agrobacterium rhizogenes have been found in the genome of untransformed plants of Nicotiana glauca. It has been suggested that a bacterial infection resulted in transformation of Ngrol genes early in the evolution of the genus Nicotiana. Although the corresponding four rol genes in TL-DNA provoked hairy-root syndrome in plants, present-day N. glauca and plants transformed with Ngrol genes did not exhibit this phenotype. Sequenced complementation analysis revealed that the NgrolB gene did not induce adventitious roots because it contained two point mutations. Single-base site-directed mutagenesis at these two positions restored the capacity for root induction to the NgrolB gene. When the NgrolB, with these two base substitutions, was positioned under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter (P35S), transgenic tobacco plants exhibited morphological abnormalities that were not observed in P35s-RirolB plants. In contrast, the activity of the NgrolC gene may have been conserved after an ancient infection by bacteria. Discussed is the effect of the horizontal gene transfer of the Ngrol genes and mutations in the NgrolB gene on the phenotype of ancient plants during the evolution of N. glauca.


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The Bs2 resistance gene of pepper specifically recognizes and confers resistance to strains of Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria that contain the corresponding bacterial avirulence gene, avrBs2. The involvement of avrBs2 in pathogen fitness and its prevalence in many X. campestris pathovars suggests that the Bs2 gene may be durable in the field and provide resistance when introduced into other plant species. Employing a positional cloning strategy, the Bs2 locus was isolated and the gene was identified by coexpression with avrBs2 in an Agrobacterium-mediated transient assay. A single candidate gene, predicted to encode motifs characteristic of the nucleotide binding site–leucine-rich repeat class of resistance genes, was identified. This gene specifically controlled the hypersensitive response when transiently expressed in susceptible pepper and tomato lines and in a nonhost species, Nicotiana benthamiana, and was designated as Bs2. Functional expression of Bs2 in stable transgenic tomatoes supports its use as a source of resistance in other Solanaceous plant species.


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Insecticidal proteins from the soil bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) are becoming a cornerstone of ecologically sound pest management. However, if pests quickly adapt, the benefits of environmentally benign Bt toxins in sprays and genetically engineered crops will be short-lived. The diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella) is the first insect to evolve resistance to Bt in open-field populations. Here we report that populations from Hawaii and Pennsylvania share a genetic locus at which a recessive mutation associated with reduced toxin binding confers extremely high resistance to four Bt toxins. In contrast, resistance in a population from the Philippines shows multilocus control, a narrower spectrum, and for some Bt toxins, inheritance that is not recessive and not associated with reduced binding. The observed variation in the genetic and biochemical basis of resistance to Bt, which is unlike patterns documented for some synthetic insecticides, profoundly affects the choice of strategies for combating resistance.