44 resultados para modelled biological processes
Biological processes often require that a single gene product participate in multiple types of molecular interactions. Viruses with quasiequivalent capsids provide an excellent paradigm for studying such phenomena because identical protein subunits are found in different structural environments. Differences in subunit joints may be controlled by protein segments, duplex or single-stranded RNA, metal ions, or some combination of these. Each of the virus groups examined display a distinctive mechanism for switching interface interactions, illustrating the magnitude of options that are likely to be found in other biological systems. In addition to determining capsid morphology, assembly controls the timing of autocatalytic maturation cleavage of the viral subunits that is required for infectivity in picorna-, noda-, and tetraviruses. The mechanism of assembly-dependent cleavage is conserved in noda- and tetraviruses, although the quaternary structures of the capsids are different as are the molecular switches that control subunit interfaces. The function of the cleavage in picorna-, noda-, and tetraviruses is probably to release polypeptides that participate in membrane translocation of RNA.
Vitronectin (VN) is an abundant glycoprotein present in plasma and the extracellular matrix of most tissues. Though the precise function of VN in vivo is unknown, it has been implicated as a participant in diverse biological processes, including cell attachment and spreading, complement activation, and regulation of hemostasis. The major site of synthesis appears to be the liver, though VN is also found in the brain at an early stage of mouse organogenesis, suggesting that it may play an important role in mouse development. Genetic deficiency of VN has not been reported in humans or in other higher organisms. To examine the biologic function of VN within the context of the intact animal, we have established a murine model for VN deficiency through targeted disruption of the murine VN gene. Southern blot analysis of DNA obtained from homozygous null mice demonstrates deletion of all VN coding sequences, and immunological analysis confirms the complete absence of VN protein expression in plasma. However, heterozygous mice carrying one normal and one null VN allele and homozygous null mice completely deficient in VN demonstrate normal development, fertility, and survival. Sera obtained from VN-deficient mice are completely deficient in "serum spreading factor" and plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 binding activities. These observations demonstrate that VN is not essential for cell adhesion and migration during normal mouse development and suggest that its role in these processes may partially overlap with other adhesive matrix components.
The epsilon 4 allele of apolipoprotein E (apoE) is a major risk factor for Alzheimer disease, suggesting that apoE may directly influence neurons in the aging brain. Recent data suggest that apoE-containing lipoproteins can influence neurite outgrowth in an isoform-specific fashion. The neuronal mediators of apoE effects have not been clarified. We show here that in a central nervous system-derived neuronal cell line, apoE3 but not apoE4 increases neurite extension. The effect of apoE3 was blocked at low nanomolar concentrations by purified 39-kDa protein that regulates ligand binding to the low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein (LRP). Anti-LRP antibody also completely abolished the neurite-promoting effect of apoE3. Understanding isoform-specific cell biological processes mediated by apoE-LRP interactions in central nervous system neurons may provide insight into Alzheimer disease pathogenesis.
The heterodimeric HU protein, isolated from Escherichia coli, is associated with the bacterial nucleoid and shares some properties with both histones and HMG proteins. It is the prototype of small bacterial DNA binding proteins with a pleiotropic role in the cell. HU participates in several biological processes like cell division, initiation of DNA replication, transposition, and other biochemical functions. We show here that bacteria lacking HU are extremely sensitive to gamma irradiation. Expression of either one of the subunits of HU in the hupAB double mutant nearly restores the normal survival rate. This shows that the sensitivity is due to the absence of HU rather than being the result of a secondary mutation occurring in the hupAB cells or a modification of the SOS repair system, since SOS genes are induced normally in the absence of HU. Finally, in vitro studies give an indication of its potential role: HU protects DNA against cleavage by gamma-rays.
Protein phosphatase 1 (PP1) is a highly conserved enzyme that has been implicated in diverse biological processes in the brain as well as in nonneuronal tissues. The present study used light and electron microscopic immunocytochemistry to characterize the distribution of two PP1 isoforms, PP1 alpha and PP1 gamma 1, in the rat neostriatum. Both isoforms are heterogeneously distributed in brain with the highest immunoreactivity being found in the neostriatum and hippocampal formation. Further, both isoforms are highly and specifically concentrated in dendritic spines. Weak immunoreactivity is present in dendrites, axons, and some axon terminals. Immunoreactivity for PP1 alpha is also present in the perikaryal cytoplasm and nuclei of most medium- and large-sized neostriatal neurons. The specific localization of PP1 in dendritic spines is consistent with a central role for this enzyme in signal transduction. The data support the concept that, in the course of evolution, spines developed as specialized signal transduction organelles enabling neurons to integrate diverse inputs from multiple afferent nerve terminals.
We used event-related functional MRI to investigate the neural bases of two categories of mental processes believed to contribute to performance of an alphabetization working memory task: memory storage and memory manipulation. Our delayed-response tasks required memory for the identity and position-in-the-display of items in two- or five-letter memory sets (to identify load-sensitive regions) or memory for the identity and relative position-in-the-alphabet of items in five-letter memory sets (to identify manipulation-sensitive regions). Results revealed voxels in the left perisylvian cortex of five of five subjects showing load sensitivity (as contrasted with alphabetization-sensitive voxels in this region in only one subject) and voxels of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in all subjects showing alphabetization sensitivity (as contrasted with load-sensitive voxels in this region in two subjects). This double dissociation was reliable at the group level. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that the nonmnemonic executive control processes that can contribute to working memory function are primarily prefrontal cortex-mediated whereas mnemonic processes necessary for working memory storage are primarily posteriorly mediated. More broadly, they support the view that working memory is a faculty that arises from the coordinated interaction of computationally and neuroanatomically dissociable processes.
Although cellular proteins degraded by proteasomes are the source of most antigenic peptides presented on major histocompatibility complex class I molecules, it is unknown whether the eight- to nine-residue peptides that fit in the binding groove of class I molecules are directly produced by proteasomes alone in vivo. If the eight-residue peptide SIINFEKL from chicken ovalbumin is extended by one or several residues at its C terminus and microinjected into cells or expressed from a minigene, it is processed and presented on major histocompatibility complex class I. However, processing and presentation are inhibited by proteasome inhibitors, such as lactacystin. In contrast, when SIINFEKL is extended by 2 to 25 residues at its N terminus, its presentation is not blocked by proteasome inhibitors. N-terminal processing also can occur when the extended peptide is cotranslationally inserted into the endoplasmic reticulum. Thus, two different proteolytic steps in the generation of an chicken ovalbumin-presented peptide can be distinguished. Cleavage by the proteasome defines the proper C terminus, whereas distinct peptidase(s) in the cytosol or endoplasmic reticulum may generate the appropriate N terminus from extended peptides.
Stochastic processes strongly influence HIV-1 evolution during suboptimal protease-inhibitor therapy
It has long been assumed that HIV-1 evolution is best described by deterministic evolutionary models because of the large population size. Recently, however, it was suggested that the effective population size (Ne) may be rather small, thereby allowing chance to influence evolution, a situation best described by a stochastic evolutionary model. To gain experimental evidence supporting one of the evolutionary models, we investigated whether the development of resistance to the protease inhibitor ritonavir affected the evolution of the env gene. Sequential serum samples from five patients treated with ritonavir were used for analysis of the protease gene and the V3 domain of the env gene. Multiple reverse transcription–PCR products were cloned, sequenced, and used to construct phylogenetic trees and to calculate the genetic variation and Ne. Genotypic resistance to ritonavir developed in all five patients, but each patient displayed a unique combination of mutations, indicating a stochastic element in the development of ritonavir resistance. Furthermore, development of resistance induced clear bottleneck effects in the env gene. The mean intrasample genetic variation, which ranged from 1.2% to 5.7% before treatment, decreased significantly (P < 0.025) during treatment. In agreement with these findings, Ne was estimated to be very small (500–15,000) compared with the total HIV-1 RNA copy number. This study combines three independent observations, strong population bottlenecking, small Ne, and selection of different combinations of protease-resistance mutations, all of which indicate that HIV-1 evolution is best described by a stochastic evolutionary model.
Event-related functional MRI and a version of the Stroop color naming task were used to test two conflicting theories of anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) function during executive processes of cognition. A response-related increase in ACC activity was present when strategic processes were less engaged, and conflict high, but not when strategic processes were engaged and conflict reduced. This is inconsistent with the widely held view that the ACC implements strategic processes to reduce cognitive conflicts, such as response competition. Instead, it suggests that the ACC serves an evaluative function, detecting cognitive states such as response competition, which may lead to poor performance, and representing the knowledge that strategic processes need to be engaged.
Across the boreal forest of North America, lynx populations undergo 10-year cycles. Analysis of 21 time series from 1821 to the present demonstrates that these fluctuations are generated by nonlinear processes with regulatory delays. Trophic interactions between lynx and hares cause delayed density-dependent regulation of lynx population growth. The nonlinearity, in contrast, appears to arise from phase dependencies in hunting success by lynx through the cycle. Using a combined approach of empirical, statistical, and mathematical modeling, we highlight how shifts in trophic interactions between the lynx and the hare generate the nonlinear process primarily by shifting functional response curves during the increase and the decrease phases.
Microorganisms modify rates and mechanisms of chemical and physical weathering and clay growth, thus playing fundamental roles in soil and sediment formation. Because processes in soils are inherently complex and difficult to study, we employ a model based on the lichen–mineral system to identify the fundamental interactions. Fixed carbon released by the photosynthetic symbiont stimulates growth of fungi and other microorganisms. These microorganisms directly or indirectly induce mineral disaggregation, hydration, dissolution, and secondary mineral formation. Model polysaccharides were used to investigate direct mediation of mineral surface reactions by extracellular polymers. Polysaccharides can suppress or enhance rates of chemical weathering by up to three orders of magnitude, depending on the pH, mineral surface structure and composition, and organic functional groups. Mg, Mn, Fe, Al, and Si are redistributed into clays that strongly adsorb ions. Microbes contribute to dissolution of insoluble secondary phosphates, possibly via release of organic acids. These reactions significantly impact soil fertility. Below fungi–mineral interfaces, mineral surfaces are exposed to dissolved metabolic byproducts. Through this indirect process, microorganisms can accelerate mineral dissolution, leading to enhanced porosity and permeability and colonization by microbial communities.
Intrinsic, three-dimensionally resolved, microscopic imaging of dynamical structures and biochemical processes in living preparations has been realized by nonlinear laser scanning fluorescence microscopy. The search for useful two-photon and three-photon excitation spectra, motivated by the emergence of nonlinear microscopy as a powerful biophysical instrument, has now discovered a virtual artist's palette of chemical indicators, fluorescent markers, and native biological fluorophores, including NADH, flavins, and green fluorescent proteins, that are applicable to living biological preparations. More than 25 two-photon excitation spectra of ultraviolet and visible absorbing molecules reveal useful cross sections, some conveniently blue-shifted, for near-infrared absorption. Measurements of three-photon fluorophore excitation spectra now define alternative windows at relatively benign wavelengths to excite deeper ultraviolet fluorophores. The inherent optical sectioning capability of nonlinear excitation provides three-dimensional resolution for imaging and avoids out-of-focus background and photodamage. Here, the measured nonlinear excitation spectra and their photophysical characteristics that empower nonlinear laser microscopy for biological imaging are described.
p53 is a multifunctional tumor suppressor protein involved in the negative control of cell growth. Mutations in p53 cause alterations in cellular phenotype, including immortalization, neoplastic transformation, and resistance to DNA-damaging drugs. To help dissect distinct functions of p53, a set of genetic suppressor elements (GSEs) capable of inducing different p53-related phenotypes in rodent embryo fibroblasts was isolated from a retroviral library of random rat p53 cDNA fragments. All the GSEs were 100-300 nucleotides long and were in the sense orientation. They fell into four classes, corresponding to the transactivator (class I), DNA-binding (class II), and C-terminal (class III) domains of the protein and the 3'-untranslated region of the mRNA (class IV). GSEs in all four classes promoted immortalization of primary cells, but only members of classes I and III cooperated with activated ras to transform cells, and only members of class III conferred resistance to etoposide and strongly inhibited transcriptional transactivation by p53. These observations suggest that processes related to control of senescence, response to DNA damage, and transformation involve different functions of the p53 protein and furthermore indicate a regulatory role for the 3'-untranslated region of p53 mRNA.
Oscillating electric fields can be rectified by proteins in cell membranes to give rise to a dc transport of a substance across the membrane or a net conversion of a substrate to a product. This provides a basis for signal averaging and may be important for understanding the effects of weak extremely low frequency (ELF) electric fields on cellular systems. We consider the limits imposed by thermal and "excess" biological noise on the magnitude and exposure duration of such electric field-induced membrane activity. Under certain circumstances, the excess noise leads to an increase in the signal-to-noise ratio in a manner similar to processes labeled "stochastic resonance." Numerical results indicate that it is difficult to reconcile biological effects with low field strengths.