79 resultados para maternally-mediated genotype effect


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Moderate somatic stress inhibits gastric acid secretion. We have investigated the role of endogenously released NO in this phenomenon. Elevation of body temperature by 3°C or a reduction of 35 mmHg (1 mmHg = 133 Pa) in blood pressure for 10 min produced a rapid and long-lasting reduction of distension-stimulated acid secretion in the rat perfused stomach in vivo. A similar inhibitory effect on acid secretion was produced by the intracisternal (i.c.) administration of oxytocin, a peptide known to be released during stress. Intracisternal administration of the NO-synthase inhibitor, NG-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester (l-NAME) reversed the antisecretory effect induced by all these stimuli, an action prevented by intracisternal coadministration of the NO precursor, l-arginine. Furthermore, microinjection of l-NAME into the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve reversed the acid inhibitory effects of mild hyperthermia, i.v. endotoxin, or i.c. oxytocin, an action prevented by prior microinjection of l-arginine. By contrast, microinjection of l-NAME into the nucleus tractus solitarius failed to affect the inhibitory effects of hyperthermia, i.v. endotoxin, or i.c. oxytocin. Immunohistochemical techniques demonstrated that following hyperthermia there was a significant increase in immunoreactivity to neuronal NO synthase in different areas of the brain, including the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus. Thus, our results suggest that the inhibition of gastric acid secretion, a defense mechanism during stress, is mediated by a nervous reflex involving a neuronal pathway that includes NO synthesis in the brain, specifically in the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus.


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β-Amyloid peptide (Aβ), one of the primary protein components of senile plaques found in Alzheimer disease, is believed to be toxic to neurons by a mechanism that may involve loss of intracellular calcium regulation. We have previously shown that Aβ blocks the fast-inactivating potassium (A) current. In this work, we show, through the use of a mathematical model, that the Aβ-mediated block of the A current could result in increased intracellular calcium levels and increased membrane excitability, both of which have been observed in vitro upon acute exposure to Aβ. Simulation results are compared with experimental data from the literature; the simulations quantitatively capture the observed concentration dependence of the neuronal response and the level of increase in intracellular calcium.


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Ligands that activate the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) are synthesized as membrane-anchored precursors that appear to be proteolytically released by members of the ADAM family of metalloproteases. Because membrane-anchored EGFR ligands are thought to be biologically active, the role of ligand release in the regulation of EGFR signaling is unclear. To investigate this question, we used metalloprotease inhibitors to block EGFR ligand release from human mammary epithelial cells. These cells express both transforming growth factor α and amphiregulin and require autocrine signaling through the EGFR for proliferation and migration. We found that metalloprotease inhibitors reduced cell proliferation in direct proportion to their effect on transforming growth factor α release. Metalloprotease inhibitors also reduced growth of EGF-responsive tumorigenic cell lines and were synergistic with the inhibitory effects of antagonistic EGFR antibodies. Blocking release of EGFR ligands also strongly inhibited autocrine activation of the EGFR and reduced both the rate and persistence of cell migration. The effects of metalloprotease inhibitors could be reversed by either adding exogenous EGF or by expressing an artificial gene for EGF that lacked a membrane-anchoring domain. Our results indicate that soluble rather than membrane-anchored forms of the ligands mediate most of the biological effects of EGFR ligands. Metalloprotease inhibitors have shown promise in preventing spread of metastatic disease. Many of their antimetastatic effects could be the result of their ability to inhibit autocrine signaling through the EGFR.


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The MLL-ELL fusion gene results from the translocation t(11;19)(q23;p13.1) that is associated with de novo and therapy-related acute myeloid leukemia. To study its transforming properties, we retrovirally transduced primary murine hematopoietic progenitors and assessed their growth properties both in vitro and in vivo. MLL-ELL increased the proliferation of myeloid colony-forming cells in methylcellulose cultures upon serial replating, whereas overexpression of ELL alone had no effect. We reconstituted lethally irradiated congenic mice with bone marrow progenitors transduced with MLL-ELL or the control MIE vector encoding the enhanced green fluorescent protein. When the peripheral blood of the mice was analyzed 11–13 weeks postreconstitution, we found that the engraftment of the MLL-ELL-transduced cells was superior to that of the MIE controls. At this time point, the contribution of the donor cells was normally distributed among the myeloid and nonmyeloid compartments. Although all of the MIE animals (n = 10) remained healthy for more than a year, all of the MLL-ELL mice (n = 20) succumbed to monoclonal or pauciclonal acute myeloid leukemias within 100–200 days. The leukemic cells were readily transplantable to secondary recipients and could be established as immortalized cell lines in liquid cultures. These studies demonstrate the enhancing effect of MLL-ELL on the proliferative potential of myeloid progenitors as well as its causal role in the genesis of acute myeloid leukemias.


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Recoverin is a heterogeneously acylated calcium-binding protein thought to regulate visual transduction. Its effect on the photoresponse was investigated by dialyzing the recombinant protein into truncated salamander rod outer segments. At high Ca2+ (Ca), myristoylated recoverin (Ca-recoverin) prolonged the recovery phase of the bright flash response but had less effect on the dim flash response. The prolongation of recovery had an apparent Kd for Ca of 13 μM and a Hill coefficient of 2. The prolongation was shown to be mediated by inhibition of rhodopsin deactivation. After a sudden imposed drop in Ca concentration, the effect of recoverin switched off with little lag. The myristoyl (C14:0) modification of recoverin increased its activity 12-fold, and the C12:0 or C14:2 acyl group gave similar effects. These experiments support the notion that recoverin mediates Ca-dependent inhibition of rhodopsin phosphorylation and thereby controls light-triggered phosphodiesterase activity, particularly at high light levels.


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Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a hypoxia-inducible angiogenic peptide with recently identified neurotrophic effects. Because some neurotrophic factors can protect neurons from hypoxic or ischemic injury, we investigated the possibility that VEGF has similar neuroprotective properties. In HN33, an immortalized hippocampal neuronal cell line, VEGF reduced cell death associated with an in vitro model of cerebral ischemia: at a maximally effective concentration of 50 ng/ml, VEGF approximately doubled the number of cells surviving after 24 h of hypoxia and glucose deprivation. To investigate the mechanism of neuroprotection by VEGF, the expression of known target receptors for VEGF was measured by Western blotting, which showed that HN33 cells expressed VEGFR-2 receptors and neuropilin-1, but not VEGFR-1 receptors. The neuropilin-1 ligand placenta growth factor-2 failed to reproduce the protective effect of VEGF, pointing to VEGFR-2 as the site of VEGF's neuroprotective action. Two phosphatidylinositol 3′-kinase inhibitors, wortmannin and LY294002, reversed the neuroprotective effect of VEGF, implicating the phosphatidylinositol 3′-kinase/Akt signal transduction system in VEGF-mediated neuroprotection. VEGF also protected primary cultures of rat cerebral cortical neurons from hypoxia and glucose deprivation. We conclude that in addition to its known role as an angiogenic factor, VEGF may exert a direct neuroprotective effect in hypoxic-ischemic injury.


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We studied the effect of N-cadherin, and its free or membrane-anchored cytoplasmic domain, on the level and localization of β-catenin and on its ability to induce lymphocyte enhancer-binding factor 1 (LEF-1)-responsive transactivation. These cadherin derivatives formed complexes with β-catenin and protected it from degradation. N-cadherin directed β-catenin into adherens junctions, and the chimeric protein induced diffuse distribution of β-catenin along the membrane whereas the cytoplasmic domain of N-cadherin colocalized with β-catenin in the nucleus. Cotransfection of β-catenin and LEF-1 into Chinese hamster ovary cells induced transactivation of a LEF-1 reporter, which was blocked by the N-cadherin-derived molecules. Expression of N-cadherin and an interleukin 2 receptor/cadherin chimera in SW480 cells relocated β-catenin from the nucleus to the plasma membrane and reduced transactivation. The cytoplasmic tails of N- or E-cadherin colocalized with β-catenin in the nucleus, and suppressed the constitutive LEF-1-mediated transactivation, by blocking β-catenin–LEF-1 interaction. Moreover, the 72 C-terminal amino acids of N-cadherin stabilized β-catenin and reduced its transactivation potential. These results indicate that β-catenin binding to the cadherin cytoplasmic tail either in the membrane, or in the nucleus, can inhibit β-catenin degradation and efficiently block its transactivation capacity.


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Introduction of exogenous double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) into Caenorhabditis elegans has been shown to specifically and potently disrupt the activity of genes containing homologous sequences. In this study we present evidence that the primary interference effects of dsRNA are post-transcriptional. First, we examined the primary DNA sequence after dsRNA-mediated interference and found no evidence for alterations. Second, we found that dsRNA-mediated interference with the upstream gene in a polar operon had no effect on the activity of the downstream gene; this finding argues against an effect on initiation or elongation of transcription. Third, we observed by in situ hybridization that dsRNA-mediated interference produced a substantial, although not complete, reduction in accumulation of nascent transcripts in the nucleus, while cytoplasmic accumulation of transcripts was virtually eliminated. These results indicate that the endogenous mRNA is the target for interference and suggest a mechanism that degrades the targeted RNA before translation can occur. This mechanism is not dependent on the SMG system, an mRNA surveillance system in C. elegans responsible for targeting and destroying aberrant messages. We suggest a model of how dsRNA might function in a catalytic mechanism to target homologous mRNAs for degradation.


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Glucocorticoids exert multiple anti-inflammatory activities, one of which is the inhibition of transcription dependent on the nuclear factor (NF)-κB. It has been suggested that the effect of dexamethasone (DEX), a glucocorticoid analog, is attributed to an increased production of the inhibitory IκB molecule, which in turn would bind and remove activated, DNA-bound NF-κB complexes in the cell nucleus. Upon investigating DEX-mediated repression of interleukin-6 expression induced by tumor necrosis factor, DEX treatment was found to act directly on NF-κB-dependent transcription, without changing the expression level of IκB. Neither the mRNA of IκB nor the protein was significantly elevated by a combined treatment with tumor necrosis factor and DEX of murine endothelial or fibroblast cells. The DNA-binding activity of induced NF-κB also remained unchanged after stimulation of cells with DEX. Evidence for a direct nuclear mechanism of action was obtained by analysis of cell lines stably expressing a fusion protein between the DNA-binding domain of the yeast Gal4 protein and the transactivating p65 subunit of NF-κB. Expression of a Gal4-dependent luciferase reporter gene activated by this nuclear fusion protein was also strongly repressed after addition of DEX. Because the DNA-binding activity of the Gal4 fusion protein was not affected by DEX, it can be concluded that the reduction of gene activation was caused by interference of the activated glucocorticoid receptor with the transactivation potential of the NF-κB p65 subunit.


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During adipocyte differentiation, the expression of C/EBPα is activated, which in turn serves to transcriptionally activate numerous adipocyte genes. A previous search for cis elements that regulate transcription of the C/EBPα gene led to the identification of a potential repressive element within the proximal 5′ flanking region of the gene. Nuclear extracts from 3T3-L1 preadipocytes, but not adipocytes, were found to contain a factor, CUP (C/EBPα undifferentiated protein), that binds to this site (the CUP-1 site). In the present investigation, we show that C/EBPα promoter-luciferase constructs containing both the proximal 5′ flanking and the entire 5′ untranslated regions of the gene exhibit an expression pattern during adipocyte differentiation comparable to that of the endogenous C/EBPα gene. Mutation of the CUP-1 site in these constructs had little effect on reporter gene expression; however, when this mutation was combined with deletion of the 5′ untranslated region, reporter gene expression by preadipocytes was dramatically up-regulated. Consistent with this finding, a second CUP binding site (the CUP-2 site) was identified in the 5′ untranslated region. Although mutation of either CUP element in constructs containing both the 5′ flanking and 5′ untranslated region had little effect on reporter gene transcription, mutation of both CUP elements markedly activated transcription. Thus, it appears that dual CUP regulatory elements repress transcription of the C/EBPα gene prior to induction of the adipocyte differentiation program.


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The effects of oleamide, an amidated lipid isolated from the cerebrospinal fluid of sleep-deprived cats, on serotonin receptor-mediated responses were investigated in cultured mammalian cells. In rat P11 cells, which endogenously express the 5-hydroxytryptamine2A (5HT2A) receptor, oleamide significantly potentiated 5HT-induced phosphoinositide hydrolysis. In HeLa cells expressing the 5HT7 receptor subtype, oleamide caused a concentration-dependent increase in cAMP accumulation but with lower efficacy than that observed by 5HT. This effect was not observed in untransfected HeLa cells. Clozapine did not prevent the increase in cAMP elicited by oleamide, and ketanserin caused an ≈65% decrease. In the presence of 5HT, oleamide had the opposite effect on cAMP, causing insurmountable antagonism of the concentration-effect curve to 5HT, but had no effect on cAMP levels elicited by isoproterenol or forskolin. These results indicate that oleamide can modulate 5HT-mediated signal transduction at different subtypes of mammalian 5HT receptors. Additionally, our data indicate that oleamide acts at an apparent allosteric site on the 5HT7 receptor and elicits functional responses via activation of this site. This represents a unique mechanism of activation for 5HT G protein-coupled receptors and suggests that G protein-coupled neurotransmitter receptors may act like their iontropic counterparts (i.e., γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptors) in that there may be several binding sites on the receptor that regulate functional activity with varying efficacies.


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Translation of thymidylate synthase (TS) mRNA is controlled by its own protein end-product TS in a negative autoregulatory manner. Disruption of this regulation results in increased synthesis of TS and may lead to the development of cellular drug resistance to TS-directed anticancer agents. As a strategy to inhibit TS expression, antisense 2′-O-methyl RNA oligoribonucleotides (ORNs) were designed to directly target the 5′ upstream cis-acting regulatory element (nucleotides 80–109) of TS mRNA. A 30 nt ORN, HYB0432, inhibited TS expression in human colon cancer RKO cells in a dose-dependent manner but had no effect on the expression of β-actin, α-tubulin or topoisomerase I. TS expression was unaffected by treatment with control sense or mismatched ORNs. HYB0504, an 18 nt ORN targeting the same core sequence, also repressed expression of TS protein. However, further reduction in oligo size resulted in loss of antisense activity. Following HYB0432 treatment, TS protein levels were reduced by 60% within 6 h and were maximally reduced by 24 h. Expression of p53 protein was inversely related to that of TS, suggesting that p53 expression may be directly linked to intracellular levels of TS. Northern blot analysis demonstrated that TS mRNA was unaffected by HYB0432 treatment. The half-life of TS protein was unchanged after antisense treatment suggesting that the mechanism of action of antisense ORNs is mediated through a process of translational arrest. These findings demonstrate that an antisense ORN targeted at a critical cis-acting element on TS mRNA can specifically inhibit expression of TS protein in RKO cells.


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We have expressed human p53 cDNA in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and shown that the level of production and the length of the p53 protein depends on the presence of untranslated mRNA regions (UTRs). The expression of the ORF alone leads to a p53 protein of correct size (53 kDa) that accumulates to high levels, concomitantly with the presence of a small amount of a p40 protein (40 kDa). However, when either the entire 5′-UTR and a part of the 3′- or 5′-UTR alone is used, this leads to the production of small amounts of the 40 kDa truncated form only. The p40 protein corresponds to a truncated form of p53 at the C-terminal extremity since it reacts only with a monoclonal antibody recognising the N-terminal epitope. This effect on the amount and length of p53 protein had no correlation at the mRNA level, suggesting that translational control probably occurs through the 5′-UTR. We propose a model of structural interaction between this UTR and a part of the ORF mRNA for the regulation of p53 expression in this heterologous context.


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Similarities in the phenotypes of mice deficient for cytotoxic T lymphocyte antigen-4 (CTLA-4) or transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1) and other observations have led to speculation that CTLA-4 mediates its inhibitory effect on T cell activation via costimulation of TGF-β production. Here, we examine the role of TGF-β in CTLA-4-mediated inhibition of T cell activation and of CTLA-4 in the regulation of TGF-β production. Activation of AND TCR transgenic mouse T cells with costimulatory receptor-specific antigen presenting cells results in efficient costimulation of proliferation by CD28 ligation and inhibition by CTLA-4 ligation. Neutralizing antibody to TGF-β does not reverse CTLA-4-mediated inhibition. Also, CTLA-4 ligation equally inhibits proliferation of wild-type, TGF-β1−/−, and Smad3−/− T cells. Further, CTLA-4 engagement does not result in the increased production of either latent or active TGF-β by CD4+ T cells. These results indicate that CTLA-4 ligation does not regulate TGF-β production and that CTLA-4-mediated inhibition can occur independently of TGF-β. Collectively, these data demonstrate that CTLA-4 and TGF-β represent distinct mechanisms for regulation of T cell responses.


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The human DNA ligase III gene encodes both nuclear and mitochondrial proteins. Abundant evidence supports the conclusion that the nuclear DNA ligase III protein plays an essential role in both base excision repair and homologous recombination. However, the role of DNA ligase III protein in mitochondrial genome dynamics has been obscure. Human tumor-derived HT1080 cells were transfected with an antisense DNA ligase III expression vector and clones with diminished levels of DNA ligase III activity identified. Mitochondrial protein extracts prepared from these clones had decreased levels of DNA ligase III relative to extracts from cells transfected with a control vector. Analysis of these clones revealed that the DNA ligase III antisense mRNA-expressing cells had reduced mtDNA content compared to control cells. In addition, the residual mtDNA present in these cells had numerous single-strand nicks that were not detected in mtDNA from control cells. Cells expressing antisense ligase III also had diminished capacity to restore their mtDNA to pre-irradiation levels following exposure to γ-irradiation. An antisense-mediated reduction in cellular DNA ligase IV had no effect on the copy number or integrity of mtDNA. This observaion, coupled with other evidence, suggests that DNA ligase IV is not present in the mitochondria and does not play a role in maintaining mtDNA integrity. We conclude that DNA ligase III is essential for the proper maintenance of mtDNA in cultured mammalian somatic cells.