78 resultados para isotypic crystal
The crystal structure of the murine Fab S-20-4 from a protective anti-cholera Ab specific for the lipopolysaccharide Ag of the Ogawa serotype has been determined in its unliganded form and in complex with synthetic fragments of the Ogawa O-specific polysaccharide (O-SP). The upstream terminal O-SP monosaccharide is shown to be the primary antigenic determinant. Additional perosamine residues protrude outwards from the Ab surface and contribute only marginally to the binding affinity and specificity. A complementary water-excluding hydrophobic interface and five Ab–Ag hydrogen bonds are crucial for carbohydrate recognition. The structure reported here explains the serotype specificity of anti-Ogawa Abs and provides a rational basis toward the development of a synthetic carbohydrate-based anti-cholera vaccine.
Mammalian xanthine oxidoreductases, which catalyze the last two steps in the formation of urate, are synthesized as the dehydrogenase form xanthine dehydrogenase (XDH) but can be readily converted to the oxidase form xanthine oxidase (XO) by oxidation of sulfhydryl residues or by proteolysis. Here, we present the crystal structure of the dimeric (Mr, 290,000) bovine milk XDH at 2.1-Å resolution and XO at 2.5-Å resolution and describe the major changes that occur on the proteolytic transformation of XDH to the XO form. Each molecule is composed of an N-terminal 20-kDa domain containing two iron sulfur centers, a central 40-kDa flavin adenine dinucleotide domain, and a C-terminal 85-kDa molybdopterin-binding domain with the four redox centers aligned in an almost linear fashion. Cleavage of surface-exposed loops of XDH causes major structural rearrangement of another loop close to the flavin ring (Gln 423—Lys 433). This movement partially blocks access of the NAD substrate to the flavin adenine dinucleotide cofactor and changes the electrostatic environment of the active site, reflecting the switch of substrate specificity observed for the two forms of this enzyme.
The eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4A (eIF4A) is a member of the DEA(D/H)-box RNA helicase family, a diverse group of proteins that couples an ATPase activity to RNA binding and unwinding. Previous work has provided the structure of the amino-terminal, ATP-binding domain of eIF4A. Extending those results, we have solved the structure of the carboxyl-terminal domain of eIF4A with data to 1.75 Å resolution; it has a parallel α-β topology that superimposes, with minor variations, on the structures and conserved motifs of the equivalent domain in other, distantly related helicases. Using data to 2.8 Å resolution and molecular replacement with the refined model of the carboxyl-terminal domain, we have completed the structure of full-length eIF4A; it is a “dumbbell” structure consisting of two compact domains connected by an extended linker. By using the structures of other helicases as a template, compact structures can be modeled for eIF4A that suggest (i) helicase motif IV binds RNA; (ii) Arg-298, which is conserved in the DEA(D/H)-box RNA helicase family but is absent from many other helicases, also binds RNA; and (iii) motifs V and VI “link” the carboxyl-terminal domain to the amino-terminal domain through interactions with ATP and the DEA(D/H) motif, providing a mechanism for coupling ATP binding and hydrolysis with conformational changes that modulate RNA binding.
Muconate lactonizing enzyme (MLE), a component of the β-ketoadipate pathway of Pseudomonas putida, is a member of a family of related enzymes (the “enolase superfamily”) that catalyze the abstraction of the α-proton of a carboxylic acid in the context of different overall reactions. New untwinned crystal forms of MLE were obtained, one of which diffracts to better than 2.0-Å resolution. The packing of the octameric enzyme in this crystal form is unusual, because the asymmetric unit contains three subunits. The structure of MLE presented here contains no bound metal ion, but is very similar to a recently determined Mn2+-bound structure. Thus, absence of the metal ion does not perturb the structure of the active site. The structures of enolase, mandelate racemase, and MLE were superimposed. A comparison of metal ligands suggests that enolase may retain some characteristics of the ancestor of this enzyme family. Comparison of other residues involved in catalysis indicates two unusual patterns of conservation: (i) that the position of catalytic atoms remains constant, although the residues that contain them are located at different points in the protein fold; and (ii) that the positions of catalytic residues in the protein scaffold are conserved, whereas their identities and roles in catalysis vary.
Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A (eIF-5A) is a ubiquitous protein found in all eukaryotic cells. The protein is closely associated with cell proliferation in the G1–S stage of the cell cycle. Recent findings show that the eIF-5A proteins are highly expressed in tumor cells and act as a cofactor of the Rev protein in HIV-1-infected cells. The mature eIF is the only protein known to have the unusual amino acid hypusine, a post-translationally modified lysine. The crystal structure of eIF-5A from Methanococcus jannaschii (MJ eIF-5A) has been determined at 1.9 Å and 1.8 Å resolution in two crystal forms by using the multiple isomorphous replacement method and the multiwavelength anomalous diffraction method for the first crystal form and the molecular replacement method for the second crystal form. The structure consists of two folding domains, one of which is similar to the oligonucleotide-binding domain found in the prokaryotic cold shock protein and the translation initiation factor IF1 despite the absence of any significant sequence similarities. The 12 highly conserved amino acid residues found among eIF-5As include the hypusine site and form a long protruding loop at one end of the elongated molecule.
Transcriptional regulation in papillomaviruses depends on sequence-specific binding of the regulatory protein E2 to several sites in the viral genome. Crystal structures of bovine papillomavirus E2 DNA targets reveal a conformational variant of B-DNA characterized by a roll-induced writhe and helical repeat of 10.5 bp per turn. A comparison between the free and the protein-bound DNA demonstrates that the intrinsic structure of the DNA regions contacted directly by the protein and the deformability of the DNA region that is not contacted by the protein are critical for sequence-specific protein/DNA recognition and hence for gene-regulatory signals in the viral system. We show that the selection of dinucleotide or longer segments with appropriate conformational characteristics, when positioned at correct intervals along the DNA helix, can constitute a structural code for DNA recognition by regulatory proteins. This structural code facilitates the formation of a complementary protein–DNA interface that can be further specified by hydrogen bonds and nonpolar interactions between the protein amino acids and the DNA bases.
We report here the crystal structure of the RuvB motor protein from Thermus thermophilus HB8, which drives branch migration of the Holliday junction during homologous recombination. RuvB has a crescent-like architecture consisting of three consecutive domains, the first two of which are involved in ATP binding and hydrolysis. DNA is likely to interact with a large basic cleft, which encompasses the ATP-binding pocket and domain boundaries, whereas the junction-recognition protein RuvA may bind a flexible β-hairpin protruding from the N-terminal domain. The structures of two subunits, related by a noncrystallographic pseudo-2-fold axis, imply that conformational changes of motor protein coupled with ATP hydrolysis may reflect motility essential for its translocation around double-stranded DNA.
The yeast nonchromosomal gene [URE3] is due to a prion form of the nitrogen regulatory protein Ure2p. It is a negative regulator of nitrogen catabolism and acts by inhibiting the transcription factor Gln3p. Ure2p residues 1–80 are necessary for prion generation and propagation. The C-terminal fragment retains nitrogen regulatory activity, albeit somewhat less efficiently than the full-length protein, and it also lowers the frequency of prion generation. The crystal structure of this C-terminal fragment, Ure2p(97–354), at 2.3 Å resolution is described here. It adopts the same fold as the glutathione S-transferase superfamily, consistent with their sequence similarity. However, Ure2p(97–354) lacks a properly positioned catalytic residue that is required for S-transferase activity. Residues within this regulatory fragment that have been indicated by mutational studies to influence prion generation have been mapped onto the three-dimensional structure, and possible implications for prion activity are discussed.
We have determined the structure of a DEAD box putative RNA helicase from the hyperthermophile Methanococcus jannaschii. Like other helicases, the protein contains two α/β domains, each with a recA-like topology. Unlike other helicases, the protein exists as a dimer in the crystal. Through an interaction that resembles the dimer interface of insulin, the amino-terminal domain's 7-strand β-sheet is extended to 14 strands across the two molecules. Motifs conserved in the DEAD box family cluster in the cleft between domains, and many of their functions can be deduced by mutational data and by comparison with other helicase structures. Several lines of evidence suggest that motif III Ser-Ala-Thr may be involved in binding RNA.
Cytochrome P450 14α-sterol demethylases (CYP51) are essential enzymes in sterol biosynthesis in eukaryotes. CYP51 removes the 14α-methyl group from sterol precursors such as lanosterol, obtusifoliol, dihydrolanosterol, and 24(28)-methylene-24,25-dihydrolanosterol. Inhibitors of CYP51 include triazole antifungal agents fluconazole and itraconazole, drugs used in treatment of topical and systemic mycoses. The 2.1- and 2.2-Å crystal structures reported here for 4-phenylimidazole- and fluconazole-bound CYP51 from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTCYP51) are the first structures of an authentic P450 drug target. MTCYP51 exhibits the P450 fold with the exception of two striking differences—a bent I helix and an open conformation of BC loop—that define an active site-access channel running along the heme plane perpendicular to the direction observed for the substrate entry in P450BM3. Although a channel analogous to that in P450BM3 is evident also in MTCYP51, it is not open at the surface. The presence of two different channels, with one being open to the surface, suggests the possibility of conformationally regulated substrate-in/product-out openings in CYP51. Mapping mutations identified in Candida albicans azole-resistant isolates indicates that azole resistance in fungi develops in protein regions involved in orchestrating passage of CYP51 through different conformational stages along the catalytic cycle rather than in residues directly contacting fluconazole. These new structures provide a basis for rational design of new, more efficacious antifungal agents as well as insight into the molecular mechanism of P450 catalysis.
The x-ray structure of a C-terminal fragment of the RAP74 subunit of human transcription factor (TF) IIF has been determined at 1.02-Å resolution. The α/β structure is strikingly similar to the globular domain of linker histone H5 and the DNA-binding domain of hepatocyte nuclear factor 3γ (HNF-3γ), making it a winged-helix protein. The surface electrostatic properties of this compact domain differ significantly from those of bona fide winged-helix transcription factors (HNF-3γ and RFX1) and from the winged-helix domains found within the RAP30 subunit of TFIIF and the β subunit of TFIIE. RAP74 has been shown to interact with the TFIIF-associated C-terminal domain phosphatase FCP1, and a putative phosphatase binding site has been identified within the RAP74 winged-helix domain.
The Drosophila mutant methuselah (mth) was identified from a screen for single gene mutations that extended average lifespan. Mth mutants have a 35% increase in average lifespan and increased resistance to several forms of stress, including heat, starvation, and oxidative damage. The protein affected by this mutation is related to G protein-coupled receptors of the secretin receptor family. Mth, like secretin receptor family members, has a large N-terminal ectodomain, which may constitute the ligand binding site. Here we report the 2.3-Å resolution crystal structure of the Mth extracellular region, revealing a folding topology in which three primarily β-structure-containing domains meet to form a shallow interdomain groove containing a solvent-exposed tryptophan that may represent a ligand binding site. The Mth structure is analyzed in relation to predicted Mth homologs and potential ligand binding features.
Undecaprenyl diphosphate synthase (UPS) catalyzes the cis-prenyl chain elongation onto trans, trans-farnesyl diphosphate (FPP) to produce undecaprenyl diphosphate (UPP), which is indispensable for the biosynthesis of bacterial cell walls. We report here the crystal structure of UPS as the only three-dimensional structure among cis-prenyl chain elongating enzymes. The structure is classified into a protein fold family and is completely different from the so-called “isoprenoid synthase fold” that is believed to be a common structure for the enzymes relating to isoprenoid biosynthesis. Conserved amino acid residues among cis-prenyl chain elongating enzymes are located around a large hydrophobic cleft in the UPS structure. A structural P-loop motif, which frequently appears in the various kinds of phosphate binding site, is found at the entrance of this cleft. The catalytic site is determined on the basis of these structural features, from which a possible reaction mechanism is proposed.
The crystal structures of the ligand-binding domain (LBD) of the vitamin D receptor complexed to 1α,25(OH)2D3 and the 20-epi analogs, MC1288 and KH1060, show that the protein conformation is identical, conferring a general character to the observation first made for retinoic acid receptor (RAR) that, for a given LBD, the agonist conformation is unique, the ligands adapting to the binding pocket. In all complexes, the A- to D-ring moieties of the ligands adopt the same conformation and form identical contacts with the protein. Differences are observed only for the 17β-aliphatic chains that adapt their conformation to anchor the 25-hydroxyl group to His-305 and His-397. The inverted geometry of the C20 methyl group induces different paths of the aliphatic chains. The ligands exhibit a low-energy conformation for MC1288 and a more strained conformation for the two others. KH1060 compensates this energy cost by additional contacts. Based on the present data, the explanation of the superagonist effect is to be found in higher stability and longer half-life of the active complex, thereby excluding different conformations of the ligand binding domain.
Sm proteins form the core of small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles (snRNPs), making them key components of several mRNA-processing assemblies, including the spliceosome. We report the 1.75-Å crystal structure of SmAP, an Sm-like archaeal protein that forms a heptameric ring perforated by a cationic pore. In addition to providing direct evidence for such an assembly in eukaryotic snRNPs, this structure (i) shows that SmAP homodimers are structurally similar to human Sm heterodimers, (ii) supports a gene duplication model of Sm protein evolution, and (iii) offers a model of SmAP bound to single-stranded RNA (ssRNA) that explains Sm binding-site specificity. The pronounced electrostatic asymmetry of the SmAP surface imparts directionality to putative SmAP–RNA interactions.