336 resultados para single-stranded DNA binding protein


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Osmoregulated porin gene expression in Escherichia coli is controlled by the two-component regulatory system EnvZ and OmpR. EnvZ, the osmosensor, is an inner membrane protein and a histidine kinase. EnvZ phosphorylates OmpR, a cytoplasmic DNA-binding protein, on an aspartyl residue. Phospho-OmpR binds to the promoters of the porin genes to regulate the expression of ompF and ompC. We describe the use of limited proteolysis by trypsin and ion spray mass spectrometry to characterize phospho-OmpR and the conformational changes that occur upon phosphorylation. Our results are consistent with a two-domain structure for OmpR, an N-terminal phosphorylation domain joined to a C-terminal DNA-binding domain by a flexible linker region. In the presence of acetyl phosphate, OmpR is phosphorylated at only one site. Phosphorylation induces a conformational change that is transmitted to the C-terminal domain via the central linker. Previous genetic analysis identified a region in the C-terminal domain that is required for transcriptional activation. Our results indicate that this region is within a surface-exposed loop. We propose that this loop contacts the alpha subunit of RNA polymerase to activate transcription. Mass spectrometry also reveals an unusual dephosphorylated form of OmpR, the potential significance of which is discussed.


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Methylation of cytosine residues in DNA plays an important role in regulating gene expression during vertebrate embryonic development. Conversely, disruption of normal patterns of methylation is common in tumors and occurs early in progression of some human cancers. In vertebrates, it appears that the same DNA methyltransferase maintains preexisting patterns of methylation during DNA replication and carries out de novo methylation to create new methylation patterns. There are several indications that inherent signals in DNA structure can act in vivo to initiate or block de novo methylation in adjacent DNA regions. To identify sequences capable of enhancing de novo methylation of DNA in vitro, we designed a series of oligodeoxyribonucleotide substrates with substrate cytosine residues in different sequence contexts. We obtained evidence that some 5-methylcytosine residues in these single-stranded DNAs can stimulate de novo methylation of adjacent sites by murine DNA 5-cytosine methyltransferase as effectively as 5-methylcytosine residues in double-stranded DNA stimulate maintenance methylation. This suggests that double-stranded DNA may not be the primary natural substrate for de novo methylation and that looped single-stranded structures formed during the normal course of DNA replication or repair serve as "nucleation" sites for de novo methylation of adjacent DNA regions.


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Human replication factor C (RFC, also called activator 1) is a five-subunit protein complex (p140, p40, p38, p37, and p36) required for proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA)-dependent processive DNA synthesis catalyzed by DNA polymerase δ or ɛ. Here we report the reconstitution of the RFC complex from its five subunits simultaneously overexpressed in baculovirus-infected insect cells. The purified baculovirus-produced RFC appears to contain equimolar levels of each subunit and was shown to be functionally identical to its native counterpart in (i) supporting DNA polymerase δ-catalyzed PCNA-dependent DNA chain elongation; (ii) catalyzing DNA-dependent ATP hydrolysis that was stimulated by PCNA and human single-stranded DNA binding protein; (iii) binding preferentially to DNA primer ends; and (iv) catalytically loading PCNA onto singly nicked circular DNA and catalytically removing PCNA from these DNA molecules.


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Earlier reports have shown that cdc2 kinase is activated in cells infected with herpes simplex virus 1 and that the activation is mediated principally by two viral proteins, the infected cell protein 22 (ICP22) and the protein kinase encoded by UL13. The same proteins are required for optimal expression of a subset of late (γ2) genes exemplified by US11. In this study, we used a dominant-negative cdc2 protein to determine the role of cdc2 in viral gene expression. We report the following. (i) The cdc2 dominant-negative protein had no effect in the synthesis and accumulation of at least two α-regulatory proteins (ICP4 and ICP0), two β-proteins (ribonucleotide reductase major subunit and single-stranded DNA-binding protein), and two γ1-proteins (glycoprotein D and viral protease). US11, a γ2-protein, accumulated only in cells in which cdc2 dominant-negative protein could not be detected or was made in very small amounts. (ii) The sequence of amino acids predicted to be phosphorylated by cdc2 is present in at least 27 viral proteins inclusive of the regulatory proteins ICP4, ICP0, and ICP22. In in vitro assays, we demonstrated that cdc2 specifically phosphorylated a polypeptide consisting of the second exon of ICP0 but not a polypeptide containing the sequence of the third exon as would be predicted from the sequence analysis. We conclude that cdc2 is required for optimal expression of a subset of γ2-proteins whose expression is also regulated by the viral proteins (ICP22 and UL13) that mediate the activation of cdc2 kinase.


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We have previously shown that Y box-binding protein-1 (YB-1) binds preferentially to cisplatin-modified Y box sequences. Based on structural and biochemical data, we predicted that this protein binds single-stranded nucleic acids. In the present study we confirmed the prediction and also discovered some unexpected functional features of YB-1. We found that the cold shock domain of the protein is necessary but not sufficient for double-stranded DNA binding while the C-tail domain interacts with both single-stranded DNA and RNA independently of the cold shock domain. In an in vitro translation system the C-tail domain of the protein inhibited translation but the cold shock domain did not. Both in vitro pull-down and in vivo co-immunoprecipitation assays revealed that YB-1 can form a homodimer. Deletion analysis mapped the C-tail domain of the protein as the region of homodimerization. We also characterized an intrinsic 3′→5′ DNA exonuclease activity of the protein. The region between residues 51 and 205 of its 324-amino acid extent is required for full exonuclease activity. Our findings suggest that YB-1 functions in regulating DNA/RNA transactions and that these actions involve different domains.


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We have identified a class of proteins that bind single-stranded telomeric DNA and are required for the nuclear organization of telomeres and/or telomere-associated proteins. Rlf6p was identified by its sequence similarity to Gbp1p, a single-stranded telomeric DNA-binding protein from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Rlf6p and Gbp1p bind yeast single-stranded G-strand telomeric DNA. Both proteins include at least two RNA recognition motifs, which are found in many proteins that interact with single-stranded nucleic acids. Disruption of RLF6 alters the distribution of repressor/activator protein 1 (Rap1p), a telomere-associated protein. In wild-type yeast cells, Rap1p localizes to a small number of perinuclear spots, while in rlf6 cells Rap1p appears diffuse and nuclear. Interestingly, telomere position effect and telomere length control, which require RAP1, are unaffected by rlf6 mutations, demonstrating that Rap1p localization can be uncoupled from other Rap1p-dependent telomere functions. In addition, expression of Chlamydomonas GBP1 restores perinuclear, punctate Rap1p localization in rlf6 mutant cells. The functional complementation of a fungal gene by an algal gene suggests that Rlf6p and Gbp1p are members of a conserved class of single-stranded telomeric DNA-binding proteins that influence nuclear organization. Furthermore, it demonstrates that, despite their unusual codon bias, C. reinhardtii genes can be efficiently translated in Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells.


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p53 tumor suppressor protein negatively regulates cell growth, mainly through the transactivation of its downstream target genes. As a sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor, p53 specifically binds to a 20-bp consensus motif 5′-PuPuPuC(A/T) (T/A)GPyPyPyPuPuPuC(A/T)(T/A)GPyPyPy-3′. We have now identified, partially purified, and characterized an additional ≈40-kDa nuclear protein, p53CP (p53 competing protein), that specifically binds to the consensus p53 binding sites found in several p53 downstream target genes, including Waf-1, Gadd45, Mdm2, Bax, and RGC. The minimal sequence requirement for binding is a 14-bp motif, 5′-CTTGCTTGAACAGG-3′ [5′-C(A/T)(T/A)GPyPyPyPuPuPuC(A/T)(T/A)G-3′], which includes the central nucleotides of the typical p53 binding site with one mismatch. p53CP and p53 (complexed with antibody) showed a similar binding specificity to Waf-1 site but differences in Gadd45 and T3SF binding. Like p53, p53CP also binds both double- and single-stranded DNA oligonucleotides. Important to note, cell cycle blockers and DNA damaging reagents, which induce p53 binding activity, were found to inhibit p53CP binding in p53-positive, but not in p53-negative, cells. This finding suggested a p53-dependent coordinate regulation of p53 and p53CP in response to external stimuli. p53CP therefore could be a third member of the p53 family, in addition to p53 and p73, a newly identified p53 homolog. p53CP, if sequestering p53 from its DNA binding sites through competitive binding, may provide a novel mechanism of p53 inactivation. Alternatively, p53CP may have p53-like functions by binding and transactivating p53 downstream target genes. Cloning of the p53CP gene ultimately will resolve this issue.


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The RecA protein-single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) filament can bind a second DNA molecule. Binding of ssDNA to this secondary site shows specificity, in that polypyrimidinic DNA binds to the RecA protein-ssDNA filament with higher affinity than polypurinic sequences. The affinity of ssDNA, which is identical in sequence to that bound in the primary site, is not always greater than that of nonhomologous DNA. Moreover, this specificity of DNA binding does not depend on the sequence of the DNA bound to the RecA protein primary site. We conclude that the specificity reflects an intrinsic property of the secondary site of RecA protein rather than an interaction between DNa molecules within nucleoprotein filament--i.e., self-recognition. The secondary DNA binding site displays a higher affinity for ssDNA than for double-stranded DNA, and the binding of ssDNA to the secondary site strongly inhibits DNA strand exchange. We suggest that the secondary binding site has a dual role in DNA strand exchange. During the homology search, it binds double-stranded DNA weakly; upon finding local homology, this site binds, with higher affinity, the ssDNA strand that is displaced during DNA strand exchange. These characteristics facilitate homologous pairing, promote stabilization of the newly formed heteroduplex DNA, and contribute to the directionality of DNA strand exchange.


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We describe a novel DNA damage binding activity in nuclear extracts from a normal human fibroblast cell strain. This protein was identified using electrophoretic mobility shift assays of immunopurified UV-irradiated oligonucleotide substrates containing a single, site-specific cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer or a pyrimidine (6-4) pyrimidinone photoproduct. Compared with the (6-4) photoproduct, which displayed similar levels of binding in double and single-stranded substrates, the protein showed somewhat lower affinity for the cyclobutane dimer in a single-stranded oligonucleotide and negligible binding in double-stranded DNA. The specificity and magnitude of binding was similar in cells with normal excision repair (GM637) and repair-deficient cells from xeroderma pigmentosum groups A (XP12RO) and E (XP2RO). An apparent molecular mass of 66 kDa consisting of two subunits of approximately 22 and approximately 44 kDa was determined by Southwestern analysis. Cell cycle studies using centrifugal cell elutriation indicated that the binding activity was significantly greater in G1 phase compared with S phase in a human lymphoblast cell line. Gel supershift analysis using an anti-replication protein A antibody showed that the binding protein was not antigenically related to the human single-stranded binding protein. Taken together, these data suggest that this activity represents a novel DNA damage binding protein that, in addition to a putative role in excision repair, may also function in cell cycle or gene regulation.


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T-DNA nuclear import is a central event in genetic transformation of plant cells by Agrobacterium. Presumably, the T-DNA transport intermediate is a single-stranded DNA molecule associated with two bacterial proteins, VirD2 and VirE2, which most likely mediate the transport process. While VirE2 cooperatively coats the transported single-stranded DNA, VirD2 is covalently attached to its 5′ end. To better understand the mechanism of VirD2 action, a cellular receptor for VirD2 was identified and its encoding gene cloned from Arabidopsis. The identified protein, designated AtKAPα, specifically bound VirD2 in vivo and in vitro. VirD2–AtKAPα interaction was absolutely dependent on the carboxyl-terminal bipartite nuclear localization signal sequence of VirD2. The deduced amino acid sequence of AtKAPα was homologous to yeast and animal nuclear localization signal-binding proteins belonging to the karyopherin α family. Indeed, AtKAPα efficiently rescued a yeast mutant defective for nuclear import. Furthermore, AtKAPα specifically mediated transport of VirD2 into the nuclei of permeabilized yeast cells.


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There is still a lack of information on the specific characteristics of DNA-binding proteins from hyperthermophiles. Here we report on the product of the gene orf56 from plasmid pRN1 of the acidophilic and thermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus islandicus. orf56 has not been characterised yet but low sequence similarily to several eubacterial plasmid-encoded genes suggests that this 6.5 kDa protein is a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein. The DNA-binding properties of ORF56, expressed in Escherichia coli, have been investigated by EMSA experiments and by fluorescence anisotropy measurements. Recombinant ORF56 binds to double-stranded DNA, specifically to an inverted repeat located within the promoter of orf56. Binding to this site could down-regulate transcription of the orf56 gene and also of the overlapping orf904 gene, encoding the putative initiator protein of plasmid replication. By gel filtration and chemical crosslinking we have shown that ORF56 is a dimeric protein. Stoichiometric fluorescence anisotropy titrations further indicate that ORF56 binds as a tetramer to the inverted repeat of its target binding site. CD spectroscopy points to a significant increase in ordered secondary structure of ORF56 upon binding DNA. ORF56 binds without apparent cooperativity to its target DNA with a dissociation constant in the nanomolar range. Quantitative analysis of binding isotherms performed at various salt concentrations and at different temperatures indicates that approximately seven ions are released upon complex formation and that complex formation is accompanied by a change in heat capacity of –6.2 kJ/mol. Furthermore, recombinant ORF56 proved to be highly thermostable and is able to bind DNA up to 85°C.


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Escherichia coli RecA protein, in the presence of ATP or its analog adenosine 5'-[gamma-thio]triphosphate, polymerizes on single-stranded DNA to form nucleoprotein filaments that can then bind to homologous sequences on duplex DNA. The three-stranded joint molecule formed as a result of this binding event is a key intermediate in general recombination. We have used affinity cleavage to examine this three-stranded joint by incorporating a single thymidine-EDTA.Fe (T*) into the oligonucleotide part of the filament. Our analysis of the cleavage patterns from the joint molecule reveals that the nucleoprotein filament binds in the minor groove of an extended Watson-Crick duplex.


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Internodes of deepwater rice are induced to grow rapidly when plants become submerged. This adaptation enables deepwater rice to keep part of its foliage above the rising flood waters during the monsoon season and to avoid drowning. This growth response is, ultimately, elicited by the plant hormone gibberellin (GA). The primary target tissue for GA action is the intercalary meristem of the internode. Using differential display of mRNA, we have isolated a number of genes whose expression in the intercalary meristem is regulated by GA. The product of one of these genes was identified as an ortholog of replication protein A1 (RPA1). RPA is a heterotrimeric protein involved in DNA replication, recombination, and repair and also in regulation of transcription. A chimeric construct, in which the single-stranded DNA-binding domain of rice RPA1 was spliced into the corresponding region of yeast RPA1, was able to complement a yeast rpa1 mutant. The transcript level of rice RPA1 is high in tissues containing dividing cells. RPA1 mRNA levels increase rapidly in the intercalary meristem during submergence and treatment with GA before the increase in the level of histone H3 mRNA, a marker for DNA replication.


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Telomere length is maintained through a dynamic balance between addition and loss of the terminal telomeric DNA. Normal telomere length regulation requires telomerase as well as a telomeric proteinDNA complex. Previous work has provided evidence that in the budding yeasts Kluyveromyces lactis and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the telomeric double-stranded DNA binding protein Rap1p negatively regulates telomere length, in part by nucleating, by its C-terminal tail, a higher-order DNA binding protein complex that presumably limits access of telomerase to the chromosome end. Here we show that in K. lactis, truncating the Rap1p C-terminal tail (Rap1p-ΔC mutant) accelerates telomeric repeat turnover in the distal region of the telomere. In addition, combining the rap1-ΔC mutation with a telomerase template mutation (ter1-kpn), which directs the addition of mutated telomeric DNA repeats to telomeres, synergistically caused an immediate loss of telomere length regulation. Capping of the unregulated telomeres of these double mutants with functionally wild-type repeats restored telomere length control. We propose that the rate of terminal telomere turnover is controlled by Rap1p specifically through its interactions with the most distal telomeric repeats.


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The σ-N (σN) subunit of the bacterial RNA polymerase is a sequence specific DNA-binding protein. The RNA polymerase holoenzyme formed with σN binds to promoters in an inactive form and only initiates transcription when activated by enhancer-binding positive control proteins. We now provide evidence to show that the DNA-binding activity of σN involves two distinct domains: a C-terminal DNA-binding domain that directly contacts DNA and an adjacent domain that enhances DNA-binding activity. The sequences required for the enhancement of DNA binding can be separated from the sequences required for core RNA polymerase binding. These results provide strong evidence for communication between domains within a transcription factor, likely to be important for the function of σN in enhancer-dependent transcription.